The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, October 25, 1973, Image 5

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    Jenkinsburg News
By Mrs. T. H. Price
Visiting Mrs. W. M. Gallman
on Sunday afternoon were Mr.
and Mrs. Tommy Parker and
Miss Nancy Parker of Oxford
and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cook
of Jackson.
Miss June Farrar of College
Park spent the weekend with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.
B. Farrar. On Sunday then
dinner guests were Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Curry of East Point,
Mrs. Mary Lou Rosser of
Atlanta and Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Mangham and Susan of
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Price
accompanied 24 other mem
bers of the A. A. R. P., Butts
County chapter, on an enjoy
able outing to Lion Country
Safari last Monday.
Mrs. R. A. Allen has returned
from a week’s, visit with her
grandchildren at Douglasville
while Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Edwards were on a vacation
Luncheon guests of Mr. and
Mrs. T. H. Price on Thursday
were Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Elliott
and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Beam
of Atlanta and Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Pass of Lake Lanier,
Jenkinsburg residents are
proud of the new fire station
being erected to house the fire
Mrs. W. J. Saunders and
Mrs. Dewitt Price of Forsyth
visited Mrs. T. E. Foster, Mrs.
Mary Helen Odom and Mrs.
Emory Foster, all of Griffin,
last Friday.
West Georgia
Choir To
Sing Here
The Baptist Student Union
Choir of West Georgia College
will be at the First Baptist
Church of Jackson Sunday
night, October 28th, beginning
at 7:30 o’clock. The choir will
bring an evening of sacred
music during the worship hour
followed by fellowship and
some lighter music.
The BSU will come to
Jackson following a weekend
retreat at Rock Eagle where
the State BSU Convention was
held. The West Georgia BSU is
under the direction of John
Caylor. Miss Laurie Summers,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hal
Summers of Jackson, is a
member of the BSU Choir.
The public is cordially
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HAMPTON 946-4151.
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Saunders
spent the weekend in Hiawas
see and reported the Fall
foliage beautiful there.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Williams
of Cross City, Fla. have been
spending several days in
Jenkinsburg visiting relatives
and friends. Mrs. Williams is
the sister of Miss Eda Leverett.
Going up to the Home Show
at the Atlanta Civic Center
Saturday evening were Mrs.
Winnie Moore and Mrs. Elena
Carter of Jackson, Mrs. Dan
Hoard of Indian Springs and
Mrs. T. H. Price.
Mr. and Mrs. Parks Mosely
of Stockbridge and Mr. and
Mrs. G. L. Crumbley and Pam
of Locust Grove were Saturday
night supper guests of Mr. and
Mrs. T. H. Price at Fallsview
Restaurant at High Falls.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Caston
and Mrs. Charlotte Barber of
Jackson have just returned
from nine days touring the New
England states. They went on
into New Brunswick and
Quebec and returned via the
Pennsylvania Dutch Country
and Washington, D. C. They
reported the Fall foliage at its
height in some places all gone
in others.
Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Leroy Cooper were Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Cooper of
Marietta and Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Cooper of Jackson.
Mr. and Mrs. Salim Barday
of Lithonia who recently
returned from a month’s tour
of India were Sunday guests of
Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Sims.
Nazarenes To
Rally Day
The public is extended a
cordial invitation to worship at
the Jackson Church of the
Nazarene Sunday, October
28th, at which time Rally Day
will be observed. A special
feature of the day’s activities
will be the Samaritan Quartet
from the Macon-Warner Rob
ins area.
The quartet will present a
medley of gospel music during
the worship hour beginning at
eleven o’clock. “Dinner on the
ground” will be served at the
noon hour followed by an
afternoon singspiration ser
vice. The Samaritan Quartet
will again be featured with
gospel groups from surround
ing areas also invited.
Cars Collide
On Brookwood
A rear end collision on Ga. 42
Saturday morning near the
intersection of Old McDonough
Road resulted in considerable
damage to the two cars
involved but no injuries.
The accident was investiga
ted by the Jackson Police
Department. The mishap oc
curred when the two cars, both
traveling south on Ga. 42,
collided as vehicle No. 1,
driven by Georgia Dianne
Jordan of Country Mobile
Home Park, Locust Grove,
slowed to allow another vehicle
in front of her to make a left
turn. The second car, driven by
Horace Carmichael, 5518 Bry
ant Boulevard, Morrow, skid
ded approximately 78 feet
before striking the Jordan car
in the rear.
Police estimate the damage
to the Jordan vehicle at
approximately SI,OOO. They
reported the entire front was
damaged on the Carmichael
car but no damage estimate
was made.
Carmichael, according to
Jackson police, was charged
with driving too fast for
conditions. The accident oc
curred about 10:20 o’clock.
Are Now
Macon, Ga. - Tree seedlings
produced by the Georgia
Forestry Commission remain
one of the biggest bargains
available to Georgians, with
costs ranging from $6 per
thousand for pine species up to
$lO per thousand for hardwood
According to James C.
Wynens, chief, Reforestation
Department, Georgia Forestry
Commission, Macon, several
species are already sold out.
He urged landowners to place
their orders immediately since
the seedlings are sold on a first
come, first serve basis. Order
blanks may be picked up at
local Forestry units, County
Agent offices, SCS, ASCS and
Forestry Commission District
Seedlings still available
include: shortleaf and slash
pines, $6 per thousand; super
loblolly and slash pines, $7 per
thousand; black walnut, catal
pa, cottonwood, white oak,
swamp chestnut oak, sawtooth
oak, redcedar, sweetgum and
sycamore, all $lO per thousand.
A transportation charge of
fifty cents per thousand trees
must be added to the above
costs on seedlings delivered to
county forest ranger offices for
landowner pick up.
Friends of Mrs. Martha
Feely regret to learn she
continues gravely ill at Sylvan
Grove Hospital. Mrs. Feely
suffered a stroke about two
weeks ago from which she has
rallied only slightly.
Mr. and Mrs. Julian Marsh
spent the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Riley Thaxton at
their lovely new home in
Anniston, Ala. Mr. Thaxton
was recently transferred to the
Army Depot in Anniston from
the Army Depot at Conley.
Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Warren of
Atlanta, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A.
Burton of Jacksonville, Fla.
and Mr. George Gilmore of
Jackson were dinner guests of
Mr. Joe Gilmore and Mrs. Paul
Maddox Sunday of last week.
Friends of Lynn Thaxton
regret to know his condition
remains virtually unchanged
at Sylvan Grove Hospital
where he has been hospitalized
several days.
Mr. W. W. Wright of Forsyth
is a patient at Coliseum Park
Hospital in Macon where he
underwent surgery Tuesday.
He is the father of Mrs. Fred
Hammond of Jackson and is
reported to be doing well
following his surgery.
Friends of Rev. and Mrs.
Frank Smith and Thomas will
be interested to learn they have
returned to Butts County from
Magee, Miss, to make their
home. They are presently with
the Floyd Moores until suitable
housing accommodations are
The condition of Andy
Crumbley at South Fulton
Hospital remains virtually
unchanged according to a
report Tuesday morning from
his family. He is still being fed
through a tube and breathing
by means of a respirator. It is
expected he will be moved to a
private room during the week
where he can enjoy television
but will need round the clock
nurses. His family reports him
wide awake and alert with his
vital signs good.
Bats can chase insects
through thick forests on
the darkest night without
striking a branch or twig.
Seedlings are also available
in packages of 50 and 500.
Prices of these packages may
be obtained from local Fores
try Commission offices.
Friends of Mike Barnes are
encouraged by the report that
slight improvement is noted in
his condition at Elk’s Aidmore
Hospital in Atlanta. He is
reported to be semi-conscious
but his doctors noted some
slight improvement.
Friends of Dennis Pulliam
will be interested to note he
continues to be hospitalized at
Grady Hospital in Atlanta
where he is recovering from
electrical bums over his body
he received while working near
Morrow. Though still confined
to the bed, Dennis is reportedly
doing well and is expected to
begin undergoing skin grafting
the latter part of the week or
early next week. He is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pulliam
of East Jackson.
The BAE met in the Jackson
High School lunchroom on
October 12th. Mrs. Carol
Ridgeway brought a devotional
and President Geraldine
Wright brought several items
of business before the mem
One was the election of
delegates to the state meeting
in Warner Robins. A motion
was made that the four
officers, Mrs. Geraldine
Wright, president; Arthur
Lawson, vice-president; Mrs.
Lynda Ballard, secretary and
Ruby Solomon, treasurer, be
delegates with Roland Lee and
Joe Lineberger serving as
The meeting was turned over
to Darrell Pippin who indicated
that enough interest was shown
by a survey about the
Association of Classroom
Teachers to warrant inviting a
representative to orientate
teachers to this association. He
then introduced Mr. James
Johnston, a Griffin High School
teacher and a representative of
Mr. Johnston informed the
BAE members of what ACT is
and what it does. He
emphasized that ACT is not a
union but a group of classroom
teachers working together on
common projects of particular
interest to teachers. Several
questions were asked and it
was announced that another
survey would be conducted to
see if there would be enough
interest shown to form an
Association of Classroom Edu
Christmiui whop early (and
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THURSDAY. OCT. 25. 1073
Want Ads
NOTICE: I am affiliated
with Six Star Mobile Home
Sales, Jackson. When in need
of anything, please call
Charles E. Bennett, 775-
5108 or 775-7451.
Joe B. Taylor, widely known
Presbyterian layman, will lead
the morning worship at
Fellowship Presbyterian
Church Sunday, October 28th,
during the absence of the
pastor, Rev. David R. Black.
Mr. Taylor is a ruling Elder
of the Jackson Presbyterian
Church and has filled the pulpit
of his and several other
churches during the past few
months. The public is cordially
Mr. and Mrs. Sanders
Cawthon and Mrs. Connie
Cook, Chris and Ken Cook of
Stone Mountain, Mr. and Mrs.
R. A. Cook and Karen of
Jenkinsburg, Mr. A1 Cook and
Miss Antoinette Brownlee of
Jackson were dinner guests
Sunday of Mrs. A. S. Cook.
Sunday Dinner, Simplified.
No steamy kitchen. No dirty dishes. Mom can enjoy
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family to a good meal at Proud Penny’s Big Top Restaurant.
Choose from three entrees, and a wide array of home-style
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Sunday Buffet - 1130 a. m. - 4:00 p. m.
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help. With loans to fill every bill. Car or
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loans, too. Come, apply soon. Our loan
men are anxious to see you clear.
Mclntosh State Bank
NEW KIWANIANS - Tom Webb, left, and Larry Fletcher
were recently inducted as new members of the Jackson Kiwanis
Club. They were installed by Edward Manley, chairman of the
Attendance and Education Committee. - Photo by Jack Little.
Last Saturday Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Fountain, Mr. and Mrs..
Charles Fountain and Judia
Frazier attended the Garbutt
reunion at McKinneys Pond
near Midville, Ga.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Dewitt
Compton of Lithonia visited
relatives in Butts County last
Miss Rachael Watkins spen
the weekend with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Watkins
Jr., and sister, Miss Virgini;
Watkins. She is a student a
Reinhardt College.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence T
Whiten spent last Monday ir
Gainesville with Mr. and Mrs
E. O. Whitening. They returnee
to Jackson Tuesday.