Newspaper Page Text
ruth at random
By Ruth Bryant
Good-morning, Hydrangeas,
My long lasting friends
From early in April
Till late July ends!
Both scrubby and climbing
Your plants, large and strong,
Have leaves glossy green
On limbs short and long;
Your roots, going deep,
Bring water to you
With lime for the pink
And iron for the blue!
When blooming is over
You don’t leave the scene
But change to the shadings
Of browns-in-between.
As wood, in the forests,
That beauty has known
Retains loveliness
When living has gone!
Kenny Smith
Named To
Kenny L. Smith, of Flovilla,
presently a freshman at
Clayton Junior College, has
been appointed to the Wash
ington Workshop National
Student Advisory Committee.
Board Chairman Leo S. Tonkin
recently made the announce
ment from the Workshops
office in Washington, D. C.
Kenny is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond Smith of
The Washington Workshops
Foundation, a nonprofit, non
partisan Association of educa
tional and governmental lead
ers, was founded in 1967 to offer
a series of unique study
seminars in American Govern
ment to high school students.
Each year some 1,000 young
people from across the Nation
participate in Washington
Workshops seminars in the
Nation’s Capital.
The students stay at Mount
Vernon College, in Northwest
Washington, and spend their
days on Capitol Hill where
Senators and Congressmen
speak to them and answer any
questions the student might
have about the issues and
procedures of American Gov
ernment. Students also attend
committe hearings and make
appointments with their re
spective Congressman and
You And The
The temporary processing
number for selective service
registrants born in 1954 has
been raised from 20 to 50. This
simply means that local boards
will now send questionnaires
to those young men born in 1954
with lottery numbers up to 50
and they will be reclassified
from their present Class I-H
into I-A unless they are eligible
fora lower classification based
on information submitted in
their questionnaires.
This group will then be
considered eligible for military
service during, 1974 which is
the calendar year in which they
will reach age 20. However, the
induction authority has ended
as of June 30th and they only
‘stand ready’ for call in an
The Administrative Process
ing Number for this age group
remains at 95.
Mrs. Floyd
On Sunday
Funeral services for Mrs.
Emily Gorham Floyd, 62, of 497
Techwood Drive, Atlanta, were
conducted Sunday afternoon at
three o’clock from the West
side Baptist Church in Jackson
with Rev. Larry Youngblood,
pastor, officiating. Interment
was in the Jackson City
Cemetery with Sherrell Fun
eral Home in charge of
Mrs. Floyd died unexpected
ly Thursday morning, July
26th, in Atlanta. She was born
January 28, 1911.
Survivors include her hus
band, George M. Floyd of
Atlanta; several nieces and
I wish to thank everyone for
their kindnessess to me and my
family during my hospitaliza
tion and since my return home.
Your flowers, cards, calls,
visits and other expressions of
concern meant much to me and
I shall always be grateful to
each of you. -- Virginia Hoard.
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B— — — Aug. 9-10-11 Ih
Report From
Indian Springs
By Mrs. Robert W. Grier, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Webb
had as their dinner guests on
Sunday, July 29th, at the Elder
Hotel Miss Ethel G. Webb of
Jackson, Mr. Webb’s aunt, and
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Grier
Sr. Mrs. Grier is Mr. Webb’s
sister. The occasion was to
celebrate the Webb’s 52nd
wedding anniversary and Mrs.
Webb’s birthday.
This reporter and Mr. Grier
had as their guests Sunday
afternoon and evening their
granddaughter. Miss Debra
Jan Grier, of Tucker and Mr.
Ronnie Jesse from Chamblee.
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Britt
state they would like to express
their appreciation to the Butts
County Sheriff’s Dept, for their
visits to the places of business
that are unoccupied in the
evening. They have been to his
place several times and left
notes they were there and the
time, etc. We all appreciate
this service, especially in these
times when there is so much
breaking in going on.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hoard had
as their guests Wednesday and
Thursday their son and his
wife, Rev. and Mrs. Ed Hoard.
Mark your calender now to
hear The Brotherhood on
August Bth at Macedonia
Baptist Church, 7:30 p.m. and
on August 9th at Flovilla
Methodist Church at 8 p.m. The
Brotherhood is made up of four
fine young men, Howard
Lovett, Dale Moorefield, Rich
Cunningham and the Rev. Eld
Mr. and Mrs. B. T.
McMichael had as their
weekend guests Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Zontek and children
from Tallahassee. Their Sun
day dinner guests were Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Price,
Jim J. Price, and Clifton G.
Price, formerly of Atlanta,
moved recently to Butts
County and have purchased a
home on County Line Road
near Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mr. and Mrs. G. N.
Etheredge and Ginny were
guests of Dr. W. C. Pierson, Jr.
and his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. C. Pierson, Sr., Raleigh,
North Carolina, Saturday.
They spent Saturday night in
the home of Dr. and Mrs. G. N.
Etheredge, Jr., Mandy and
Jenny in Charlotte, N. C.
Mandy returned to Jackson
with her grandparents for a
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Oaks of
Fort Pierce, Florida were
visitors in Jackson and Butts
County for several days last
and Mrs. Buster Duke and
children from Jackson, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank McMichael
and children and Mrs. Frank
Ogletree from Cork.
Mrs. Aldean Waldrop and
Mrs. Charlie Williams spent
Tuesday in Macon. Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Waldrop, Mallory,
Andy and Lynn spent last week
in Daytona, Fla. They also
visited Disney World.
Andy Waldrop spent last
week in Columbus with
Jackson’s All-Star ball team.
They came in fourth place.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Williams
had as their Sunday dinner
guests Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
Norsworthy, Sally and Steve
from Stockbridge.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Webb
had as guests Sunday after
noon Mr. and Mrs. Nick Boris,
their son, Rocky, and two
grandchildren from Hapeville.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Clifton,
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Clifton and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clifton
spent Sunday in Macon. Their
daughter and family, Mr. and
Mrs. E. C. Brown lost their
week old baby girl. This child
was Mr. and Mrs. C. C.
Clifton’s great-grandchild. Our
sympathy goes to the Clifton
family over their loss.
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Crane had
as their weekend guests from
Macon Mr. and Mrs. Chuck
Fitzgerald, Mr. and Mrs.
Woodrow Turner from East
Jackson. Their Sunday dinner
guests were Mr. and Mrs.
Danny Hoard and Barrett.
Mr. and Mrs. Crane stated
that the Thurston Reunion will
be at Indian Springs State Park
August sth. All relatives please
mark your calender and be
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Best of
Athens visited Miss Pati Galt
in Jackson last Friday. They
also visited relatives in Atlanta
before returning to their home
in Athens.
Jackson friends of Sp-6
Gordon G. Flynt will be
interested to know that he
arrived at his duty station in
Pirmasens, Germany on Sun
day, July 22nd. He recently
visited in Jackson and left for
anew assignment.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Crumbley, Mr. and Mrs.
Haywood Hodges, Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Stallings, all of
Jackson, and Mrs. Oma
Cawthon and Mr. Herbert
Craig of McDonough flew to
Nashville, Tenn. Saturday
morning to see Andy Crumbley
play ball between Georgia-
Mississippi on the Senior Babe
Ruth team. They returned
Sunday afternoon via plane.
Honor Roll
New A Renewal
Subscription* Of
Tile Peat Few Day*
Mrs. James W. Allen,
Mrs. J. L. Burford, Jackson
Miss Chloe Hearn, Jackson
Joseph Ash Jr., Jackson
J. E. Ross, Forsyth
B. Y. Lunceford, Jackson
Evelyn Griffin, Jackson
R. A. O'Quinn, Jackson
James L. Cook, Jackson
Melvin Jenkins, Flovilla
Mrs. E. L. Young, Jackson
Gerald Davis, Jackson
R. C. Kelly, Jackson
M. E. O’Neal, Forest Park
Mrs. Gail Hurst, Jackson
Mrs. A. M. Ferrell, Forest
Rev. Charles A. Davis,
Mrs. J. S. Ball Jr., Jackson
T. J. Welch, Jackson
Sgt. Mack Whitaker, Shaw
AFB, S. C.
Arthur B. Gavin, Jr.,
J. W. Morgan, Jackson
Mrs. Janet D. Basham,
John B. Long, Jackson
Rev. J. F. Gladney, Jackson
Joseph E. Sims, Leesburg
Carl Oaks, Ft. Pierce, Fla.
Ennis Hardy, Ft. Bliss,
Mrs. V. H. Ham, Jackson
R. H. Thaxton, Jackson
Vera Dodson, Atlanta
J. O. Minter, Jenkinsburg
Mrs. N. A. Powell, Jackson
Mrs. J. T. Pittman, Jackson
Mrs. W. 0. Ham, Arlington,
With a grateful heart I wish
to thank my many friends and
neighbors for their prayers,
lovely flowers, visits, cards,
gifts, food and phone calls.
Special thanks go to Rev. Joe
Parham, Rev. Larry Young
blood, to Drs. King and Tatum,
and the nursing staff at the
Griffin-Spalding County Hospi
tal. May God who has so richly
blessed me bless you in His
special way.- W. Sessions
We Invite You To Visit Us
In Our New Location
We moved last week to our new location at 112 West Second Street,
the building formerly owned by Allen Grocery Company, and are open for
business now.
If we inconvenienced some of our customers and-friends last week
while moving since we were unable to open until Friday, we are sorry.
We invite our customers and the general public to visit us at our
new store site. We countit a privilege to serve you. Our courteous service
and fine quality groceries are already known to many. Come by and let us
acquaint you with both.
Watch for our Grand Opening!
R. P. (Bobby) Stephens, Owner
112 West Second St., Jackson
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