Newspaper Page Text
By Mrs. B. A. Williamson i
Mrs. Harvey Pearson and
children, Debbie and Dennis,
of Warrenton, Virginia are
spending two weeks with
Mrs. Pearson’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. F. H. Morgan.
Mrs. W. L. White and Mrs.
Ruby Burford visited their
sister, Mrs. Lois Kimbell, in
McDonough Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. H.
Morgan, Miss Mary Lou
Morgan, Mrs. Elsma Smith,
Mrs. Harvey Pearson, Deb
bie and Dennis Pearson and
Randall Morgan spent Sat
urday with Mr. and Mrs.
Doyle Brady in Macon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
McGarity of Morrow, spent
several days this week with
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Bradley.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Bradley
returned home last week
from Atlanta where they
spent two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Mayhue, Renee and Chuck of
Gray and Mr. and Mrs. Jack
McLees and Miss Dolores
Cook were supper guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor
Thursday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Cook
and baby, April, visited Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Mayhue
and family and were guests
at a cookout supper on
Saturday night at their home
on Lake Sinclair.
Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey
Hoard and daughter, Debbie,
of Gwinnett County visited
Mr. and Mrs. Buck Hoard
last weekend. Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Taylor and Miss
Dolores Cook also visited the
Hoards on Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack McLees
spent the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Mayhue at
their lakeside home on Lake
Mike Waites is at home for
the present but will return to
Coliseum Park Hospital in
Rev. Huggins
Will Be
Thursday evening, June 13,
the Rev. John R. Huggins,
pastor of the Jenkinsburg
Charge for the last two years,
will receive ordination into
full membership in the North
Georgia Annual Conference
of the United Methodist
In June, 1971, Rev. Huggins
was ordained deacon in the
United Methodist Church
after his first year of
seminary training at Candler
School of Theology, Emory
University. He then began
the prescribed three year
period of probationary mem
bership in the Conference.
His first two years he served
as a student pastor and
completed his seminary
training at Emory. Last year
Rev. Huggins graduated with
an outstanding record from
the School of Theology,
finishing at the top of his
class of Georgia ministers
and receiving his degree
Magna Cum Laude.
After graduation, Rev.
Huggins was quite content to
give himself fulltime to the
four country churches he has
served in Butts County. In his
fulltime year with the
churches, Rev. Huggins
enabled them to grow into
two Methodist charges, com
plete with a renovated
parsonage in Jenkinsburg
and a beautiful new parson
age in Stark.
During his years on
probation, Rev. Huggins
received counsel and guid
ance from his District
Superintendent, the Rev
erend Neal Windom, and
from the North Georgia
Conference Board of the
Ministry. He was closely
interviewed and submitted
numerous papers on United
Methodist doctrine, policy
and pastoral practices. The
Board of Ministry on May 21
recommended Rev. Huggins
for admission into full
membership in the Confer
ence and ordination as an
elder in the ministry, which
succeeds the order of deacon
in the United Methodist
about two weeks for further
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Elliott
visited relatives in Atlanta
last weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilker
son visited Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Knowles in Fincher
ville Sunday.
Rev. and Mrs. Bill Whit
latch are attending the
Southern Baptist Convention
in Dallas, Texas this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Brady
and Mrs. Helen Miller of
Macon, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
McClelland and children, Mr.
and Mrs. Otho Morgan, Mrs.
Carolyn Morgan, Anderson
and Randall Morgan, Donald
Day and children, Mandy
and Deanna, of Macon, and
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Tyler
of Monticello were Sunday
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
F. H. Morgan, Miss Mary
Lou Morgan and Mrs. Elsma
Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie
Johnson and little daughter
of Brewton, Alabama spent
the week here with the
Morgan family and were also
dinner guests at the family
gathering on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Cook
and Mr. and Mrs. Tommie
Baker spent the weekend at
Panama City, Florida.
Mr. Danny Moss of
Jackson visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Taylor and Miss
Dolores Cook Sunday after
noon. Other recent guests of
the Taylors were Mr. and
Mrs. Leonard Harris of
Atlanta and Mr. and Mrs.
Mercer Hodges of Jackson.
“Pee Wee”, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Warthen (Woppy) Cook,
is a patient at St. Joseph’s
Hospital in Atlanta. Their
friends hope that he will soon
be well again.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilker
son were visitors to Griffin
Bishop William Cannon,
Bishop of the North Georgia
Annual Conference, and the
Rev. Charles Duffey, pastor
of Chamblee First United
Methodist Church, will join in
the traditional “laying on of
the hands” which will confer
upon Rev. Huggins the
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To Oppose
A Pine Mountain
veterinarian last week quali
fied as a candidate for the
U.S. Senate seat now held by
Herman Talmadge.
Carlton Myers, DVM, paid
his qualifying fee in Atlanta
June 6 and will oppose
Talmadge in the August 13
Democratic Primary.
In announcing his candida
cy, Dr. Myers promised to
represent all the people of
Georgia in the United States
Senate, especially the family
affected by rising food costs.
Asa former U.S.D.A.
poultry inspector, Dr. Myers
is familiar with what he
terms “questionable practic
es of poultry processors,
whereby the consumer fails
to get all he pays for.”
A native of Sumter County,
Dr. Myers is 49, and married
to the former Virginia
Belcher of Arlington, Ga.
They have four children.
He has been a veterinarian
for 26 years, having graduat
ed from Auburn University in
1947. He was elected to the
Americus City Council in
1950; has served as the
major of a small community,
and has been a school board
In 1958, he ran an
unsuccessful race for the
U.S. House of Representativ
es in the 22nd District of
During World War II he
served in the Pacific with the
United States Army, much of
the time in the Philippines,
and was honorably discharg
ed after 39 months as a first
He began his practice of
veterinary medicine in
Americus, and later practic
ed in Gifford, Illinois and
Fulton, Kentucky. He served
as a Federal meat inspector
in Georgia and last year
joined the Evans Animal
Hospital in Columbus as a
highest order of ministry in
the United Methodist Church.
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