The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, January 04, 1973, Image 3
Deputies Chosen By Wilder Butts County Sheriff Barney L Wilder, who took office January Ist, this week an nounced the appointment of Beuben Bennett and William (Bill) Barnes as deputy sheriffs. In announcing the choice of his two deputies, Sheriff Wilder said that he was “well pleased” with the two men. Mr. Bennett worked for several years as a correctional officer at the Georgia Diagnostic and Classi fication Center in Butts County and has retired from the U.S. Army after more than 20 years service. Mr. Barnes is well qualified, according to Sheriff Wilder, having been a member of the City of Jackson Police Depart ment until assuming his duties as deputy sheriff the first of the year. Sheriff Wilder reminded the citizens of Butts County that one of his campaign promises was to give 24 hour service to the people of the county, night and day, and to answer their calls for help promptly. “As sheriff, I and my staff are at your command any time of the day or night and it will be our intent to render the best law enforce ment service of which we are capable." Flynt Makes Academy Nominations Congressman John J. Flynt, Jr. December 22nd announced his nominations from the Sixth District for appointment to the United States Air Force Academy and the United States Naval Academy for the class to enter the Academies in July of 1073. Congressman Flynt sub mitted his nominations after a careful review of each appli cant’s extensive file which includes a completed applica tion, high school transcript, letters of recommendation, and the applicant’s scores on the SAT, CEEB Achievement tests, and the Civil Service Designa tion Examination for academy applicants. The final determin ation and acceptance of each nomination will be made by the Director of Admissions at each Academy. Those nominated to the United States Air Force Academy are: John Robert Lawrence, son of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Lawrence of Thomas ton, Georgia; Marc B. Tharp, son of Colonel and Mrs. Charles B. Tharp of Macon, Georgia; Thomas B. Light, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M. Light, Jr. of College Park, Georgia; James R. Firebaugh, 11, son of Lt. Colonel and Mrs. J. R. Firebaugh, Jr., of McDonough, Georgia; Robert A. Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Davis of Morrow, Georgia; Dennis R. Stevens, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Stevens of Stock bridge, Georgia; and Carl M. Story, 11, son of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Story of Macon, Georgia. Those nominated to the United States Naval Academy are: William T. Askew, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Askew of West Point, Georgia; Gerald M. Bowen, son of Captain and Mrs. A. M. Bowen, Jr., of Newnan, Georgia; Lloyd E. Edens, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Edens of Conley, Georgia; Glen M. Haskins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Manning G. Haskins of Macon, Georgia; William Z. Manos, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Manos, Jr. of Newnan, Georgia; Michael A. Meyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Meyer of Jonesboro, Georgia; Steve E. Shillinglaw, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl P. Shillinglaw of Jonesboro, Georgia; Samuel Z. Swygert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Taft Swygert of Macon, Georgia; and David Lamar Smith, son of Command Sergeant and Mrs. Hugh L. Smith of McDonough, Georgia. Congressman Ftynt has not yet completed his nominations to the United States Military Academy. ■ 89 jm Mj/M WHERE ECONOMY ORIGINATES ■ IMPORTANT “ ...FOR YOU! A&P POLICY: Always do what is honest and fair for every customer. RAINCHECK: If an advertised special is ever sold out ask the Manager for a Raincheck. It entitles you to the same item at the same special price the following week. 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AVG. 4 in SIRLOIN TIPS $1 19 CAP’N JOHN’S FROZEN |- POLLOCK FILLETS s6SC HAM SALAD c s 59C DECORATOR & ASSORTED A M . GALA TOWELS ®34C A&P ASST. m m O TOILET TISSUE 4ffi4BC RICE CEREAL tfSoC A&P INSTANT NON-DAIRY CREAMER .. 49Q A&P FROZEN 4Ax ORANGE JUICE lBO SUNNYFIELD SUGAR FROSTED M A CORN FLAKES lo°x z 49C JANE PARKER WHOLE WHEAT BREAD 4™ SIOO LOAVES ■ A & P TRASH CAN LINERS 40S PKG. • | TIDE DETERGENT (25c OFF LABEL)