The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, June 13, 1974, Image 7
Jackson Girl , Husband In Mission Work at Guadalajara * - PRAY FOR US! •iV : djff. W ■ M. ft ,—f J§ , _ WAYNE AND LINDA NABORS A Flovilla woman mission ary and her husband, also a missionary, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Nabors, have em barked on a missionary career in Guadalajara, Mexi co, where they are attending a language school prepara tory to presenting the gospel Of Jesus Christ to the Mexican natives. Mrs. Nabors is the former Miss Linda Elliott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sanford felliott and-granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Elliott of Flovilla. In a letter to friends in Report From Indian Springs By Mrs. Robert W. Grier, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Ivey and Chuck will have as their guests for an. extended visit Mr. ancf'Mrs. Julian Wells and Alan of Forest City, N. C. Mr. Wells is attending camp this weekend. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Allen spent last Tuesday in Mableton with Mrs. Allen’s Sister, Mrs. G. S. Hobbs. •Victor Goetz will be staying with his grand mother, Mrs. B. T. Mc- Michael, for the summer as He will be in charge of the Museum. Miss Blannie Stallworth visited in Dublin with friends last week. Her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Stallworth, of Westminster, C., were her guests for three days last week. ; Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ashley attended homecoming at Juliette Baptist Church on Sunday. The Children of Christ from Macon sang with the Gospel Two. The revival Started Monday night and Will extend through Saturday night. The Gospel Two sang at Log Wall Baptist Church last Saturday night. Mrs. B. T. McMichael was entertained at Pinebrook Inn in Macon last Thursday by Mrs. Margaret McMichael Greer, Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Faulkner of Athens, Mr. and Mrs. Kyle McMichael of PERSONAL Friends of Doug Durrett are happy to learn he returned home recently from Middle Georgia Hospital where he was hospitalized for more than a week with a virus infection. Mr. Durrett returned to work at Mclntosh State Bank last week and is feeling much improved. Recent weekend guests of Mrs. La Rue Turner were Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Wheeler of Jasper and Mr. and Mrs. Tony Payne, Tonia and Chuck, also of Jasper. Mr. and Mrs. John Carter, Candy and Marsha of Tucker spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Carter Moore. Butts County, Mr. and Mrs. Nabors wrote that “March 6th was an exciting day for us. We met with the members of our Department of Foreign Mission and were placed under permanent appointment to Mexico.” Mr. Nabors was born and raised in Alabama and is a member of the Edgewood Congregational Methodist Church in Anniston. In the summer of 1969, he entered Westminster College. After one year th,ere, he spent the summer of 1970 in Tokyo and Taiwan doing missionary work with the World Gospel Jackson, and Mrs. Frank Ogletree of Cork. The occasion was Mrs. Mc- Michael’s birthday. This reporter and Mr. Grier spent week with our daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dee Moore, Carla and Chip, at their lovely new home on St. Johns River in Green Cove Springs, Fla. On Wednesday we attended the confirmation of the four at St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church, a very quaint little church that is over 100 years old, just a few blocks from their home. It was a very impressive ceremony. On Saturday we drove to Leesburg, Fla. to attend the wedding of our foster granddaughter, Dori gene Kathryn Feucht, to Douglas Eugene Harsh, at the First Baptist Church, with a lovely reception held in the Fellowship Hall of the church. Mrs. B. T. McMichael had as her Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Brown of Macon, Mr. and Mrs. William Pigg of Warner Robins, Mrs. Bobby Kinard, Donna Kinard, and Mrs. Robert Kinard, all of Oxford. Indian Springs has lost another of their fine citizens, Mr. James Edward Cornell, Sr. Our Sympathy is extend ed to his family. Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Jones Jr. paid their respects to the late C. T. Parker, Griffin business and civic leader who died Tuesday afternoon, at Pittman Rawls Funeral Home in Griffin last Wednesday afternoon . Ser vices for Mr. Parker, 57, were held Thursday morning at the First Baptist Church of Griffin with interment in Oak Hill Cemetery. Saturday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Williams and family were Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Williams of Roberta. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Gatlin and Carla of Conyers visited Sunday with Mrs. Lois Byrd. THE JACKSON PROGRESS-ARCUS, JACKSON, GEORGIA Mission Summer Career Corp. During the last two years at Westminster, Mr. Nabors pastored two churches in Texas and Mississippi. Mrs. Nabors was raised in Alabama and Georgia and is a member of the Pleasant Grove Congregational Methodist Church in Jack son. Mrs. Nabors wrote, “I answered God’s call to the mission field at the age of 13. I enrolled at Westminster in the fall of 1965. Upon my graduation in 1969, I con tinued my education at Baylor University and Tift College, working on a degree in music. I have spent one summer and most of my college vacation time work ing in Mexico with our missionaries.” Mrs. Nabors wrote that they were married June 12, 1971 and that Mr. Nabors graduated from Westminster May 25th and “We will begin full-time deputation the first of June.” Mrs. Nabors continued, “It is necessary for us to raise 140 shares plus language school expense before entering language school. With your financial help it will be possible for us to enter school in January 1974.” Mrs. Nabors wrote that “We need and covet your prayers which will enable us to reach the people of Mexico for Christ.” SEAMAN TERRY CLINE COMPLETES TRAINING (GHTNC) May 24-Navy Seaman Recruit Terry L. Cline, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Napier Jr. of Route 2, Jackson, Ga., graduated from recruit train ing at the Naval Training Center, Orlando, Fla. He received nine weeks of intensive instruction in sea manship, small arms train ing, fire fighting, close order drill, first aid and Naval history. He will now report to a formal school for specialty training or to a ship or shore station for on-the-job train ing. Gordon Names Advisory Committee BARNESVILLE - In an attempt to get greater input into the criminal justice program at Gordon Junior College, an advisory commit tee has been named. Com mittee members reflect the various aspects of the criminal justice system and their suggestions will help make the program more responsive to the needs of students in the program. The three committee mem bers selected are: Judge Hugh D. Sosebee, Judge of the Flint Circuit, Forsyth; Captain Harvell Estes, State Patrol Troop Commander, Thomaston; and Sheriff Merrill Greathouse, Sheriff of Upson County. According to Joe Medcalf, who heads Gordon’s pro gram, the advisory commit tee will help plan curriculum as well as identify potential students for the program. The criminal justice pro gram currently has about 65 students taking courses in corrections, law, history, and law enforcement. Bicyclist Struck By Car Scott Smith, 13, son of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Smith of Route 3, Jackson, was seriously injured Tuesday afternoon, June 4, near his home on the Barnesville Highway when the bicycle he was riding was struck by a car driven by Thomas Cooper, 73, also of Route 3, Jackson. Scott suffered a compound fracture of his leg and a broken shoulder in the mishap. He was treated at Sylvan Grove Hospital and admitted to Medical Center of Central Georgia in Macon. The accident was investi gated by the Butts County Sheriff’s Department and by troopers of the Griffin State Patrol Post. Troopers said the accident was unavoidable and no charge was placed against the driver. AT THE HOSPITAL Patients at Sylvan Grove Hospital during the week of June 4 ll include: Tina Abercrombie, Elnora Ridley, Jimmy Roberts, Josephine Moore and baby girl, G. Ham, John Ball, Jimmy Jackson, Darwin Campbell, John Moss, Wil liam Brown. Betty Thurman, Louise O’Day, Grover Cleveland, Jamie Robertson, Ida Solo mon, Betty Nutt, Martha Franklin, Louise Slaton, Cornelia Hamilton. Fredl [DOT] NECK BONES 3- $ 1 J MRS. FILBERTS ' MAYONNAISE 32-OZ K B 1 JAR k win* IHV k ow* T MORTON FROZEN POT PIES CHIC lOZ ZaC BEEF TURKEY ORE-IDA FROZEN TATOR TOTS 3 sl,OO MCCORMICK BLACK PEPPER 4-oz 59 C MAXI-CUP PARKAY i*-°z 49 C TINMSSfi PHM SAUSAGE ■ 79 CERTIFIED^ WON Fathers daY r ' iTnl ' Men’s Pajamas, Robes, House Shoes Deraney's Department Store WEBB’S RED DOT Intersection Hwys. 16, 23 and 42 | Kfcj Jackson, Ga. WE HELP YOU M * ON QUALITY FOODS ttit LIVER 59 QUANTITY k RIGHTS \ RESERVEDi 'bjt THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1974 r * V J f B Shank & ’ HA M Butt imn . 49* X UIUUT^N, yT BONE-IN ROUND / STEAK ■ *139 h/ all purpose white \ f POTATOES \ *B?Q \ BAG ■fcU m PRICES GOOD i ■ THRU \_ # JUNE 15,1974 ran STEAK • 79° Fred^ [DOT] j&STORSS^j | FRESH YELLOW Of CORN y S-490 GREEN CABBAGE '■ IOC OTKife hk: fruit 9tmeh strawberry DRINKS u-oi 390 POPULAR BRAND ICE CREAM K-tu 490 msoN ainn WIENERS 69c I yT BAKING \ HENS \ Luzianne TEA BAGS 100 ct 89<