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CARROLLTON, GA. -- A FAMILY AFFAIR - Betty (L), Tina (C) and Nathaniel Thurman find that
attending the same college has its advantages. The three West Georgia College students, whose parents are Mr. and
Mrs. Nathaniel Thurman, 11. of Jackson, Georgia, say that, among other things, having a brother or sister on campus
means ‘you’ll always have a friend.” Betty, a senior, and Tina, a sophomore, are majoring in special education.
Nathaniel is a freshman majoring in business. Their older sister, Connie, graduated from West Georgia in 1971.
Crime Week
WHEREAS, the citizens of
this nation and our community
are indeed being robbed daily
in a myriad of ways; and
WHEREAS, the continuous
upsurge of criminal activity in
these United States is of grave
concern to all conscientious
\m (gjliipjp HfsAviNes
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Cl IT lUTCDinn usually covers most surfaces, may be recoated in -30 LA ItX
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'em, "Ill^W, ■! WKMimmJ V _ _ .. . . . Enhances the effect of furniture fabrics and
KnJEV GALLON famfc. ■ Keeps rich satin sheen through fumes, steam or other items ol you, deco, .Easy-, o-u*. ...... ....
I CSrae moisture - ideal for kitchens, bath, laundry, all ready-mixed latex. Colors can be matched QUART CAN
Custom-Mix Colors Slightly Higher Woodwork! Spreads easily, dries much faster an v time. Dries in 30 minutes and won't
Hfilicp i P-mlnn than other tyP e enamels. Excellent hiding fade. Spills, tools clean up in soapy water. 4LQ
lULnivn mmT amrp m beg. 4.98 gal. Hlll-Jj LIVE
I m m\m\ G ., cC£r,trrr l r ,, '"'' ,y rninp i
I ! Met Washable Non W J fI.OO nm *- UULOK
1 tis, ' et "> / Hrl W LATEX pcggfeUJjf BOOKLET
~ , An economical latex that won'i need thinning TWAII Thirty-two big, full-colorl
■ J or c^use lap marks - Dries smooth in just 30 ‘ 1 y — P a 9es show how to use color!
minutes. Excellent for all walls and ceilmqs, * i fiitalf fc creatively to make your home!
even basements, use on interior wallboard. ore beautiful! Ask for your I
f plaster, or concrete. Clean up tools in soap _ N W : r e copv when Vou come in.f
and water. White or pastel colors. '*• i
I Jackson Hardware Cos,
citizens; and WHEREAS, said
citizens must band together in
some program of defense; and
WHEREAS, Exchange Clubs
throughout the nation, and
particularly the Exchange
Club of Jackson, Georgia,
guided by The National
Exchange Club, are about to
commence their 26th annual
Crime Prevention program
highlighted by the observance
of National Crime Prevention
Week; and WHEREAS, the
objective of this timely and
ever-productive effort on the
part of the concerned Ex
change Club members is to
dramatically reduce the terri
ble price, in pain and property
loss, which criminals extort
from all of us, and to show our
citizens how full support of a
variety of crime prevention
measures can assist in thwart
ing criminal activity and
reducing its crippling cost;
or of the City of Jackson, Ga., I
do hereby proclaim that
National Crime Prevention
Week shall be observed in our
City beginning on February 11,
1973 and continuing through
February 17th, 1973; and I
hereby urge all citizens of our
community to join the Ex
changites with their enthusi
astic participation in the
activities scheduled for the
week and to be conscious of and
to cooperate fully in totally
preventing the outrageous
situation enunciated in the
Exchange Club’s Crime Pre
vention slogan, namely:
“You’ve Just Been Robbed!”
Mayor of Jackson, Ga.
Robert F. Mackey
Deposits in Independent
Banks Now Over 2 Billion
Deposits in Georgia’s inde
pendent banks have topped the
$2 billion mark for the first
time, according to Thomas C.
Watson, executive director of
the Independent Bankers As
sociation of Georgia, which is
headquartered in Atlanta.
“This means that there is
more than $2 billion controlled
by independent boards of
directors, most located in the
smaller communities of our
state,” Watson said.
The IBG official feels that
Georgia is very fortunate to
have these independent banks,
228 of which are members of
the independents’ organiza
tion. “Many states have
relaxed their restrictions on
either bank branching or
holding company mergers,
which have permitted the big
chains from the metropolitan
areas to buy up the banks in the
smaller towns and cities.”
Georgia law, which still
restricts the growth and spread
of chain banking, has kept the
state from following the path of
Florida, which has no holding
company restrictions, Watson
Now-So Hard To Get
8” Steel Toe Boots $14.50
8” Plain Boots $13.95
Oil Treated and Water Proof
THURSDAY, FEB. 1, 1973
said. “Florida saw a total of 75
of its independent banks merge
into holding companies in 1972
alone, which moved millions of
dollars from the smaller towns
into Jacksonville and Miami.”
“In states which have
experienced this, it has been
found that the money which is
needed in towns and rural
areas has gone into the large
money centers, and there is no
longer enough in the smaller
communities to finance con
struction, farm, business ex
pansion and consumer loans,”
he said.
Does this mean that there is
too much money staying in the
rural areas of Georgia?
“Absolutely not,” said Wat
son. “The four largest banks in
the state are all in Atlanta, and
their deposits alone account for
more than half the state’s total
deposits of $7 billion.”
Watson feels that the
financial distribution within
the state has reached a danger
point. “History has shown that
when four or five financial
institutions can control any
more than half the deposits of a
state, they are soon able to
monopolize the entire financial
structure, and it usually
follows that they soon begin to
attempt to exert a dispropor
tionate share of political
control, also.”
Watson predicts that strong
pressure will be placed on
members of the General
Assembly this session to
permit the same type of
concentration of financial
resources as now exists in
Safety belts, when
you think about it,
it’s a nice way to say
I love you.
fi © m
Every Saturday
Prime Rib Night
Treat Your Wife to a Night Out
Live Entertainment
1-75 and Hampton Rd. RmR
Locust Grove, Ga. J
Honor Roll
New & Renewal Subscriptions
Of The Past Few Days
M. B. Farrar, Jenkinsburg
Mrs. B. J. Smith, Jackson
Mrs. Irma Byars, Ac worth
Mrs. W. M. O’Neal, Atlanta
Douglas Brown, Jackson
Mrs. J. A. Dodson, Jackson
Clark Realty, Stockbridge
Mrs. R. J. Thornton, Jackson
I. C. Eslinger, Elkhart, Ind.
Annie Powell, Jackson
Miss Helen Thornton, Jack
Mrs. John P. Hunt, Jackson
Mrs. Chas. Mackey, Jackson
Howard Nix, Jackson
Homer Capps, Jackson