Newspaper Page Text
mm Hml
The Terrys To
Move To
Rev. and Mrs. Theodore B.
Terry are resigning, effective
April Ist and moving back to
Pennsylvania, their many
Butts County friends learned
this week amid much regret.
Rev. Mr. Terry has served as
chaplain and Mrs. Terry as
Director of Nursing Services
for almost ten years at
Westbury Medical Care Home
in Jenkinsburg. During this
time Mr. Terry recalled that
the home has grown from 98
beds to the present 200 beds.
There will be a party given
for the Terrys at Westbury
Medical Care Home Thursday
afternoon, March 29th, from
2:30 p.m. until 3:30 o’clock.
James Westbury, Administra
tor of the Westbury Homes,
invites the public and their
friends to attend this going
away party.
Mrs. Celeste Lawrence has
as her guests during the Spring
holidays her daughters, Misses
Carol Lawrence and Cathy
Lawrence, both students at the
University of Georgia.
Mrs. Donald Gray left
Tuesday for Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
for a week’s visit with her
daughter, Mrs. Ray Haire, Mr.
Haire, and granddaughter,
Friends of Mrs. John
Chiappetta regret to learn she
is expected to enter Middle
Georgia Hospital in Macon
Thursday where she will
undergo minor surgery.
Duane Patterson, student at
Georgia College in Milledge
ville, has been spending the
Spring holidays with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Patterson, and also visited his
brother, Willard A. Patterson,
Jr., at Charleston, S.C.
'■ik JBEmmV
There are lots of places around a home but un
fortunately all of them are vulnerable to fire,
theft or loss of some kind. Vour money is much
safer in our Association where it is insured up to
$20,000, earns a fine return and is readily avail
able . . . every cent. Why take any chances?
West Taylor SL at Tenth Phone: 228-2786
City Dark
Friday In
High Winds
One never realizes how
important electricity is to
modern, everyday living until
he has to do without it. The high
winds and torrential rain
Friday night caused outages in
West Jackson that had citizens
breaking out candles, flash
lights, lamps, lanterns or any
other device that would afford
light. One outage lasted for
approximately one hour with
electricity being restored only
to go out a second time for
about 15-20 minutes.
J. Howard Rooks, City of
Jackson Light Superintendent,
reported trouble in the Brook
wood area with an arrester and
switch. He said that the City of
Jackson Electric Department
worked during the high winds
and driving rain to restore
Mr. Rooks further reported
that this outage involved only
the circuit on the west side of
Jackson and that lines were
also burned on the short street
in front of Coleman’s Garage.
Mr. Rooks said that crews
were working on the Brook
wood area when they had to
stop and go to the street near
Coleman’s because this circuit
affected the pumping station at
the water works.
Mr. Rooks said that to his
knowledge no trees or limbs
fell against the lines although
he said that the lines could
have been burned from a limb
blowing the lines together,
although this is not known.
The citizens of Jackson
appreciate the good work Mr.
Rooks and his crews did in
restoring service on a particu
larly stormy night.
Cape Hunting Dogs are a mix
ture of wolf and hyena •
Slain Youth
Was Victim
Of Robbery
Middle Georgia law officers
continue their search for the
killer or killers of a 16-year-old
Covington, Kentucky, white
youth whose body was dis
covered Friday, March 9th, in
a wooded area of Monroe
County about one and one half
miles off 1-75 on Rumble Road.
Monroe County employee
John Brantley found the body
of Michael Ray Curtis, who
remained unidentified for
□ $3.83 AYTINAL, MINERALS Bottle of 100 2/3.83
□ $6.98 OLAVITE "M" Therapeutic Vit. & Min. 100’s .2/6,98
□ $2.69 CIRCUS MATES MULTI-VITAMINS chewabies, ioo 8 2/2.69
□ $2.87 CIRCUSMATES VITAMINS & IRON Chewabies, ioo’s 2/2.87
□ $5.77 SUPER B COMPLEX with vh. c & iron, ioo’s 2/5.77
□ $3.49 HEMATINIC TABLETS ioo-s 2/3.49
□ $3.29 VITAMIN B-12 Tablets, 100’s, 50 meg 2/3.29
□ $2.83 AYTINAL MULTIPLE VITAMINS ioo’s 2/2.83
□ $6.69 VITAMIN E Capsules, 200 mg. 100’s 2/6.69
□ $5.67 SUPER GERIATRIC TABLETS ioo’s 2/5.67
[HI $1.43 VITAMIN C TABLETS (Orange Flavor) 100 mg., 100’s.. 2/1.43
□ $2.49 VITAMIN C (Orange Flavor) 250 mg. 100 tablets ...... 2/2.49
□ $3.09 VITAMIN A Solubilized, 25,000 units, 100’s 2/3.09
I 1 $1.59 DICALCIUM PHOSPHATE with viosteroi, ioo’s 2/1.59
□ $1.75 BREWERS YEAST TABLETS b complex, 250’s 2/1.75
□ $4.39 VITAMIN C Ascorbic Acid, 500 mg., 100’s .2/4,39
□ $2.29 VITAMIN C Ascorbic Acid, 250 mg., 100’5...... 2/2.29
□ $5.39 SUPER B-COMPLEX with Vit. C & B-12, 100’5.... 2/5.39
□ $3.29 LIVER 8t IRON TABLETS 84 s 2/3.29
□ $9.98 VITAMIN E Capsules, 400 mg., 100’s 2/9.98
Walgreen Laboratory Products Sale
Come in and shop the many items on sale in every de
partment during our big WALGREEN LABORATORY
PRODUCTS SALE. All Walgreen Laboratory Products
used Portion for your refund.
n 75t R “bbing Alcohol
Physicians & Surgeons. 16-oz 2/750
I | $1.29 Antihisfaminic Cough Syrup
Walgreens. Non-narcotic. 8 0z... 2/1.29
□ $1.69 Decongestant Spray
Anefrin. Medicated. 11 oz 2/1.69
□ 980 Smokers Toothpaste
Regular or mint. 6 V\ oz. tube „, 2/980
□ 890 Throat Lozenges
With Vitamin C. Anefrin. 12's 2/890
□ 890 Mineral Oil
Walgreens. Extra heavy, Pint 2/890
□ 980 Walgreen Mouth Washes
Choice of 4 flavors. 16 0z........... 2/980
□ $1.59 Pain Relief Tablets
Walgreens. Extra Strength. 100’5...... 2/1,5S
□ $1.49 Antacid Liquid
Walgreens. Soothes stomach, 12-oz. 2/1.49
□ 790 Walgreen Aspirin „
Guaranteed Quality. 5 gr. 100*8 2/790
I 1 650 Rubbing Alcohol
For massage, rubdowns. 16 oz - 2/650
□ $1.59 Anti-Allergy Capsules
A1 clear. 12’s 2/1.59
□ 980 Anefrin Vaporizer Liquid
Extra strength. 4 oz 2/980
□ $1.25 Nasal Spray
Medicated. Anefrin. V4-oz.. 2/1*45
n51.69 Pain Relief Rub Ointment
Penetrating heat. Walgreens. 8 0z... 2/1.59
□ $2.29 Decongestant Tablets
Anefrin Antihistaminic. 50*s 2/2.29
□ $1.79 Contact Lens Wetting Solution
Walgreens. Sterile, antiseptic. 2-0 z....... 2/1.79
□ 890 White Petroleum Jelly
Walgreens. 16 oz. size. 2/690
□ $1.59 Buffered Aspirin ...
Walgreens. 100’s /1.88
PI 890 Glycerin Suppositories
' ' Adults. Bottle 24 Z/898
□ $1.19 Dental Plate Cleaner ... .
Walgreens. 14 0z...... 2/1.18
□ 980 Saccharin 9/M
1000 14-gr. Saccharin Tablets. Effervescent 2/ 90V
□ $1.79 Anti-Tension Tablets ...
Non-habitforming. Anidon. 20’s 2/1.19
□ $1.29 Athlete Foot Treatment ... ~
Walgreens, powder or ointment. Ch0ice........... 2/mh
i —| $1.59 Feminine Hygiene Liquid
—' Tannette. Gentle, effective, Boz 2/1.518
□ $1.89 Antacid G Tablets ... ..
Walgreens. Indigestion relief. 100’s 2/1.09
□ 980 Speed Shave Cream 9/Mt
Walgreens. Remtlsr or menthol. 11 oz 2/90V
several days, with three .22
caliber bullet wounds in his
head, according to Monroe
County Sheriff L. C. Bittick, Jr.
Sheriff Bittick stated that his
investigation revealed that the
youth worked at a service
station at the Flippen Road exit
on 1-75 in Henry County for
about three weeks prior to his
Sheriff Bittick said that
Curtis was left in charge of the
station around 1:30 a.m.
Wednesday, March 7th, when
another employee went to a
restaurant for food. When the
other employee returned
around 2:20 a.m., a truck
driver that had pulled into the
station for gas said no one was
Everyday Drug Meeds Baby Needs COLD REMEDIES Shaving Meeds
at the station when he arrived
about two o’clock.
According to Sheriff Bittick,
$39 was missing from the
station. Curtis had been
working at the station after his
car broke down on the way to
Florida. No motive for the
kidnapping and killing has
been determined.
The senseless slaying re
minded Butts countians of the
infamous hippie style murder
in Butts County in December of
1970 when hippies from the
Tenth Street area in Atlanta
took prisoner two visitors to
Atlanta, bringing them to Butts
County where they shot and
killed one youth on Woodward
Road and critically wounded
and! 980 Fresh Breath Mouth Spray
I —, Choice of 3 flavors. Walgreens. Vi oz.. 2/980
I | $2.98 Natural Vegetable Powder
Gentle bulk, laxative. Walgreens. 16 oz. 2/2.98
~I 550 Eyeglass Cleaner .
Siliconized. Walgreen. 34 oz 2/550
| [ $1.79 Contact Lens Soaking Solution
Walgreens. Sterile, antiseptic. 4-oz 2/1.79
| | $1.29 Athlete Foot Spray
Walgreens. Stops itch, kills fungus. 5-oz 2/1.29
For headache, cold relief, 100’s 2/1.29
I | $1.15 Saccharin ...
1000 14-gr. Plain. Walgreens 2/1.15
I I 390 Childrens Aspirin
Cherry or Orange flavor. Walgreens. 36’s 2/390
rn $1.43 Rest Easy Night Time Cold Med.
For a good night’s sleep. Walgreens. 6-oz 2/1.43
| | $1.49 Cough & Cold Capsules
Walgreens. Time release action. 10’5... 2/1.49
[~l 980 Pain Relief Rub
1 Walgreens. For aching muscles. 1.5-0 z... 2/980
| | 890 After Shave Lotion
Walgreens. Menthol or regular. 5-oz 2/890
I I $2.25 Alclear Sinus Tablets
1 1 Analgesic, decongestant,Antihistaminic.3o’s.. .2 / 2.25
□ 530 Glycerin Suppositories
Infants or adults. Bottle 12 2/530
□ 890 Milk of Magnesia
Walgreens. Plain or mint flavor. 16-oz 2/890
$1.29 Sustained Action Capsules .„ „„
Anefrin 2/24 for cold relief. 10’s ............... 2/1.29
I I $1.39 Pain Relief Liniment
I — l Walgreens. Deep warm heat. 4-oz 2/1.39
□ $1.29 Disinfectant Household Spray , ..
Kills germs, odors. Walgreen. 14 oz 4/1.29
□ $1.59 Babykof Syrup
Gentle for baby s cough. 4-oz 2/1.59
PI 980 SOOTHE With Coating Action
I — l Walgreens. Calms, Soothes, protects. 8 oz 2/980
□ $1.49 Milk of Magnesia Tablets
Walgreens, 200 tablets 2/1.49
I I $1.19 Vaporizing Cold Rub ... ..
' 1 Soothing, penetrating. Walgreens. 4oz 4/I*l9
□ 980 Fresh Feet Anti-Perspirant Spray .....
Cools, refreshes. Walgreens. 5 oz. l*MM*t*(** / SOt
□ 980 Stainless Steel Shave Cream
Walgreens. Lavender or lime. 11 oz. nt... 2/980
□ sl.o7Foed & Beverage Sweetener .
Walgreens. No calories. 8 oz 4/I.UI
□ 980 Kaelin Pectin Compound
Quick, soothing diarrhea relief. 8 0z..... 2/980
PI $1.19 Family Rqlft-Qa Deodorant
Walgreens. All dayjoßOtaC&Qn. 2-° z —• */
another who eventually reach
ed a lighted home to spread
word of the night time atrocity.
Three Atlanta men were tried
in Butts County Superior Court,
found guilty and sentenced to
life imprisonment.
Miss Ann Watkins motored to
Montezuma Sunday to visit her
college friend, Miss Mary
Wooten, and returned to
Jackson on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Prosser
visited during the weekend
with her mother, Mrs. Eugene
Payton, at Hogansville.
T“f l£}a£gAee*
Jackson, Ga. Phone 775-7424
SALE STARTS Mar. 22 thru Mar. 31
I* E It S O N A L
Dennis Remington is visiting
his mother, Mrs. Pearl
Remington, during the Spring
holidays. He is a student at
Georgia College.
Friends will regret to learn
of the hospitalization of Rev. S.
H. Odom at Georgia Baptist
Hospital in Atlanta.
Miss Jeri O’Quinn of Georgia
College, Milledgeville, is visit
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond O’Quinn, during the
Spring holidays.
□ $2,55 Smooth'n Gentle Bath Oil
Regular or miscible formula. 8 oz. 2/2.65
[—I $1.29 Cold Cream
•—I Perfection. Freshly mftde. IVi 0z....„ 2/1.29
n51.69 Milk Bath with Cold Cream
Chambly. Plastic bottles. 32 oz 2/1.69
□ $1.49 Dry Time Antiperspirant Spray
Helps check wetness. Walgreens. 7 oz ~,~2/1*49
□ $1.19 Hand & Skin Lotion
Hillrose K. 6-oz „ 2/1.19
□ $1.09 Perfection Hand Cream .__
Makes hands feel soft. 814-oz 2/1.09
I I $1.39 Family Spray Deodorant -„ •
1 1 Long-lasting protection. 7-oz 2/1*39
□ $1.29 Moisturizing Lotion „
CONCENTRATED. Hillrose K. 8-oz 2/1.29
□ $1.50 Cocoa Butter Facial Cream
Moisturizes, cleanses. 8 oz. 2/1.50
□ $1.29 Cocoa Butter Hand Lotion
Moisturizes* Sauna* 12 oz. 2/1*29
□ $1.29 Men’s Spray Deodorant ... ,
Lord Briargate. Spice or ime. 7-oz 2/1.29
□ $1.98 Coco Palm Moisture Bath
With Coconut Oil. 32 oz 2 L9B
□ 98C Chambly Bath Talc . ....
Lilac, Rose, Lily/Valley Scents. 10 0z......... 2/9W
□ 89C Witch Hazel Deluxe, N.F. -
Mild astringent. Walgreens. 16 0z...... 2/89C
Hair Preparations
[ I $1.79 Hair Setting Gel
I — l Regular or Hard to hold. 16-oz */I*l9
] $1.19 Concentrated Shampoo ...
Formula 20. 5-oz. plastic tube 2/I*l9
I I $1.19 Bold Man Hair Spray ... __
' — l Natural look hair control. 7 oz .................... 2/I*l9
□ $1.19 Hair Cream 9/1 ,
Lord Briargate. 5-oz. tube ""
□ $1,57 Dandruff Shampoo _
Formula 20. Helps control dandruf.. 2/1.57
□ $1.29 Hair Dross Creme 9/ . , a
Lord Briargate. 8-0 z..... 4/l*/S
□ $1.98 Protein Hair Conditioner 9/ . „
Walgreens. Adds body & lustre. 3.5 oz. 4/1*99
□ $1.29 Shampoo with Protein 9/1 9Q
Formula 20. 4.750 z. nt. Plastic tube 4/Z.4S
Miss Louette Vaughn, stu
dent at Georgia Baptist
Hospital School of Nursing, is
expected to arrive Friday to
spend the Spring holiday break
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. E. Vaughn.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice W.
Carmichael motored to Car
rollton Sunday and attended
graduation exercises at West
Georgia College at which time
their daughter. Candy, was a
member of the graduating