The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, September 06, 1973, Image 11

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    Two Teenagers Have Been
Missing For Three Weeks
Two Jenkinsburg area teen
agers have been missing for
three weeks and their where
abouts is a complete mystery
to their anxious parents and
law officers of Butts County.
The two boys, James E.
(Boney) Ross, 16, and Joe
Ricky Whitaker, 16, were last
seen on Wednesday, August
15th, as they left for work. Ross
is the son of Mrs. Charlotte R.
Green of Jenkinsburg and J.E.
Ross of Forsyth. Whitaker is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
In an appeal to the
Progress-Argus for assistance
in publicizing the disappear
ance, Mrs. Green said that her
son was last seen going to work
at the Upper Ocmulgee EOC.
She said he left home with a
lunch and was at that time
wearing a white shirt with a
painted butterfly on the front, a
pair of blue jeans and tan suede
Whitaker disappeared the
same day and was to report to
work at Preston’s Grocery
Store in Jenkinsburg. Mrs.
Green said Whitaker had
recently purchased a car,
paying $350 for it on the
Saturday night before his
disappearance the following
Wednesday. She said that the
car was found in a wooded area
on Friday after their disap
pearance. It was discovered
behind Whitaker’s home in a
soybean field.
Mrs. Green emphasized the
fact that the boys did not carry
any clothes with them and that
they were real close and good
Upon his disappearance,
Whitaker was wearing a wine
colored shirt with blue jeans
and blue tennis shoes.
Butts County Sheriff Barney
L. Wilder said that a state-wide
alert for the two youths was
sent out soon after their
disappearance was reported to
his office. Sheriff Wilder said
Monday that he is without any
leads in the case and that he
has found a reluctance among
teenagers to discuss the
missing boys with him. Sheriff
Wilder did concede, however,
that he had heard some talk
that the boys might have left
home voluntarily and that one
informant said that they had
saved their money for such a
Sheriff Wilder asked that any
one having information on the
missing teenagers to please
contact him at his office in
Jackson at the earliest possible
Mrs. Green asked that
anyone possessing information
might call her at the home of
her sister at 775-2344 or Mr. and
Mrs. Whitaker at their home at
It's time to make tracks JSa
to the home
of those new \\
high interest
rates like the * tW\
6.75% <fi |J
we're paying on 30
month Certificates | |
West Taylor St. at Tenth Phone: 228-2786
mßßsr 's
IjlL jgaflj
Donkey Ball
Sept. 10th
Fun-loving sports fans are
promised a field day of
hilarious entertainment when
the Ralph Godfrey Donkeys
from Crescent, Oklahoma,
come to town on September
A big program has been
arranged and in addition to the
main event, “Donkey Ball”, a
series of tricks and stunts by a
trick mule will be presented as
a preliminary act. Also, races
on donkeys will add to the bill
of fare to round out a full
evening of fun for old and
young. Sponsors for the show
are the Butts County Jaycees
and the Athletic Association.
The first event will begin 7:30
p.m. at the Little League Ball
Field at Jackson High School.
Admission prices will be
$1.25 for adults and $.75 for
children. Advance tickets are
now on sate at 1.00 for adults
and $.50 for children under
twelve. For more information
on advance tickets call 775-3289
or 775-2048 after 5 p.m.
Starting line-ups for the
Butts County Jaycees will be:
Larry Pickett, Mike Hosey,
Keith Biles, Wayne Phillips,
Ricky Rosser, Tony Thurston,
Robbie Swearingen, Keith
Rogers, Larry Perry, Freddie
Cook, David Parker, Russ
Crumßley and Ronnie Hoard.
Starting line-ups for the
Athletic Association will be
Ron Wade, Robert Carroll,
Frank Hearn, Perry Ridge
way, Bub Ridgeway, Denny
O’Neal, A1 Jackson, Robin
James, Byrd Garland, Charlie
Brown and Tommy Raney.
In the write-up last week on
the DAR District Workshop,
the paper was furnished the
information that the workshop
was held on West Georgia
College Campus; however, the
workshop was held on Middle
Georgia College campus in
Randy Knott, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Glenn Knott, of Rt. 1,
Jenkinsburg, received a Mast
er of Science Degree in Civil
Engineering at Mississippi
State University on August 18,
1973. Randy’s wife is the
former Susan Thaxton, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. H. M.
Thaxton of Jackson. Randy,
Susan, and son, Chad, live in
Vicksburg, Mississippi.
Friends of Euel Wade are
delighted to learn he returned
last week from Emory Univer
sity Hospital where he under
went recent surgery. Mr. Wade
is recuperating nicely at his
Brookwood Avenue home but is
not allowed to do any activities
for 30 days.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W.
Floyd have moved into their
attractive and spacious new
home in Flovilla just off of
Highway 87. Friends will be
interested to learn they will
hold open house today (Thurs
day) and Friday between the
hours of 12 and 8 p.m.
Everyone is invited to drop by
and visit them.
Mclntosh State Bank
Your Home Owned Bank
Member F.D.I.C.
Carter Builders Supply, Inc.
Alabama St. 776-8266
Jackson, Ga.
Parrish Drug Cos.
Walgreen Agency
Phone 776-7424 Night: 775-7204
Cawthon Brothers, Inc.
Covington Road Jackson, Ga.
Jackson Highway Covington, Ga.
Collins Ready Mix Concrete
Concrete and Septic Tanks
776-3501 775-3290
Middle Ga. Livestock Sales Cos
Livestock Auction Sale
Each Wednesday
Jackson, Ga.
Polk Tire & Service Cos., Inc.
237 South Mulberry 775-7881
Our Young People Are Our Salvation
Avondale Mills,
Indian Springs Plant
Weaver Insurance Agency
6 Byars St. 775-2628
We Are Interested In Our Youth
Jackson City Cleaners
138 E. Second St 775-7816
“An Aid To Smart Appearance”
Jenkinsburg News
By Mrs. T. H. Price
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Cook
and Jeff of Lanett, Ala were
weekend guets of his mother,
Mrs. W. M. Gallman. Mr. and
Mrs. Steve Cook, also of
Lanett, Ala. came on Sunday
and other members of the
family joined them at Indian
Springs for an enjoyable lunch.
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Harris
visited Miss Martha Guinn in
LaGrange last Wednesday.
They all then enjoyed an outing
to Callaway Gardens.
Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. T. H. Price were Miss
Ruby Lane, Mrs. Annadawn
Edwards and Mrs. Winnie
Moore of Jackson.
Over the Labor Day weekend
visitors of Mr. and Mrs. H. G.
Harris were Miss Susan Harris
and Mr. John Harris of
Decatur, Mr. and Mrs. Leon
ard Hoard and Lynn of
Stockbridge, and Mrs. Sarah
Ruth Peek of Macon. Mrs. Ann
Ross of Atlanta was the spend
the day guest on Monday.
Mrs. Ruth Ball and Mrs.
Hazel Rowe of Atlanta were
spend the day guests of Mr. and
Mrs. R. A. Allen on Friday.
Spending several days with
Mr. and Mrs. Leßoy Cooper
were Mr. and Mrs. M. L.
Rutledge of Matawan, N. J.
and Mrs. Syl Kinghorn of
Charlotte, N.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Larsen
entertained members of his SS
Class with a weiner roast and
water melon cutting Saturday
night. In addition to the host
and hostess present were Lynn,
Cathy, Steve, Richie and Roger
Larsen, Mickey and Beth
Mixon, Mary Phillips, Leslie
Power, Faith Letson, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Letson, Miss Joye
Letson and Mr. Joel Kuhn.
Enjoying a family get-to-
“ ’J’he God who gave us life, gave
us Liberty at die same time"
Thomas jcfferx*
They gave him the High Chair
Treatment as a warning
A J, The Green Mountain Boys were soldiers from Vermont who
Jh fought for the American Colonies in the Revolutionary War
Th6y Cikp,ured Crown Point and helped take Fort Ticonderoga.
iSSBI /■S3' Organized by ETHAN ALLEN years before the Revolutionary
'SCjt War, they raided New York settlements in protest against the
claims of New York to the territory of Vermont, which had been
under the control of New Hampshire.
The Green Mountain Boys declared Vermont an independent
republic. Their demands for statehood were granted in 1791. It
was the Ist state to be added to the original 13 states of the
*****★*★★**★★ HONOR AMERICA **T***^V
Bearden Auto Parts, Inc.
124 W. Second 775-788 C
Jackson, Ga.
gether on Monday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Farrar
were Rev. and Mrs. Orian
Hunt, Mark and Allison, Mr.
and Mrs. L. E. Young, all of
Atlanta, Mrs. Zolton Szeczey
and Jerry of Lawrenceville,
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mangham
and Susan and Nita Nail of
McDonough, Mr.and Mrs. R.
A. Cook and Karen, Mr. A1
Cook and Miss Antoinette
Brownlee of Jackson.
Mrs. Betty Rape, Mike and
Nita and Miss Debbie Donahoo
of Decatur, Mrs. Sandra
Corbin, Shay and Shawn of
Tucker and Mrs. Ellis Connell
of Warner Robins spent
Monday with Mr.and Mrs. T.
R. Sims.
Mr.and Mrs. Don E’dalgo
and granddaughters of East
Point visited Mr. and Mrs. T.R.
Sims Sunday.
Mr. Jim Whitaker of Atlanta
spent the weekend with his
... a unique, rental mobile home community in one
of the most beautiful, wooded sections of Georgia.
The large, landscaped lots are in a rural setting, yet close to
restaurants, shopping and 1-75 South ... minutes from Atlanta.
Monthly rental includes FREE use of the completely furnished
recreation center and swimming pool. Enjoy the advantages
of ownership without the responsibility.
1-75 SOUTH TO GA. 20 & 81 Cb ■ L U KJ
957-5812 m Woods
willow lane—McDonough, Georgia
The Central Georgia
Electric Membership Corporation
Dear Friends of Butts County
and Jackson:
I came here a stranger,
almost eleven years ago, to live
and work in one place, and then
leave it. It presents many
problems parting with many
friends made through the
years. Friends who will long be
remembered for their many
thoughtful kindnesses to me;
leaving the hospital where I
have spent so many working
hours, many of them happy
ones as I saw our patients
regain their health and leave
for their homes, leaving the
organization where I have
made such worthwhile con
tacts, I will be leaving, yes, but
the memory of all of you will
linger for years to come. I
thank each of you for your*
friendship and for the coopera-s
tion you have given me.
Westbury Medical Care Home
Jenkinsburg, Ga.
Tomlin's Restaurant
Montieello Hwy. 775-7611
Jackson Progress-Argus
(Always Pulling For Butts County)
Jackson, Ga.
Daniel Ford Sales, Inc.
1327 Brookwood Ave. 775-7872
Support Your Local Police
State Supply Cos.
LP Gas • Tanks - Appliances
The Kym Cos.
Jackson, Ga.
Stephens Grocery
18 Second St. 775-2505
On The Square
Griffin Federal Savings
& Loan Association
W. Taylor at 10th St, Griffin, Ga.
Telephone 404-228-2786
Coleman's Garage
151 First St 775-3184
Complete Automotive Service
Superior Cleaners
One Day Service
02 Byars 776-5361
I am going to miss you. When
I come back to Jackson to visit,
hope to see you again. I leave
you my best wishes for the
successful future of this lovely
community and its fine people.
Sincerely, Anne Grant, R.N.,
Director of Nurses, Sylvan
Grove Hospital.
The Jackson Kiwanis Club
has moved back into the state’s
top ten in attendance, placing
seventh for May with standings
of 95.5 percent.
Morrow and Six Flags were
tied for Ist with perfect
attendance, Executive Park
was 3rd with 99.0; St. Marys,
4th, 96.6; Thomasville, sth,
96.5; Covington, 6th, 96.0;
Jackson, 7th, 95.5; and New
nan, Bth, 94.8.