Newspaper Page Text
Luke 17:12-18
By Philip DeMore,
Jackson United Methodist
Ten lepers went to Christ
for healing; only one re
turned to thank. Ten went to
ask; only one came back to
praise. Why did the nine fail
to thank Christ for His
blessing? Why do we fail to
Pride is the greatest
reason for the thanklessness
of man. Do you remember
the rich farmer Jesus told
about? He made abundant
crops, buTthose crops did riot
cause him to think of the One
who created the soil and sent
the sunshine and rain. It only
caused him to think of how he
could enjoy himself.
To be thankful means that
we must admit that we have
received more than we
deserved. Gratitude comes
from a sense of unworthi
ness. The Bible tells us to
humble ourselves, but in
stead we like to boast and to
promote ourselves, and we
like to use our blessings to
feed our conceit and to
support our pride. That is
why we are not thankful.
Also, we are not thankful
because we concentrate on
our troubles instead of on our
blessings. These nine lepers
had suffered both in body and
in mind. There were finan
cial reverses, the loss of
friends. It is so easy to let
past trouble kill all the joy of
today and tomorrow. A line
from Lew Wallace’s great
book, “Ben Hur”, tells us:
“In thankfulness for present
mercies nothing so becomes
us as losing sight of past
ills.” But some people never
learn to forget and go
forward. Instead of gratitude
for the good, they are only
bitter over some bad. There
life stops for them and they
become dead souls.
This one leper recognized
that he had received answer
to his prayer. He, too, had a
home and family he was
anxious to get back to. He,
too, had a business that
needed his attention. But
also, he was a decent man.
Something had come to him
that he had not earned nor
deserved. He had come
praying, “Master, have
mercy,” and through mercy,
not justice, he was blessed.
Now he recognized that and
was big enough to express
When Jesus saw him
coming back alone He said,
“Were there not ten
cleansed? but where are the
nine?” The Lord was very
disappointed; not disap
pointed because He wanted
their praise, but rather
because He had an even
greater blessing that He
could not give the other nine.
To the one man with the
faithful heart He said,
“Arise, go thy way: thy faith
hath made thee whole.”
Many people have pos
sessed His physical bless
ings, but they are not happy
and in their hearts is no
peace. But for those who
recognize their blessings and
express their gratitude there
is a spiritual wholeness
awaiting, which is Christ’s
greatest blessing.
Mrs. Ida Coker reported
that her husband, Doyle
Coker, underwent major
surgery in the Griffin-Spald
ing County Hospital Monday,
Nov. 4. He is somewhat
better, she said.
Mr. Dennis Dunagan of
Lawrenceville, Mr. Milton
Dunagan, and Mr. Randy
Castellon of Atlanta were
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
E. A. Parrish Saturday
Mr. Marquis Childs of
Jenkinsburg had as Sunday
dinner gutests his three
daughters, Mrs. Mirianj
Dobbs of Rome, Mrs. Betty
Sarfaty of Decatur, and Miss
Sarah Martha Childs of
Heart Attack
Mr. Boswell
Mr. Arthur Thomas Bos
well, 54, of 568 Joy Street,
Jackson, died at his home
Tuesday morning after ap
parently suffering a massive
heart attack.
Mr. Boswell was born
January 1, 1920, in Quinlan,
Texas. Mr. Boswell moved to
Jackson six years ago upon
his retirement from the U.S.
Air Force, where he served
28 years.
Mr. Boswell was employed
by the State Department of
Corrections, where he served
as food service administrator
for Georgia’s prison and
correctional system.
Mr. Boswell is survived by
his wife, Mrs. Donnie Brown
Boswell of Jackson; a son,
William T. Boswell of
Jackson; two sisters, Mrs.
Elsie Mae Truett of San
Angelo, Texas and Mrs.
Eunice Rutledge of Ever
man, Texas; one brother,
Lester W. Boswell of Hous
ton, Texas.
Funeral services are to be
announced later by Sherrell
Funeral Home.
Friends of Michael Mad
dox, 16-year-old son of Rev.
and Mrs. Eugene Maddox,
will be interested to know
that he underwent an
emergency operation for
appendicitis Sunday morning
at the Griffin-Spalding Coun
ty Hospital. He is recupera
ting nicely and is expected
home in a few days. He is in
Room 421.
Lamar Maddox of Macon
celebrated his 14th birthday
at the home of his grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
Weaver. Guests included Mr.
and Mrs. A. D. Maddox, and
Mrs. J. W. Maddox.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. Cook
had as dinner guests Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cook of
LaGrange and Miss Ruby
Lane of Jenkinsburg.
Visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
Nutt, Sunday was Mrs. Ruth
Lowe of Eastman.
I want to thank all the
people who remembered me
while I was in Sylvan Grove
Hospital recently with all the
pretty cards, gifts, fruit,
prayers and visits. I want to
especially thank Dr. Howell,
the nurses and every worker
in the hospital for being so
nice and so willing to make
me, and I’m sure every
patient, comfortable. Thanks
again and may God bless you
today in a special way.
Mrs. Ruth Ridgway.
carmichael insurance agency
Mrs. Black
Died Sunday
Mrs. Frankie Vivian
Black, 48, of 2824 Frontier
Trail, Chamblee, died Sun
The former Miss Frankie
McClendon of Jackson, she
was the daughter of the late
Mr. W. B. McClendon and
Mrs. Ann Lee Collins
Funeral services were
conducted Monday afternoon
at three o’clock from Skyland
United Methodist Church
with burial at Laurelwood
Memorial Gardens.
Mrs. Black was a secretary
of Margaret Harris Elemen
tary School and a member of
the Chamblee Chapter of the
Order of Eastern Star.
Mrs. Black is survived by
her husband, F. E. Black;
daughter, Mrs. Gilbert M.
Hamons of Whisner, La.;
son, Samuel Wayne Black of
Chamblee; two sisters, Mrs.
Sarah Kelly of Stockbridge
and Mrs. Ann Childs of Red
Oak; three brothers, William
J. McClendon and Lee
McClendon, both of Stock
bridge, and Sam F. McClen
don of Griffin.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert W.
Hencely and Mr. and Mrs.
Levie Maddox spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Davis in Hiram, Ga.
Mr. H. F. Compton is a
patient at the Griffin-Spald
ing County Hospital, where
he underwent surgery last
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Den
mark of Homerville arrived
Monday evening for a visit
with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
O’Quinn and Michael.
Mr. and Mrs. Nevin
Whidby of Macon visited
Mrs. Lois Byrd Saturday
Mrs. Dorothy Pearson of
Lithonia spent the day last
week with Mrs. W. N. Harris.
Mr. D. D. Estes continues a
patient at Sylvan Grove
Hospital, his many friends
regret to learn.
The softest job in the world
of sports is probably that of
the groom who tends the
equestrian statue of Marcus
Aurelius in Rome. The statue
has been attended by a groom
hired on a special retainer for
more than 1000 years!
Mrs. Grant
Died On
Mrs. Julia Stinson Grant,
79, died at 1:30 o’clock
Tuesday morning at West
bury Nursing Home in
Jenkinsburg. Mrs. Grant
had been a patient there for
about two years and had been
in declining health for some
Mrs. Grant was born July
7, 1895, in Arkansas and
moved to Butts County when
very young, where she spent
the greater portion of her
life. Mrs. Grant was a retired
textile employee and was a
member of the Second
Baptist Church of Jackson.
Funeral services were
conducted Wednesday after
noon at 3:00 from the Second
Baptist Church with the Rev.
A. L. Price, pastor, officia
ting. Interment was in
Pepperton cemetery with
Sherrell Funeral Home in
charge of arrangements.
Mrs. Grant is survived by
one sister, Mrs. Clifford
Cannon of Covington and a
large number of nieces and
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Attend Church On Sunday Take A Friend With You
You Need The Church - The Church Needs You
Rev. Donald L. Folsom
Preaching Sunday 11 am.
and 7:30 p.m. Sunday School
9:45; Church Training 6:30
p.m. Mid-week service Wed
nesdays 7 p.m.
Rev. R. W. Jenkins
Preaching Sunday 11:00a.m.
and 7:30 p.m. Sunday School
10 am. Mid-week service
7:00 p.m.' Wednesday. CT
6:30 p.m. Sunday.
Preaching Sunday 11 a.m.
and 8:00 p.m. BTU Sunday
7:00 p.m. Sunday School 10
a.m. Mid-week service 7:30
p.m. Wednesdays.
Rev. James Bohannon
Preaching Sunday 11 a.m.
and 7:30 p.m. Sunday School
10 a.m. BTU 6:30 p.m
Mid-week service 7:30 p.m.
Sunday School Sunday 10
a.m. Worship services at 11
a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Rev. J. C. Parham
Preaching Sunday at 11 a.m.
and 7:30 p.m. Sunday School
10 a.m. BTU 6:30 p.m.
Rev. Clarage Tucker
Sunday School Sunday 10:00
a.m. BTU 7:00 p.m. Preach
ing 11 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.
Prayer meeting Wednesdays
at 7:30 p.m.
Rev. Douglas Karius
Preaching Sunday 11 a.m.
and 7:30 p.m. Sunday School
10. BTU 6:30 p.m. Prayer
meeting Wednesday 7:30
Rev. A. L. Price
Preaching Sunday 11 a.m.i
and 7:30 p.m. BTU 6:30 p.m.
Sunday "School 10 a.m.
Prayer meeting Wednesday 7
p.m. i
Rev. Roy Vaughn
S. School 10 a.m. Preaching
11 & 6. Prayer M. Wed. 7p.m.
Rev. James Paige
Preaching Sunday 11 a.m.
and 7:30 p.m. Sunday School
10 a.m., BTU 6:30 p.m.
Prayer services Wednesdays
7:30 p.m.
Mass at 9 a.m. each Sunday.
This Appeal Is Made Possible By The Following Firms Who Are Interested In Our Churches
Avondale Mills
(Indian Springs Plant)
ABW Chevrolet Cos.
Fashion Pillows
Stephens Grocery
Phone 775-2595
Flovilla Happenings
By Mrs. S. A. Elliott
Mr. Cliff Funderburke and
Danny of Jonesboro visited
Sunday with his mother,
Mrs. T. C. Funderburke and
Mrs. Vivian Hightower and
attended church at the
United Methodist Church..
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott
Jenkins visited Sunday af
ternoon with Mrs. D. T. Long,
Mrs. J. D. Long, and family.
Mrs. Jenkins wasn’t well. We
hope she is feeling much
Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Wheeler of Memphis visited
last Tuesday with Mr. and
Mrs. S. A. Elliott. They had
been vacationing in the
mountains of Tennessee and
Georgia. Mrs. Wheeler is a
niece of Mr. Elliott.
Mr. Ed Williams and boys,
Glenn and Andy, visited with
friends in Hawkinsville and
Cochran Saturday.
Visiting Sunday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. S. A.
Elliott were Rev. Curtis
Barnes of Columbus, Mr.
Claude Morgan, and Mr. and
Mrs. A. A. Cook. Mr. and
Mrs. A. G. Cook visited
recently with the Elliotts.
Luncheon guests Sunday of
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Craig,
The Strength You Need
Winn the going's been rough ...
When a loved one is 111 and you
y§ must carry on ...
~ ’ When your problems seem more
it than you can handle ...
When your soul cries out for strength
ML and comfort. . .
Take the arm that reaches out to you.
fßaSSlm' , Lean on Him for the strength you
Com* to church.
- ' wL' y ' w | #•.
' Copyright 1974 Keister Advertising Service, Inc., Strasburg, Virginia Scriptures Selected By The American Bible Society ]
S Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Isaiah Ezekiel Matthew Mark Romans James Philemon
35:4-7 33:7-9 18:15-20 7:31-37 13:8-10 2:1-13 1:9-17
Raymond B. Collins. Pastor
Sunday School 10 a.m.
Morning Service 11 a.m.
Evening Service 7 p.m.
Mid-week Prayer Service
Tues evening 7:30 p.m.
Bible Tabernacle Church
Rev. Henry R. Brooks
Sunday School 10 a.m.;
worship service 11 a.m.
and 7:30 p.m. Mid-week
prayer service 7:30.
The Central Georgia Electric
Membership Corporation
The Jackson Progress-Argus
Polk's Tire & Service Cos./ Inc.
Jackson Insurance Agency
Owned and Operated by C&S
Bank of Jackson
Bonnie and Billy were his
mother, Mrs. Willie Mae
Craig, Mr. and Mrs. Kelley
Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Alan
Wilson, and Mr. and Mrs.
Steve Gray and Craig.
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Long
of Locust Grove were supper
guests Friday night of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D.
Long and grandmother, Mrs.
D. T. Long.
Mrs. Annie Gober, Mrs.
Edith Roberts, and Miss
Virginia Smith visited Mrs.
Robert W. Grier and Mrs.
Lynda Rastello of Indian
Springs at Indian Springs
last Friday evening, and they
also visited Miss Roxie Smith
and Mrs. Roxielu Bohrer at
Mr. Pope Moncrief and his
mother, Mrs. Winnie Mon
crief, visited Misses Vivian
and Agnes Hay Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Cook, and Mr. and Mrs.
Denny Lassiter attended the
gospel singing in Atlanta
Saturday night.
Mrs. Edith Roberts and
Miss Virginia Smith visited
Tuesday evening with Miss
Rev. Barry Hayes
Preaching Sunday 11 a.m.
Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Elder Paul Mann
Preaching every Ist and 3rd
Sundays ll a.m.
Rarnesville Highway
Harris McCaleb
Bible Study 10 a.m. Sunday
Worship ll a.m. and 6 p.m.
Wednesday 7 p.m.
Wise Standard Service Sta.
Corner Third & Covington
Bob Taylor's FINA Service
G. H. Barnes Lumber Cos.
Heart Of Jackson Motel
Westbury Medical Care
Home/ Inc.
Fredna Hilley and Mrs.
Winnie Moncrief.
Mrs. Vivian Hightower
visited in Tennessee last
week, and Mrs. J. C.
Funderburke visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Funder
burke in Jonesboro.
We congratulate Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Orr on the birth
of a son named Bobby. Mrs.
Threassa Lummus is the
proud grandmother.
Congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Burns on the birth
of a daughter on November
3rd at Coliseum Park
Hospital. She was named
Elizabeth Lillian for her
maternal grandmother, Mrs.
Sara Duke and paternal
grandmother, Mrs. Lillian
Burns. She will be called
Beth, and that’s so cute to go
with her brother Billy.
Rev. and Mrs. Kenny
Partain, Catherine, and Phil
spent several days last week
with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Sanford Elliott and
Rev. and Mrs. Frank Smith
and Thomas spent the
weekend visiting his parents
in Tennessee and visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Alan
Washington at Rome. Rev.
Curtis Barnes of Columbus
preached for Rev. Smith at
Pleasant Grove, and he was
luncheon guest of Mr. J. W.
Browning, Sr. at Tomlin’s
Rev. Larry Youngblood
Sunday School 9:45 a.m.
KYB 6:30p.m., Preaching ll
a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Prayer
meeting Wednesday 7:30
15 Main Street
Rev. James L. Baxter
Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Worship services 11 a.m.,
7:30 p.m. Mid-week service
Thursday 7:30 p.m.
It was just one short year
ago on November 13th, 1973,
that our beloved father,
grandfather and great
grandfather, Mr. Lennie Lee*
Washington, died suddenly
and left us with grieving
hearts. He left us a valuable
legacy, not of money and
material things, but some
thing more important. He
taught us honesty, loyalty,
integrity, sympathy, for
giveness, and Christian love
for God and all mankind. His
passing left a void in our
hearts, but from the life he
lived, we know he must be
one of God’s jewels in
Heaven, and each of us will
do well to follow his example.
God Bless you, Dear
Daddy-r- Mr. and Mrs. Julian
Washington and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Allmon Washington
and family, Mrs. Eloise
Guess and family, Mr. and
Mrs. W. G. Avery and family.
In Germany it’s bad luck to
sneeze while putting on shoes;
but to sneeze in conversation
means that the last state
ment was true.
Rev. Philip DeMore
Preaching Sundav at 11'a.m.
and 7:00 p.m. Juniof
Fellowship 6:00 p.m., Senior
Fellowship 6:00.
Rev. Frank Burton
Preaching every Sunday 11
a m. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday
School 10 a .m. UMYF Ist and
3rd Sundays at 6:30 p.m.
Rev. James Jackson
Preaching second Sunday
11:00 am. and 7:00 p.m.
Sunday School 11:00 a.m.
except second Sunday at
10:00 a.m.
Rev. James Jackson
Preaching first Sunday 11:00
a.m. Third Sunday 11:00 a.m
and 7:00 p.m. Sunday School
at 10:00 a.m.
Rev. James Jackson
Preaching 2nd Sundays 11:15
a.m., 4th Sundays 11:15 a.m.
and 7 p.m. Sunday School
every Sunday 10:30 a.m.
UMYF 4th Sundays 6 p.m.
Rev. Frank Smith
Preaching Sunday, 11 a.m.
and 7:00 p.m., Sunday School
9:45, CMYS 6 p.m. Mid-week
service 7:00 p.m. Wednes
Rev. H. A. Craft
Preaching fourth Sunday 11
a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Sunday
School every Sunday 10 a.m.
Rev. Lon Hadwin
Preaching Sun. 11 a.m. and 6-
p.m. Sun. School 9:45 a.m.l
N.Y.P.S. 5:15 p.m. Mid-week
services Wed. 7:30 p.m.
Rev. David R. Black
Sunday School 10 a.m
Worship 11:00 a.m.
Weekday Bible School, ages
4-8, Wed. 3 P.M.
Rey. James Doom -
Sunday School 10 a.m.
Worship 11:00 a.m.
Elder John B. Hancock
Preaching every 2nd Sunday
11 a.m.
Carter Motor Cos./ Inc.
Dodge Chrysler
Cawthon Bros./ Inc.
Propane Gas & Appliances
Ph. 775-7801
Parrish Drug Cos.
Reliable Prescriptions
The Kym Cos.