Newspaper Page Text
Vote For A Man
You Can Talk With
At Any Time Or Any Place
Vote Hammond Barnes
To Voters Of
Butts County
I would like to begin by saying “Thank
You” to all the people that voted for me and
worked for me in the first primary. I would
appreciate it if you would do so again; I can
win when the people decide to give a young
man a chance.
I promise to remove the asphalt speed
breakers on our county roads, because they
will cause you to have to have the front end
of your car aligned. I will work for caution
lights at our dangerous intersections, and I will
work with State officials for caution lights at
dangerous places, such as Four Points Grocery
and Duke’s Grocery.
I would like to see all county rights of ways
kept cut and clean all the time and not just
at election time.
We all agree, I’m sure, that all taxes are too
high. When you people of Butts County elect
me to Post. No. 2 I promise to do everything
I can to lower taxes. Check on your taxes be
fore voting.
The next thing I would like you to think
about is the “One Man Show” that we’ve
heard so much about. I want to ask you why,
when he elected three men to commissioners
office, we were supposed to have three opin
ions on matters that arise, but it looks like
whenever the chairman’s opinion, my opponent
had the same one, or either kept it to himself.
I do not seek my opponent’s job as boss over
the road Department. As I see it, he does a good
job with what few men and poor equipment
they have to work with, but I don’t think a com
missioner should have this job .
So elect me, Gery Hoard, to Post No. 2,
County Commissioner, Sept. 26.
Edward (Ed) Cleveland
To Post 3
Butts County Commissioner
It will be impossible for me to see each one of you in per
son, but I humbly ask you to go to the Polls September 26 and
VOTE for me, ED CLEVELAND, for your County Commis
sioner for Post 3.
The bell tolls for Butts County
students who desire to further
their education at colleges, uni
versities and other institutions of
higher learning. A large number
of students from this area have
begun or will soon begin their fall
quarter at the schools of their
choice as the hallowed “Halls of
Ivy” summon them back from
their summer indolence.
If names have been omitted
or are incorrectly listed as to
school, please call 775-3107 im
mediately so that a correction
can be made. The College List is
printed after many hours of call
ing and research and has been
compiled as thoroughly and ac
curately as possible.
The list of students is as fol
West Georgia—Willie May
Adams, Steven Ball, Dorothy
Clemons, Russ Crumbley, Laurie
Summers, Beth Price, Nathaniel
Thurman, Candace Carmichael,
Antoinette Brownlee, Mike Hud
gens, Anderson Morgan, Ernes
tine Thurman, Betty Thurman,
Donnell Stodghill, Lewis Briscoe,
Larry Morgan.
Georgia Southern—Cindy Cook,
Jeff English, Peggy Evans, Cis
sie Haisten, Charlie Howell, Den
ise Davis, Dawn Stinson, Tony
Parker, Don Cook, Steve Peck,
Bill Nelson.
Georgia College at Milledge
ville—Larry Duke, Duane Pat
terson, Dennis Remington, Andy
St. John, Norma Dean Hearn,
Alice Patrick Piro, Patsy Mad
dox, Jeri O’Quinn, Charles Watts,
John W. Browning Jr.
University of Georgia—Ernie
Gibson, Emily Carr, Jeffie
James, Douglas Briscoe, Patrice
Marchman, Gloria Morgan, Ellen
Pinckney, Jed Jinks, Jimmy Pat
rick, Susan Taylor, Debby Fears,
Harry Lewis, Bill Fletcher, Mr.
and Mrs. Ricky Fletcher, Gary
Gibson, James William Head,
Homer Moelchert, Carole Law
Mercer University—Susan Mc-
Clelland, Lewis Jones, Curtis
Taylor, Fred Head, Marvin John
Georgia State University—
Robert Johnson, Joe Respress,
Julian Lewis, John Head, Wesley
Powell, Annise Potts, Alton Potts.
Abraham Baldwin—Ellen Hen
ry, Steve Fletcher, Eddie Kersey,
Maralyn Ridgeway, Kim Ruff,
Dennis Smith.
Albany State—Constance Ber
ry, Ruby Moore, Gretchen Wyatt,
Theotis Watkins, Lurlene Usher,
Nathaniel Lawson, Brenda Smith.
Emory University—Nancy Set
Macon Junior College—Rich
ard Stodghill.
Georgia Baptist Hospital School
of Nursing—Louette Vaughn,
Gail Carter.
Florida Bible College—Ed
Tulane University—Robert S.
Trevecca Nazarene College—
Lynn Crum.
A u burn—Tommy Glidewell,
Gail Marsh.
Furman—Billy Glidewell and
Bruce Hick*.
Brenau—Kathy Miller.
Berry College—Ann Watkins.
Agnes Scott College—Kay
Gordon Junior College—Perry
Ridgeway, Charlie Brown, Andy
Hudson, Glen Rivers, Kerry
Browning, Alan Butler.
LaGrange College—Kiki Car
Medical College of Georgia—
Deidra J. Tabb, Peggy Glass.
Florida State University—Dot
tie Leverette Varnadoe.
Rabun Gap Nachoochee School
—Randall Hardy.
Ft. Valley—Margaree High
tower, Alton Stewart, Carolyn
Wise, Charlie Smith, Gladys
Freeman, Freddie Lawson, Ollie
Woodard, Theodore Patterson.
Tift—Nancy James, Rachael
Watkins, Mrs. Johnny Carter,
Carole Leverette, Cathy Evans,
Rita Bennett, Pam Anderson,
Mrs. Jenny Adams, Charlene
Brownlee, Mrs. Jimmy Landrum,
Mrs. Donald Sheffield.
Georgia Tech—Sheryl Mere
dith, Robert Burpee, Ken Barnes,
Martin Ridgeway.
Shorter—Saralyn Ridgeway.
North Georgia College—Elaine
Todd, David Haisten, John Allen
Florida A&M—Alfred Wat
Brewton-Parker—James Reas
John A. Gupton—Barry Wea
Morris Brown—Calvin White,
Wilbert Brown, Santillia Jopes,
Rachael Berry, Linda Nutt, Phyl
lis Berry.
Clayton Junior College—Deb
bie Kimbell, Patricia Starr.
San Diego State —Willie Bark
Clark—Clarence Barlow, Pa
tricia Barlow, Linda Taylor.
Southern Tech —Steve Barnes.
Lees-Mcßae—Steve Bennett. j
Okaloosa-Walton Jr. College— I
Kim Culberson.
Carson Newman College—Lin-;
da S. Graham.
University of Tennessee—
Robert Griffin.
Georgia Southwestern—Mary
Lou Hauser, George Howell,
Kathy Price.
Bell & Howell School of Elec
tronics—Julius Head.
Stratford Women’s College—
Gail Williams.
Patricia Stevens School of
Fashion—June Maddox.
Atlanta Tech—Ricky Andrews,
Valentine Fears, Hozie Folds,
. Thomas Jester, Willie Varner,
Billy Woodard, John Alfred Ply
Griffin Tech—Susan Colwell,
Walter Davis, Debby Duke, Bruce
Harper, Robert Henderson, Con
nie Norsworthy, Bruce Welsh,
Ozie White, Lanny Mason, Renee
Smith, Linda Lawson, Larry
Price, Anthony Mayfield, Joel
Stokes, Dexter Buries.
Macon Tech—Vivian Evans.
DeKalb Junior College—Victor
Morehouse—Terry Arline.
Daniel Payne College—John
Arthur Webb, Judy Shivers, Mor
ris Ball, James C. Smith.
Truett McConnell—Al Gilbert.
Howard University Jimmy
A1 Gilbert left Saturday for
Truett McConnell, Cleveland, to
study for the ministry. His moth
er, Mrs. Anna Ruth Gilbert, and
sister, Mrs. Jane Nail, went up
Saturday for Parent’s Day at the
SEPT. 22-23-24
Midnight Cowboy
Shaft’s Big Score
Honor Roll
New and Renewal Subscription,
Of The Past Few Days
Mrs. J. W. Watkins, Decatur
F. H. Morgan, Jackson
Mrs. Eloise Jenkins, Jeffer
sonville, Indiana
W. T. Nelson, Jackson
Rev. Donald Gray, Jackson
Mrs. Ernestine Glass, Jackson
Alvin L. O’Neal, Forest Park
Morton Duke, Americus
Mrs. J. B. Thurston, Pitts
burgh, Pa.
I Am A Candidate
To Succeed Myself As
City Councilman From
The 3rd Ward In The
Primary Of October 6, 1972
I realize I will not be able to see every voter personally,
so I take this means to ask for your vote and support.
I Am A Candidate
For County Commissioner
Post No. 3
In The Primary Of Sept. 26th
This is my first political venture and I realize the enormity
of the task of attempting to see most of the voters in Butts
County in a 10-day span. Realizing this will be an impossibility,
I take this means of soliciting your vote and support.
I am offering for this post because I am vitally interested
in the future of Butts County and feel that I can offer a con
structive program for the continued progress of our county.
If the question of legalized beer sales for the county is
considered, I would prefer that the citizens of Butts County
be given an opportunity to express their opinion through a
referendum. If the voters indicate a desire for beer, I would
not hesitate to vote for it as one of your three commissioners.
I also pledge my ability and intent to work with the com
missioners nominated by you, the voters of the county. If my
long experience as a service station operator has taught m<e
nothing else, it has taught me a lesson of cooperation with
other people that can be put to good use in the commissioners
If elected to this responsible position, I will strive to treat
each citizen fairly and impartially and listen patiently to those
persons who contact me or the commission office on problems
of a personal or community nature.
To achieve the will of you, the electorate of Butts County,
will be my constant goal. If elected, I will be your servant in
name and in fact.
I thank you for your consideration of my candidacy and
earnestly solicit your vote and support.
Mrs. Gladys Wilson, Jackson
Harold Grant, Jackson
Roy Reeves, Forsyth
Douglas Page, Jackson
Alton Colwell, Toccoa
F. E. Holland, Jackson
Ralph R. Smith & Son, N.
Attleboro, Mass.
Mrs. Mary Ward, Griffin
Mrs. Charles S- Bailey, Jackson
Mrs. J. D. Bankston, Jackson
C. E. Rooks Sr., Flovilla
S. Bert Kinard, Macon
Mrs. Diane Lofton, Jackson
Barbara Crumbley, Jackson
Mrs. William F. Marrs, Louis
ville, Ky.
Andrea Holston, Wilmore, Ky.
Arthur Lee Travis, Jackson
THURSDAY, SEPT. 21, 1*72
Lt Joseph Deptula, Jackson
Mrs. Maureen Cook, Jackson
Miss Saralyn Ridgeway, Rome
Paul Wells, Jackson
Dr. and Mrs. Charles McGahee
of Aiken, S. C., Mr. and Mrs.
Jimmy Patrick of Athens, Mr.
and Mrs. Duvall Patrick attend
ed the Tech-South Carolina game
in Atlanta Saturday afternoon.
The McGahees and Patricks of
Athens were spend the day guests
Sunday of their parents in Jack
son and were joined for the day
by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Piro of