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JENKINSBURG MAN HONORED - The Outstanding Field Representative for 1972 of Modern Dairy Farms, Inc. of
Fort Madison, lowa is Joe Dickens of Jenkinsburg, Georgia. He is shown receiving trophy during the annual meeting here
from Harold Ripley, Modern Dairy Farms’ vice president. Mr. Dickens and his wife also received a one-week vacation to
California with trips to Disneyland and tours of some of the finest California dairy herds. Modern Dairy Farms leases cattle
in 26 states. Mr. Dickens was selected for his best overall service to dairymen in the Georgia area.
Jenkinsburg News
By Mrs. T. H. Price
Those going over to Gulfport,
Miss, on January 20th for the
wedding of Miss Barbara
Cleveland to Mr. James David
Green were Mr. and Mrs.
James Cleveland, Mr. and
Mrs. Billy Barnes and Billy,
Mr. Ed Cleveland, Mrs. Patsy
Talley and Kristy of Norcross,
Mrs. Betty Hall and Roxie of
East Point and Miss Joyce
Richardson of Dublin.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Allen
have returned from a ten day
visit to Florida. While in St.
Petersburg they visited Mr.
Ernest Allen. They visited Mr.
and Mrs. James New in
Satelite Beach and Mr. and
Mrs. W. C. Kitchens in Sun City
Center. They also spent one
day in West Palm Beach and
reported beautiful Florida
sunshiny weather during the
entire trip.
A family group enjoyed
dinner and fellowship together
James Shaw
Has Won
James C. Shaw, Administra
tor of Sylvan Grove Hospital in
Jackson, has been certified by
The American Purchasing
Society as a fully qualified
purchasing professional. Mr.
Shaw has demonstrated his
knowledge of the many
business subjects which are
prerequisites for certification.
In addition he has maintained
the highest ethical standards
and is recognized as a person of
integrity in all business
Mr. Shaw joined Sylvan
Grove Hospital in March 1972
after an extensive career with
other hospitals in Georgia. He
is an active member of many
professional organizations and
was chosen for “Personalities
of the South”, 1969 and 1970
DEALER in Georgia with the ex
Down Payment.
Riley Mobile Homes
Hwy. 41-19, Griffin, Ga.
Phone 227-6887
at Falls View Restaurant at
High Falls Friday night. Those
present were Mr. and Mrs. T.
H. Price, Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Price of Lake Spivey, Mr. and
Mrs. Dewitt Price, Mr. and
Mrs. J. D. Price, Krista and
Cliff of Forsyth and Mr.
Shannon Price of Atlanta. The
occasion was to celebrate the
birthday of Mr. T. H. Price.
Mr. and Mrs. David Green of
Gulfport, Miss, spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
James Cleveland.
Miss Ruby Lane spent
Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. H.
E. Rogers of Monroe. She went
from there and spent the night
with Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Richardson at Covington.
Friends welcome Mrs. Louis
Larsen home from Griffin
Hospital where her little son
was born about ten days ago
and we are glad to report they
are both fine.
Spoke at BAE
Sen. Bethel Salter and Rep.
Marvin Adams, both of
Thomaston, and Rep. J. R.
Smith of Barnesville , each
made short talks at the
meeting of the B.A.E. Wednes
day afternoon, January 24th, in
the High School Lunchroom.
The brief addresses dealt
primarily with bills concerning
education that are being
presented to the legislature
this year. Mr. Smith, a
member of the Appropriations
Committee, discussed the
budget for education and
compared what Gov. Jimmy
Carter is proposing and what
Dr. Jack Nix, State School
Superintendent, is proposing.
The legislators answered
many questions concerning
House Bill 1, Drivers Educa
tion, health insurance, pupil
teacher raiot, etc.
Master Fred Caldwell of
Monticello spent the weekend
with his grandmother, Mrs. J.
F. Caldwell.
Miss Rhonda Roberts under
went a tonsillectomy Thursday
at the Griffin-Spalding County
Hospital, her friends will be
interested to learn. She is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Danny Roberts.
Mrs. G. D. Head has as her
Friday luncheon guest Mrs.
Mildred Raven of McDonough.
Dr. and Mrs. Tom O’Dell,
David and Esther spent the
weekend with Dr. O’Dell’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Royce
O’Dell, in Clayton, Alabama.
The Central Georgia
Electric Membership Corporation
Mclntosh State Bank
Your Home Owned Bank
Member F.D.I.C.
Carter Builders Supply, Inc.
Alabama St. 775-3266
Jackson, Ga.
Parrish Drug Cos
Walgreen Agency
Phone 775-7424 Night; 775-7204
Cawthon Brothers, Inc.
Covington Road Jackson, Ga.
Jackson Highway Covington, Ga.
Cleveland Carpets
“Wall to Wall Carpeting”
Hwy. 42, Jenkinsburg
Collins Ready Mix Concrete
Concrete and Septic Tanks
775-3591 775-3299
Middle Ga. Livestock Sales Cos
Livestock Auction Sale
Each Wednesday
Jackson, Ga.
Polk Tire & Service Cos., Inc.
237 South Mulberry 775-7331
Our Young People Are Our Salvation
Avondale Mills,
Indian Springs Plant
Patients at Sylvan Grove
Hospital the week of January
24-30 include:
Grace Garlington, Russell
Marchman, Fannie Bennett,
Nancy Babcock, Myrtle Law
hon, Marilyn Fletcher, Nan J.
McDonald, Shirley King, Hen
ry Fuqua, Inez Hardy, Estelle
Miles Freeman, Terance
Carter, and Bertha Stewart.
Holiday Inn
. vjßpaJlril Locust Grove
and McDonough
HI Rv > |
Jim Robertson returned Sat
urday from a business trip
which carried him to several
states locating sites for the
Slax Shoppe.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hencely
had as their guests Saturday
night Mrs. Gladys Marler and
Miss Agnes Thurmon of
Rev. Lon L. Hadwin and
Lonnie returned home last
Thursday following a week’s
visit in Pinellas Park and St.
Petersburg, Florida with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Nesseth, and grandmother
Mrs. E. M. Main. They were
called there because of the
critical illness and death of
Mrs. Hadwin’s grandfather,
Rev. E. M. Main, who died
Monday, January 22nd. Mrs.
Hadwin and daughters, Tami
and Cami, remained for an
extended visit.
HjM teeth after every meal and see your dentist
E±3 twice a year" the ruling factor in dental health.
H Now the new' concept is prevention and dentists
start by motivating their patients to learn how to 181
|W control plaque. At the beginning there may be |U3
{■ frequent visits until the dentist has thoroughly
instructed the patient in the technique. Then, a
■s® visit every four months is encouraged. Bgjfl
Not too long ago, lots of cavities, chronic
gum problems and other dental ills were ac-
■all cepted as an everyday part of living. But now, 191
|3 prevention is helping to change all this.
Ml when you need a deli very. We will deliver
HI promptly without extra charge. A great many II
people rely on us for their health needs. We
|SI welcome requests for delivery service and charge
accounts. ■all
Ea Parrish Drug Cos. LI
A Symbol of Savings and Service Igfl
Phone: 775-7424
“The God who gave us life, gave
us Liberty at the same time”
Thomas Jefferson
MBfforjthe* 1
MOSsi f;.
wm in he purveyors of heroin, cocaine, and
'■'"■’"■''■■''■'-'■■■mm ■ illegal drugs are the most vicious
™ criminals of all! They “sell” their
merchandise of death and destruction at
I astronomical profits.
W. The street-level PUSHER, knowingly
and maliciously creates customers with
“samples” of his hideous product to assure
repeat business. His greed for money has
created America’s No. 1 domestic problem.
Jr and we can reduce our crime rate by large
. gaojßP—proportions. ‘Put-the-Pusher-behind-bars’, is
r* ** the only positive solution.
You can, too. Last year a “Heroin
oon'tVi t i w Hotline” was established in Washington.
n Operating on an around-the-clock basis, you
X X" can report any information on “Pushers” by
using the nation-wide, toll-free number
(Boo) 368-5363.
THURSDAY, FEB. 1, 1973
Greg Brezina
To Speak At
Church Here
Men’s Day will be observed
at the Second Baptist Church
on Sunday, February 4th, with
two widely known guest
speakers to fill the pulpit
during the observance.
Rev. Arthur L. (Bubber)
Price, pastor, announces that
Rev. Jack Ayers, Kimbell
Association Area Missionary,
will be guest speaker for the
morning service. According to
Mr. Price, a real treat is in
store for those who attend the
evening service as Greg
Brezina, outstanding Atlanta
Falcon Linebacker, will be the
speaker and will be accom
panied by Todd Snider, also of
the Falcons, who will give his
testimony at this service.
Mr. Price said that everyone
is invited to attend and listen to
these outstanding religious and
lay leaders.
Cindy Wwlkcr and Craig Davis with Ccoruia Power’s George Roberts.
What does a teenager
know about business?
Thanks to Junior Achievement —a program we,
and many companies, have supported for years.
This year, our team learned about business by
playing System/360 Management Decision Making
Exercise on a computer. They fed data from hypo
thetical companies into the machine such as
whether to manufacture a greater volume of a prod
uct, but risk accruing inventory charges on unsold
units. Or to make fewer units and sell them all at
a higher price.
The computer digested the information and came
back with extensive answers. Down to the last nickel
of profits. Or losses.
Our first responsibility, of course, is to provide
electricity. We also enjoy our business, as we enjoy
kids. Junior Achievement is one way we can com
municate our enthusiasm. And show young people
that they, too, can succeed in business. If they try.
Georgia Power Company
A citizen wherever we serve ®
Weaver Insurance Agency
6 Byars St. 775-2626
We Are Interested In Our Youth
Westbury Medical Care Home
Jenkinsburg, Ga.
Tomlin's Restaurant
Monticello Hwy. 775-7611
Jones Brothers Grocery
Stark Community
Your Convenient Grocery Store
Daniel Ford Sales, Inc.
1327 Brookwood Ave. 776-7872
Support Your Local Police
Jackson Progress Argus
(Always Pulling For Butts County)
Jackson, Ga.
The Kym Cos.
Jackson, Ga.
Stephens Grocery
18 Second St. 775-2595
On The Square
Spencer Realty Agency
L. M. Spencer, Broker
117 North Oak 776-7203
Griffin Federal Savings
& Loan Association
W. Taylor at 10th St., Griffin, Ga.
Telephone 404-228-2786