Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, SEPT. 21, 1972
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September 30th Ceremony
To Unite Melba Eileen
Price, Michael A. Walden
Rev. and Mrs. A. L. Price of
Jackson announce the engage
ment of their daughter, Melba
Eileen, to Michael Anthony Wal
den, the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Leroy McGiboney of Covington.
Miss Price is the granddaugh
ter of Mrs. R. L. Cumbie and the
late Mr. Cumbie of Eatonton and
Mr. W. E. Price and the late Mrs.
Price of Jackson.
Mr. Walden is the grandson
of Mr. and Mrs. Doc Martin of
The wedding will take place
at three thirty o’clock in the af
ternoon on Saturday, September
30th, at the Second Baptist
Church in Jackson.
No invitations will be sent;
however, all friends and relatives
are invited to attend.
Friends of Flem Brooks will re
gret to learn he was admitted to
Griffin-Spalding County Hospital
late Tuesday afternoon, Septem
ber 12th.
Choice Property For Sale
Lovely 7 room brick home with carport. 3 bedrooms, bath
and half, built-in kitchen with dishwasher, living room, den
and dining area. Carpet in living room and bedrooms. 10x12
brick workshop in back. 2 miles out of Jackson on Hwy. 16.
Like new 4 room & bath home with carport & utility room
on 1 acre lot. Has just been remodeled inside. 7 Miles out on
Fincherville Rd.
DUPLEX Main Street in Jackson. 2 bedrooms, living
room, dining room and bath.
2-bedroom and bath frame house on Main Street in Jackson.
We are interested in buying acreage in Butts County.
Slade Realty, Inc.
122 East Third Street
Jackson, Georgia
Phone 775-5550
Messrs Tom Payne of Griffin
and Vincent Jones of Jackson
went over to Athens Saturday for
the Georgia-Baylor game.
Edward (Ed) Cleveland
To Post No. 3
If you want growth and progress for your
County, VOTE for me, ED CLEVELAND,
POST NO. 3 SEPT. 26.
The children, grandchildren
and great-grandchildren of Mrs.
Clara Biles met at the home of
Mrs. Johnny Kinard on Sunday,
September 3rd, for a birthday
dinner in honor of Mrs. Biles
whose 87th birthday was Sep
tember Ist.
When the families arrived, Lit
tle Miss Sally Mackey presented
her great-grandmother with an
orchid corsage.
Present for the enjoyable oc
casion were Mrs. Frances Pinson,
John Pinson and Cathy Garrett,
of Atlanta; Mr. and Mrs. Milton
(Sara) Mangham and Virgia, Mr.
and Mrs. Marvin Mangham, Lau
ra and Holly, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy
Mangham and Marty, Mr. and
Mrs. Bobby Frank Mackey, Lin
dy, Kay, Robbie and Sally, Mrs.
Johnny (Nellie) Kinard and
Bonnie Nell, Mr. and Mrs. Rus
sell Richardson and Tonya, all of
Jackson; Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
Thornton and Lisa of Atlanta,
Mr. and Mrs. Grady (Polly)
Reeves and Sheryl and Mr. and
Mrs. Chris Lee, of Zebulon. Rev.
and Mrs. Joe Parham were also
dinner guests. Rev. Parham is
pastor of Towaliga Baptist
Church where Mrs. Biles is the
second oldest member.
One daughter, Miss Jewel Biles
of Boston, Mass, could not be
present but she spent two weeks
in July with her mother. An
other grandson, Sgt. Herman
Richardson of El Paso, Texas,
was unable to be present but
called to wish his grandmother
a Happy Birthday.
Four generations were present
A family reunion was held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carter
Moore of Jackson on Sunday,
September 10th, the occasion
especially honoring Mr. and Mrs.
Herschel Webb of Branchville,
Delicious barbecue and all the
trimmings was served at the
lunch hour.
Present, in addition to the hon
or guests and the hosts, were
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gorman and
Mrs. Donald Fawbush and baby,
Jay, of Chamblee; Mr. and Mrs.
John Carter, Miss Candy Carter
and Marshall Carter of Tucker;
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Chasteen, Jj\,
Miss Camalle Chasteen and Mr.
and Mrs. Allen Mears and A1
Mears of Forest Park; Mrs. H.
W. Webb, Harold Webb, Mr. and
Mrs. Mickey Webb and Mr. Wal
lace O’Neal, all of Jackson.
and included Mrs. Biles, Mrs. Nel
lie Kinard, her daughter; Rus
sell Richardson, son of Mrs. Kin
ard; and Tonya Richardson,
daughter of Mr. Richardson.
Pictures were made and a good
time was had by all present.
Gordon Junior College
Application Deadline Extended to September 22
8:00 - 8:50 AM M-F
ENGL 95 Reading Improvement 5
ENGL 101 Composition, Rhetoric, and Literature 5
ENGL 122 Western World Literature 5
BIOL 101 Principles of Biology 5
(Lab TBA-6 and 7 period)
PHYS 100 Physical Science 5
MATH 253 Analytic Geometry and Calculus 5
ACCT 110 Principles of Accounting 5
PSYC 101 General Psychology 5
PHED 108 Weight Training (Men) 1
(M, W)
PHED 104 Golf 1
(Tu, Thj
MILI 101 World Military History 1
9:00 - 9:50 AM M-F
ENGL 99 Developmental English 5
ENGL 121 Western World Literature 5
MUSI 100 Music Appreciation 5
BIOL 102 Principles of Biology .5
lLa bT^-6jind7pe^pd) 4 „U, ,A .
PHYS 127 General Physics T P J -Oq3fD 0|
MATH 107 Principles of Mathematics 5
POLI 201 American Government 5
SOCI 260 Contemporary Social Problems 5
PHED 104 Golf 1
(Tu, Th)
PHED 108 Weight Training (Men) 1
(M, W)
MILI 201 National Security and Concept of Force 1
(Lab 1:00 pm Wednesday)
MILI 301 Leadership Management I 1
(Lab Wednesday 1:00 pm)
10:00 - 10:50 AM M-F
ART 111 Art Structure 5
ENGL 101 Composition, Rhetoric, and Literature 5
FREN 101 Elementary French 5
SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 5
MUSI 101 Music Theory 3
10:00 - 10:50 AM M-F
CHEM 121 General Chemistry 5
(Lab TBA - 6 and 7 period)
MATH 101 Trigonometry and Algebra 5
BUSI 101 Introduction to Business 5
HIST 200 American History 5
SOCI 105 Principles of Sociology 5
PHED 104 Golf 1
(Tu, Th)
PHED 106 Tennis 1
(M, W)
MILI 401 Seminar in Leadership and Management 1
(Lab Wednesday 1:00 pm)
11:00 - 11:50 AM M-F
ART 100 Art Appreciation 5
ENGL 101 Composition, Rhetoric, and Literature 5
MUSI 111 College Chorus 1
CHEM 260 Elementary Organic Chemistry 5
(Lab TBA - 6 and 7 period)
MATH 99 Developmental Algebra 5
MATH 100 College Algebra 5
MATH 107 Principles of Mathematics 5
PSYC 204 Human Growth and Development 5
SOCI 105 Principles of Sociology 5
PHED 106 Tennis 1
(M, W)
Students desiring to enroll at Gordon should:
1. Submit application for admission
2. Provide high school transcript or G.E.D.
3. File a health record
4. Submit S.A.T. scores. (Test will be given on Saturday, October 14. Students may still be admitted provis
ionally until they take the test) v
Returning and transfer students will register on September, 25. New students will register September 26
Classes begin September 27 and will last until December 8.
Full time students (carrying three or more courses) W 'N P a y $85.00 per quarter plus $25.00 in fees. Part-time
students will pay $37.50 per course.
Non-credit courses will begin October 2-12. Courses include sewing, photography, law, new math for parents, the
Bible as history, appliance repair, and prospective parents.
A community drug abuse seminar is scheduled for October 13-14 in cooperation with the Jackson Diagnostic Center
Gordon will also be offering three junior/senior level courses:
Educational Psychology (EPY 304) - after school
Introduction to Library Classification and Cataloging (ELE 403) - after school
Principles of Management (MAN 351) - 6:00 - 8:05 p. m. Monday and Wednesday
Students will register for these courses on September 25. .
For more information on Gordon courses or programs call Mr. Hank Huckaby at 358-1700 in Barnesville or visit
the college.
Mr. and Mrs. Julian Brookins
of Milledgeville and Mr. and Mrs.
Loy Hutcheson went over to Ath
ens Saturday for the Georgia-
Baylor game. Mr. and Mrs. Brook
ins are parents of Mrs. Hutche
The friends of Bobby Beau
champ will be glad to learn he
is home with his mother, Mrs.
J. O. Beauchamp, after three
years duty at Lakenheath AFB,
Recent visitors of Mrs. Sara
Duke were Mr. and Mrs. Calvin
C. Long of Dry Branch, Mr. and
Mrs. Morton Duke and daughters,
Terri and Sharon, of Americus,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duke of
Brunswick, Gene Duke of Car
rollton, Emory Duke of Jones
boro, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Burns Jr. and Billy of Jackson.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Carr Jr.
were among those from Jackson
going over to Athens Saturday
for the Georgia-Baylor game.
The many Jackson friends of
Mrs. Edna Forrer of Locust
Grove will be interested to learn
that she was admitted Sunday
to Emory University Hospital
where she was scheduled to un
dergo surgery on Monday, Sep
tember 18th.
Vote For and
Herbert Shapard
Butts County Commissioner
Post 3
PHED 201 Health 1
(Tu, Th)
MILI 101 World Military History
MILI 201 National Security and Concept of Force 1
(Lab Wed)
12:00 - 12:50 PM M-F
SPAN 103 Intermediate Spanish 5
SPCH 108 Fundamentals of Speech 5
PHED 106 Tennis 1
(M, W)
PHED 201 Health
ZOOL 225 Invertebrate Zoology 5
(Lab TBA - 6 and 7 period)
ECON 105 Principles of Economics 5
1:00 - 1:50 PM M-F
ENGL 101 Composition, Rhetoric, and Literature 5
HIST 111 Western Civilization 5
( MUSI 110 College Band 1
PHED 102 Archery 1
(M, W)
1:00 - 1:50 PRj M-F
MILI 103 Fundamentals of Leadership and
Management 1
(Lab-Wednesday only)
MILI 203 Applied Leadership and Management 1
(Lab-Wednesday only)
MILI 303 Leadership Development 1
(Lab-Wednesday only)
MILI 403 Leadership Development 1
(Lab-Wednesday only)
MUSI 121- Applied Music (Consent of Instructor) 1
6:00 - 8:05 PM Monday, Wednesday
ART 100 Art Appreciation 5
CJUS 200 Police Administration 5
ENGL 101 Composition, Rhetoric, and Literature 5
MATH 99 Developmental Algebra 5
MATH 100 College Algebra 5
POLI 201 American Government 5
PSYC 101 General Psychology 5
8:15 - 10:10 PM Monday, Wednesday
BIOL 101 Principles of Biology 5
CHEM 121 General Chemistry 5
CJUS 100 Introduction to Criminal Justice / 5
ECON 105 Principles of Economics 5
ENGL 122 Western World Literature 5
MUSI 100 Music Appreciation 5
6:00 - 8:05 PM Tuesday, Thursday
BUSI 101 Introduction to Business 5
CJUS 201 Corrections Administrations 5
ENGL 95 Reading Improvement 5
ENGL 101 Composition, Rhetoric, and Literature 5
ENGL 121 Western World Literature 5
HIST 200 American History 5
8:15 - 10:10 PM Tuesday, Thursday
ENGL 99 Developmental English 5
FREN 101 Elementary French 5
HIST 111 Western Civilization 5
MATH 235 Finite Mathematics 5
SOCI 207 Juvenile Delinquency 5
SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 5