The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, September 06, 1973, Image 3
This Side Of Town BY BRENDA WILLIAMSON All eyes on this side of town have been on the “new” Butts County Health Center which has been undergoing extensive remodeling during the summer months. The medical building has been carpeted throughout, has new lighting fixtures, lowered ceilings and anew central air and cooling system. Anew paint job, brick red with white trim, has enhanced the building’s outward appear ance. The health center employees are quite proud of the work which has been done and the Butts County Commis sioners, Bobby Taylor in charge of the health depart ment, are to be commended for overseeing the work done on the building. . . . The fact that Dr. Jack Newman has announced his intention to enter private practice in Jackson has many Butts County citizens “walking on air.” Dr. Newman practiced here several years ago and became a favorite of many who hold great respect and admira tion for him individually and professionally. ... Dr. James G. Ricketts, Mrs. Ricketts and their three children are being warmly welcomed in the county. Dr. Ricketts is the new Warden of the Georgia Diagnostic and Classification Center and both he and his wife are widely known’in the teaching profes sion. . . . Jackson was bust ling with activity last week due to the August session of Butts Superior Court. Several cases were heard by Judge Hugh D. Sosebee, judge of the Flint Judicial Circuit, distinguished and widely known jurist. . . . Butts County students are about to become fully oriented to the daily ritual of arising early and going to school for five days. Most looked forward to the first day and seeing friends not seen all summer. Kindergarteners are always thrilled at the prospect of beginning school. One enter prising young man awakened his mother at three o’clock in the morning and announced it was time to go to school. Naturally she promptly sent him back to bed but I’m sure as excited as he was he still didn’t get much sleep. ... As the end of summer approaches, many of the activities in the county will come to a screeching halt. Summer resi dents on Jackson Lake and High Falls Lake are preparing to leave for their winter homes and summer campers at the local state parks are enjoying the last few weeks of summer camping before the parks are closed to visitors. The Elder Hotel at Indian Springs is preparing to close its doors for another season. The hotel is known far and wide for its old fashioned hospitality and deli cious home cooked meals and its patrons always regret to see the end of the summer season. Antique Show Be Held In Macon The Sidney Lanier Chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy, is sponsoring it’s annual Heart of Georgia Antique Show and Sale. It is to be held in the Monument Room of the Macon Coliseum, 200 Coliseum Drive, Wednesday and Thursday, September 12th and 13th. Doors will open at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday and close a 19:00 p .m. On Thursday doors open at 10:30 a.m., close at 6:00 p.m. Price of tickets will be $1.25. Dealers from Alabama, Florida, Tennessee, South Carolina and Georgia will display antiques. There will be a food booth where hot and cold drinks and items of food will be available during the show. Proceeds from the show will be used for the preservation and maintenance of the Old Cannon Ball House at 856 Mulberry Street, the chapter’s home and museum. The word “bank” is de rived from the Italian word "banca,” meaning bench, on which Italian money changers did business in the street centuries ago. ■ WHERE ECONOMY ORIGINATES I Chuck Steaks lb $ 1 49 I USDA INSPECTED 3 BREASTS • 3 LEGS j Bucket-O-Chicken .* 3 3 jgEib.79 e I USDA INSPECTED FRYER I Breast Quarters lb 75 C I USDA INSPECTED FRYER I Leg Quarters >• 65 c I HICKORY SMOKED SLICED I Rath Bacon lb • $ 1 65 FREEZER QUEEN MINI MEAL Balk & Gravy m 0z - 43< ■ Mr 1 ' ' CHECK & COMPARE ■ Bj_i i I THESE MEAT VALUES M I All Meat Franks ib s l ls I A&P 5 FLAVORS SPREADS 8 oz I Pimento Cheese cup 45 c l I A&P I Ham Salad cup' 59 e I CLAUSSEN j Qt ■ Kosher Tomatoes Jar 83{ DUFFEY’S FROZEN tl AO Jiffy Steak si43 I "SUPER-RIGHT” WHOLE 4-8 LB. AVG. I Smoked Picnic Hams 'b 99 c I "SUPER-RIGHT” SMOKED K Sliced Picnic Hams lb - $ l O9 Eiqht O'Cloeb Coj^ee l V save w md o - $149 b ° X SAVE Wb 700% BRAZILIAN 700% DELICIOUS [E Jane Parker Features! Farmbest ! Pixie Novelties ! I I ' Sandwiches (6 Pack) I Doodles (12 Pack) | I Pudgesicles (12 pack) | | Or Popsicles (12 Pack) %l| ' l 100% BRAZILIAN COFFEE ' S Eii{fit O Clceh Itidtont j ! 2.^i='45 e ! A 95' 1 | W oz. /or 7 nj | I 10 $139 I I w oz. /or I y ■Crescent Pound' | Cake | ■ Marble Pound Cakei ! ” 15oz.pkg. J | Kleenex facial JiAAM 4 WHITE OR ASSORTED :z $lOO boxes I PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAY SEPT. Bth. ITEMS OFFERED FOR SALE ARf NOT AVAILABLE TO OTHER RETAILERS OR WHOLESALERS NOrßES^lißrE _ roRIYroG^APHTcALIRRORS." THE JACKSON PROGRESS-ARGUS, JACKSON, GEORGIA Kleenex BotiquA BathTinAiu, 4 PRINT OR ASSORTED UZ (JOO IF YOUR CHOICE IS BEEF COME TO AsP YES... A*P HAS BEEF! "SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY GRAIN FED BEEF [ Chutk Steaks - $l 15 1 i BONE IN BONELESS M Steak ss| 49 Swiss Steaks >■ ALLGOOD I Slitl Baton l L x gwj JF'**”*'" EASTERN NEW CROP [White Potatoes! LJO ; B9tJ CRISP WESTERN ICEBERG Lettuce 3„JI°o GOLDEN RIPE NORTHWESTERN Bivdlett Pemj 3 „ s|oo (~ IJne"rKe" RACKED j Wheat BnuuLj j*3 sjoo- I JANE PARKER \ \ Apple/Pig/ I ! SAVE 22-oz. 3c P*9- ifjV j £ Jane" parke/T sweet "save [JcWq Rollj 39^1 MARVEL | Sandwich aoa| DEODORIZING Lysol Cleaner r s 850 LIQUID Purex Bleach v; 29C SWEET HEART LIME Liquid Detergent... 45c BRILLO Soap Pads - 3 THURSDAY, SEPT. 6. 1973 FANCY Yellm Onions 3 £. 59* FRESH Pnune Plum m I REGULAR • DRIP • ELECTRA PERK COFFEE REGULAR • DRIP • ELECTRA PERK • COFFEE I Chase & Sanborn b g 97 c Maxwell House LJ s l o4 I A&P CRESCENT * OUR OWN Dinner Rolls 77 27 C Tea Bags 89< I A&P EXTRA SHARP 8 . 01 A&P SPAGHETTI & MEAT BALLS OR Wisconsin Cheese bor 69 c Ravioli con 7 31 c I A&P FROZEN LEAF OR 10-oz Seven Seas Chopped Spinach pk 9 19 C Caesar Dressing 77 45< A&P FROZEN CUT OR FRENCH STYLE 9-oz NABISCO COOKIES Green Beans pk 9 25< Chips Ahoy pk g oz 49 c I A&P FROZEN 9-oz. A&P BANANA • CHOC • DEVILS FOOD Handi Whip 0,0 39 c Marshmallow Pies '77 40< AB.P FROZEN JOO% PURE FLORIDA A&P FROZEN j Oteui/qe/ Juice/ Slw®ttuiq Potatoes REGULAR OR CRINKLE CUT ’Mr 9o< 3 2< ur sjoo IA & P PINK • WHITE • YELLOW Facial Tissue CHARMIN WHITE Toilet Tissue CHARMIN ASSORTED COLORS Toilet Tissue DAILY KIBBLED BITS Dog Food " EXTRA LEAN [ &iumd Chutk it. $| ,9 1 I CUBED I western [ Honeqdeau 1 L jumbo M A&P BALANCED RATION DOG FOOD Z 25< Stew or Hash 18' ro „ A&P BALANCED RATION DOG FOOD 4 43 c Meat or Liver 6 ;5 c „ n ° z 89 c roll - TABBY ASSORTED FLAVORS 4p*c 43< Cat Food Treats 6 < 0 T 19 C ib GRAVY TRAIN sbog 83 c Dog Food 5 93 c Palnuduw Liquid Detmqent Io‘ OFF LABEL 220,50^ i bot \ Fmiit Diunka 1 ASSORTED FLAVORS EXCEPT ORANGE/APRICOT I 46- oz. con 31< Kimtex Pap&v Tomb DESIGNER OR ASSORTED 3 jumbo s|oo