Newspaper Page Text
ruth at random
By Ruth Bryant
Come, come, come to the Fair
Enjoy all the fine exhibits there!
Take in the rides, side-shows, and games
Greet all the Sponsors, call their names,
Look at the livestock, flowers, and cakes
Think of the effort that it takes
For men and women, girls and boys,
To compete for prizes, sharing joys!
Come, come to Butts County Fair
And win your heap of happiness there!
By Mrs. W. G. Avery
Mrs. W. S. White returned
home Saturday after spending
a week visiting her daughter, .
Mrs. Grady Wilson, Mr. Wilson
and family in Decatur. Mrs.
White also visited another
daughter, Mrs. Phillip Green,
Mr. Green, and family while in
Mr. and Mrs. L. J.
Washington had as dinner
guests Sunday Rev. and Mrs.
Jack Bridges of McDonough,
interim pastor of Worthville
Baptist Church, Glenn Hamlin
of Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Washington and Danny, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Butler,
Sheree, Mitzi and Tandy. They
all enjoyed a turkey dinner
with all the trimmings.
Dwayne and Patti Washington
were supper guests Sunday
Mrs. Minnie Lee Hodges and
Mrs. Nellie Cochran visited
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Collins and
family in Decatur last Monday.
Mrs. J. H. Pope spent last
Monday with her daughter,
Mrs. Robert Wilson, Mr.
Wilson and Bobby of Decatur.
Mrs. Martha Sealey is
spending a few days in Griffin
visiting relatives.
Miss June Maddox, a student
at Georgia College in Milledge
ville, spent the weekend with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Rebon Maddox, June had as
guest a friend from the college.
Mr. and Mrs. Stacer Wash
ington accompanied by their
son, Keith Washington, Mr.
Washington and Kip, visited
their mother, Mrs. Ermine
Washington, at Hilltop Home
near Forsyth recently. They
also visited Mrs. Stacer
Washington’s mother, Mrs.
Mary Lunsford, of Jackson on
the same day.
Guests of Mrs. Emma
Yancey, Charles, Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Yancey and boys last
Friday afternoon were Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Cunard of Jasper
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Webb of
Atlanta and Mr. and Mrs.
For 23 years of public service and the
remarkably fine job being done at the
present time, we ask the voters of the
City of Jackson to vote for
Candidate for Councilman
Fifth Ward
In The City Primary of October 12, 1973
(This ad paid for by friends of
(J. R. Pulliam)
Lavar Elmer of Stockbridge
visited Mr. and Ms. Rebon
Maddox last Wednesday.
Sympathy is extended to
Mrs. Minnie Lee Hodges and
family on the death of her
uncle, Mr. Terrell McMichael,
of Indian Springs Sunday.
Mrs. Emma Yancey and
Charles visited Mrs. Orrie
Morgan of Covington Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Faulk
ner of Warner Robins spent the
weekend with their sister, Mrs.
Nellie Cochran. On Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Faulkner and
Mrs. Cochran visited Mrs.
Edna Wilkerson of Atlanta and
together they all spent a busy
day shopping in the city.
Mrs. Frances Lindsay of
Lanark Villiage, Fla. spent the
weekend with her sister, Mrs.
J. H. Pope, and together they
attended the O’Neal reunion at
the Worthville Lodge Hall on
Recent guests of Mrs. Minnie
Lee Hodges were her daughter,
Mrs. Tom Collins, of Decatur
and grandson, Mr. Tommy
Collins of Fort Sill, Oklahoma.
Mrs. Rebon Maddox and
daughter, Mrs. Ed Pickel of
Jackson visited Mrs. Ermine
Washington at Hilltop Home
near Forsyth Sunday after
Miss Janet Washington re
turned to Georgia Baptist
School of Nursing in Atlanta
Sunday evening after spending
the weekend with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Washington.
Regular Meeting Nights
Second Saturdays
Qualified Brethren Invited
Spent Bullet
Hits Girl
On Shoulder
A spent .22 caliber bullet
struck Melissa Godwin, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Julian
Godwin, on the shoulder last
Wednesday afternoon while
she was at play with a
playmate in the yard of Mrs.
Sara Collins on West Avenue.
The incident was investiga
ted by Lt. W. L. (Cotton)
Vaughn of the Jackson Police
Department. Lt. Vaughn said
that Mrs. Collins heard the
girls screaming and went to
see what was wrong at which
time they reported Melissa had
been shot. Mrs. Collins called
the police and by the time he
arrived they had found the
bullet, a .22 long rifle which
had no markings whatsoever
on the bullet, except the rifling
which led Lt. Vaughn to believe
that it had been fired some
distance away.
The Jackson police officer
said that he believed the spent
bullet had traveled as far as it
was going, probably striking a
leaf or some small branch,
causing the point to be turned
and striking Melissa on her
right shoulder, penetrating
through her dress. She was
taken to Sylvan Grove Hospital
where she was treated and
released. The bullet broke the
skin and more or less bruised
her, Lt. Vaughn stated.
According to Mr. Vaughn,
there is no idea where the
bullet came from but he used
this incident to remind citizens,
particularly young children
with .22 rifles, that there is an
ordinance against discharing
firearms within the city limits
and that death could result
from such firing. He urged
citizens hearing firearms being
discharged to please call the
Helium, .the gas that’s used
in lighter-than-aircraft, was
first identified in the sun
before its presence was
known on earth. Hence
the name Helium comes
from the Greek word
Helios, meaning sun.
Mclntosh State Bank
Your Home Owned Bank
Member F.D.I.C.
Carter Builders Supply, Inc.
Alabama St. 778-3266
Jackson, Ga.
Parrish Drug Cos.
Walgreen Agency
Phone 776-7424 Night; 776-7204
Cawthon Brothers, Inc.
Covington Road Jackson, Ga.
Jackson Highway Covington, Ga.
Collins Ready Mix Concrete
Concrete and Septic Tanks
775-3591 775-3299
Middle Ga. Livestock Sales Cos
Livestock Auction Sale
Each Wednesday
Jackson, Ga.
Polk Tire & Service Cos., Iric.
237 South Mulberry 776-7331
Our Young People Are Our Salvation
Avondale Mills,
Indian Springs Plant
Weaver Insurance Agency
6 Byars St. 776-2626
We Are Interested In Our Youth
Jackson City Cleaners
138 E. Second St. 775-7816
“An Aid To Smart Appearance”
Week Be
The Butts County Lunch
room will observe National
Lunchroom Week October 15-20
with the local lunchrooms to
observe the same menu used
nationally on Wednesday,
October 17th.
Georgia Day will be October
18th with all food served to
have been grown within the
state of Georgia.
Mrs. Lovett Fletcher, lunch
room supervisor, announces
that MisS Ann Ellis, State
Nutrition Education Consul
tant, will speak to the senior
high school at 9:40 a.m. on
October 18th and to the junior
high school at 2:30 the same
The third and fourth grades
will have a coloring contest of
the national lunchroom poster
during lunchroom week.
Gov. Jimmy Carter has
issued a proclamation designa
ting school lunch week and
pointing to the significant
contribution to the state’s
economy made by the School
Food Service Program. The
governor cited 10,000 food
service employees and local
purchases of SSO million in
food, including 210 million half
pints of milk, 12.8 million
pounds of poultry, 4.6 million
pounds of peanut butter, 5.3
million dozen eggs and 79.8
million pounds of fruits and
vegetables, plus the use of
donated foods and cash in lieu
of foods in the amount 12.9
million dollars.
Mrs. Fletcher announced the
national menu as barbecue
beef with bun, buttered corn,
popeye salad, vinegar and oil
dressing, yellow cake with
cherry sauce. The menu for
Georgia Day on October 18th
includes southern fried chick;
en, sweet potato souffle, green
beans, hot rolls with butter,
chilled peaches with peanut
butter cookies.
A. E. Evett
Died On
Mr. Augustus Eugene Evett,
74, of Route 1, Jackson, died at
ten o’clock Thursday night,
October 4th, at the VA Hospital
in Decatur after a long illness.
Mr. Evett was born in
Alabama on April 4, 1899 and
was a member of the Jackson
United Methodist Church and
St. John’s Lodge, No. 45,
Funeral services were con
ducted Saturday afternoon at
three o’clock from the chapel
of Haisten Funeral Home with
Rev. Donald Gray, pastor of
Jackson United Methodist
Church, officiating. Interment
was in the Jackson City
Cemetery with Haisten Fun
eral Home in charge of
Mr. Evett is survived by his
wife, Mrs. Dovie Jinks Evett of
Jackson; three step-daughters,
Mrs. Mary Will Hearn of
Jackson, Mrs. Naomi Pope erf
Atlanta and Mrs. Geraldine
Henderson of Gray; several
6 3 /4%
2Vi Year Savings Certificates
($5,000 minimum)
Certificate accounts carry a penalty for withdrawal
prior to initial maturity or any subsequent maturity.
Interest would then be paid at the regular passbook
rate less 3 months.
West Taylor St. at Tenth Phone: 228-2786
“ 'J’he God who gave us life, gave
us Liberty at the same time”
Thomas Jefferson
Unie to Rediscover AMERICA!
CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS and his crews of the
Santa Maria, Nina and Pinta underwent all kinds of
hardships, fears and doubts while crossing an uncharted
ocean, but their determination led to the opening of a
new world. AMERICA!
This year when we honor this man of vision, on his
day of discovery, it is appropriate for us to "re
discover" America. Columbus Day is now part of the
/ five great "Monday Holidays” designed to give more
• • time to travel in the new three-day holidays.
Let us have the vision to 'review' the history of our
_ progress since 1492 and regain faith of our forefathers
lo be better equipped for the FUTURE!
V v ,OV
★ ★★★★★ HONOR AMERICA ★★★★★★
The Central Georgia
Electric Membership Corporation
Charity Ball October
20th To Be Gala Event
This year for the first time a
Charity Ball will be held in
conjunction with the United
Appeal Drive.
Scheduled for Saturday,
October 20, from 8:00 to 12
midnight, the dance will be
held at the National Guard
Dick O’Hara is chairman of
the ball. “The affair is being
sponsored by a number of kind
folks,” he said, “mainly, C&S
Bank, Kiwanis Club, Lions
Club, and the Garden Clubs of
Butts County.”
Music will be provided by a
live band from Atlanta, Hinz &
nieces and nephews.
Members of St. John’s
Lodge, No. 45, served as
honorary pallbearers.
Pallbearers were W. W.
Pope, Lamar Jinks, Herald
Henderson, Jr., Jack Knowles,
Tony Smyth, Robbie Swear
Theme for the gala ball is
Harvest Time. Tickets will be
on sale by members of the
Board of Trustees Jor the
United Appeal starting next
week. Donations of $lO or more
per couple will be most
appreciated, Mr. O’Hara
Attire for the Charity Ball
will be semi-formal.
This week marked the
formal kick-off date for the
United Appeal drive. All areas
of the county are represented,
Mr. O’Hara said, and everyone
should be contacted for his
contribution within the next
two weeks.
“We’ve set our budget for
$15,000,” Mr. O’Hara said,
“and I don’t think the folks of
Butts County will let us down.”
Westbury Medical Care Home
Jenkinsburg, Ga.
Tomlin's Restaurant
Monticello Hwy. 775-7611
Jackson Progress-Argus
(Always Pulling For Butts County)
Jackson, Ga.
Daniel Ford Sales, Inc.
1327 Brookwood Ave. 776-7872
Support Your Local Police
State Supply Cos.
LP Gas - Tanks - Appliances
The Kym Cos
Jackson, Ga.
Stephens Grocery
18 Second St. 775-2595
On The Square
Griffin Federal Savings
& Loan Association
W. Taylor at 10th St., Griffin, Ga.
Telephone 404-228-2786
Coleman's Garage
151 First St. 775-3184
Complete Automotive Service
BBtC Farm Supply, Inc.
1 18 Brookwood Ave. 775-2663
Farm Equipment Sales & Service
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L.
Parker and children 1 , Curtis
and Richie, formerly of
Cordele, moved recently to
Jackson and are being wel
comed by neighbors and
friends. They are making their
home on Route 5.
Friends of Andy Crumbley
regret to learn that his
condition worsened Monday
morning at South Fulton
Hospital and that he is in
extremely critical condition
from injuries sustained in an
automobile accident early
Saturday morning on the South
Expressway at Central Ave
nue. He is paralyzed from
virtually the neck downward
and doctors hold scant hope for
his recovery.