Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, SEFT. 2i, 1572
Mrs. Singley
Was Buried
At Towaliga
Mrs. Edna Taylor Singley, 75,
widely known resident of the
Towaliga Community, died late
Saturday night at Westbury
Medical Care Home in Jenkins
burg after an extended illness.
She was the widow of Mr. DeWitt
Singley who preceded her in death
on August 28th.
Mrs. Singley was born August
25, 1897 in Henry County to the
late Mr. Jack Taylor and Mrs.
Mattie Wilkerson Taylor, both of
Henry County. She was a member
of the Towaliga Baptist Church.
Funeral services were conduc
ted Monday afternoon at two o’-
clock from the chapel of Haisten
Funeral Home with Rev. Joe
Parham, pastor of Towaliga Bap
tist Church, and Rev. Bill Thom
as, a former pastor, officiating.
Interment was in Towaliga Bap
tist Church Cemetery with Hais
ten Funeral Home in charge of
She is survived by two daugh
ters, Mrs. Grace Hayes of Por
terdale and Mrs. Mary Jo Eng
lish of Jackson; one brother,
Robert Taylor of Jackson; six
grandchildren, several nieces and
Pallbearers were Bobby Taylor,
Jack Taylor, Lewis Smith, Jack
Crane, Verlyn Crane, Molton
Crowe, and Lamar Vaughn.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Bradley
have had as house guests for sev
eral days her two sisters, Mrs.
J. S. Berryman of Decatur and
Mrs. Frank Donalson, and Mr.
Donaldson of Conyers and Mr.
and Mrs. George Clotfelter and
son, Kevin, and Mr. Glen Wilson,
also of Conyers.
Miss Fleetie Cook and Mrs.
Paul Cawthon of Jackson were
weekend guests of relatives here.
iMrs. E. R. Nash spent last
week with relatives in Atlanta.
Larry Morgan and Lewis Bris
coe returned to Carrollton Sun
day afternoon to resume their
studies at West Georgia.
Rev. and Mrs. Bill Thomas of
Forest Park were recent visitors
of their many friends here and in
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Reese and
Stacy, who were returning to
their home in Conley, following a
sight seeing vacation in Florida,
stopped over for a visit with their
parents here over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. James Harmon
of Savannah and Mr. and Mrs.
Judson Harmon of Atlanta were
recent guests of their sisters, Mrs.
Wallis Jones and Mrs. Hope Mc-
Mrs. Gerald McClure, Darla
and Andrea of Forest Park visi
ted their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Willis McClure on Sunday.
The majiy friends of Mrs. Gus
sie Thaxton are interested to
know that hef condition is im
proving and we’re all hoping she
will soon be able to be up and
about following a serious illness
of several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Crittenden
and sons, Tom and Bill, of Bir
mingham, Ala., spent last week
with Mrs. O. A. Andrews, Mrs.
Mildred Ballenger, Miss Ethel
Smith and Mrs. T. A. Lane.
Mr. and Mrs. Neal B. Kilby,
formerly of Stone Mountain,
moved recently to Jakson Lake,
Route 1, Monticello. Mrs. Kilby is
a teacher at Indian Springs Acad
emy in Jackson and she is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. W.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. McCord
were among those from Jackson
who went over to Athens Satur
day for the Georgia-Baylor game.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Thurston
of Quaker Hill, Conn., visited
friends and relatives in Jackson
and Butts County last Tuesday
while en route to Mobile, Ala.
for a reunion with a shipmate
from World War II Navy days.
They had spent several days in
Savannah with Mr. Thurston’s
brother, Johnny Thurston, and
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Atkinson of
Whitesburg were recent visitors
of Mrs. Mildred Ballenger and
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