Newspaper Page Text
Sign Up
Is Begun
Sign ups for the various Van
Deventer Youth Center base
ball teams was begun on
Saturday, March 17th, at the
Youth Center with the final
sign up day to be Saturday,
March 24th, according to
William Mack Davis, Van
Deventer Youth Director.
Mr. Davis announces that the
leagues involved in the sign ups
will include Pee Wee baseball,
6and 7 year old boys; Ty Cobb
baseball, 8, 9 and 10 year old
boys; Little League, 9-12 year
old boys; Babe Ruth baseball,
13-15 year old boys; Girl’s
Softball, 8-10 year olds; Girl’s
Softball, 11-15 year olds.
Mr. Davis said that Little
League players must bring a
:opy of their birth certificate
which will be placed on file at
the Youth Center during Little
League season. A parent or
legal guardian must sign for
the players.
Mr. Davis explains that new
Little League players who are
playing for the first time in
Jackson must try out on March
30th at 4 p.m. or on March 31st
at 10 a.m. at the James H.
Wallace Memorial Park on the
Monticello Highway. Mr. Davis
emphasized that anew player
must try out on one of the two
above dates before he can be
selected for a Little League
team. He also explained that
none of the other leagues
require try outs and that
August Ist of this year is the
date used to determine a
players age.
There are certain donations
that each player must make to
be able to participate and
according to Mr. Davis these
Pee Wee League, $2 for each
Ty Cobb League $7.50 for
first boy and $5 for all other
boys in the same family.
Little League slofor first boy
and $7 for all other boys in the
same family.
Babe Ruth $lO for the first
boy and $5 for all other boys in
the same family.
Girl’s Softball $5 for first girl
and $2.50 each for all other
girls in the same family.
Mr. Davis stressed the
importance of the players
being signed on the dates listed
above and emphasized that no
one will be accepted after the
final sign up date on March
24th. The only exception would
be families that move to
Jackson and Butts County after
March 24th.
Mr. Davis further explained
that no boy or girl will be
denied the opportunity to play
on any of the teams because
their parents cannot afford to
pay the donation. If financial
hardships exist the parent or
guardian can waive the request
for donation on the day for sign
Notice To Taxpayers
of Butts County
If you have bought new property or
made any improvements on your property
you are required by law to come in the
Tax Commissioner’s Office between Jan
uary Ist and April Ist and report same.
Anyone who has inventory, farm animals
or farm equipment of any kind is required
by law to make yearly tax returns on same.
Any person who qualifies for double
exemption must make a tax return. To be
qualified you must be 65 years of age and
your income, including both husband and
wife, must not exceed $4,000.00 yearly.
Do not include Social Security.
Mrs. Mary Will Hearn
Tax Commissioner, Butts County
By Mrs. W. G. Avery
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamlin
and Debbie, formerly of
Jackson, have moved into their
beautiful new home next door
to his father, Mr. B. F. Hamlin.
All the people of this com
munity say “Welcome to
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Spruell
and Stacy of Tunnel Hill spent
the weekend with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Spruell.
Mrs. Spruell and her mother,
Mrs. Stella O’Neal, and sister,
Mrs. Mattie Bird Gaston of
Stark returned home with the
Neal Spruell family for a
week’s visit.
Mrs. Pearl White attended
funeral services for Mrs. Ora
Carson Wilson at Clarksville on
Weekend guests of Mrs. J. H.
Pope were her brother, Mr.
Bernard O’Neal, and Mrs.
O’Neal of Tate. Her daughter
and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Wilson and Bobby of
Decatur, were spend the day
guests Sunday. They all
worshipped at Worthville Bap
tist Church Sunday morning.
Calling in the afternoon were
Mrs. Pope’s sister, Mrs. Troy
Welch, and Mr. Welch of
Spend the day guests of Mr.
and Mrs. L. R. Washington on
Sunday, March 11th, were their
daughter, Mrs. LaVar Elmer,
and Mr. Elmer of Stockbridge.
Visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. J.
Ireland during the week were
Mrs. John Steverson of Locust
Grove, Mr. and Mrs. John
Pruitt of Four Points, Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Woodall, Myra and
Lise, Mr. and Mrs. C. L.
Earwood of Atlanta, Mr. and
Mrs. M. H. Ireland, Jr. of Fort
Lauderdale, Fla., Mr. Forest
Ireland of Smyrna, and Mr.
Dwayne Smith of Griffin.
Mr. and Mrs. L. J.
Washington visited their
daughter, Mrs. Don Forten
berry, Mr. Fortenberry and
family of Clarkston recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis White
and Myron of Covington visited
his mother, Mrs. Pearl White,
Sunday afternoon. A daughter,
Mrs. E. M. McCart of Newton
County, spent Friday night
with her.
Visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. R.
Washington Friday afternoon
were Mr. and Mrs. James
Knight and Mrs. Lola Wingate
of Mansfield, and Mr. Early
Grant of Forsyth. Their
daughter, Mrs. LaVar Elmer
of Stockbridge, spent the day
Friday while another daugh
ter, Mrs. Bob Webb of Atlanta,
spent Tuesday with them.
Mrs. Nellie Cochran, to
gether with Mrs. Frances
James of Jackson, spent
Saturday in Griffin.
Guests of Mrs. Minnie Lee
Hodges Sunday afternoon were
all her brothers and sisters,
Mr. and Mrs. Asa O’Neal of
Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton
O’Neal of Alcovy Shores, Mr.
John O’Neal, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Wilkerson of the Cedar
Rock Community, and Mr. and
Mrs. W. O. Knowles of Fincher -
ville Community.
We are happy to report that
those on our sick list are
improving. Mr. Bobby Sealey
returned home from Georgia
Baptist Hospital last week,
while Mr. B. F. Hamlin was
discharged from Griffin Hos
pital Saturday and is at the
home of his daughter, Mrs.
Forest Cook and Mr. Cook in
Milledgeville. Mr. L. L.
Washington is recuperating
nicely at DeKalb General
Hospital in Decatur, while Mr.
S. J. Ireland continues to
improve at home from eye
surgery. Mrs. Ireland is much
improved after suffering se
veral days with an infection.
The family of Rev. Billy Floyd
is recuperating from a second
go-round of an aggravating
virus. For all of you we wish a
quick and complete recovery.
Worthville friends of Mr.
Earl Hurst of Four Points are
happy to learn that he is
improving after serious back
surgery at Griffin-Spalding
County Hospital, while Mrs.
Dorcas Britt of the Stark
Community is home from
South Fulton Hospital in East
Point. After two weeks she will
enter the hospital again for
treatment and possible surgery
on her back. We wish a
complete recovery for both of
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Whiten
have as their house guest for an
extended visit her mother,
Mrs. Ed Smalley, who had
been visiting relatives in
Mclntosh State Bank
Your Home Owned Bank
Member F.D.I.C.
Carter Builders Supply, Inc.
Alabama St. 776-8266
Jackson, Ga.
Parrish Drug Cos.
Walgreen Agency
Phone 775-7424 Night: 776-7204
Cawthon Brothers, Inc.
Covington Road Jackson, Ga.
Jackson Highway Covington, Ga.
Collins Ready Mix Concrete
Concrete and Septic Tanks
775-3691 775-3299
Middle Ga. Livestock Sales Cos
Livestock Auction Sale
Each Wednesday
Jackson, Ga.
Polk Tire & Service Cos., Inc.
237 South Mulberry 776-7331
Our Young People Are Our Salvation
Avondale Mills,
Indian Springs Plant
Weaver Insurance Agency
6 Byars St. 776-2626
We Are Interested In Our Youth
Jackson City Cleaners
138 E. Second St. 776-7816
“An Aid To Smart Appearance”
Lobbyists, pressure groups
and just the average good
citizen influence law-making
bodies. Before I can enact a
law, I must look at it from the
eyes and voices of the
The reason I voted against
the salary-increase for State
house officials was because the
salary-increase was too great a
burden for the taxpayers to
bear. Just recently the Clerks
of Superior Courts requested a
salary-increase based on the
population of the counties. The
law was enacted even though I
personally voted against this
request. The reason I voted
against the Clerks Bill was that
it was too much an increase for
the taxpayers to bear. The idea
was good. To have their pay
made uniformly sounds good,
but the schedule was too high.
The Clerks office is one of the
most important in any Court
house, and their responsibility
is great, but I try to look at the
ability of the taxpayers to pay
the costs.
Before I will go along with
any request for a law, I look at
the proposition from the views
of the eyes and voices of
I try to keep the government
as close to the people as
humanly possible.
I think the taxpayers should
be able to name the Chairman
of the Board of County
Commissioners and in other
ways and means have close
touch and control of their local
government. Inasmuch as the
average citizen is unorganized
from the standpoint of tax
paying, I take a long and
considered look at proposed
laws. I try to ask myself what
would the average taxpayer
ask if he were present and had
a voice on the proposal.
Any time I can be of service
to you taxpayers, I expect you
to command me.
Bethel Salter
Senator, 17th District
March 19, 1973
t'k-k'k'kit’k'kif'k-kiic'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k 1 y
“ Jk God who gave us life, gave
us Liberty at the same time ” Iflilfll
Friends of Mr. and Mrs.
Doug Coleman, Jeff and
Johnna regret to learn of their
plans to leave Jackson and
make their home in LaFayette.
Mr. Coleman is affiliated with
Liberty National Life Insur
ance and has been promoted to
Sales Manager of their
LaFayette office and is
receiving the congratulations
of his many friends here.
Floyd's Garage
Flovilla, Georgia
That small scrap of paper with writing on
it that you sometimes do not understand can
sometimes be the difference between a fast
recovery and a lingering illness.
Actually, a prescription is a valuable do
cument. Doctors study over ten years to be
able to write them, pharmacists, five or more
years to learn about them and how to dispense
them and drug companies sometimes spend
millions of dollars to discover and perfect the
drugs in them. The amount all this knowledge
costs can save you sickness time and even
your life.
with their prescriptions, health needs and other
pharmacy products. We consider this trust a
privilege and a duty. May we be your personal
family pharmacy?”
Parrish Drug Cos.
A Symbol of Savings and Service
Phone: 775-7424
"Americans do not always see that their republic is
based on universal principles. Though China and Russia
are far older societies, the United States has given
people healthier and more successful lives".
"No OTHER country of comparable size in the world
where the FREE SYSTEM has been made to operate
so successfully as the United States".
"This success in a short time period 4 **
gives me hope and confidence for *
the United States meeting the * if
challenges of the complex technical 4
world of today", Godsell concluded. *
** * *
**★*★*★★★★★★ HONOR AMERlCA*************
Bearden Auto Parts, Inc.
124 W. Second 775-7886
Jackson, Ga.
. . . GEOFFREY T. GODSELL, British born
overseas editor of the Christian Science Monitor
"Beyond the problems of its inner cities,
the United States retains a strong and
certain backbone".
Sometimes dismayed by the suffering in
the world, Godsell said, "I THEN RE
Mr. J. G. Webb of Forsyth
was a business visitor to
Jackson Tuesday.
Mrs. Randy Knott and Chad
of Vicksburg, Mississippi spent
last week with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. H. M. Thaxton, and
other relatives while Mr. Knott
was on a business trip to
California. Mr. Knott returned
his family home Monday.
The Central Georgia
Electric Membership Corporation
Friends of Mrs. Alma
Harman, mother of Mrs. John
Schroeder, will be interested to
know her condition continues
about the same at Sylvan
Grove Hospital where she has
been a patient for several
—— —i
miss (JnueVaJum
TUIP stores^
111 'v\ M ]ft a
] 8.88
SAF-T-MASTER Platform Ladder
Comes in handy for the many cleaning and painting jobs you'll be
doing for spring cleaning. Use it year ’round, too —to reach high
shelves, fix curtains, etc. Made of high-strength, heat-tempered
aluminum; slip-resistant plastic feet. 4V£ feet high. 264
Jackson Hardware Cos.
Westbury Medical Care Home
Jenkinsburg, Ga.
Tomlin's Restaurant
Monticello Hwy. 775-7611
Jones Brothers Grocery
Stark Community
Your Convenient Grocery Store
Daniel Ford Sales, Inc.
1327 Brookwood Ave. 776-7872
Support Your Local Police
State Supply Cos.
LP Gas - Tanks - Appliances
The Kym Cos.
Jackson, Ga.
Stephens Grocery
18 Second St. 776-2595
On The Square
Griffin Federal Savings
& Loan Association
W. Taylor at 10th St., Griffin, Ga.
Telephone 404-228-2786
Coleman's Garage
151 First St. 775-3184
Complete Automotive Service
Superior Cleaners
One Day Service
02 Byars 776-5361
Miss Willene Weaver was the
spend the night guest of Mrs.
Donnie Thurston, Melanie,
Marla and Michael Monday
while Mr. Thurston was away
on a business trip to Chicago,
111. Miss Weaver returned
home late Tuesday.