Newspaper Page Text
Whereas, SARA COOK
WASHINGTON, Executrix of
the Last Will and Testament of
represents to the Court, in her
petition duly filed and entered
on record, that she has fully
administered the Leonard G.
Washington estate; This is
therefore to cite all persons
concerned, kindred and credit
prs, to show cause, if any they
can, why said Executrix should
not be discharged from her
administration, and receive
Letters of Dismission on the
First Monday in April, 1973.
Ordinary, Butts County
Harold E. Martin
200 West Second St.
P.O. 3862
Jackson, Georgia 30233
775-2358 3-8-4tc
Georgia, Butts County.
There will be sold at public
outcry to the highest and best
bidder for cash between the
legal hours of sale before the
Courthouse door in said county
on the first Tuesday in April,
1973, the following described
property, to-wit: 1-Ford Torino
GT, Ser. 8A42C202254 - said
property found in possession of
Thomas Stewart and levied on
to satisfy a fi fa in favor of
Mclntosh State Bank against
Thomas Stewart, issued from
the Superior Court of said
county, levied on as the
property of defendant in fi fa,
notice of levy and sale having
been given to the defendant in
fi fa.
This the Ist day of March,
Barney Wilder, Sheriff
Butts County, Georgia
Court of Ordinary
To any Creditors and All
Parties at Interest:
Regarding Estate of Lena H.
Wilson, deceased, formerly of
the County of Butts, State of
Georgia, notice is hereby given
that James Wilson, an heir at
law of the said deceased has
filed application with me to
declare no Administration
Said application will be
heard at my office Monday,
April 2, 1973, at ten o’clock
a.m., and if no objection is
made an order will be passed
saying no Administration is
March 6, 1973
L. J. Washington
3-8-4 tc
Georgia, Butts County
L. M. Spencer, Guardian of
Mrs. Nackie Gray, has applied
to me for a discharge from his
guardianship of Mrs. Nackie
This is therefore to notify all
persons concerned to file their
objections, if any they have, on
or before the first Monday in
April next, else he will be
discharged from his guardian
ship as applied for.
L. J. Washington
Butts Court of Ordinary.
March 2,1973
The appraisers upon applica
tion of Alice M. (Mrs. J. R.)
Marchman, widow of said
James Russell Marchman, for
a twelve months’ support for
herself and no minor children,
having filed their return; all
persons concerned hereby are
cited to show cause, if any they
have, at the next regular April
term of this Court, why said
application should not be
L. J. Washington
Ordinary Butts County
All creditors of the Estate of
late of Butts County, Deceased,
are hereby notified to render in
their demands to the under
signed according to law, and
all persons indebted to said
estate are required to make
immediate payment.
February 27, 1973.
Mrs. Helen Spencer
P. 0. Box 34
Jackson, Ga. 30233
On application of David E.
McClendon, Sr., Route 2,
Locust Grove, Georgia, J.
Dawson Bryant, Post Office
Box 1, Jackson, Georgia, Fred
White, Route 4, Jackson,
Georgia, Ryland Smith, 297
Forrest Ave., Jackson, Geor
gia, and Howell Lunsford,
Route 2, Locust Grove, Georgia
articles of incorporation have
been granted to Bible Taber
nacle Church of Butts Cos., Inc.,
by the Honorable Hugh D.
Sosebee, Judge of the Superior
Court of Butts County in
accordance with the applicable
provisions of the Georgia
Business Corporation Code.
The registered office of the
corporation is P. O. Box 1,
Jackson, Georgia, 30233 and its
registered office of the corpor
ation is P. O. Box 1, Jackson,
Georgia, 30233 and its regis
tered agent at such address is
J. Dawson Bryant. The
purpose of the corporation is to
propagate the gospel of Jesus
Christ as expressed in the Holy
Scriptures by any proper and
legal means deemed appropri
ate by the Board of Trustees,
including the power to pur
chase, hold, and dispose of both
realty and personalty and to
hypothecate the same.
Petitioner’s Attorney
Richard W. Watkins, Jr.
P. O. Box 105
Jackson, Georgia, 30233
To all whom this may
The following described tract
of land is being offered for sale
for cash under sealed bids with
the right to reject any and all
bids made thereon.
“All that tract or parcel of
land, situate, lying and being in
the 614th. District, G.M., Butts
County, Georgia, containing
One Hundred Seventy-six (176)
acres, more or less, and being
bounded now or formerly as
follows: On the North by lands
of J. W. Heard Estate; On the
East by lands of Mrs. Addie
Nolan, T. W. Higgins and J. W.
Heard Estate; on the South by
lands of Dr. R. A. Franklin;
and, on the West by lands of
Mrs. T. J. Goodrum, Mrs.
Gibson, and the Parks Fears
Said described tract of land
being the identical tract of land
conveyed by Warranty Deed,
dated October 26, 1936, to Mrs.
W. O. Moore from C. B. and H.
L. Higgins, and is commonly
known as the Mrs. W. 0. Moore
Estate lands.”
This property may be seen at
all reasonable times and hours
by going upon said land,
inspecting and viewing same.
Bids will be taken on this
property for a period of thirty
(30) days, commencing on the
26th. day of March, 1973, and
ending on April 28, 1973.
All bids are to be turned in to
Honorable L. J. Washington,
Ordinary of Butts County,
Georgia, who will open said
bids at 10:00 o’clock a.m.,
Monday, April 30, 1973, in the
office of the Ordinary in the
Butts County Courthouse in
Jackson, Georgia.
The right to reject any and
all bids upon said described
property is specifically re
served by the undersigned.
This the 20th. day of March,
Frank P. Moore
Executor of the Estate
erf Mrs. W. 0. Moore,
3-22-4 tc
Notice By
Administrator To Creditors
To the Creditors of Mrs.
Nannie Belle Jinks McDonald
(Mrs. J. G.).
You are hereby notified to
render an account to the
undersigned of your demands
against the estate of the above
named deceased, or lose
priority as to your claim.
This the 22 day of March,
Donald R. Womble
As Executor of the
Estate of Mrs. Nannie
Belle Jinks McDonald
(Mrs. J. G. )
Richard W. Watkins, Jr.
169 Dempsey Avenue
P. O. Box 105
Jackson, Georgia, 30233
Attorney for the Estate of
Mrs. Nannie Belle Jinks
McDonald (Mrs. J. G.)
Miss Beth Price is spending
Spring holidays at home with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.
A. Price. Beth is a student at
West Georgia College.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Johnson
and Scott, of Macon, spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Dorsey Johnson.
Mrs. D. V. Spencer, Miss
Eloise Beauchamp and Mrs.
Jessie Mackey spent last
Thursday in Atlanta.
Skip Butler of Gordon Junior
College was a visitor to
Jackson Friday.
Mr. John Nutt was dismissed
Monday from Sylvan Grove
Hospital, his friends are
delighted to learn.
All creditors of the estate of
Mrs. Ollie M. Burnside, late of
Butts County, deceased, are
hereby notified to render in
their demands to the under
signed according to law, and
all persons indebted to said
estate are required to make
immediate payment.
This February 8, 1973.
Louise Davis, Executrix
Atlanta Gas Light Tower Bldg.
234 Peachtree, Second Floor
Atlanta, Georgia
Heart Fund
1972 Record
Thanks to good team work
and the concerted efforts of its
chairman the Heart Fund
Drive for Butts County has far
surpassed its goal of $1,600.
Contributions from the 1973
Heart Fund campaign in Butts
County have reached $2,026.41,
including the Memorial Fund,
according to Heart Fund
Chairman Jack Cook. This
exceeds the 1972 amount of
some sl,62&states Mr. Cook.
Both Mr. Cook and Co
chairman W. Ronnie Wells
extend their deepest apprecia
tion to all the volunteer
workers who have donated
much of their time and energy
toward seeing the 1973 goal
reach and exceed expectations.
Many long hours were put forth
by volunteers to collect for the
drive and “we appreciate the
efforts of each one,” stated Mr.
‘The generous response of
the people of Butts County is a
sign of their increased aware
ness of the seriousness of the
heart and blood disease
problem,” said Co-chairman
In addition to applauding the
public’s support of the Heart
Fund campaign, Mark Bras
well, Field Program Consul
tant, extended the Georgia
Heart Association’s thanks to
the local newspaper and radio
station for their cooperation in
publicizing the Heart Fund
Mr. and Mrs. David Hodges
erf Smyrna were Saturday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. T.
Friends of Mrs. Vess Luns
ford are glad to learn she has
returned home after several
days stay at Sylvan Grove
Mrs. Hazel Wickland and a
friend, Mrs. Frances O’Deen of
Minneapolis, Minn, were house
guests last week of Mr. and
Mrs. John Schroeder and
family. They also visited Mrs.
Wickland’s sister, Mrs. Alma
Harman, who is a patient at
Sylvan Grove Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Eld Deaver,
Karmon and Edward had as
their weekend guests Mr. and
Mrs. Lamar Deaver, Glenn
and Adam of Macon. Sunday
the Eld Deaver family carried
the Lamar Deaver family to
Atlanta where they attended
the Hawkes Basketball game
and enjoyed lunch at the Omni
Mrs. Willie Polk was
admitted Monday to Griffin-
Spalding County Hospital, her
friends will regret to know.
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Moelchert
returned home Monday from a
weekend visit in Charlotte, N.
C. with their children, Mr. and
Mrs. Louie Moelchert, and
Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Jones,
Jr. visited briefly with Mr. L.
M. Spencer, a patient at Hilltop
Nursing Home, near Forsyth,
Sunday afternoon.
Visiting Mr. L. M. Spencer at
Hilltop Nursing Home recently
were Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Buchanan of Macon.
Mrs. G. N. Etheredge re
turned home last week from
Emory Hospital where she was
admitted the previous week for
emergency treatment. She is
recuperating nicely at her
Mrs. Arthur L. Stewart and
daughter, Michelle Denise,
came home Monday from
South Fulton Hospital, Atlanta.
Both mother and daughter are
doing nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Reeves
and Mrs. Ezra Reeves spent
Sunday in Carrollton with Mr.
and Mrs. Marion Reeves and
enjoyed a birthday dinner for
Mrs. Marion Reeves whose
birthday will be March 23rd.
Friends of Mrs. Mildred
Ballenger are delighted to
learn she is recuperating
nicely after undergoing sur
gery Tuesday of last week at
the University of Kansas
Medical Center in Kansas City,
Kansas. She, along with her
sister, Miss Ethel Smith, who
has been caring for her, hope to
return to their Jackson home
by the weekend, friends are
glad to learn.
Mr. J. P. Gregory of Forsyth
has been visiting several days
with his daughter, Mrs. Porter
Cawthon, and Mr. Cawthon.
Miss Susan Taylor returned
home Tuesday from Daytona,
Fla. where she spent Spring
holidays. She visited her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe B.
Taylor, briefly before return
ing to her studies at the
University of Georgia.
Mrs. Guy Howard spent part
of last week in Barnesville
visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Lawrence Mann, Mr. Mann,
and grandson, Keith Mann.
Mr. and Mrs. Willie P.
Hammond and family of
College Park were Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. E.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elliott
will visit during the weekend in
Brunswick with Mr. and Mrs.
Edward B. Smith and family.
A large number of women
represented the Jackson
United Methodist Church and
the Jenkinsburg Methodist
Charge at a kick-off meeting
for the Billy Graham Crusade
at the First Methodist Church
in Griffin Tuesday of last week.
Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Morgan, Mary Lou
and Elsma to celebrate Mr.
Morgan’s 85th birthday were
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith, Sr.
and Bonnie of Chamblee, Mrs.
Cleo Morgan of Albany, Mrs.
Tommy Jay Shelfield of
Blakeley, Mrs. Corine Causey,
Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Brady,
Mrs. Helen Miller, Lee and
Kevin, Mr. and Mrs. Larry
Morgan of Macon, Mr. and
Mrs. James Norris and Mrs.
Blanche Johnson of LaGrange,
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Tyler of
Monticello, Mrs. Katherine
Estes, Mr. and Mrs. Otho
Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Law
rence Morgan, Anderson and
Randall, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
McClelland, Clay and Joyce,
Mrs. Ira Speir, of Jackson.
His friends will regret to
learn Mr. Flim Brooks was
admitted to Sylvan Grove
Hospital Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Plymel
spent last Wednesday and
Thursday in New Orleans, La.
where they went on a tour.
Misses Ann Watkins, student
at Berry College, and Rachael
Watkins, student at Tift
College are spending the
Spring holidays with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard
W. Watkins, Jr., and Jenny.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion D. Todd
have as their guest their
daughter, Miss Elaine Todd,
student at North Georgia
Miss Cissie Haisten, student
at Georgia Southern College,
and David Haisten, student at
North Georgia College, are
spending the Spring holidays
with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ben Haisten.
Mrs. C. E. Everett, Mrs. T.
B. Conner, Mrs. F. C. Cash and
Mrs. Andrews, all of Atlanta
were spend the day guests of
Mrs. H. L. Dodson last Friday.
Friends of Mrs. Pearl Hobbs
are glad to learn she is
recuperating nicely from re
cent surgery she underwent at
St. Joseph’s Hospital. She
returned home about three
weeks ago.
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Euel
Wade regret to learn of the
serious illness of his mother,
Mrs. C. E. Wade, 88, at her
West End home. Mr. and Mrs.
Wade spent last week with his
Jim Robertson spent the
weekend on a cruise off the
coast of Miami, Florida.
Little Fred Caldwell of
Monticello spent Wednesday
night with his grandmother,
Mrs. J. Fred Caldwell.
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Briscoe
have as their guest their son,
Douglas, who is visiting during
his Spring break from the
University of Georgia.
Mrs. Lois Byrd had as her
guests the weekend of March
9th Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Byrd,
Timmy and Jason of Jones
boro, Mr. and Mrs. Nevin
Whidby and Mr. and Mrs. Billy
Wilson, Wanda and Nancy of
Mrs. Eslyn Jinks has as her
guest her son, Jed, a student at
the University of Georgia who
is visiting during Spring
A1 Cook, student at West
Georgia College, spent the
Spring holidays with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A.
Code. He will enter his last
quarter of study after the
Spring break.
[__TOP_BARGAIAJS inj use^car^
1971 Impala 4 Dr. Sedan, Fully Equipped, Extra Nice
1971 Vega, Auto., Real Nice
1968 Chevelle, 2 Dr. Hardtop, Air, Extra Nice
1968 (Two) Impala 2 Dr. Hardtop, Extra Nice
1968 Impala 4 Dr., Real Clean
1967 Ford LTD, Real Nice
1965 Ford Galaxie 500, 2 Dr. Hardtop, Extra Nice
/ Jill
-I- j- _•. '<■/' [
Donald J. Stansell, 515 Kay Street, Jackson, being
congratulated by Dr. Allen L. Ault, Superintendent, Georgia
Diagnostic and Classification Center upon promotion to Sergeant.
Mr. Stansell has been employed at the Center for 4 years.
Business Established Since 1947
Radio Equipment, Cab Stand,
Office Equipment Reasonable Price
No Cars in Deal
Charles James
City Of Jenkinsburg
Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council
and it is hereby ordained by the authority
of the same that from and after the passage
of this ordinance:
It shall be the duty and responsibility
of every such owner or occupant to keep
the premises of such residential property
clean and to remove from the premises
all such abondoned items as motor ve
hicles, ice box, refrigerator, stove, glass,
building material, building rubbish or sim
ilar items.
It shall also be the duty and responsi
bility of property owners or occupants to
keep vacant lots cut and clear of unduly
long vines, weeds, and grass. If the owner
or occupant of the property within the
city limits of Jenkinsburg does not keep
his premises clean as hereby ordered, the
city has the right and authority under this
ordinance to remove or clear premises at
the owner’s or occupant’s expense.
All ordinances in conflict with the above
ordinance are hereby repealed.
City Of Jenkinsburg