Newspaper Page Text
New Arrivals
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hood of
Macon announce the birth of a
son, Jonathan Eric, Monday,
January Ist, at the Medical
; Center of Central Georgia in
Macon. Maternal grandparents
are Mr. and Mrs. Harold L.
Elliott of Flovilla while pa
ternal grandparents are Mr.
and Mrs. James L. Hood of
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Knight of
Covington announce the birth of
a son, Weylin Heath, on
December 28th at the Newton
County Hospital. Mrs. Knight is
j the former Peggy Heath,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. D.
Heath of Jackson.
David Bailey, who has been operating
a body shop in MonticeUo, has joined
Elliott’s Body Shop in Flovilla.
David and Harold Elliott invite the pub
lic to call on them for body, paint, and
glass work.
All Work Guaranteed.
Elliott's Body Shop
Phone 775-7864 Flovilla, Ga.
Mclntosh State Bank
Can Help You Bea Part Of /
The Future /
Whatever your hopes, your plans, #
your dreams, we can help you set them in operation now. If you t
need a savings plan, we have them to suit each individual 1
family’s situation. Or, if you need a I
loan, we can arrange that too . .. _ #
on terms convenient to you. /
Mclntosh State Bank
Evening School
Will Offer
Many Courses
Registration for courses be
ginning January 8, 1973 will be
held at 6:00 p.m. January 8 and
The following courses will be
Computer Programming-
Data Processing
Shorthand II
Income Tax
Real Estate
Heating and Air Conditioning
Machine Shop
Auto Body and Fender Repair
Basic Electricity for Heating
and Air Conditioning
Automobile Mechanics
Home Sewing
AD courses are VA approved,
except Real Estate and Home
Classes are filled on a
fee-paid basis.
United Fund
Drive Quota
Been Pledged
Butts countians have pledged
the United Appeal budget of
$12,900 and if all the pledges are
collected, an event that rarely
happens, Butts County will be in
excellent condition as far as the
United Appeal success is
concerned, according to John
Chiappetta, 1972 UA president.
Mr. Chiappetta revealed that
as of December 30th the total
amount pledged is $12,906.23
with total monies collected at
$6,699.22. Mr. Chiappetta added
that “from all appearances we
have made our goal but in the
final end there wiU probably be
S2OO-S3OO pledged that won’t
come in, thus making the total
fall short of the goal.”
Chairman Chiappetta said
that the followng sums have
been allotted these agencies:
American Red Cross $2400
Butts County Association
for Retarded Children 1200
Boy Scouts of America
(Flint River District,
Griffin) 2500
Easter Seal Society 200
Mental Health Association
of Georgia 300
Cystic Fibrosis 500
USO 150
Van Deventer Foundation and
Henderson Youth Center 1200
YMCA 300
Traveler’s Aid Society 150
Operating Expenses -
Emergency Fund 1500
TOTAL $12,900
Mrs. Alma Bearden was fund
drive chairman and she and Mr.
Chiappetta both wish to thank
Butts countians for their
cooperation. Both cited the
Butts County schools for a
remarkable job. The school
system pledged $1,023 with $432
of this coming from the Jackson
Primary School which gave
their pledge one hundred per
cent with the students and
teachers working very hard.
Mr. Chiappetta said that
there wiU be a meeting January
Bthat7:3op.m. in theC&S Civic
Room at which time trustees
and officers of the United Fund
will be elected with 12 new
trustees to be named as weU as
officers for 1973, and anew fund
drive chairman.
Mrs. Thomas J. Brown of
McDonough was a visitor to
Jackson Friday morning.
Miss Lynn Crum, student at
Trevecca Nazarene College,
Nashville, Tenn., returned to
school Monday after spending
the holiday season with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. BUly
Crum, Jerry and SheUa.
Mrs. Larue Turner accom
panied her children, Mr. and
Mrs. Billy Turner, and Todd to
Miami, Fla. to spend the
holidays with Mrs. BUly
Turner’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Thur
ston and Vicki Lynne of Griffin
visited Christmas Day after
noon with Mrs. T. P. Thurston.
Miss Lynn Crum and Jerry
Crum were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Lamb in Griffin at a
New Year’s Eve party.
Mr. and Mrs. BUly Turner
and Todd of GreenvUle, S. C.
visited his mother, Mrs. Larue
Turner, during the Christmas
Mrs. J. C. McClendon and Mr.
and Mrs. Tom McClendon of
Locust Grove visited Mr. Lynn
Thaxton Friday afternoon.
Miss Rose CampbeU spent
New Year’s Eve with Miss
Sheila Crum.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace
Wheeler of Jasper visited
during the weekend with her
sister, Mrs. Larue Turner.
EMI Lynwood Thurston of
Norfolk, Va. left Thursday after
a ten day leave with his famUy.
EMI Thurston wiU leave
Norfolk January 4th and tour
the Med.
Sunday afternoon visitors of
Mr. Lynn Thaxton and Mrs. T.
P. Thurston were Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Ogilvie of Griffin.
Friends of David England wiU
be interested to learn he has
returned home after being a
patient at Northside Hospital in
Atlanta where he underwent
tests and observation.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kitchens
had as their guests Sunday Mr.
and Mrs. J. L. O’Shields" Sr. and
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. O’Shields,
Jr., Julie and Ryan O’Shields,
aU of Atlanta.
Visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. D.
Estes during the holidays were
Mr. Sam Wilkerson and
daughter of McDonough, Mr.
and Mrs. BUI Brook of Swan
Lake, Mrs. Annie Mae Moore of
Atlanta, and Mrs. Beulah Ward
of Luella.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Post and
Mrs. F. A. Holston attended the
50th wedding anniversary pf
Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Turner in
Hillsboro Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Adams, 111
of Livingston, Montana spent
the Christmas holidays with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Adams, and grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi
Hurt. They left Monday via
plane for their home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kitchens
spent part of the Christmas
holidays with relatives in
Auburn, Alabama.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Post and
Mrs. F. A. Holston spent
Christmas Day and night in
Macon as guests of Mr. and
Mrs. M. D. Post.
Mr. and Mrs. B. O.
Williamson were guests Sunday
night of Mr. and Mrs. Harold
EUiott and family.
Christmas night dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Hurt were
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Adams, Mr.
and Mrs. L. H. Hurt, Jr. and
Sam of Macon, Mr. and Mrs. A.
C. Adams, 111 of Livingston,
Mrs. Ethel Plank and Mrs.
Mary Norton spent Christmas
Day at Lookout Mountain,
Tennessee visiting friends.
We stop building walls, and start building hamburgers.
And all the other things McDonald’s is famous for:
Our crisp, golden french fries. Our triple-thick shakes.
And our big triple-decker meal, Big Mac.
We’ve already built a reputation. Now l[ \jl yv
all we have to do is live up to it. //„ \j \\
/1 McDonalds
611 West Taylor Street u u ™
Griffin, Ga.
ATLANTA, GA. At the end
of the fall quarter 142 persons
completed their work for
various degrees at Emory
University, President Sanford
S. Atwood has announced.
The degrees will be formaDy
awarded at June commence
ment exercises.
Those from Jackson and their
degrees are: Denise F. Jones,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
D. Fears, 339 Watkins Street,
Bachelor of Arts.
With a grateful heart I wish to
express my thanks to the nurses
and staff of the hospital, to Dr.
Jim HoweU and to my friends
for the many remembrances
sent me during my hospital
ization. The flowers, cards,
and calls meant much to me and
I pray that God will bless each
of you during the coming year.
- Lynn Thaxton.
Mrs. Hoyt Lawrence and Mrs.
Raymond Howard of Griffin
and Mrs. G. W. Washington of
Jackson visited Friday with Mr.
and Mrs. T. M. Washington.
Friends of Rev. and Mrs. Bert
Carmichael and family will be
interested to learn they are
temporarily residing with his
mother, Mrs. Margaret S.
Carmichael, until housing facil
ities in Atlanta can be located.
Friends will be glad to learn
Rev. Carmichael wiD be
associated with Druid Hills
Presbyterian Church in At
Sam Hurt of Macon spent the
weekend with his grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Hurt, while
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H.
Hurt, Jr., were in JacksonviDe,
Florida for the Gator Bowl
now open
Mrs. Ed SmaHey of Smyrna is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. T.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton O’Neal
of Alcovy Shores had as their
luncheon guests Monday Mr.
and Mrs. Asa O’Neal, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Wilkerson, John
O’Neal, Mrs. Minnie Lee
Hodges and Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Knowles.
Miss Kiki Carmichael left
Tuesday for LaGrange CoUege
where she resumed her studies
following the Christmas holiday
Rev. and Mrs. Bert Car
michael are spending a week in
Lake Worth, Florida with Rev.
and Mrs. H. Y. Unger.
Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Smith at their Flovilla home
during Christmas were Mr. and
Mrs. Buddy Brooks and family
of Tampa, Fla., Mr. and Mrs.
Jesse Smith of Atlanta, Mr. and
Mrs. Ronnie Smith of Jackson
ville, Fla., Mrs. Wilma "Smith
and children, Mrs. Bessie
Vaughn, Mr. and Mrs. Watson
Vaughn, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Hamlin, Mr. and Mrs. Garland
Cook, Miss Annie Ruth Vaughn,
Gervis Kitchens, all of Jackson
and Todd Dozier of Atlanta.
Christmas Day guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Darwin CampbeD,
Rose and Melton were their
parents and grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. E. Ballard Perdue.
Mrs. W. C. Dailey and Miss
Mary Downs spent Christmas
Day with Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Dailey and family in Flippen.
Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Brooks
and family of Tampa. Fla.
returned home Thursday after a
holiday visit with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith, at
Visiting Mrs. Fred CaldweU
during Christmas holidays were
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bradshaw,
Jr. and Tripp of Rome, Dr. and
Mrs. Leslie CaldweU, Mike,
Dianne and Fred of MonticeUo,
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Burford, and
Bernard Carter of Jackson,
Mrs. Vic Hickson, Julia
Hickson, and Mrs. Pauline
Newton of Donalsonville, Mr.
and Mrs. Jim AUen, Wendy and
Alison of Marietta.
Mrs. Robert C. Edwards
spent Christmas in Jonesboro
with her son, Mr. Dyar
Edwards, Mrs. Edwards and
Mrs. W. J. Burns of FloviUa
and Mrs. H. C. Burns of Macon
returned home this week after
spending Christmas in Fort
Lauderdale, Fla. with Mr. and
Mrs. George Tapley and family,
and in Miami, Florida with Mr.
and Mrs. Johnny Brooks and
Mr. and Mrs. Louie Moelchert
and children left Tuesday for
their home in Charlotte, N.C.
following a weekend visit
during New Year’s with Mr. and
Mrs. L. W. Moelchert and Mrs.
India Bailey.
Friends of Dr. and Mrs. Leslie
CaldweU of MonticeUo sympa
thize with them in the death of
Mrs. CaldweU’s father, Mr.
Linton Y. Pittiard, on Decem
ber 24th in Veterans Hospital,
Augusta, Ga.
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy
Camichael and Betsy of
Thomson visited during the
New Year’s weekend with then
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Ridgeway and Mr. and Mrs. T.
A. Carmichael.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dailey
and famUy of FUppen were
guests of Mrs. W. C. DaUey and
Miss Mary Downs recently.