Newspaper Page Text
Lovely Tea Tendered
Ginny Etheredge At
Home Mrs. Watkins
One of the loveliest parties of
the season was the tea
tendered Saturday afternoon
for Miss Virgina Lucile
Etheredge, bride-elect, whose
marriage on September 14th,
will elicit statewide interest.
Hostesses for the tea at the
home of Mrs. Richard W.
Watkins, Jr. on Dempsey
Avenue were Mrs. Lovett
Fletcher, Mrs. J. W. Carter,
Mrs. R. F. Armstrong, and
Mrs. Watkins.
Receiving the guests who
called between the hours of
three and five o’clock in the
afternoon were Mrs. Watkins,
Mrs. G. N. Etheredge, Miss
Ginny Etheredge, and Mrs. W.
C. Pierson Sr., mother of the
groom-elect of Raleigh, North
The home was beautifully
decorated throughout with a
lovely arrangement of mari
golds in the entrance hall.
The tea table, covered with a
yellow taffeta cloth, overlaid
with nylon sheer, was graced
with a delicately arranged
Susan Freeman Is Bride
Of Charles E. Howell
Miss Patricia Susan Free
man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur C. Freeman, Jr. of
Jackson, Georgia, became the
bride of Charles Edward
Howell, son of Mrs. Evelyn A.
Howell of Decatur and Dr. J.C.
Howell of Jackson, August 18th
at the Jackson Presbyterian
Church. Rev. David Black
Miss Connie Brown of
Jackson served as maid of
honor and Dr. J. C. Howell
served as his son’s best man.
Nuptial music at the organ was
rendered by Mrs. Juanita
Carmichael. Immediate family
and close friends of the bride
and groom were in attendance.
Miss Freeman is the grand
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C.
Freeman, Sr. of Jackson,
Georgia and Mr. and Mrs. A.
H. Waldrep of Indian Springs,
Members of the Jackson
Garden Club were regally
entertained by Mrs. Hugh
Mallet at their September
meeting Tuesday at the Elder
Hotel in Indian Springs.
A theme of “Goodby Sum
mer” was used by Mrs. Mallet
who presented a program on
“The Heavens Declare the
Glory of God.” A delicious
luncheon was enjoyed with
Hampton Daughtry welcomed
as a visitor.
Following the meeting, club
members enjoyed conversing
on the spacious porches in the
large old fashioned rockers.
There will be a gospel
singing at the Flovilla Baptist
Church in Flovilla Saturday
evening, September Bth, begin
ning at eight o’clock.
Featured guest singers will
be the Roper Family, the
Stewart Four of Stewart, Ga.
and the Robert Smith Singers
of Flovilla.
The public is cordially
invited to attend.
The family of Mrs. Helen
Gregg Reese would like to
thank each and everyone for
their prayers, food, visits and
other acts of kindness shown at
her death. May God bless you
all for your thoughtfulness and
sympathy. Husband, Sons,
Mother, Sisters and Brother.
nosegay of pink roses made on
a three-branch crystal cande
labra. Punch and dainty
sandwiches, date bars, raisin
bars, Jerome cookies, oatmeal
cookies, orange balls, and
other delicacies were served
from the dining area with Mrs.
Barron Bevil of Barnesville
and Mrs. Larry Bevil of
Atlanta presiding at the punch
An arrangement of zinnias
was placed in the reception
room and in the spacious
family room in the rear of the
home was a cut-glass pitcher
with white porcelain rosebuds.
Mrs. George Newton Ether
edge of Charlotte, N. C. kept
the guest book. Assisting the
hostesses in greeting the guests
and directing them through the
spacious home were Mrs. A.
Lamar Weaver, Mrs. Wayne
Maddox, Mrs. P. H. Weaver,
Misses Georgie and Delia
Watkins, Miss Rachael Wat
kins, Miss Ann Watkins, Miss
Virginia Watkins, and Mrs.
Nell Carmichael.
She is a 1973 graduate of
Jackson High School.
The groom is the grandson of
Mrs. O. B. Howell and the late
Dr. O. B. Howell of Jackson,
Georgia and Mrs. Evelyn
Archer of Indian Springs,
Georgia and the late Mr. Lon
A graduate of Jackson High
School, he attended Georgia
Southern College at States
boro and has transferred to
Georgia Southwestern College
at Americus.
A wedding reception was
held immediately following the
ceremony at the spacious home
of Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Howell.
Following a wedding trip to
Daytona Beach, Fla., the
newlyweds are residing with
Mrs. 0. B. Howell until they
move to Americus, Georgia to
continue their education.
Mrs. W. M. Redman will
entertain at a get-acquainted
tea Monday afternoon, Sep
tember 10th, at her home on
Walker Street honoring Mrs.
Jerry Capka of London,
England. Fourteen guests have
been invited to call at five
Mrs. Capka, the former
Mary Hundertmark, is visiting
her mother and sister, Mrs. H.
W. Hundertmark and Mrs.
Frank Barnes.
The honor guest will bring
her autographed books from
her friend, Rosemary Hawley
Jarman, author and winner of
the Quill award. She will give a
short talk on her meetings with
the author, teas she has
attended with her, and other
interesting things she has done
with her.
People are mean,
In the land of Green.
The Catholics are shooting the Protestants
People are falling dead like ants.
Even small children join the fight.
They hit each other with rocks on sight.
The green is turning red, I’m afraid,
And no one really likes that shade.
So Ireland, the land of green,
Is dying slowly what a scene!
Carla Moore
10-year-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Moore
Mrs. Noah A. Powell
entertained Miss Ginny Ether
edge, bride-elect, with a
luncheon Saturday, September
Ist, at the Elder Hotel, Indian
A beautiful arrangement of
yellow mums and white daisies
graced the appointed table.
Favors were miniature white
baskets filled with pink and
green mints.
Present for this enjoyable
occasion were Miss Ginny
Etheredge, the honoree; Mrs.
G. N. Etheredge Sr., Mrs. G. N.
Etheredge Jr. of Charlotte,
North Carolina, Mrs. Wayne
Maddox of Macon, Mrs. John
C. Sprague of Atlanta, and the
Mrs. Powell presented Miss
Etheredge with a silver
monogrammed butter plate.
Jamison Wayne Blanken
ship, son of Mrs. Sara
Blankenship and grandson of
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jolly,
celebrated his third birthday
Thursday, August 30th, with
a delightful birthday party at
the Day Care Nursery in
A delicious birthday cake,
embossed in red and topped
with three birthday candles,
was cut and served with ice
cream. Party favors were
distributed among the children
The Junior Sunday School
Class of the Jackson Church of
the Nazarene spent an enjoy
able afternoon Saturday tour
ing Lion Country Safari in
Henry County.
Following an interesting and
informative drive through
the “jungle” they enjoyed
lunch. The group cruised on a
boat ride, rode the Safari train,
visited the Junior Jungle and
attended a parrot show before
returning to their homes.
Among those attending were
Rose Campbell, Sybil Perdue,
Melanie Tomlin, Theresa
Power, Sheila Crum, Gary
Cod?, Mallory Worley, Ken
neth Kirkland, Dickie Mere
dith, Mrs. Billy Crum, Mrs. B.
0. Williamson, Mrs. Lon
Hadwin and Tami, Cami and
Lonnie Hadwin.
Miss Jo Ann McCaleb has
been named to the President’s
List at Alabama Christian
College for the Summer
Quarter. To be named to this
honor, a student must have a
4.0 or a sraight A average for
the quarter.
Miss McCaleb is a graduate
of Glennville High School. She
is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Haris A. McCaleb, 309 Indian
Spring Street.
Miss McCaleb is a sopho
more at Alabama Christian.
She is a member of the Church
of Christ.
The Progress-Argus extends
the following:
September 7 Hugh Mallet,
J. H. Ridgeway, Andrew
Leverette, Marvin N. Maddox,
Mertice Etheridge, Calvin
Lamar Johnson, Ernestine
Duke, Donnie Caston, Randy
Long, Scott Wayne Washing
ton, Gladys Melinda Burford,
Joey Westbury, Bill Corley,
Mrs. Margaret Carmichael,
Mrs. Gordon Fincher, Mrs. W.
B. Duke, Hugh W. Phillips.
September 8 Mrs. W. J.
Moss, Mrs. Robert Taylor,
Jeanie Taratoot, T. M. Wash
ington, Mrs. C. F. Weldon,
Brae Hodges, Sr., David Gray,
Mrs. A. D. Maddox, Robert K.
Lanfair, Melvin R. Strawn, Jr.,
Aubrey Leonard Bankston,
Tony Trimble, Cary Maddox.
September 9 Karla
Ca vender, Tom Rozelle, Foster
Pope, G. N. Smith, W. J. Moss,
Paul H. Duke, Don Grant, Mrs.
Powell Freeman, Audrey
Cook, Fannie Myrt Vaughn,
Hugh Morris Glidewell, Jr.,
Katrina C. Gettman, Terry
Etheridge, Howell Cook, John
L. Whitaker, Thomas A.
Herbert, J. W. Hodges, Jr.,
Joseph Thearon Kersey, Mary
September 10 Mrs. 0. E.
Ingram, James Curtis Gilbert,
Jr., Hammond Barnes, Mrs. D.
T. Long, Mrs. James Oliver
King, Mary Welch Elliott, Mrs.
Nancy S. McGinnis, Mrs. H. M.
Stephens, Mrs. T. M. Washing
ton, Alton Wyatt Potts, Hugh
R. Bailey, Mrs. J. Avon
Gaston, Mrs. Guy Thompson,
Carla Denise Moore, Brenda
Smith, Mrs. Violet H. Mann,
Mrs. Johnnie Meredith, Leslye
Michele Hamlin, William
Thomas Cochran, Mrs. Claude
Collins, Robert Jeffrey Rooks,
H. L. Cook, Richard Vickers,
Mary Evans, William A.
Gilbert, Beth Price, Wendy
Buchanan, Elizabeth Collins,
Linda Masdon, Tammy Wat
kins, Mary E. Phillips, Jerry
September ll Mrs. Ralph
Cook, Mrs. Bennie Cook,
Louise Thurston, Mrs. John B.
Settle, Mrs. W. L. Head, Mrs.
W. C. Webb, Mrs. Arthur
Freeman, Gloria J. Mitchell,
Mrs. Marian Wise, Mallory
Alan Worley, George Edward
Hardy, Jr., Janet Sproggins,
Betty Hester, Mrs. Dean L.
Strickland, H. E. Waldron,
Mrs. Riley Johnson, Gerald
September 12 Mrs. T. J.
Maddox, Aubrey Rooks, W. A.
Dodson, Rebon Biles, W. L.
Holloway, Wiley Thaxton, Mrs.
Jack Stodghill, Mrs. Ray
Jorden, Troy Lee Smith, Scott
Woodall, Linda Blanchard,
Mrs. Louis Taylor, Mickie
Damour, Kimmy Leverrett.
September 13 L. C. Grant,
R. L. Glaze, Mrs. J. M. Jinks,
George Lamar Morton, Obera
Hardy, Mary Frank Meredith,
Edward Wise, Mrs. Wiley
Thaxton, Red Daniel Norris,
Mrs. James T. Moore, E. P.
Colwell, Jr., Mrs. Ray Maddox,
David Allison Hardy, Mrs.
Ruby Burford, Mrs. John M.
Lawton, Michael Howell, Billy
Glidewell, Karen Baldwin, Kay
Whidby, Jennie Lisa Weldon,
David Collins, Mrs. C. W.
McGough, Mrs. Eugene Wil-
ilMWiiiMiliiilMlilfcml f3\
KNIT MATERIAL - Reg $3.98 and $4.98
n0w 52.98 Yard
Thru Saturday, September Bth
Repaired at
34 Mulberry St., Jackson, Ga.
Rev. and Mrs. Lon L. Hadwin
entertained members of the
official Church Board and their
husbands and wives of The
Jackson Church of the Naza
rene at a dinner at their Indian
Springs Street home Friday
Upon arrival guests were
invited into the dining room of
the home where two tables
were overlaid with yellow
cloths and laden with delicious
turkey and all the trimmings,
along with ham and all its
Enjoying the delicious food,
the fellowship and the hospital
ity of the Hadwins were Mr.
and Mrs. Hollis Duke, Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Shelnut, Mr. and
Mrs. Billy Crum, Mr. and Mrs.
M. B. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. B. O.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Perdue,
Ben Anderson, Miss Brenda
Turner, Mrs. Elizabeth Heath,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elliott
and Mr. and Mrs. Willie
Norsworthy. Unable to be
present were Mr. and Mrs. O.
B. Bankston.
| New Arrivals
i vi *
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Morris
Smith of Jackson announce the
birth of a daughter, Angela
Dawn, August 27th, at Griffin-
Spalding County Hospital. She
is the former Phyllis Barnett of
Hampton. Grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barnett and
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Rooks
of Jackson announce the birth
of a daughter, Mary Elizabeth,
Saturday, September Ist, in the
Griffin-Spalding County Hospi
tal. Grandparents are Mrs.
Betty Jordan of Locust Grove
and Mr. and Mrs. John Sherrell
of Jackson.
Mr. and Mrs. William
Randolph Greer of 148-H
Walker Street, Jackson, an
nounce the birth of a daughter,
Wanda Shawn, August 27th at
the Griffin-Spalding County
Hospital. Grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Norsworthy
and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Greer,
all of Jackson.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hubert
Smith of 1-75 Trailer Park,
Jackson, announce the birth of
a son on August 28th at the
Griffin-Spalding County Hospi
liams, John Parlier, Janice
Meredith, A1 Cook, Janie
McMurray, Mike Harrell.
Open House
At G. Tech
Sept. 13th
On September 13, Griffin
Tech’s doors will be open to
visitors from 7:00 9:00 p.m.
The annual open house
provides the opportunity for
high school students, parents
and other interested persons to
learn about the school.
The faculty and staff will be
present to help guests with
information concerning indi
vidual courses or enrollment
procedures. The Fall quarter
will begin October 1, 1973.
Applications are still being
taken for all courses. Everyone
is encouraged to tour the entire
school to fully see the
educational processes of a
vocational-technical school.
Griffin Tech is fully accredit
ed by the Southern Association
of Schools and is one of
Georgia’s 26 area vocational
technical schools. A public,
taxsupported institution, Grif
fin Tech is under the
supervision of the State
Department of Education.
Serving nine counties, Grif
fin Tech provides full-time day
programs, evening classes and
in-plant training for many
Georgians. Butts County is a
part of the service area.
Applicants must be at least
16 years of age. High school
graduation is not necessary for
admission. There is no tuition,
however students pay for books
and supplies.
Ken Barnes, graduate stu
dent at Georgia Tech, arrived
Saturday for a visit with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank
Barnes and Miss Anne Barnes
during his break between
Mrs. 0. A. Andrews had as
her spend the day guest
Tuesday of last week Mrs. T. A.
Lane of Dublin.
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Woodall
and Ronnie of Albany and Mr.
and Mrs. F. H. Bullard of
Powder Springs were recent
weekend guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert H. Harris at
Jackson Lake.
Miss Wendy Elliott spent the
Labor Day weekend in Macon
with Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hood
and Jonathan.
Read On! Well Defrost \
Frozen Money Situation \
There’s a warm spot in our
hearts for all worthwhile loans. So
prepare before Winter sets in.
Get that new furnace, more reli
able car, snug outerwear for the
family. Apply now ... at rates
that’ll warm your heart, too. Curl
up with one and feel secure.
Mclntosh State Bank
Miss Pati Galt was the
dinner guest last Wednesday
evening of Mr. and Mrs. Doyle
Jones Jr. at the Elder Hotel.
Miss Galt left Friday for her
home in Miami, Florida, after
serving a summer internship
on The Progress-Argus. Miss
Galt will return to the
University of Georgia Septem
ber 10th, where she will be a
cheerleader this Fall for the
Bulldog football team.
Mrs. Frances Barnwell
motored to Athens on Friday to
spend the weekend with Mrs.
Charlie Ivy, who lives on the
Macon Highway between
Athens and Watkinsville.
Mrs. Mary Sue Karr of
Atlanta returned home Tues
day following a week’s visit
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
H. J. Castellaw.
Mrs. Tom Hooten, Tom and
Josie, of Hamilton, spent
Monday and Tuesday of last
week with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. A. Parrish. Mr. Hooten
joined them Tuesday evening
for supper.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville H. Ruff
of Mt. Pleasant, S. C. visited in
Jackson during the past
weekend with their daughter,
Mrs. Randy Moore, and Mr.
Friends of Mrs. Gloria
Williamson Prater are delight
ed to learn she is recuperating
nicely from recent gall bladder
surgery at Emory University
Hospital. She visited during the
weekend with her mother, Mrs.
Jessie Mackey, and returned to
her Warm Springs home
Monday afternoon.
When was the last time you stood up and
applauded a movie?
rr aa
* i fuu > y* lo
Parkwood Cinema 1
Griffin, Ga.
Mrs. David P. Settle, along
with her nephew, Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Newton, Sealy and
Richard, of Atlanta, returned
Friday, August 24th, from a
week’s visit to the North
Carolina mountains and to
Lake Junaluska and Asheville,
N. C. and Gatlinburg, Tenn.
They visited relatives and
toured many interesting sights.
Mr. and Mrs. Rogers F. Stan
had as their guests last week
her niece and nephew, Ken and
Robin Bray, of Wrightsville.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J.
O’Quinn, Sr. were hosts at a
cookout Saturday evening
which honored their son, his
wife and family, S-Sgt. Thomas
J. O’Quinn,, Jr., Mrs. O’Quinn
and children, and Mr. O’Quinn,
Jr.’s cousin, Warrant Officer
David Terrell of Jenkinsburg.
The two Army men will be
leaving soon for Thailand for a
year’s tour of duty. Other
guests were Mr. and Mrs. John
T. Terrell of Jenkinsburg and
Mrs. Edna O’Quinn.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H.
Harris, Michael and Jeffrey of
Norcross were recent hosts at
the Jackson Lake home of Mr.
and Mrs. Herman Harris to
employees of the Taulman
Company in Buckhead.
Miss Ethel Smith is expected
home soon from a visit with her
brother, Mr. Robert L. Smith,
in Wyoming, Delaware.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace
Wheeler of Jasper spent
several days last week with
Mrs. Laßue Turner.