Newspaper Page Text
The Progress-Argus extends
the following:
October 13 - Mrs. Ruby
Hughes, Mrs. J. B. Settle,
Janies D. Aiken, Harold
Cochran, Jeanette S. Mang
ham, Luther Youngblood,
Edna Mote Taratoot, Thomas
R. Cochran, Mrs. Mildred
Raven, Susan Laurene Laven
der, Rose Deraney, Ava C.
Smith, Mrs. Arthur Bailey, Jr.,
Louise Craig, Mrs. Neal Baker,
Mrs. A. D. Moore, Tribble
Stephens, Jr., Mrs. W. L.
Corley, Mrs. Larue Sessions,
Linda P. Morgan.
October 14 - Jack Patrick,
Billy Hoard, Milton Mangham,
H. E. Moss, Leon Chambers,
Jack McLees, Miriam Goodwin
Smith, Pansy Newania Fogg,
Mrs. Dave Bailey, Nancy
James, Mrs. Walter Bedsole,
Lewis Eugene Allen, Mrs. H. A.
(Peggy) Norton, Hugh Lee
O’Neal, Jr., Mrs. R. L. Glaze,
Mrs. Harold Martin, Bill
Schroeder, Mrs. Douglas
Brooks, Mrs. F. B. Mason,
Larry Brindley, Sr., Jackie
Ayers, Jess Hightower.
October 15-- M. L. Powell. O.
F. Cochran, Perry O’Neal,
James Clay Saunders, Mamie
Lou Thaxton, Michael Allen
Collins, Carlton Morris, Mari
nel Smith, Norma Dean Hearn,
Wanda Elaine Anthony, L. W.
May, Jerry Darnell, Gwen
dolyn Maddox, Penelope Jean
Moon, Mike Browning.
October 16 -- Mrs. Ed
Carmichael, Robert Taylor,
Mrs. J. J. Compton, Mrs. Alton
Kitchens, Robert H. Lane,
Chester O’Neal, Bobby Greer,
Donald A. Pelt, Lucy Annise
Potts, Mary Alice P. Piro,
Forrest C. Rossey, 111, Mrs.
Dorothy Wells, Rosemary
Cook, Key ton Alan Guthery,
Judy Ayers, Hagood H. Pitts,
Lavelle Cost, Mrs. Me Rhea
October 17 - Levi Ball, T. A.
Nutt, Jr., Mrs. Pansy Nors
worthy, James G. Treadwell,
Hulon Cook, Nell Coleman,
Jerry Latham, Mrs. Andrew
Kimbell, Mrs. Sam Compton,
Stanley Alan Cook, Mrs. A. R.
Rosser, Bennie R. Fuqua,
Diane Cook, Mrs. Jimmy
Mayhue, James Buchanan
Horton, Carolyn McKibben
Carr, Mrs. Jackie Dunn, Roy
Cochran, Mrs. W. H. Staton,
Ruby Lee Dial, Hyrum Pierce,
James J. Wood, Annie Powell.
October 18 - Lois McMic
hael, Carol Hardy, Jack
Nelson, Ruth Phinazee, T. J.
Thaxton, Betty Ann Thaxton,
Mrs. Billy Aiken, Stanley
Washington, Mrs. John Under
wood, A. R. Rosser, Wade H.
Bell, 111, Mrs. John Lueken,
Stanley Cook, Harold Maisel,
Patricia Dawn Fletcher, Mrs.
Ray Thaxton, Joseph A.
McKinnon, Katherine Stinson,
Kimberly Pietrykowski, Mic
hael Sheehan, Tom Morgan.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Norris,
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Meredith
and Ted Norris of Forest Park
were called Mo Mystic, Conn.
Saturday morning, September
29th, because of the death of
Mr.and Mrs. Norris’daughter
in-law, Mrs. James R. Norris,
44, who died that morning
about three o’clock following
an ex tended period of ill health.
Funeral services for Mrs.
Norris were conducted Monday
morning in Mystic. She is
survived in addition to her
pa rents-in-law by her husband;
three children, James R.
Norris, Jr., Donna Leigh and
Barbara Ann Norris; parents;
two brothers and one sister.
Butts County friends of the
Norris family sympathize with
them in their loss.
Mrs. Rolfe Burford, Mrs.
George N. Martin and Miss
Linda Burford visited last
Thursday evening in Monroe
with Mr and Mrs. Ralph
Watson, Jr. and infant daugh
ter, Leonora.
Miss Gail Parnelle of
Jackson became the bride of
Mr. William Dean Snyder of
Atlanta at eight o’clock in the
evening on October sth at the
home of Dr. and Mrs. R. H.
Pinckney on West Avenue.
Reverend Donald Gray officia
Mrs. G. A. Weldon of Milner
rendered nuptial music prior to
the ceremony.
A background of greenery
and fern balls formed the
setting with candelabra hold
ing white tapers and an altar
rail in the forefront.
Joseph Hicks and Ed
Pinckney lighted the candles.
The bride is the daughter of
Mrs. Louise Biggs Parnelle of
Atlanta and Mr. Frank
Parnelle of Pasadena, Texas.
The groom’s parents are Mr.
and Mrs. Dean F. Snyder of
Cashiers, N. C.
Mrs. Snyder is a graduate of
the Atlanta School of Art and
received her Masters from the
Cranbrook Academy of Art at
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.
Mr. Snyder, a University of
Georgia graduate, is a Process
Control Engineer for Lock
heed, Marietta.
The newlyweds are living at
578 West Third Street, Jackson.
Out of town guests attending
the wedding were Mrs. Louise
Parnelle, Mrs. R. C. Gilmer,
Mr.and Mrs. William Bell,and
Mrs. Annie Julian, all of
Atlanta, and Mr. and Mrs.
Dean F. Snyder of Cashiers, N.
Words are inadequate to
express my sincere apprecia
tion to my relatives, friends
and neighbors for the cards,
beautiful flowers, food, phone
calls, visits, but most of all
your prayers while I was a
patient in Piedmont Hospital
and since returning home. A
special thanks to my pastor,
John Huggins, and other
churches who had special
prayers for me. May God who
has so richly blessed me be
with each and everyone of you.
- Howard Greer.
A recent survey indicates a definite need for
one of our stores to be owned and operated by a local
person offering smart and elegant footwear in all
quality name brands at savings to 50%.
Top profits and earnings, moderate investment
for inventory and fixtures, fully set up with company
training and continuing assistance in your store that
we set up for you.
We prefer people without shoe experience.
CALL COLLECT - Sales Manager, 404/761-6442
. or write
Mr. Watts, c/o P. O. Box 249, Jackson, Ga. 30233
New Arrivals
• J I \
Mr. and Mrs. William (Bill)
Shotwell of Jackson announce
the birth of a son, Martin
Brent, on Saturday, September
29th, at the Griff in-Spalding
County Hospital. Mrs. Shotwell
is the former Phyllis Young.
Mr. and Mrs. Danny R.
Walker of Jackson announce
the birth of a son, Monday,
October Ist, at the Griffin-
Spalding County Hospital.
Mrs. Myrtice Evans reports
on the wonderful time she
experiences on the Avondale
Corporate Zero Defects trip
she made October 2nd thru 4th
to Williamsport, Norfolk and
Jamestown, Va.
Mrs. Evans says they really
rolled out the red carpet for her
and the other twenty-five who
made the trip from the time
she boarded the plane in
Atlanta. This was a well
planned trip and everything
was done to perfection,
according to Mrs. Evans. It is a
trip she will always remember.
Mr. and Mrs. John R.
Redman and family of Birm
ingham, Ala. were recent
guests of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Redman.
The family of the late Mr.
and Mrs. W. M. (Mitch) O’Neal
met Sunday, October, 7th, at
the Worthville Masonic Hall for
their reunion, the first to be
held since 1967.
Fifty-eight were present for
the reunion (the same number
as in 1967). Five out of ten
children are living, they being
Mrs. J. H. Pope, Mrs. Troy
Welch, of Jackson, Mrs.
Frances Lindsey of Florida,
Mr. Bernard O’Neal of Florida,
and Mr. Melvin O’Neal of
Forest Park. Every family of
the ten children was represent
The beautiful day and the
spacious yard was entertain
mentfor the children, while the
adults reminisced about their
families and old times.
At the noon hour an abundant
lunch was served and much
fellowship was enjoyed by all.
Guests for this happy
occasion were: Mr. Elsworth
McMichael of Augusta, Mrs. E.
W. O’Neal, Jr. of Atlanta, Mrs.
Oliver Sanders, Mrs. Jack
Thomason, and Miss Lisa
Hadarits, of Macon; Mr. and
Mrs. Asbury Godsey, Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Freeman, and
Chuck McCrackin, all of
Jackson, and a friend of Mr.
Warren Lindsey from Atlanta.
We are deepfully grateful for
the many kindnesses bestowed
upon us following Dennis’
tragic accident September
11th. The many cards, flowers,
monetary gifts, calls, prayers
and other thoughtful deeds will
always be remembered and we
sincerely thank each of you.
May God bless you. - The
James Dennis Pulliam Family.
Friends of Alfred Coleman,
son of Mrs. Lois Coleman of
Jackson, are delighted to learn
he has returned home following
a three week period of
hospitalization at Glynn Me
morial Hospital in Brunswick
after suffering a heart attack.
Friends are glad to know he is
doing nicely at his home.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil L.
Scarbrough went up to Atlanta
Sunday for the Atlanta-San
Franscisco game at the
Mr.a nd Mrs. Joe Taylor will
attend the Georgia-Ole Miss
game in Athens Saturday and
will visit with their daughter,
Miss Susan Taylor,a student of
the University of Georgia.
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Briscoe
will attend the Georgia-Ole
Miss game in Athens Saturday
and while there will visit with
their son, Douglas Briscoe, a
student at the University of
Friends of Mrs. Julia Traylor
Dyar, executive manager of
the Georgia Press Association,
Atlanta, regret to learn of the
death of her husband, Hubert
L. Dyar, in Atlanta last
Thursday night, October 4th.
FYineral services and inter
ment were held Saturday
morning in Roys ton, Mr.
Dyar’s home where he was
former editor of the Royston
Record. Before her marriage,
Mrs. Dyar taught school in
Jackson where she has many
friends and acquaintances.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Propes of
Stone Mountain were business
visitors to Jackson last
Vote For and Re-Elect
John L. Coleman
Fourth Ward Councilman
City Primary October 12
Keep Jackson on the Move with Coleman!
With interest rates fluctuating* remember...
• • 1,-; - •. . . $ -• '• . , . . ’ ‘ ■•’ .4 . . 4.* ‘
Federal law ami rvjjulafion now prohibit (he payment of a I hereon i\ forfeited anil interest on the amount withdrawn
time deposit prior to maturity unless J months of the interest is reduced to the passbook rate. Member I I>lt .
The Citizens and Southern Bank of Jackson
Jed Jinks, student at the
University of Georgia, was at
home for the weekend with his
mother, Mrs. Eslyn Jinks, and
his grandmother, Mrs W. J.
White. He had as his guest
Andy Slocum of Valdosta, a
classmate at the University of
Miss Ellen Pinckney, student
at the University of Georgia,
and Miss Kay Pinckney, of
Atlanta, were weekend guests
of their parents, Dr. and Mrs.
Robert H. Pinckney, and sons.
Ed and Bobby.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pate of
Henderson visited Sunday
afternoon of last week with
Miss Sarah Bond.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold L.
Elliott and Mary Ann visited
Sunday of last week in Macon
with their children, Mr. and
Mrs. Mike Hood,and Jonathan.
Messrs. Ronnie Wells and
Albert Smith of Jackson and
James Gargile of McDonough
were among those gang over
to Tuscaloosa, Ala., Saturday
for the Georgia-Alabama
Mr.and Mrs. Manley Malone
of McDonough and Mr. and
Mrs. Lee Johnson of Chicago,
Illinois were guests last
Sunday of Mrs. Maude Wat
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Meredith
and children, Stacey and Joey,
formerly of Macon, moved last
week into their attractive new
home on the Barnesville
Highway. The Merediths are
members of the Episcopal
Church and are being warmly
The perfect gift
for the perfect gal
Now the famous Accutron tuning fork
movement gives equal time to women.
This beautiful and charming collection
of Accutron watches are accurate to
within a minute a month. Guaranteed.*
Bulova Accutron for women. From 5135.
A. Stainless steel. water resistant. Ca trdar Corfam strap. JI6S
B. 14K solid gold. Chocolate dial and st ap. 5275.
C. 10K gold. Water resistant. Calendar. Kangaroo strap. St7s.
D. Bracelet watch, two-tone champagne dial *195.
SJueJxli jjewtelruf
128 E. Third St. Phone 775-7798
® Visit our Diamond Department
'We will adjust to this tolerance, if necessary. Guarantee is for one year.
Col.and Mrs. Carl Niblack of
El Paso, Texas, enroute to
their home from Florida,
stopped by Sunday afternoon
for a visit with Miss Georgie
Watkins and Miss Delia
Mrs. Maude Watkins and
Mrs. Amos Hattaway returned
home last week from a ten day
visit in Florida with relatives
in Jacksonville, Orlando and
Miami. Mrs. Hattaway return
ed home with Mrs. Watkins for
a 10-day visit here.