Newspaper Page Text
The county wide Union Thanksgiving Service
be held at Macedonia Baptist Church on
Wednesday evening, November 21st, at 7-30
_. Rev - L ° n Hadwin, pastor of The Jackson
Uiurch of the Nazarene, will deliver the Thanks
giving message. Special music will be offered
by the Macedonia Baptist Church Choir under the
direction of Rev. Bill Whitlatch.
The county wide Union Service is sponsored
annually by the Butts County Ministerial Asso
ciation. Rev. Donald Gray, pastor of the Jackson
United Methodist Church, is president. The pro
gram for the Thanksgiving service is as follows:
Prelude Mrs. Carolyn Morgan
and Miss Debbie Bunch
Welcome Waldrep Jenkins
Hymn No. 318 "Count Your Blessings’’
Invocation James Kelley
Responsive Reading No. 62 Douglas Karius
Hymn No. 14 “Praise to God”
Offering Donald Gray
Thanksgiving Prayer John Huggins
Anthem “Fill My Cup, Lord” Macedonia Choir
Scripture 1 Chronicles 16:8-36 Ben Wright
1 Thess. 6:18
Sermon Lon Hadwin
Thankful for What? America? Family?
Apple Pie? (P. S.- 1.A.T.F.J.C.)
Hymn No. 41 “To God Be Th e Glory”
Benediction A. L. Price
Manager of Veterinary Services
Norden Laboratories
Generally, cats are not
subject to many serious
diseases. But there is one
highly contagious disease,
feline enteritis (also known as
feline distemper or feline
panleukopenia), that can pre
sent grave danger.
Feline enteritis develops in
two stages: first, a continuous
high fever that drops after 36 to
40 hours; then a fluctuating
Symptoms of the disease
include loss of appetite,
weakness, high temperature,
nasal or eye discharge and
some diarrhea. The cat will
show an obvious desire for
water but is unable to drink. It
will become weak, unrespon
sive and emaciated.
If you spot these symptoms,
seek immediate treatment
from your veterinarian. It may
save your cat’s life.
But until you can get
professional treatment, you
can attempt to relieve some of
your cat’s discomfort.
Move the cat to a quaran
tined area that is warm, well
ventilated and protected from
drafts and changes in tempera
Feed it small portions, as
often as you can, of anything
that the cat can be tempted to
eat: raw beef, cup custards,
beef broth, eggs, minced
chicken and other easily
digestible food.
Once you have consulted
your veterinarian for treat
ment, follow his directions to
the letter.
Feline enteritis seldom lasts
more than five to seven days.
But the mortality rate is
especially high among kittens,
and losses from 60 to 90 percent
of infected cats have been
Enteritis is an airborne
disease that can be transmitted
by a nasal discharge, infected
feces or fleas. Any material
that has been contaminated
also carries the disease. Its
dangerously contagious effect
continues for several days
after first indications of
Asa preventive to feline
enteritis, immunization by
your veterinarian is recom-
A. Minor,
D. V. M.
mended. Two vaccinations
given approximately 7 to 14
days apart will help to protect
your cat from the infection.
Resistance is obtained ap
proximately 7 days after the
second vaccination and lasts
for 8 months to a year.
Repeated annual vaccinations
are recommended.
When Susan got her new home,
electric energy was there.
Will it be there for you?
Susan’s only one of many Georgians of
all ages who built or bought new homes
last year. And added to the growing resi
dential use of electricity.
Most homes depend on electricity in
some way. For lighting. Cooling and
heating. Refrigerating and cooking food.
Operating the work-saving appliances
you rely on. As the standard of
living improves, people .
use more energy. Since
1950, personal in-
come in the state has A E Jt
increased about
170 percent And
our residential Jpr
customers re
quire almost
e!i i!' u;i \ as tin :-.
! hat s w In m, m e ■
State Patrol Vows Rigid
Speed Enforcement
Due To Energy Crisis
ATLANTA - Newly nomi
nated State Public Safety
Commissioner Colonel J. H.
Cofer vowed this week that the
Georgia State Patrol would
bring out every resource in the
Safety Department to rigidly
enforce existing speed limit
laws in the State following an
order from Governor Jimmy
Carter for the State Patrol to
aid in the state’s plans to
conserve energy. Colonel Cofer
said he was directing the
Patrol to make increased use
of radar and Vascar speed
timing devices in issuing
speeding citations. Addition
ally, he said he was directing
state troopers to put more
emphasis on speeders during
routine patrols.
“Not only will our stepped-up
enforcement of speed violators
help in the conservation on
gasoline, we would also expect
to make a drastic impact on the
death and accident rate in
Georgia,” he said. Georgia
Flovilla Happenings
By Mrs. S. A. Elliott
Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Waits were Rev. and Mrs.
James Bohannon and daugh
ter, Mrs. Velma Mayfield, Mrs.
Jimmy Kitchens and their
children and grandchildren.
Mrs. Vivian Hightower went
via plane to Corsicana, Texas
last week to visit relatives for a
couple of weeks.
Luncheon guests Sunday of
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Elliott were
Rev. and Mrs. Amos King of
Columbia, S. C. and Crystal
and Alan Hart. Visiting in the
afternoon were Mr. and Mrs.
A. A. Cook, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Elliott and children
and Mary Ann Elliott.
Mr. and Mrs. George Head of
East Point visited his sister,
Mrs. Mollie Padgett, Tuesday.
Mrs. Bill Aiken visited her
mother on Wednesday.
Friends of Mrs. Harold
Elliott are glad to know she is
better after being confined
with an attack of sinus and cold
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Long
visited her sister, Mrs. Henry
Giles, at Coliseum Park
Hospital Saturday. Mrs. Giles
had surgery last Wednesday
and we wish her a speedy
We extend a welcome to Mr.
and Mrs. Paul James, Jr. and
boys, Michael and Brandon, as
they moved Saturday in the
Henry Harper house here in
Flovilla. Mr. and Mrs. Harper
For you and your family. Right nowr
It’s our job to supply that
power. But our present facilities won’t
meet the growing demands. If people are
to continue building new homes and
finding jobs in Georgia, they must have
the power from plants being built today.
This new construction will take a lot of
money more than SSOO million this year.
Over ninety percent of that money
ffilk must e'c-nie through, borrowing and
the sale of stocks and bonds A
fair increase m the price of elec
tncitv will enable us to raise
the monev needed To keep
going. And
■fc keep pou er flowing
■ Electricity.
HHF What would you
p/ do without it?
highway fatalities are running
less than 1 percent under a
year ago with the deadliest
driving periods upcoming;
Thanksgiving and Christmas.
As part of the Department of
Public Safety’s contribution to
the fuel conservation plans,
Cofer said all Department
vehicles would be directed to
adhere to the 50 mph top speed
suggested by Governor Carter
except where troopers were
actually on official patrol or
were chasing a violator.
He said he did not want to
imply that the State Patrol was
out to fill up jails with speeders
but was assuring the public
that less tolerance would be
given persons who violate
speed laws.
Georgia’s speed laws state 70
miles per hour for interstates
and 60 for state and secondary
roads in the daytime and 65 for
interstates and 50 on other
roads at nighttime except
where otherwise posted.
and David moved out on
Yellow Water Creek where he
purchased a beautiful house.
Miss Irma Thomas of
Atlanta visited Mrs. Annie
Gober and Miss Virginia Smith
Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Carrie Nelson and
daughter, Mrs. Patsy Cawthon,
and children toured the
mountains last weekend and
report a wonderful trip.
Mr. George Barnes was
feeling real bad last week but
we are glad he is better and
hope he continues to improve.
Friends of Mrs. S. K. Smith
(Miss Berta) regret to know
she had the misfortune of
suffering a broken bone in her
right leg just above the ankle
last Monday and is hospitalized
in Sylvan Grove Hospital. We
wish her the very best of
everything and she is really
missed at home.
Mr. Sanford Elliott entered
Middle Georgia Hospital Sun
day afternoon and will undergo
surgery Tuesday. We all wish
him a speedy recovery.
We wish to report a good
youth rally held at Pleasant
Grove Cong. Methodist Church
Saturday night. We had 142
present and the Columbus
church won the banner. The
program put on by the host
church was enjoyed by all. The
rally in December goes to Rock
Springs Church near Milner.
Georgia Power Company
A citizen wherever we serve*
• %i u w * S
'■""' "■'‘' ' <v ' : %t JP’' ? -''' • %>s%&&■ . *wm&K ’ffiJal B\w%S
69 95
Has Maes handlebars, Shimano De
railleur rear hub with wide ratio
gearing, twin lever stem shifter. Cali
per brakes. 26 x 1 %" tires. 47610
Converts easily from boy's
girl’s bike. Has coaster brake
Adjustable, removable training 18" CONVERTIBLE SIDEWALK
outrigger. 8984 WP BIKE 8987 WP 33.95
*/ Jecorute’YourTree,(iifits & *Homel
Q - -
Total of 80 sq. ft. (37 x 26"
wide). Includes an assortment of
six different seasonal designs
Get several! HP2660
Box of 1100 18" strands of
light, bright, shimmering beauty
Flameproof. In a handy dispenser
pack. 1590
x SZSfek
SET OF 099
Straightline no need to double
back to add on. Color bulbs on
25' cord Safe indoors or out
Incl flasher light OSTL2-35
26" 5-SPEED
69 95
Lightweight diamond frame. Shimano
Derailleur rear hub. wide ratio gearing.
Front and rear caliper brakes 26 x 1%"
tires 47605 15
H 36" HIGH
H e whistles when he s squeezed 1
Great decorating or gift item I
that s made of heavy vinyl to I
last and last 1952
/ fScE-SwA
M\ —-
It's 58" round to fit most any
tree, pre-slit to fit easily!
Twinkling flameproof cotton
batting 7154
T ©
Outdoor SET C 99
Translucent bulbs for plenty of
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bulbs on 32'4-ft cord UL listed
tor the whole FAMILY !
Low slung for great stability l All molded plastic, plus steel
front fork, to take lots of use Steel hand brake for rear
wheels. Tyke-size 20V H 5080
Greet holiday visitors with Yule
reindeer pine cones, bow and
bells on its realistic holly Out
side diameter is 24". 2210
[ jtML scene
4 97
A tasteful re-creation with au- I
thenhc details. Get 8 hand- I
painted plastic figures plus a I
handcrafted wooden manger I
Scene is 11" x 12V 2918
10 GLASS 07C
Economy pack has 10 ornaments
in one color choose red, blue
gold green or silver 2’i" diam
eters Get a few! 5810
- iw
f '
26'' 3-SPEED
59 95
Rear hub w trigger control: front
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handlebars: padded saddle, chromed
trim 26x1%" tires. 47603/13
Stately Italian-styled tree top is
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of colors 2812