Newspaper Page Text
Legal Notices
Under and by virtue of an
order of the Court of Ordinary
of said County granted at the
October Term, 1973, granting
leave to sell real estate, there
will be sold before the
Courthouse Door in Jasper
County, Georgia, between the
legal hours of sale on the first
Tuesday in November, 1973, to
the highest and best bidder for
and under the terms and
conditions of the purchase to be
stated before the Courthouse
door at the day of sale, the
following described property:
All that tract or parcel of
land lying and being in the
296th District, G.M. of Jasper
County, Georgia, and known ast
Susan Tucker Home Place,
containing 60 acres, more or
less, and bounded, now or
formerly as follows: North by
lands of W. B. Kelly, East by
land of W. H. Key, South by
lands of J. H. Key’s Estate, and
West by Mt. Zion or Mer
chants ville public road.
This Ist day of October, 1973.
A. L. Leverette, Administrator
of Estate of Miss Annie J.
Smith, deceased.
A. J. Welch, Jr.
Attorney for the Estate
P. 0. Box 307
McDonough, Georgia 30253
Barbara Jean (C.) Green
James David Green.
Civil Action File No. 1945
Action for Total Divorce
Order for Service by Publi
Dated Sept. 24, 1973.
The Defendant. JAMES
DAVID GREEN, is hereby
commanded personally, or by
attorney, to be and appear at
the Superior Court to be held in
and for said County within
Sixty (60) days of the date of
the order for Service by
Publication, as above set forth,i
then and there to answer the
plaintiff’s complaint in the
above captioned case, else the
Court to proceed as to justice
shall appertain.
WITNESS the Honorable
Hugh D. Sosebee, Judge of said
Court. This the 24th day of
Sept., 1973.
David P. Ridgeway, Clerk,
Butts County, Georgia,
Superior Court.
Alfred D. Fears
Attorney at Law
Commercial Building
P. 0. Box 3886
Jackson, Georgia 30233.
Call For Appraisal with no Obligation
Large or Small Acreage Tracts
Trained Agents to Serve You
Local Agent: Steve Jones, 775-3707
474-5487 Stockbridge 474-5479
To All Whom it May Concern:
George F. Gilmore having in
proper form applied to me for
Permanent Letters of Admini
stration on the estate of Anne
K. Gilmore, late of said
County, this is to cite all and
singular the creditors and next
of kin of Anne K. Gilmore to be
and appear at my office, within
the time allowed by law, and
show cause, if any they can.
why permanent administration
should not be granted to
George F. Gilmore on Anne K.
Gilmore estate.
Witness my hand and official
signature, this 14 day of
September, 1973.
L. J. Washington, Ordinary.
Several Hurt
In Two
State Troopers from the
Griffin Barracks and officers
from the Butts County Sheriff’s
Department were kept busy
within recent days in two
separate accidents in which
several people were injured.
Five persons were injured in
a collision Thursday morning
at the intersection of Georgia
42 and Georgia 138.
State Troopers identified the
drivers as Eulus Colvard, 46, of
Indian Springs, who escaped
injury, and Worthy Edward
Osbon, 64, of Columbus, who
suffered lacerations and a leg
Geraldine Gordon, 30, of
Route 2, Jackson, Arzener
Head, 42, Carter Avenue,
Jackson, and Gus Bland, 65,
Flovilla, who were riding with
Colvard, all were injured.
Calvin Culpepper, Osbon’s
passenger, suffered a head
They were treated at Clayton
General Hospital in Jonesboro.
A Forsyth man was injured
when his tractor trailor truck,
loaded with logs, overturned
Thursday afternoon, October
18th, in Butts County.
Troopers said Morris Shan
non, 34, of Forsyth suffered
back injuries and was carried
to Sylvan Grove Hospital.
The accident happened in
Flovilla on Giles Ferry Road
near Railroad Street.
Mrs. Jane B. Powell,
president of the Jackson
B&PW Club, and Miss O’Delle
Moore attended the dinner
meeting of the Griffin B&PW
Club Tuesday evening at the
Griffin Country Club. In
observance of National Busi
ness Women’s Week, the club
had Katherine Peden, past
state president, as guest
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Robison
Sr. returned Sunday from an
enjoyable trip to Lexington,
Kentucky where they attended
the Keeneland Fall Meet.
BSHBt * * r'WMss,
DOG SHOW WINNERS -Winners of the first Butts County
Youth Dog Show at the Butts County Fair are left to right Barbara
Boan, Junior Trick; Patti O’Neal, Senior Show; Mary Boan,
Junior Show and Best In Show; Danny Trimble, Senior Trick; and
Steve Bridges, Junior Show.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Bankston,
Jr. and Donald Bankston, 111 of
Brunswick were recent week
end guests of their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. D. Bankston.
Mrs. David P. Settle and
Mrs. E. S. Settle of Jackson
joined Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smith
of Monticello for a trip via jet
to Washington, D. C. where
they were met by Mr. and Mrs.
Blackman Settle of Harris
burg, Pa. The Georgians were
visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Settle
for a week, returning Monday,
October 15th, after flying up
Monday, October Bth. Mrs.
Settle, who was making a trip
by plane for the first time,
reported the view of the fall
foliage from the air was
breathtakingly beautiful.
Mrs. A. O. Linch of Atlanta
passed through Jackson last
Thursday and stopped in
Jackson on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnson
were among those attending
the Tech-Auburn game Satur
day afternoon in Atlanta.
Friends of Timmie Moss are
delighted to learn that he
continues to improve from
injuries in the auto accident of
October 6th that critically hurt
Andy Crumbley and bruised
and shook up several other
Jackson youths. Timmie is at
the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Moss. He
suffered serious head injuries
which are still causing him
some trouble and discomfort.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe B. Taylor
of Jackson and their daughter,
Miss Susan Taylor, of Athens,
motored to Winchester, Tenn.
during the weekend for a visit
with Mrs. Taylor’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Lee. While
in Tennessee the Georgians
attended the Georgia-Vandy
game Saturday in Nashville.
Mr. and Mrs. M. W.
Carmichael and Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Scarbrough formed a
congenial foursome Saturday
and attended the afternoon
Tech-Auburn game at Grant
Field in Atlanta.
Barry Weaver of Norcross
was recent weekend guests of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Banks Weaver, and family.
1970 Impala 2 Dr. Hardtop Custom, Extra Nice, Low Mileage
1972 Ford LTD Brougham
1968 Chevrolet 4 Dr. Impala, Extra Nice
1973 Chevrolet */2 Ton Pick-Up, 6 Cyl., 9,000 Actual Miles
1971 Impala 4 Door, Fully Equipped, Nice
1970 Ford XL 2 Door Hardtop, Extra Clean
1966 Chevrolet 4 Door Hardtop, Runs Real Good
1967 Caprice 4 Door Hardtop $295.00
/oIkV RQI FT /
Mrs. T. A. Akins was host at
her Atlanta home Sunday to
members of her family and
invited guests at a dinner given
in honor of Mrs. Euel Wade of
Jackson. The occasion celebra
ted Mrs. Wade’s birthday.
Those attending from Jackson
in addition to the Wades were
Mrs. Ernestine Glass, Mrs.
Margaret Carmichael and
Donald Willard.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Post spent
last Wednesday in Macon
visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. D.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ingram of
Jacksonville, Florida, Mrs.
Fred Ingram of Ridgeland, S.
C. and Miss Minnie Ingram of
Savannah were weekend
houseguests of Mr. and Mrs.
Morrell L. Powell.
Miss Cindy Glidewell visited
her sister, Miss Mary Glide
well, in Mobile, Ala. last
Rev. and Mrs. Bert Carmi
chael and family of Atlanta will
be guests Sunday of his
mother, Mrs. Margaret S.
Carmichael. Rev. Carmichael
will fill the pulpit at the
Jackson Presbyterian Church
Sunday morning during the
absence of the pastor.
Master Chip Barabas spent
several days last week with his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
E. Flanagan, in Macon. Miss
Michelle Barabas joined her
brother for the weekend in
Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank
Barnes and Miss Anne Barnes
enjoyed having as their
houseguests for the weekend
Steve Barnes, student at
Southern Tech, Ken Barnes,
graduate student at Georgia
Tech and University of Georgia
student Vince Capka.
Friends of Russell Price are
delighted to learn he returned
home Saturday from Emory
University Hospital where he
underwent surgery and is
doing nicely.
Miss Candace Carmichael
left last Thursday for Flag
staff, Arizona, her many
friends will interested to know.
Geo. McLain
Died In
Friends of Mr. George L.
McLain, former resident of
Butts County, will be interested
in the delayed report of his
death in Tacoma, Washington
on September 19th.
Mr. and Mrs. McLain lived
on the Fincherville Road for
about three years before
moving to Washington. Mrs.
McLain writes they had moved
to Eatonville, Wash, to make
their home with Mr. McLain
living there only about a month
before he passed away.
Mr. McLain was born
October 6, 1918 in Olathe,
Kansas. Funeral services were
held in the garden chapel of
Mountain View Funeral Home
September 22nd with Rev.
Arthur Wulf officiating. Inter
ment was in Mountain View
Memorial Park.
Mrs. McLain writes she
would like to hear from friends
in the Jackson and Butts
County area and gives her
address as Mrs. George
McLain, Route 1, Box 147 F,
Eatonville, Washington 98328.
Key Club
Visits Here
The Jackson Kiwanis Club
had a distinguished youthful
guest Tuesday night, October
16th, in the person of Pete
Tinsley, governor of Key Clubs
for the State of Georgia. The
program was arranged by Joe
Brown, Jr., Key Club chair
man. The speaker was intro
duced by Dennis Morgan,
president of the Jackson High
School Key Club.
In a brief but challenging
address, Tinsley said that each
of us, Key Club and Kiwanians,
should commit ourselves and
become individually involved
with the problems of the day
and work actively in all
schools, clubs, homes, com
munity, and churches. The
youthful speaker stated he was
proud of the Jackson Key Club
and for the attendance of
members and faculty advisors
at the meeting.
David Black, immediate past
president, made a Walk for
Mankind presentation to Den
ny O’Neal, chairman of the
successful project which was
held in the Spring. Mr. Black
presented Mr. O’Neal a check
for $1,210 for the Walk for Man
kind and $484.54 to the Butts
County Recreation Authority.
Among the Key Club mem
bers present were Bobby Long,
Dennis Morgan, Lamar Smith,
Terry Duke, Ricky Maddox,
Tom Robison, Ronnie Acree,
Bobby Browning, Keith Daniel,
Darrell Summers, Jeff Patter
son, Mark Cawthon, Kenny
Norsworthy, Johnny Morris
and Ronny Jones. Also present
were Dale Royal and Mrs. Ben
Wright, Jr., faculty advisors.
THURSDAY, OCT. 25, 1873
Mr. Jackson
Buried At
Mr. J. M. Jackson, 66, of
Route 2, Jackson, died at
Sylvan Grove Hospital Satur
day afternoon, October 20th,
about 1:30 o’clock. Death was
attributed to congestive heart
failure. Mr. Jackson had been
admitted to the hospital
Mr. Jackson resided on the
Monticello Highway, near the
Yellow Creek Bridge and had
lived in Butts County for about
two years.
Funeral services were held
Tuesday, October 23rd, at
eleven o’clock from Ward’s
Glenwood Chapel with the Rev.
Marlin H. Day officiating.
Interment was in Greenwood
Cemetery with Horis A. Ward,
Inc. in charge of arrange
There were no known
immediate survivors.
EM-1 Lynwood Thurston,
stationed in Norfolk, Va., spent
the long holiday weekend in
Jackson with his family and his
mother, Mrs. T. P. Thurston.
He returns to Norfolk to leave
for six months tour of duty in
the Caribbean.
Notice hereby is given that there will be held a Public
Hearing at the Main Courtroom, Butts County Courthouse,
Jackson, Georgia at 7:30 o’clock P. M. on November 5,1973,
for the purpose of amending the Butts County Zoning Reso
(1) To Permit Mobile Home Subdivisions in certain
areas of Butts County. To set requirements and
regulations for said subdivisions.
(2) To Permit Mobile Homes to be placed on certain
acreage in A-R (Agricultural Residential) areas.
The public is invited to the Public Hearing herein
above announced.
Notice To Home Owners
of Butts County
Mary Will Hearn
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Moelchert
and Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Briscoe
went up to Nashville, Tenn.,
Saturday for the Georgia-Van
derbilt game. They left early
Saturday morning and return
ed Sunday.
James Randall Cook recent
ly enlisted in the U. S. Army
and is at Fort Jackson, S. C. for
basic training, his many
friends will be interested to
In Appreciation
I wish to express my sincere appreciation
and thanks to those voters who supported
my candidacy in the City Primary of Octo
ber 12th.
It was my first venture into politics and
though unsuccessful, it enabled me to make
many new acquaintances and strengthen
many ties of friendship. I enjoyed meeting
new people and feel the experience will be
of much benefit if I elect to offer for public
office again.
Thanks again for your vote and support.
Wayne Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Joe B. Taylor
and Miss Susan Taylor, student
at the University of Georgia,
drove up to Decherd, Tennes
see, to spend the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Lee, the
Lees being parents of Mrs.
Taylor. They returned home
Mr. Hugh Price of Locust
Grove was a business visitor to
Jackson Friday afternoon.