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Mr. McMichael
Buried At
Sandy Creek
Mr. Benjamin Terrell (Shep)
McMichael, 82, of Indian
Springs, one cf Butts County’s
most widely kntwn citizens,
died Sunday morning about
1:35 o’clock at Sylvan Grove
Hospital after being a patient
there for two and one-half
weeks. Mr. McMichael had
been in declining health for
many years and his death was
not unexpected.
Born in Butts County on May
16, 1891, he was the son of the
late Mr. Thomas J. McMichael
and Mrs. Annie Moody McMic
He was a retired salesman
and in his younger days was an
ardent sports fan, keeping
abreast of all baseball and
football games. Mr. McMic
hael was a member of the
Flovilla United Methodist
Church and Indian Springs
Lodge 307 of Masons.
Funeral services were con
ducted Monday afternoon at
four o’clock from the chapel of
Ha is ten Funeral Home with the
Rev. Don Harp, former pastor
of the Jenkinsburg Charge, and
Rev. John Huggins, present
pastor of the Jenkinsburg
Charge, officiating. Interment
was in Sandy Creek Cemetery
with Haisten Funeral Home in
charge of arrangements.
Grandsons served as pallbear
ers and honorary pallbearers.
Mr. McMichael is survived
by his wife, Mrs. Pallie Torbet
McMichael of Indian Springs;
seven daughters, Mrs. Mar
garet Greer of Indian Springs,
Mrs. Ester Hogan of Dublin,
Mrs. Lucile Brown of Macon,
Mrs. Jean Goetz of Warner
Robins, Mrs. Dorothy Duke of
Jackson, Mrs. Jenny Kinard of
Oxford,and Mrs. Pat Zontek of
Tallahassee, Fla.; four sons,
Kyle McMichael of Jackson,
Bob McMichael of Anderson, S.
C., Jeff McMichael of Macon,
and Frank McMichael of
Indian Springs; three sisters,
Mrs. Florrie Giles and Mrs.
Lessie Finney, both of Jack
son; Mrs. Lucile Hodges of
Asheville, N. C.; 21 grandchil
dren and two great-grandchil
dren; several nieces and
Grandsons served as pall
bearers and included Victor
Goetz, Stan Hoean. Ted
McMichael, Michael Duke,
Ronnie Kinard, Jimmy Wal
Other grandsons served as
honarary pallbearers.
Friends of Miss Dorothy
Thomas who was painfully
injured last Thursday after
noon about 2:30 o’clock while
walking along Lyons Street will
be interested to learn she
returned home Sunday from
the Griffin-Spalding County
Hospital where she was
admitted following the acci
dent. Miss Thomas suffered a
broken wrist and has been
suffering with back and
stomach pains.
United Appeal
Drive Off To
Good Start
“Reports are starting to
come in on the success of our
campaign, and I’m really
encouraged,” Dick O’Hara,
president of the Butts County
United Appeal drive stated this
“We have seen the end of our
first full week,” he continued,
“and we are approaching
mid-point of our efforts.”
Mr. O’Hara added, “we will
be holding a meeting of all
committee chairmen Monday,
and I hope after that day to be
able to give a report on actual
progress made thus far.”
Members of the Co-Ed-Y
Club of Jackson High School
held a road block October 7 for
the purpose of collecting funds
for the United Appeal.
More than 16 girls and boys
participated in the event that
netted more than S4O.
President cf the club, Bobby
Thornton, said, “we wanted to
dosomething to help the United
Appeal drive, and we decided
the road block would be the
most effective measure.”
Sponsor of the club, Mrs.
Tyler Garland, said the girls
and boys realized the majority
cf funds collected not only
remained right here in Butts
County, but also went to
promote the welfare of youth
organizations. “This was the
members’way of saying ‘thank
you’,” Mrs. Garland conclud
A contribution thermometer
has been placed on the court
house square. It will be brought
up to date each Monday Mr.
O’Hara stated. “We’re hoping
itwill reach the top early in the
drive,” he smiled.
Tickets for the Charity Ball
are now on sale and may be
obtained from any trustee of
the United Appeal.
The semi-formal dance is
scheduled for Saturday, Octo
ber 20, at the Armory.
Donation for the ball is $lO
or more, per couple.
Friends of Lawrence Morgan
are glad to learn he is showing
some improvement at the
University of Kansas Medical
Center where he is convales
cing from recent surgery. Mr.
Morgan has improved to the
point that he is able to be up
and about some.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Rucker of
Piedmont, Ala. have been
visiting this week with Mrs. Ira
Friends of Dennis Pulliam
will be interested to know he is
“doing just fine” according to
members of his family and he
is showing continued improve
ment at Grady Hospital where
he has been hospitalized for
four weeks convalescing from
46,000 electrical voltage bums
he received while on the job
near Morrow.
WlkA S Jk 1 W ’•••£-
wf -of, A
A GNASHING CEREMONY - Locust Grove, Ga. A lion named Mr. McGrann officially opened the new
Proud Penny Inn on 1-75 in Locust Grove October 2nd with a ribbon eating ceremony for what is probably anew first in
ribbon clipping. The ribbon was made of hamburger and stamped with the Proud Penny logo. The young lion severed
the ribbon after three or four lusty bites. Shown above, left - right, is John Connelly, president, Proud Penny Inn; Jan
Strother, Nusery Division, Lion Country Safari from which the lion was borrowed; and Penny (Debbie Ponder).
Included in the facilities of the new inn are 150 guest rooms, the Big Top Restaurant, a pool and a playground. Proud
Penny Inns are operated by Colony Inns, Inc. Joseph J. Zarza, a native of New Orleans, is innkeeper for the Locust
Grove inn.
By Mrs. B. A. Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor
and son, Len, and Mr. and Mrs.
Bobby Taylor and Robin of
Jackson spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Taylor.
Mrs. Doyle Brady of Macon
visited her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. F. H. Morgan, Sunday.
Miss Erma Thomas of
Atlanta was visiting in the
community last weekend.
Mrs. R. W. Jenkins’ many
friends will be glad to know
that she returned home
Monday from the Georgia
Baptist Hospital where she
underwent surgery last week.
Anderson Morgan was at
home for the weekend from
West Georgia College in
Douglas Cawthon, now a
student at North Georgia
College, in Dahlonega, spent
the weekend with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Porter Cawthon,
and Steve.
The entire community was
saddened by the wreck Friday
night that injured six Butts
County young men. Four of
these, Andy Crumbley, Auze
Dover, Eddie Kersey and
David Mathis, are residents of
this community and everyone
is hoping and praying that
Andy’s condition will soon be
Walty'Jenkins was at home
from Georgia Southern College
at Statesboro for the weekend
with his parents, Rev. and Mrs.
R. W. Jenkins.
Miss Carolyn Mullis of
Atlanta spent the weekend with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Thurmon Mullis.
Mr. Jimmie O’Neal attended
the Methodist weekend lay
leader’s conference at Rock
Eagle last weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie O’Neal
and Patty spent Friday at the
Southeastern Fair in Atlanta.
Patty entered her thorough
bred dog in the 4-H achieve
ment projects.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor
visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Mayhue in Gray on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Kitchens
returned home Monday after
noon from an overnight visit
with Mr. and Mrs. Mace Owens
at Conyers. On Monday the
group enjoyed shopping at
DeKalb Mall.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J.
Hilton of Atlanta were weekend
guests of her mother, Mrs. J.
Bayless Anderson.
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Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Bell
and children, Darren, Cynthia
and Michile cf Lithia Springs
were the weekend guests of her
parents Mr. and Mrs. Naamon
Mr.and Mrs. Ronnie Wells of
Jackson will be among those
from Jackson going over to
Athens Saturday for the
Georgia-Mississippi game at
Sanford Field.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest York of
Locust Grove were Sunday
afternoon guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Naamon York.
Mrs. Robert W. Gettman of
Clemson, S. C. visited the past
"weekend with her grand
mother, Mrs. C. M. Compton.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Post and
Mrs. F. A. Holston attended a
tea Sunday afternoon at the
clubhouse in Forsyth given by
Mr. and Mrs. Fariet Bryant in
honor of Mrs. Bryant’s mother,
Mrs. Luna Bernard, a resident
cf Hilltop Nursing Home. The
occasion celebrated Mrs. Ber
nard’s 90th birthday.
Wayne Lamar Phillips
Democratic Primary
October 12,1973
\ * COMMERCE >fc/y\ .’\
.•••/%) AGRICULTURE 7/ / V
f) * * f\ \ cattle-hogs 0(7
I 0 L ,' X Sowers X// \ - )|f;
CHILDREn| 3 S!y ? OCT. 15
Locust Grove
(Continued from Page 1)
owner-operator of Elkins Super
Market in downtown Locust
Grove, believes that the volume
of money circulating in the
community already has tripled.
“The total dollar traffic, not
in my store, but in the whole
town, has tripled in the past two
years,” he said.
Much of the increased cash is
coming in through the city’s
new motels on 1-75, according to
City officials estimate that a
payroll of approximately
$300,000 is generated by each
100 motel rooms.
Locust Grove has 300 rooms
inside the city limits.
. “Property value is certainly
up out here on the interchange,”
said Russell Oldag, owner of
Russell’s Travel Inn and
Restaurant on the interstate.
Griffinite Oldag estimated
that more than four million
dollars was necessary for
development of the restaurants,
motels, and service stations
currently operating at the inter
“Of course, business here is
somewhat seasonal, but the out
look is good,” he said.
Oldag for many years
operated Russell’s Restaurant
in Griffin.
All in all, it would seem that
Locust Grove future is assured
in a modern world. - The
Griffin Daily News.
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Ball
attended Saturday’s game in
Atlanta between Georgia Tech
and Army.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Allen
were hosts Sunday at a
celebration party in honor of
Mrs. C. E. McMichael whose
75th birthday it was. Those
present in addition to the above
were Mr. and Mrs. Charles
McMichael and family of
Miss Maude Kelly of New
York and Mrs. Marie Zoch of
Ridgefield, New Jersey arriv
ed during the weekend for an
extended visit with Miss
Kelly’s sister, Mrs. J. T.
Harris, and Mr. Harris. On
Wednesday the three ladies
motored to Atlanta and
attended the Cascade Garden
Club meeting and visited