Newspaper Page Text
Be It Resolved by the
Democratic Executive Com
mittee of the City of Jackson,
1. That the Primary Election
will be held Friday, October 12,
1973, at City Hall for the
purpose of nominating three
Councilmen from the First,
Fourth and Fifth Wards to
serve the city for the years 1974
and 1975, and a member of the
Executive Committee for the
City at Large, and one member
of the Executive Committee for
each of the five respective
wards in said City for the year
1974. Each candidate for City
Councilman and for Executive
Committeeman representing a
ward must reside in the ward
which he or she will represent.
2. That each person who
desires to become a candidate
in said Primary Election for
councilman shall register his
name with Richard W. Wat
kins, Jr., Secretary of this
Committee, or with Mrs. Mary
Lee Martin, Assistant Secre
tary, between 9 a.m. and 5
p.m., starting September 4,
1973 and closing September 21,
1973, and he or she shall pay to
the secretary or assistant
secretary the amount of $60.00
if a candidate for councilman.
3. That a member of the
Executive Committee from the
City at Large, and a member of
the Executive Committee from
each of the City’s wards shall
be nominated for the year 1974
in like manner as the
4. That all persons, male or
female, who have registered
with the Clerk of said City and
qualified themselves to vote in
the General Election for
Councilmen shall be entitled to
vote in said Primary Election.
5. That said Primary
Election shall be held and
managed under the same rules
and regulations as those
governing the General Election
for councilmen except that the
polls in said Primary shall
open at 7:00 o’clock a.m. and
shall close at 7:00 o’clock p.m.
6. That the Managers of said
Primary shall make a consoli
dated return to this committee
by 10 o’clock on Saturday,
October 13, 1973, when the
results shall be declared and
published. Candidates receiv
ing a majority of all votes cast
shall be declared the nominees.
7. That one poll manager or
the chairman of the City
Democratic Executive Com
mittee may carry ballots to
cars parked in front of the
polling place, as a service to
disabled voters. In no case will
ballots be taken to a voter’s
8. That Council of said city
will be required to furnish to
the managers of said Primary
a list of the qualified voters
from the registration books of
the City.
9. That the names of all
candidates for councilmen and
members of the Executive
Committee shall be placed on
the official ballot for the
Primary Election, which ballot
shall be prepared and printed,
or had printed, by the
Executive Committee, and all
candidates shall be nominated
by the vote of the City at Large.
10. That the chairman of the
Executive Committee shall
appoint the managers of the
said Primary Election.
11. That all announcements
for councilmen must be made
voluntarily and over the
signature of the person
announcing. Any candidate for
any office, using any undue or
illegal method for the purpose
of controlling votes shall be
stricken from the ballots
whenever such facts are made
known to the Executive
Committee and he is found
12. No provision is made for
absentee ballots.
13. No candidate shall be
allowed to solicit votes in City
Hall or on the sidewalk in front
of City Hall.
14. In case of a run-off these
rules, insofar as they are
applicable, shall be effective,
with respect to such run-off,
and said run-off shall be held
on Friday, October 26, 1973.
15. No write-in vote will be
counted in City Primary.
LEVI J. BALL. Chairman
JR.. Secretary
ADOPTED: August 24, 1973
Notice is hereby given that
the business operated at 276
Upper Riverdale Road, Jones
boro, Clayton County, Georgia,
in the trade name of UNITED
SERVICE, is owned and
carried on by McCORMICK
address is 207 E. Second Street,
Jackson, Butts County, Geor
’gia, and the statement relating
thereto required by Georgia
Code Annotated 106-301, has
been filed with the Clerk of the
Superior Court of Butts County,
Harvey A. Monroe—
Attorney for Registrant
8-23-4 tp
AREAS COUNCIL, created by
Act 609 of the 1973 Georgia
General Assembly, will hold a
public hearing at Commercial
Bank Community Room, 110
South Hill St., Griffin. 9 A.M. to
1 P.M. September 7, 1973.
The purpose of the hearing is
to hear public opinion concern
ing areas of vital concern
within the Mclntosh Trail Area
Planning and Development
Commission jurisdiction, *
which areas deserve special
attention in their planning,
development, and conserva
tion; suggestions for desirable
ways to develop, conserve, and
protect such vital areas; and
suggestions concerning the
appropriate roles of the State
of Georgia and local govern
ments in assuring desirable
development, conservation,
and protection of such vital
Vital areas may include, but
are not limited to: rivers and
floodplains; mountainous
areas; shorelines and coastal
environs; public airports and
their surroundings; major
highways and interchanges;
Heritage Sites, designated by
the Georgia Heritage Trust
Commission; and other areas
of particular significance to the
public health, safety, and
Oral testimony will be
limited to ten minutes. Written
testimony will be accepted
until December 15, 1973, at the
following address:
David H. Wiltsee, Staff
Vital Areas Council
Room 104, State Capitol
Atlanta, Georgia 30334
Inquiries concerning Council
activities should be directed to
the above address, or by phone
to David Wiltsee (404 ) 656-5164.
Testimony from all interested
citizens, groups, and officials is
The Vital Areas Council, a
fifteen-member body of citi-<
zens from around the State of
Georgia, will report its findings
and recommendations to the
1974 Georgia General Assem
Counties within APDC
Fayette Lamar
Henry Pike
Spalding Upson
Georgia Power Company
Project No. 2336
(August 17,1973)
Public notice is hereby given
that application was filed June
22, 1973, under the Federal
Power Act (16 U.S.C. 791 a—
-825 r) by the Georgia Power
Company (Correspondence to:
Mr. I. S. Mitchell 111, Vice
President and Secretary, Geor
gia Power Company, P. O. Box
4545, Atlanta, Georgia 30302)
for change in land rights for
Lloyd Shoals Project No. 2336,
located near the Towns of
Monticello and Jackson in
Jasper, Butts and Newton
Counties, Georgia, on the
Ocmulgee River.
Applicant requests Commis
sion approval of a 22-year lease
of project lands to the Turtle
Cove Property Owners Asso
ciation, Inc. The land is a
discontinuous strip extending
for about 13 miles along the
Jasper County shoreline of
Jackson Lake from a point
about a mile upstream of the
project dam to a point about
one-half mile upstream of
Waters Bridge (Georgia High
way No. 212). The strip, which
varies in width from zero to
fifty feet, lies between the
normal high water line
(elevation 530 feet MSL) and
the project boundary.
The proposed lease provides
that owners of lots contiguous
to the strip may build docks,
piers and swimming floats
thereon subject to the approval
of Georgia Power Company.
Applicant submits that boat
houses, lifts and cribs, as well
as sewage releases to the
reservoir, will be prohibited.
Any person desiring to be
heard or to make protest with
reference to said application
should on or before October 8,
1973, file with the Federal
Power Commission. Washing
ton, D. C. 20426, petitions to
intervene or protests in
accordance with the require
ments of the Commssion’s
Rules of Practice and Pro
cedure (18 CFR 1.8 or 1.10). All
protests filed with the Commis
sion will be considered by it in
determining the appropriate
action to be taken but will not
Loitering Ordinance
by ordained by the authority of the same, that from and
after the adoption of this ordinance it shall be unlawful
and punishable at the discretion of the Mayor and/or
Recorder by fine or imprisonment, as provided under the
Municipal Charter, and laws amendatory thereof, for any
person within the municipal limits to: '
Loiter between the hours of 8:00 P. M. and 6:00 A. M.
on and about the Butts County Courthouse Square, as well
as on the streets abutting said Courthouse Square, and with
in one block thereof, to-wit: 3rd Street, 2nd Street, Oak
Street, and Mulberry Street.
All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict
herewith are repealed.
Adopted, this the 6th day of August, 1973.
Mayor & Council
serve to make the protestants
parties to a proceeding.
Persons wishing to become
parties to a proceeding or to
participate as a party in any
hearing therein must file
petitions to intervene in
accordance with the Commis
sion’s Rules. The application is
on file with the Commission
and is available for public
Kenneth F. Plumb
Richard H. Mitchell, Guar
dian of Samuel Mitchell, has
applied to me for a discharge
from his guardianship of
Samuel Mitchell:
There is therefore to notify
all persons concerned to file
their objections, if any they
have, on or before the first
Monday in October next, else
he will be discharged from his
guardianship as applied for.
L.J. Washington, Ordinary
9-6-4 tp
Anyone giving credit to
Charlene W. Woodruff is asked
to contact the Better Business
Bureau in Atlanta.
John H. Woodruff
Notice is hereby given that
A. L. Leverette as administra
tor of Miss Annie J. Smith
Estate has applied to the
Ordinary of said County for
leave to sell land belonging to
the Estate of Miss Annie J.
Smith for the purpose of
payment of debts and distribu
tion to the heirs at law.
Said application will be
heard at the regular term of
the Court of Ordinary for said
County, to be held on the first
Monday in October, 1973.
L.J. Washington, Ordinary
9-6-4 tp
Flovilla Happenings
By Mrs. S. A. Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Dorton
of Laurel, Miss, visited his
uncle, Mr. S. A. Elliott, and
Mrs. Elliott several days last
week. On Friday evening the
Sanford Elliotts and James,
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Elliott,
Crystal and Alan Hart and Mr.
and Mrs. Dorton enjoyed a
picnic at Sanford’s Lake.
Mrs. Robert Grier of Indian
Springs visited Mrs. S. A.
Elliott last Wednesday after
Mrs. Julia (Dodson) Wheeler
of Jasper visited Mrs. Mollie
Padgett last Wednesday and
they had a real pleasant visit.
In reminiscing, Julia told her
how she used to come from
school over to the Padgett
home and she always had
something good to eat. Mrs.
Padgett lived in the Whitaker
house across from the school.
Visiting Mrs. Padgett during
the week was her sister, Mrs.
Ethel Ham, of Jackson and
daughter, Mrs. Inez Aiken, of
Danny Philips of Stockbridge
is spending several days with
Mrs. J. C Funderburk.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Dorton,
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Elliott
enjoyed lunch at Tomlin’s Res
taurant Sunday. They then
visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Morgan at Jenkinsburg and
Mr. and Mrs. James Tolleson
at Locust Grove.
We all extend sympathy to
the family of Mrs. Lucy Smith
who passed away Saturday
evening at Griffin Hospital,
having been a patient there for
over two weeks. She will be
missed by everyone.
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Elliott and
Mrs. Jean Hart visited Mr. and
Mrs. Jimmy Martin near
Covington last Wednesday.
Miss Wendy Elliott spent the
weekend with her sister, Mrs.
Mike Hood, Mr. Hood and
Jonathan in Macon.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elliott
and girls had as their weekend
guests Mr. and Mrs. Mike
Mock and children, Mike and
Abby, and Mrs. Ed Smith o,
Brunswick. They were here for
the 51st wedding anniversary
of Mrs. Smith and Mrs.
Elliott’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Troy Welch.
Visiting Miss Fredna Hilley
recently were Mrs. Carolyn
Redman of Jackson and Mrs.
Elsma Smith of Stark Com
munity. Billy Crum visited the
Hilleys Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. S. K. Smith spent a
quiet day last Wednesday on
her 103rd birthday. Two
sisters, Miss Roxie Smith and
Mrs. Laurett Capel, and niece,
Mrs. Roxilu Bohrer had lunch
with Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Roberts,
Mrs. Annie Gober and Miss
Virgnia Smith. Calling in the
p.m. were Mrs. J. C.
Funderburk, Mrs. Robert
Smith and Yours Truly, We
enjoyed chatting with her and
she said many cute things but
perhaps the cutest was she was
wanting to get up and then
back in bed. Her daughter,
Mrs. Gober, had just put her to
bed and she wanted back up.
Mrs. Gober sad, “Mother, I
have other things to do and you
will have to stay in there a
while,” to which Mrs. Smith
replied, “Who is the mother,
me or you?” She is a wonderful
Seab Maddox, 797 Brook
wood Ave., Jackson, has been
presented with a High Mileage
Award by Mercedes-Benz of
North America.
He qualified for the award by
compiling 200,000 kilometers
on his 200D Mercedes-Benz
automobile, purchased new in
Mercedes-Benz awards are
also given for 500,000 and one
million kilometers.
Notice hereby is given that there will be held a public
hearing at the Main Courtroom, Butts County Courthouse,
Jackson, Georgia at 7:30 O’clock P. M. on Monday, Sept.
17, 1973, upon proposals by owners of the following des
cribed properties that these petitioners be granted (Special
Exceptions of locating Mobile Homes in Zoning Classifica
tion “A-R” (Agricultural Residential.)
(1) 5 Acres located on Gus Wise Road 613 Militia
District, Butts County, Georgia. Land owned by Donnie
Thurston. Owner and Applicant. Size of Mobile Home 12 x
(2) 40 Acres located on Keys Ferry Road 616 Militia
District, Butts County, Georgia. Land owned by Sarah K.
Bowden. Owner and Applicant. Size of Mobile Home 10 x
Public Hearing is to be held by the Butts County
Board of Appeals.
The public is invited to the public hearing hereinabove
Developers - Investors
Don’t miss out on this 210-acre tract in Butts County,
now being offered for sale for the first time. Three miles
west of Jackson Lake, 60 minutes south of Atlanta, 40 min
utes north of Macon, this tract lies in the path of a dynamic
residential growth area.
Heavily timbered for immediate profit, watered by a
branch and large creek with rushing shoals and deep pools,
the tract abounds with deer, quail, beaver, coon, squirrel and
assorted wildlife.
Good dirt road access now, with paving scheduled this
year, plus the proposed county-wide water system will send
this property far above the firm $300,000 asking price.
Owners will finance and tailor terms to buyer’s needs.
Little, or no, down payment required, interest only for five
or more years, payout an additional eight or ten years.
Deal diiect with the owners - no brokers or agents
need apply. For further information call 775-3107 day or
775-7313 night. Or write Box 249, Jackson, Georgia 30233.
Mrs. Green
In Griffin
Funeral services for Mrs.
Lillie Martin Green of 1110
Gonza Drive, Griffin, were
held Monday, September 3rd at
Union Baptist Church with the
Rev. Kenneth Stallings and
Rev. Brady Blalock officiating.
Burial was in the church
cemetery with McDonald
Chapel in charge of arrange
Mrs. Green died Saturday at
the Griffin-Spalding County
Hospital where she was a
patient. She was the widow of
George W. Green. A native of
Gordon County, she had lived
in Griffin for the past 41 years.
Mrs. Green was a member of
Union Baptist Church.
She is survived by a daughter
Mrs. Jewel Hamner of Griffin;
three sons, Leonard Green of
Kingston, Robert Green of
Jenkinsburg and Paul Green of
Griffin; a sister, Mrs. Rosa
Beall of Rome; five brothers,
Henry Martin, Clarence Mar
tin, Carl Martin and John
Martin, all of Rome, and
James Martin of Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania; 19 grandchild
ren; 22 great-grandchildren;
several nieces and nephews..
Tift Rites
For Mr.
Funeral services for Mr.
Dixie B. Montgomery, 89, of
Route 2, Tifton, were held
Friday, August 31st, at two
o’clock at the Eldorado Baptist
Church with interment in the
Tifton Cemetery. Rev. Wil
liams and Rev. Cecil Spradley
officiated. Mr. Montgomery
died Wednesday, August 29th,
in a Tifton nursing home
following a period of declining
Mr. Montgomery was born in
Pike County.
He is survived by his wife,
Mrs. Beulah Ulm Montgomery
of Tifton; one son, Murry B.
Montgomery; five grandchild
ren including Don Montgomery
of Jackson; three great-grand
Patients at Sylvan Grove
Hospital the week of August 29
September 4 include:
Marcia Morgan, Betty Jean
Mills, Della Wise, Henry
McElheney, Lucy Grier and
Fanny Foster.