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pictured above holding a tomato from her garden with five or
six finger like protrusions from it, making it one of the most
unusual ever seen locally. The strange looking tomato was of
the usual color and texture and but for its most unusually
protuberances would have been like any other tomato. No
reason for this freak of nature could be attributed by Mrs.
Robertson. - Photo by Pati Galt.
Salem Camp
Opens Aug. 10
Tony Fontane, well known
evangelist and recording star
of Hollywood, Cal., will preach
the 8:00 p.m. opening sermon
of the 145th Salem Camp
Meeting, set for Friday August
10-17. The annual interdenomi
national meeting, which at
tracts worshipers throughout
Georgia and many distant
states, will be held at Salem
Camp Ground on Salem Rd.,
some 6 miles from Covington,
off Covington-Conyers 1-20.
Other eminent speakers, as
announced by Salem’s Board of
Trustee’s Chairman C. D.
Ramsey, Jr., in addition to Mr.
Fontane who will conduct all
8:00 p.m. services, will be Dr.
Delma Hagood, of Atlanta,
retired superintendent, N.
Georgia Methodist Confer
ence’s Augusta District; and
Dr. Philip DeMore, Salem
United Methodist Church pas
tor, who will conduct the 7:30
a.m. Daily Devotional Ser
Dr. John Tate, of Roanoke,
Ala., former pastor Oxford’s
Allen Memorial Methodist
Church, will serve as Music
Director, and Mrs. Sam
Ramsey, organist, Covington
First U. Methodist Church, as
pianist. Choirs of various
churches throughout this area
will participate in the music
program throughout the week.
Rev. Ralph Hawkins, of
Oxford, will conduct Daily
Bible Classes for adults. A well
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Country Home Loans
for Rural Homeowners
PCA loans are flexible to finance both the farmer and
non-farmer’s home construction, expansion, home im
provements and refinancing needs. Our lending
policies allow more financing for more people who
want to live in the country.
rounded program of recreation
and Bible Study, with an
outstanding faculty, has been
scheduled by Parks Warnock,
of Druid Hills Baptist Church,
Atlanta, veteran Camp Meet
ing Young People’s Director.
Among interesting land
marks at Salem are the ancient
1,000 capacity Tabernacle,
with its handhewn beams
joined with wooden pegs, and
sawdust covered, earthen
floor, and “Kitty’s Cottage”,
home of the little slave girl
over whom the Methodism
divided into the Northern and
Southern Conferences for a
near century.
Modern cottages now replace
the “cotton sheet” tents of
pioneer worshipers, who “tent
ed” at Salem enroute home
from marketing their cotton in
Augusta. However, Salem
Hotel, a modern rustic inn,
offers accommodations with
country style meals, with no
charge for lodging other than
maid service, for campers not
owning cottages. Guests fur
nish their own linens.
Reservations may be made
with Mr. and Mrs. James Bone,
Rt. 2, Covington, Ga.; and all
denominations are cordially
invited to attend the week of
Spiritual enrichment and
Christian Fellowship.
Last weekend Miss Pati Galt
and Mr. Rick Maley of
LaGrange motored to Athens
to visit with Miss Galt’s sister
Mrs. R. B. Best and Mr. Best.
Mrs. Win Nutt of Tavares,
Fla. visited one day last week
with Mrs. J. M. Nutt.
Talmadge Urges
Nixon To Sign
Vets Loan Bill
Sen. Herman E. Talmadge,
ranking Democrat on the
Senate Veterans Affairs Com
mittee, has urged President
Richard M. Nixon to sign
legislation on his desk that
would allow the Veterans
Administration to resume
approval of government insur
ed home loans for veterans.
Sen. Talmadge’s request was
made in a letter to the
President which stated:
“It is essential that this
measure be signed into law
immediately. Great disrup
tions are occurring each and
every day in Georgia and
throughout the nation as a
result of the inability of the
Veterans Administration to
approve home loans commen
surate with market rates.
Central Georgia Electric
Membership Corporation's
Annual Meeting
'• > . . rj „. : U.. : . *
AUGUST 8, 1973
Registration 9:00 A.M.
Program 10:00 A.M.
Package of light bulbs and ice cube tray for every member
Speaker: Sen. Sam Nunn, U. S. Senator
“I respectfully request that
you sign this measure as
rapidly as possible.
“The Senate Committee on
Veterans Affairs, on which I
serve, moved rapidly to bring
to the Senate for passage a
measure that would provide
the administrator of the
Veterans Administration with
flexible authority to set
interest rates on government
insured home loans for
“It is imperative that the
President follow his own stated
intentions of carrying on the
Constitutional duties of his
office and sign this bill rather
than being distracted by a
disparaging situation in the
White House.”
Weekend guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Loy Hutcheson and
family were Mr. and Mrs. Earl
McCorkle and Debbie and Mr.
and Mrs. Larry McCorkle, all
of Cairo.
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Flovilla Happenings
By Mrs. S. A. Elliott
Mrs. Harry Naylor of
Brownville, Tenn. is spending
some time with her mother,
Mrs Raymond Edwards, at
the camp ground.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elliott
and girls, Wendy, Elaine and
Mary Ann, and grandson,
Christopher Elliott, toured the
mountains of Georgia, Ten
nessee and North Carolina
Sunday and report a very
enjoyable trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cavanaugh
and boys, Mike, Harold and
Frank of Cochran, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Williams and boys, Glenn and
Jack Copeland and girls,
Bonnie and Louise of Stock
bridge spent Sunday with his
sister, Mrs. Sara Craig, Mr.
Craig and Bonnie. Also their
children visited during the day.
Luncheon guests Sunday of
Mr. and Mrs. S. A Elliott, Mrs.
Jean Hart, Crystal and Alan
were Rev. and Mrs. Gary Cook
and Renee and James Elliott
Mr. Johnny King and Mr
Wayne King visited Mr. C. A.
Anthony Sunday afternoon at
Coliseum Park Hospital in
We extend sympathy to Mrs.
R. I Sever of Indian Springs
Camp Ground on the passing of
her sister in Florida.
Those attending Georgia
Camp Meeting of the Congre
gational Methodist Church last
week at Taylor Cos. Camp
Ground were Rev. and Mrs.
Gary Cook and Renee and
Tracy James.
Mary Ann Elliott is spending
this week at Adrian Camp
Ground attending Junior
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Williams
and boys, Glenn and Andy,
spent last Friday touring Six
Flags in Atlanta.
Leaving Sunday night for
Florence, Miss, to attend the
General Conference of the
Congregational Methodist
Church were Rev. and Mrs.
Kenneth Partain of Mitchell,
Rev. and Mrs. Gary Cook and
James Elliott. The conference
convened at 11:30 o’clock
Monday and will last through
The young people of the
Flovilla Baptist Church had
charge of the morning and
evening services Sunday and it
was enjoyed by all and very
Mrs. J. C. Funderburk and
Mrs. Vivian Hightower visited
the S. K. Smith family Sunday
Friends of Mr . C. A. Anthony
are sorry to know he was
admitted to Coliseum Park
Hospital last week and we all
wish him a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. James Long
and Mrs. Maude Jones of
Forsyth visited his mother,
Mrs. D. T. Long, and Mr. and
Mrs. J. D. Long and family
Friends of Mr. Joe Waits are
so happy he is home and doing
so well and we all praise the
dear Lord for His protecting
care over him. All the children,
friends and relatives have been
visiting the Waits during the
Mr. and Mrs. Paul James,
Sr. of Decatur visited Sunday
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Barnes.
Mr. and Mrs. Royce O’Dell of
Clayton, Ala. were weekend
guests of their children, Dr.
and Mrs. Tom O’Dell, and
family. On Saturday they spent
the day at Six Flags Over