Newspaper Page Text
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Miss Rachel Torrance, Butts County home economist, is
shown above admiring a child’s mobile made of animals from
felt and pompoms.
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This attractive “partridge in a pear tree” was made by
Gwen Juhlin. Instructions on how to construct it can be seen
at the Christmas Show at the Central Georgia EMC building
on December 7th.
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These are a few of the Christmas decorations one can
see at the Christmas Decoration Show at the Central Georgia
EMC building Thursday night, December 7th. Pictured above
displaying some of these are Miss Rachel Torrance, left, and
Mrs. Donna Lindsey, Extension secretary.
Lets Talk Turkey!
10 Lb. Turkey given with purchase of:
Merchandise purchased on builder’s plan not accepted.
Effective October 26th thru December 24th
922 E. Third Street Phone 775-7501
The Progress-Argus extends
the following:
December 8 - Gwendolyn
Cook, Grace Brooks, Nan
Hodges, Mrs. Joe Ingram, Mrs.
George F. Antonio, Mrs. Lou
Moelchert, Elwood Haynes,
Mrs. Nancy Sanders, Nona
Bohannon, Mrs. George Seay,
Jackie Rich, Tracy Barnes.
December 9 - Jerry Pope,
Carolyn Farrar, Jimmy Cald
well, Mrs. Uel Pulliam, Faye
James, Mrs. E. H. Gilchrist,
Andy Long, Bobby Long, Mrs.
Leslie Hamlin, Mark Browning,
Bennie Wayne Riley, Linda
December 10 - Mrs. Wright
Watkins, Mrs. J. O. Cole, J. Lee
Andrews, John Wesley Thur
ston, Juanita Bert Thompson,
Mrs. Thos. A. Williamson, Van
Kersey, Lanier Anthony, Ed
ward L. Young, E. E. Minton,
Mrs. W. T. Mote, Mrs. Allen
Evans, Billie Meredith, Mrs. W.
N. Harris, Sharon Kelso, Morris
December 11 - Stephen Mills
Jones, Eugene Burford, Mrs. H.
G. Harris, Henry Barnes, Nitia
Leverette, E. D. Allen, Charles
Allen Cain, Edward Reese, Mrs.
Roy Carter, James Talmadge
Moore, Jr., Larry James,
Johnnie Dykes Cook, Marvera
December 12 - Jake McClure,
L. J. Washington, Mrs. J. B.
Thompson, Mildred Thaxton,
Hazel Marie Turner, Johnny A.
Heath, Mrs. Lucile Heath, Katie
Lee Evans, Mrs. Calvin
Burford, Jerry Crane, D’Arcy
Hardy, Rebecca Hodges, Mar
tha Ann Pulliam, Michael
Bruce Wells, Gerald S. Millet,
Mrs. T. C. Heath, Mrs. Fred
December 13 - Mrs. Miller
Ogletree, Emerson Ingram, A.
C. Smith, Laurence Patterson,
T. A. Nutt, 111, John R. Pulliam,
Mrs. C. E. Rooks, Joye Leigh
Letson, Alice Faye Darnell,
Earl Chestnut, Lynda Michelle
Gray, Richard V. Meredith, Jr.,
Danny Trimble, J. Alton Pullin,
Linda Proctor, Steven Teagle,
Dr. Joe Lister, Mrs. Barbara
Bankston, Dianna Turner.
December 14 - J. H. Rooks,
Mrs. W. S. Weaver, Eugene
Parrish, C. P. Sims, Mrs. David
Garr, Judy K. Smith, Scarlet
Virginia Allen.
December 15 - Mrs. Erven
Benton, H. O. Smith, J. L.
Roberts, Fred Cook, Mrs. B. R.
Hay, Marvin Rich, Mrs. Russell
Price, J. B. Kitchens, Susan
Pope, Michael James Mixon,
Thomas F. Cochran, Elsie
Lunsford, Hoke S. Moss, Phillip
Dawson, D. L. Emfinger, G. W.
Townsend, Mrs. W. R. Hodges,
Michel Joye Wells, Roscoe
Smith, Gloria Forehand, Wes
ley Eugene Cook,'Mrs. Beatrice
Scott, Steven Page.
Wright Tells
Of Chaplain’s
Many Duties
Rev. Ben F. Wright, chaplain
at the Georgia Diagnostic
Center, was speaker at the
Jackson Kiwanis Club meeting
Tuesday night, November 21st,
and in an interesting and
entertaining manna - enume
rated some of the duties and
responsibilities of a clinical
chaplain in Georgia’s newest
and most modern prison.
The speaker was introduced
by Joe Taylor, program
chairman. Guests were Mrs.
Geraldine Wright, wife of the
speaker and Key Club sponsor;
Key Club members Rex Smith
and James Brown and Mrs.
Peggy Mackey.
Mr. Wright explained that
there are three chaplains
presently stationed at the
Diagnostic Cottar and that their
primary job is as a minister
first in an attempt to enable the
inmate to seek to build a
meaningful relationship with
their God.
Mr. Wright cited several
instances where he was called
upon to serve in the role of
counselor and remarked on the
lonely and helpless feeling that
many prisoners experience. He
recounted one instance of a
prisoner so desperate to make a
phone call to his family that the
inmate wrote a letter to himself
in which he exaggerated
conditions at home so that he
could obtain Mr. Wright’s
permission for making the call.
Chaplain Wight explained
that during the 6-8 weeks
prisoners are processed at the
Center they are allowed no
visitors and with phone calls
allowed only on an emergency
basis. He spoke of the attempts
to reach the men’s spiritual
needs through Bible study
groups, counsel, personal inter
views, etc. and concluded bis
talk by again stating that first
and foremost “we are there as
Three new members were
inducted into the club by Frank
Forehand, former president of
the local club and forma
lieutenant governor of the 12th
The new members and their
sponsors are as follows: Joe
Brown, Jr. by Frank Forehand;
Bobby Mackey by P. H. Weaver
and Jimmy Maddox by Harvey
Hall. The addition of the three
new members brings the club’s
total to 42.
Richard Stodghill
Wins Macon Junior
Twenty Middle Georgia stu
dents have been named as
recipients of Macon Junior
College Foundation Scholar
ships, according to Dr. William
W. Wright, president of the
The scholarships cover tuition
and other mandatory fees at
Macon Junior. New freshmen
are awarded Foundation Schol
arships on the basis of their high
school grade-point average and
their performance on the
college entrance examination.
Sophomore students must
have a scholastic average of 3.5
or better at Macon Junior to
qualify for consideration.
Other Scholarship winners
are Alva E. Adams, Jr.,
Powersville; Richard C. Stodg
hill, Jackson; Miss Sheila K.
Ogletree, Warner Robins; Raul
Bowden, Fort Valley; Ricky A.
Smith, Byron; Miss Marsha
Lynn Liles, Roberta; and Miss
Geryne Ernice Commer of
Centerville. Richard is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E.
Stodghill, Jr. of Jenkinsburg.
The selection of the recipients
is made by the Scholarship
Committee of the Macon Junior
College Foundation, an organi
zation composed of local
business and professional lead
ers. The group was formed in
1970 to promote the academic
development of MJC and to
coordinate community support
for the College. In addition to
providing funds for student
scholarships, the Foundation
also finances advanced faculty
studies and sponsors visiting
artists and lecturers.
THURSDAY, DEC. 7, 1972
Report From
Indian Springs
By Mrs. Robert W. Grier, Sr.
Lynn, Andy and Mr. Aldean
Waldrop are on the sick list this
week. A speedy recovery to all
of you.
Mr. Powell Freeman broke
several ribs last week and was
admitted to the VA. Hospital in
Atlanta with the latest report
being he has improved.
Mrs. A. 0. Allen states her
operation was successful and
she has returned home. Mrs.
Allen’s sister and husband, Mr.
and Mrs. W. R. White, of
Birmingham, Ala. are staying
with her. Mr. Allen’s condition
continues the same at Westbury
Medical Care Hone.
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Britt
have as their guest Mr. Britt’s
brother, Mr. H. L. Britt, of
Mrs. Dan Hoard, Mrs. Danny
Hoard, Barrett Hoard and Steve
and Scott Fletcher visited
relatives in Dublin last Satur
Page and Brad Earnhart
spent Sunday with their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Asa Maddox.
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Crane had
New Cub Scout
Pack Formed
Anew cub scout pack has
been formed as of November 21.
This new Pack is Pack 89, and is
sponsored by the Henderson
Elementary School.
Den Leaders for Den 1 are
Mrs. Edna Daniel and Mrs.
Helen Wise.
Den 2,3 and 4 are now being
organized under the leadership
of Vere Douglas, Mrs. Henry
Hall, and Fred Whiten.
New Cub Scouts are: Trae
Whiten, John Hall, Bradford
Stewart, Carlton Stewart,
Dennis Whittington, Joseph M.
Daniel, Glenn Barlow, Ronald
Henderson, Charlie Holder,
Vincent Wise, and Alfred
Information may be obtained
from Glenn Williams, District
Executive at another meeting
December 7th at the Elemen
tary School.
• Over 150 Timex Watches
to choose from
• Speidel Twist-On Watch Bands
• Kodak Pocket Instamatic Cameras
• Polaroid Square Shooter II and
Super Color Pack
• Max, Super Max and Max for Men
Stylers and Dryers
• Purrr Power Detangler
• Remington, Schick and Norelco Stylers
and Dryers
• To-Rel and Amity Bill Folds and
Travel Kits
as their weekend guests Bozo
Crane and Jim Crane of Macon.
Their Sunday guests were Mr.
and Mrs. Danny Hoard and
Barrett, Scott Fletcher of
Locust Grove, and Mrs.
Woodrow Turner of East
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Holloway
had as their guest Sunday Mrs.
Randolph Harris of Lithonia.
Mr. and Mrs. B. T.
McMichael and Mrs. Margaret
Greer had as their weekend
guests, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff
McMichael of Macon and Mrs.
Vallie Lee Ogletree of Cork.
The Rev. Donnie Thurston is
doing a fine job at Indian
Springs Baptist Church and has
received several new members
in the short time he has held the
services. Also a big thanks to
Wayne McDougle who is
teaching the young folks Sunday
School. The public is invited to
come and hear Donnie on
Sunday morning at 11 o’clock
and 7:30 Sunday evening and
young folks are especially
invited to Sunday School.
Mrs. 0. A. Andrews, Miss
Ethel Smith and Mrs. Mildred
Ballenger entertained at a
family dinner during the
Thanksgiving holidays. Those
present were Mr. and Mrs.
Wright Watkins, Dr. and Mrs.
William Mitchell and family,
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Presley,
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Presley
and family of Jackson, Mr. and
Mrs. Billy Presley of Locust
Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Aiken
of Covington, Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Smith of Monticello, Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Smith, in and
children, Mrs. W. C. Thomas
and children of Sandersville,
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Atkinson of
Whitesburg and Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Traylor of Smyrna.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Post and
Mrs. F. A. Holston were
Thanksgiving dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. George Sawyer
and family.
Many other items to choose from
City Rjxall Pharmacy
Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Adams,
Miss Grace Garlington, and
Miss Anne Grant attended the
Southern Seedsmen’s Conven
tion, Miami Beach, Florida,
November 25-28.
Messrs. Doyle Jones, Jr. and
Vincent Jones attended die
Georgia-Georgia Tech game in
Athens last Saturday at Sanford
Stadium. Mrs. Doyle Jones, Jr.
visited with her mother, Mrs. L.
F. Griffeth, and family.
Mrs. Linton Harper was
admitted Sunday to Sylvan
Grove Hospital after suffering a
stroke at her hone.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben M. Garland
and Miss Ann Adams and Mr.
Sandy Bridges, both of Decatur,
motored to Athens Saturday for
the Georgia-Georgia Tech game
at Sanford Stadium.
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Burford
of Austell and Richard Burford
of Atlanta were spend the day
guests Sunday of Mrs. Ruby
Mark Gustafson of Sandy
Springs was the home guest
over the weekend of Miss Ann
Watkins and her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Richard W. Watkins,
Mrs. E. A. Parrish spent
Tuesday in Jonesboro with her
grandchildren while Mr. and
Mrs. Tommy Hooten attended
the funeral of Mr. T. J. Racily in
Mr . and Mrs . Max Perdue had
as their Sunday luncheon guests
Rev. and Mrs. Jack Lee and
Becky of Decatur and Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Hosford and daughter
of Monticello.
Mrs. B. O. Williamson was a
Sunday visitor of Mr. and Mrs.
K. K. Williams and Keith.
Friends of Wayne Smith are
glad to know he returned home
Saturday from the Griffin-
Spalding County Hospital where
he underwent teste and observ
ation last week.
Mrs. Mae Tant of Warner
Robins spent Wednesday with
Mrs. Ethel Plank.
• Radios, Clock Radios, Clocks
• Schick Hot Lather Machines
• British Sterling, English Leather,
Old Spice, Jade East, etc.
• Jewelry
• Coty, Max Factor, Lanvin,
Dorothy Gray
• Lady Schick Warm TO Creamy
• Russell Stover Candies
• L’eggs Hosiery
• American Greeting Christmas Cards -
Gift Wrap
Mrs. V. H. Ham and Miss
Elizabeth McMichael were
among those from Jackson
attending the Georgia-Tech
game Saturday afternoon in
Miss Sheila Crum and Lonnie
Hadwin were Sunday guests of
Miss Rose Campbell and Melton
Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Ham
mond and Mrs. Herbert Moore
attended die funeral of Mrs.
Farris Milner in Barnesville
Sunday afternoon at Haisten’s
Chapel. Mrs. Milner was the
aunt of Mesdames Hammond
and Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Stewart were among those from
Jackson going up to Atlanta
Stadium Sunday for the game
between the Atlanta Falcons
and the Houston Oilers.
Rev. and Mrs. Lon Hadwin
spent the weekend in Ft. Valley
where they were song evange
lists in a revival at the Ft.
Valley Church of the Nazarene
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Barfield
spent Sunday in Vidalia visiting
his mother, Mrs. G. J. Barfield,
and together they motored to
Savannah to visit Mr. Barfield,
a patient at Memorial Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Tory Kitchens,
Allot Byars and Miss Kiki
Carmichael attended the At
lanta Falcons-Houston Oilers
game Sunday in Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Presley
attended the Tech-Georgia
game Saturday in Athens.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Hollis
Kitchens of Akron, Ohio have
arrived for a winter visit with
Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Kitchens
and other friends and relatives.
Mrs. Mildred Ballenger spent
last weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Traylor in Smyrna.
Mr. and Mrs. Naamon York
visited his brother, Mr. and
Mrs. E. L. York, of Locust
Grove Saturday.
Mrs. Cecil Rice of Griffin was
a recent guest of Mrs. Ethel