The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, March 22, 1973, Image 13
BETROTHAL OF MISS DORSEY TO MR. LAWSON ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. John L. Dorsey, of Indianapolis, Indi ana, announce the betrothal and forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Miss Evelyn Jacqueline Dorsey of Rome, Ga., to Mr. Charles Jerome Lawson, son of Mr. and Mrs. James C. Lawson of Jackson. The bride-elect is a graduate of Savannah State College with a degree in Sociology. She is presently employed by the Floyd County Department of Family and Children Ser vices. Miss Dorsey is the grand daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. John L. Dorsey and Mr. and Mrs. Luther Harris, of Rome. Mr. Lawson attended Savan nah State College and is presently employed by Delta Airlines in Philadelphia, Pa. He is the grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lawson and the late Mr. and Mrs. Will Taylor, of Jackson. Their marriage will take place on April 7 at the Greater Mount Calvary Baptist Church in Rome. TOWALIGA COMMUNITY CLUB MET AT HOME OF MRS. EDWARD CONNELL The regular monthly meet ing of the Towaliga Community Club was held March 14th at the home of Mrs. Edward Connell with Mrs. Joe Parham as co-hostess. Twelve members and three visitors were welcomed by the president, Mrs. Lynn Shadrix. The devotional was given by Mrs. Hunt Ridgeway. She enumerated ways of “God Showing” His Love and Care for Us. Mrs. Ridgeway closed the devotional with an inspir ing poem. Minutes were read and approved after which the treasurer’s report was given. After the business session was dispensed with, cards were signed by each member for the sick list. The president explained the progress of the Day Care and Training Center for the Retarded of the county and a motion was made and carried to give aid to this cause in as many ways as is possible. Several handicraft and cro chet ideas were exchanged by the members. During the social hour a delicious con gealed pie, coffee, nuts and cookies were served by the hostesses which carried out the St. Patrick’s Day theme. Notice Of Public Hearing Notice hereby is given that there will be held by the Jackson-Butts County Planning Commission a public hear ing at 7:00 P. M. on Friday evening, March 30, 1973 at the Jackson City Hall upon a petition requesting an amend ment to the zoning map of the City of Jackson. Said public hearing will be held upon the question of changing the zoning classification from “I”, Industrial, to “C-l”, Central Business, of the property of Mrs. W. W. Wright and that of Miss Eloise Beauchamp, both on East 3rd Street, and all of the property in the City of Jackson bounded on the north and northeast by Lyons Street; east by Lyons Street; South by East 3rd Street and West by Benton Street. This the 15th day of March, 1973. Jackson-Butts County Planning Commission VIRGINIA FOSTER UNITED IN MARRIAGE TO LEON A. FORRER Miss Virginia Reese Foster, of McDonough, and Mr. Leon Atwell Forrer, of Locust Grove, were united in mar riage March 17th at six o’clock at the home of the groom. The ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. W. D. Mendum, Jr., pastor of Locust Grove Baptist Church, in the presence of the two families and friends. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. George P. Foster and the late Mr. Foster. She is the granddaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Foster and the late Mr. and Mrs. John T. Bryans. The bride graduated from Henry County High School and has since been employed by the State of Georgia. Mr. Forrer is the son of Mrs. Edna P. Forrer and the late Mr. Atwell Forrer, of Griffin, and the grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. Leon W. Pullin, Sr., and the late Dr. and Mrs. D. A. Forrer. After graduating from Henry County High School Mr. Forrer enlisted in the United States Air Force. He is now employed by Delta Air Lines. Following the ceremony, a reception was held with Mrs. Henry M. Colvin, Mrs. J. Phil Henley, Mrs. W. T. Fletcher, and Mrs. James P. Brown assisting in entertaining. The newlyweds will make their home in Riverdale. PERSONAL Mrs. Arthur Boswell, Mrs. Maude Watkins, and Mrs. Marvin Strawn visited last week with Mrs. Rosa York. Mr. and Mrs. Naamon York and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest York of Locust Grove spent Sunday afternoon at Swan Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Williams and Keith had as their Sunday afternoon visitors Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Williams and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Williams, all of Cumming. HALL ANTIQUES NOW OPEN AT INDIAN SPRINGS We have just opened for our 4th con secutive Summer session. We will be open every Saturday and Sunday. We have a large selection from which to choose. THE JACKSON PROGRESS-ARCUS, JACKSON, GEORGIA JACKSON GARDEN CLUB ENTERTAINED AT SEATED DINNER BY MRS. SETTLE Members of the Jackson Garden Club were entertained on Wednesday, March 14th, at a seated dinner by Mrs. Smith Settle, a most gracious host, at her home on College Street. Beautiful flowers, predomin antly Camellias, were ar ranged throughout the lovely home. Present were twelve ma trons, including Mrs. Morrison Settle of Greensboro, and her sister, Mrs. Rosa Franklin Flick, who is spending some time with her sister. A most interesting program on Flower Prints, with many beautiful illustrations, was given by Mrs. Hugh Mallet. Mrs. David P. Settle, presi dent, presided over business and welcomed the group. GRIFFIN PUBLISHER IS IN HOSPITAL Mr. Quimby Melton, Sr., publisher of the Griffin Daily News since 1925, was admitted to the Griffin-Spalding County Hospital Sunday morning after becoming ill while attending Sunday School at the First United Methodist Church. He was reported as resting comfortably Monday and is expected to be confined to the hospital several days for medical tests and observation. Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. Bankston had as their Saturday dinner guests Rev. and Mrs. Frank Bohler and family of Butler and Rev. Lon Hadwin. Rev. and Mrs. Bob Prater of Warm Springs visited during the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Jessie Mackey. Mrs. Riley Tingle and daughter have returned home from the Griffin-Spalding County Hospital, their friends are glad to learn. Happy Birthday The Progress-Argus extends a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following: March 23 - Carolyn Lum mus, Clarice Swint, William Brooks, Mildred Faulkner, Thomas Duke, Walter Price, Mildred Washington, Mrs. W. C. McMichael, Mrs. Douglas Mitchell, Fredrick Anthony, R. R. Armstrong, Lucy Jane McMichael, Sylvia Cawthon, Steven Charles Baker, J. F. Trimble, Freddie Dodson, Paul Collins, Mrs. Robert Fincher, Mary Jo Boothe, Harold Burdette, Leah Nix, Robert Beck, Tina Gay Wilson. March 24 - James Edward Singley, Ray Saunders, Tru man Hardy, Ruby Jewel Wells, Mrs. L. F. Plank, Lee Redman, Ronelle Crocker, Ralph Good win, Jr., Mrs. R. L. Hogue, Jack Tyus Ball, Jr., Steve Bowden, Mrs. Bobby Stephens, Danny Jenkins, Fred Caven der, Janet Freeman. March 25 - Dorothy Maddox, W. C. James, Mrs. Harold Cook, George Lamar Weaver, Jimmy Evans, Billy Singley, David Ridgeway, Jr., C. M. Daniel, Jr., Tonie Meredith, James Jackson Dunn, Jerry Long and Terry Long (twins), Stacy Reese. March 26 - Mrs. Hiram Franklin, Mrs. D. G. Brisen dine, Billy Price, Carlton Thompson, Richard E. Mitch ell, Barbara Duke, Mrs. Lee Redman, Mindy Forehand, Beau Franklin, Mrs. Lamar Colbert, Harvey J. Hall. March 27 - Margaret Giles, Mrs. D. N. Meredith, Carolyn Rape, Frances Boyd, Rebecca Smith, Eulee Rosser, James C. Moss, 111, David Larry Deraney, Jr., William Henry, Donna Ann Dahlin, Martha Long, Beverly Raynor, Mrs. Jim Bevis, Ann C. Coleman, Kevin Butterfield. March 28 -- Louise Owens, Mrs. Lewis Freeman, Sr., J. D. Washington, Ernest Washing ton, Morris Berger, George Howell, Diane Wells and Robert Davis Wells (twins), Jimmy Gilbert, Mrs. Ida Mae Willis, Joey Plymel, H. G. Spruell, Garry Boothe, Neil Mullis. if JlllE DODGE BOYS | PERSONAL Friends of Earl Hurst will be interested to learn that he underwent surgery on his spine Thursday, March 15th, at the Griffin-Spalding County Hos pital and is presently showing marked improvement. Dr. and Mrs. Tom Whitesides are attending a medical meeting in Budapest, Hungary where Dr. Whitesides will be on the program. They will visit other interesting places in Europe for two weeks. March 29 - Mrs. G. D. Barnes, Mrs. J. C. Fleming, Jr., J. R. Carmichael, Mrs. Marvin Farrar, Ruth Davis, Henry Lee McElheney, Hollis Etheridge, Mrs. C. A. Anthony, William Patrick Maddox, Glen da Dale Gunn, William Francis Stodghill, Sonya Dee Moore, Clifford Darnell, Junior Mon crief, Jimmy English, Mrs. Sonia Fleming, Mrs. Neil Mullis, Teresa Parker. Henry Block has 17 reasons why you should come to us for income tax help. Reason 4. If the IRS should call you in for an audit, H & R Block will go with you, at no additional cost. Not as a legal representative . . . but we can answer all questions about how your tax return was prepared. QdsUIBLOGK THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE 212 E. SECOND ST. Open 9am-6pm weekdays, 9-5 Sat. Ph. 775-3069 OPEN TODAY - NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY WITH A NEW STRING OF DEPENDABLE DODGES FOR 7a sized looks, luxury, and equipment. But it's the engineering features, such as Electronic Ignition and Torsion-Quiet Ride, that really make Polara an outstanding buy. roof convertible, with the optional sliding metal roof. And it serves as a station wagon, with the optional fold-down rear seat that leaves a six-and-a-half-foot flat floor. Dodge JL Carter Motor Cos., Inc. authorized dealers 137 WEST THIRD STREET JACKSON, GA. THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1973 Bryan Howell of Athens was a visitor to Jackson Monday of last week. Mrs. Frances James of Jackson, accompanied by Mesdames Gladys Floyd and Doris Floyd, of Covington, spent the weekend of March 10th in Savannah with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Moelchert motored to Callaway Gardens Wednesday of last week where they met Mr. Moelchert’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Moelchert, of Cleveland, Ohio. Master Kelly Yielding at Albany returned home Wed nesday of last week following a 10-day visit with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Weaver, Jr. Kenneth W. Jones of Jones boro was a visitor to Jackson the past Saturday. He visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones, while here. PERSONAL Rev. and Mrs. Lon L. Hadwin and family are vacationing several days this week in Florida and will visit her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Herbert Nesseth, and her grandmother, Mrs. Herbert Main, in St. Petersburg. They will also tour Walt Disney World near Orlando while in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Deaver had as their dinner guests last Wednesday at the Omni Club in Atlanta Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Noonan of Atlanta and after wards attended the Flames Hockey Game. Mr. Noonan is Atlanta Area Supervisor for Matador Motor Inns. Best chain saw under 10 pounds: Foulan 23-DA 5 139 Complete with 14 inch bar and chain. Tbugh enough to stay a wiiutefc Hodges Ace Home Center 922 E. Third St., Phone 775-7501 Plenty Free Parking Open All Day Wednesdays Bruce Hicks of Furman University returned to school Monday, March 12th, after spending several days with his mother, Mrs. Seaborn Maddox, Mr. Maddox and family. Butts Countians welcome Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bedford and family to their Jackson Lake home on Lake Zone 35. The Bedfords have been residing in Decatur. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Peck and David regret to learn they plan to move around the first of April and will make their home nearer Atlanta. Mike Peck plans to reside with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Peck, until his graduation from Jackson High School.