Newspaper Page Text
, Manager of Veterinary Services
Norden Laboratories
It is an unusual -and lucky -
cat that is not afflicted at some
time dining his life by worms.
These potentially dangerous
parasites come in five main
varieties: Hesrt worms, Hook
worms, Roundworms, Tape
worms and Whipworms.
And they are particularly
common in young kittens who
contract them from their
mother who has not been
properly cleared of worms
before breeding.
Signs of worms include
vomiting and diarrhea, lack of
appetite or vqracious appetite,
listlessness, increasing stretch
of the haw qvSrsthe eyeball,
potbelly and emaciation.
Roundworms may be noticed
as flesh-colored wiry strings
expelled with the feces;
tapeworms as individual flesh
colored segments shed contin
ually in the feces. The cat’s
bedding can disclose dried
tapeworm segments from time
to time.
But whatever signs seem
apparent to you, the only way to
be certain is to bring a stool
sample to your veterinarian. He
can then determine if your cat
has worms as well as what
variety of worms it is.
Based on what he finds, your
veterinarian will be able to
prescribe the proper medica
tion for your pet.
Various worm remedies are
Nightly Entertainment
Monday through Saturday
6:30 to 9:30 P. M.
Mr. Howard Parker
coming direct to you from
The Sands in Las Vegas, Nevada
with your favorite dinner music.
Locust Grove, Ga.
Russell's Restauranf
Locust Grove At Interchange
Good Food Today and Every Day
Open until 10 P. M. Daily
has come to
with their exclusive
See Their: Wickh&ven - double wide
Rt. 5, N. Expressway,
1 Mile N. of Holiday Inn
Phone 227-6887
available at pet stores complete
with directions. These commer
cial remedies are compounded
for specific types of worms and
thus an accurate diagnosis is
needed first.
It should be remembered,
however, that worm medicine is
strong stuff that must be
administered in the correct
dosage and at the proper time.
There are, however, a
number of things you can do to
help prevent your cat from
getting worms. Cleanliness is
the key.
A cat’s quarters should be
immaculate. Out of doers, he
should be kept cm dry runways,
or washed surfaces, such as
concrete, which are exposed to
sunlight as much as possible.
Shaded, moist earthy areas
provide a particularly favor
able environment, especially in
warmer weather, for parasite
eggs. By eliminating these
conditions, your cat’s potential
for infection can be reduced.
Bear in mind that one
worming cannot end infestation
fra- all time. Periodic examina
tion of the feces by your
veterinarian is strongly recom
And leave this part of the
health program to your veteri
narian. It has been said, with
considerable truth, that more
cats have been laid low by
careless worming than by
This Side
Of Town
With Friday’s arrival of
December we have less than a
month remaining to accomplish
those things we desire to do in
1972. The last month of the year
will be a bustle of activity
including payment of taxes by
the 20th, Christmas shopping,
wrapping presents, trimming
the Christmas tree, decorating
the home and business
establishments, baking Christ
mas goodies, practicing for
the various Christmas pro
grams throughout the coun
ty and countless other details
that are always a part of
December. It will be a busy
month folks. . . .The two
anonymous pony donors who
wish to make Christmas merry
fra* some Butts County child
deserve commendation for their
spirit of sharing what they have
with those who are less
fortunate. Two lucky children
will have the joy of owning and
caring fra- the Christmas
surprise which will be entirely
their own. Those desiring the
pony are requested to send their
name and address to Pony, P.
0. Box 249, Jackson, in order
that a winner be determined
and presented the pony in time
for Christmas. . . .The tragic
fire at Jenkinsburg last Wed
nesday afternoon destroyed a
familiar landmark that can
never be replaced. The C. W.
Haley Store, formerly the J. O.
Minter Store, was the old time
gabbing place for many of
Jenkinsburg’s esteemed older
residents who recall the many
times they went and gathered
around to discuss many
subjects ranging from politics,
war, weather as well as a
variety of other subjects. The
fire brought many memories to
mind as the “old-timers” rode
by or stopped to look as the
v flames consumed the one time
haven for Jenkinsburg’s citi
The Central Georgia
Electric Membership Corporation
Mclntosh State Bank
Your Home Owned Bank
Member F.D.I.C.
Carter Builders Supply, Inc.
Alabama St. 775-3266
Jackson, Ga.
Parrish Drug Cos.
Walgreen Agency
Phone 776-7424 Night: 775-7204
Cawthon Brothers, Inc.
Covington Road Jackson, Ga.
Jackson Highway Covington, US.
Cleveland Carpets
“Wall to Wall Carpeting”
Hwy. 42, Jenkinsburg
Collins Ready Mix Concrete
Concrete and Septic Tanks
775-3691 775-3299
Middle Ga. Livestock Sales Cos
Livestock Auction Sale
Each Wednesday
Jackson, Ga.
Polk Tire & Service Cos., Inc.
237 South Mulberry 775-7881
Our Young People Are Our Salvation
Avondale Mills,
Indian Springs Plant
zens. The town was in a daze
Thursday morning as most of
the residents agreed that the
building might be replaced but
the old fashioned warmth and
comfort would never more
be Citizens of this area read
with much interest the an
nouncement last week that
American Mills of Jackson will
go on a three day work week in
its knitting department. The
employees will work 12 hours a
day fra- three days, getting pay
for 40 hours, and enjoy a four
day leisure period to do the
things they’ve never had time
for before. Every two months
the knitting employees will
receive a week’s paid vacation
which will add up to a total of
six weeks during the year. Most
of the local employees are quite
enthused about the change
which began Monday of last
week. . . Friends of Ray
Saunders are glad to see him
out once again after having
been confined to his home from
a recent illness.
toons pr
By Wayne and Jerry
I think I will ENJOY
my next vacation
MORE, if I spend it
somewhere NEAR my
Keep On Climbing, It's A
Short Cut To
★ **** ¥
We Beat The'Roys
On The 4 Lane
Phone 775-5106
Hwy. 16 ft Georgia Ave.
*★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ {i
■ “V* God who gave us life, gave
us Liberty at the same time ”
★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ **********
A Citadel of Democracy
A Living Symbol of Liberty...our beautiful Capitol of
the United States is magnificent. In 1791, a site known
as Jenkins Hill was chosen for the Capitol Building. Two
years later, while serving as President, George Washington
laid the cornerstone.
dom.°!’n , flowfn'i e robKrs Fr a“a The first section was ready in 1800, and for the next
eagie-feathtred helmet, sixty years the Senate used an oval shaped room near the
nearly 15,000 pounds, she center as the main assembly room. It was in this room that
positioners? f£t™b!!ve Samuel F. B. Morse tapped out the first telegraph message
piara, in midst of civil war. on a ij ne direct from the Senate Chamber to Baltimore in
1844. The Capitol was completed in 1863.
In this great building have echoed the voices of such
men as Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun, and the stirring
words of Daniel Webster: “Liberty and Union, now and
/$^ N,r "SSX forever, one and inseparable”.
The U. S. Capitol is a symbol of American Democracy
; J throughout the world.
k '■
Q 3/,
jWT JB We’re Joining
'jyW-i family the merriest Christmas
TL \ X of prosperity and good cheer.
Our heartfelt thanks for
your loyalty, good will and
continued patronage. Here’s
hoping your holiday dreams
all come true ... if we can
help, stop in and see
A low cost personal loan
can provide the extra cash
you need to finish your gift
shopping. We want Christmas
to be merry for you and for
everyone on your gift list.
4^sHi Mclntosh
. State Bank
Weaver Insurance Agency
6 Byars St. 776-2626
We Are Interested In Our Youtb
Westbury Medical Care Home
Jenldnsburg, Ga.
Tomlin's Restaurant
Monticello Hwy. 776-7611
Jones Brothers Grocery
Stark Community
Your Convenient Grocery Store
Daniel Ford Sales, Inc.
1827 Brookwood Are. 776-7878
Support Your Local Police
Jackson Progress Argus
(Always Pulling For Butts County)
Jackson, Ga.
The Kym Cos.
Jackson, Ga.
Stephens Grocery
18 Second St. 775-2595
\ On The Square
Spencer Realty Agency
k M. Spencer, Broker
117 North Oak 775-7208
Griffin Federal Savings
u Loan Association
W. Taylor at 10th St. Griffin, Ga.
Telephone 404-228-2786