Newspaper Page Text
Holiday On Ice Opens
In Macon on Jan. 22nd
The 29th edition of Holiday
on Ice opens on Wednesday,
January 22, at the Macon
Coliseum in Macon for a
five-day engagement, ac
claimed as “Holiday on Ice
at its best.”
Ever-new and ever-old, the
show’s theme in 1975 is a
“Spectrum of the 70’s”,
offering a panoramic view of
the contemporary skillfully
intertwined with nostalgic
reminders of the past, and
even a glimpse or two of the
There will be comedy,
romance, beauty, thrills, and
the wonderful music that has
always been part of the
magnificent pageantry. It’s
over two hours of the finest in
family entertainment.
Six major production num
bers, brilliant soloists and
pairs, and the funniest
clowns on ice will be featured
in the all-new show.
As the show opens, the
precision Glamour-leers are
spot-lighted in a fast-paced
number titled “Sounds of the
70’s”, also featuring Rulona
Rolland, Brigitte Voit, and
Marc Leßel, skating to, a
blend of contemporary
They are followed by the
“Double Daring” of anew
pair team, Olympic star
Doug Berndt and the lithe
and lovely Patrice Leary.
Next comes the sophisti
cated ballroom dancing of
“The Continentals,” Brigitte
Wagner and Otto Hoke, who
have a surprise in mind.
Off to “Lake Ha-Ho”,
where a merry band of
Gorillas make mischief and
Jackson Girls
Victory Skein
After placing second in the
Christmas tournament in
Lamar County to end 1974,
the Devilettes started 1975
with two more wins last
week. Every player on the
team contributed her share
and gained a little more
valuable experience and
Tuesday we met Lamar
County and easily defeated
them 57-18. Then on Friday
we faced Mary Persons and
found them to be a weak foe
also, soundly whipping
them 91-31. In this game
Vickie Clark came within
three points of breaking the
J.H.S. individual scoring
record for a single game.
The Mary Persons game
was one of the few strong
starts the Devilettes have
had this year, preferring to
play strong second half
basketball. However, in this
game, our girls showed their
superiority from beginning to
Interestingly enough our
Devilettes’ defense held both
Lamar County and Mary
Ready For The Home Freezer
These steers have been on com for six
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Available in halves if desired.'3*!stfL.per
pound dressed weight.
Cawthon Bros., Inc.
generally bring down the
house with their antics.
Providing a thrill-a-second
is Geary Baxter, leaping
over barrels and through
flaming hoops in a daring
exhibition of acrobatics.
Memories of the late A1
Jolson will sharpen as
Patrick McKilligan recalls
his greatness to the strains of
Sixteen adorable “Poodles
de Paree” dance and prance
to the clipped commands of
master Gerald Soules, assis
ted by Steve Schumacher.
Carol and Clive Phipson,
masters of the adagio and
one of the most romantic
couples in show skating,
present their elegant inter
pretation of “Speak Softly,
My l,ove”.
“Impressions” by Little
Lito, a true master of the art
of comedy, will have audien
ces delightedly recognizing
famous comics of bygone
Closing the first half is
“Make Your Own Kind of
Music”, featuring a galaxy of
stars, both on the ice and
overhead in special lighting
effects. Doug Berndt, Patrice
Leary, and the Second
Edition are featured against
a background of music from
the past thirty years.
No one will want to miss a
minute of the second-half
opener, “The Happy Factory
Caper”, a number for
children of all ages. It’s a trip
to a make-believe land of
storybook characters and
derring-do, featuring Barney
Google’s famous nag, Spark
plug, and his little friend
Persons to only four points in
the first quarter and four
points in the second quarter,
forcing each team to end the
first half with only eight
points. Showing even more
strength in the third quarter,
Lamar Cos. was granted a
mere two points.
We travel to Baldwin
County this Friday night for
our tenth win of the season.
See you there ....
Stats, for Lamar Cos.
J.Ward 23
C. Goodrum 10
B. King 9
V. Clark 5
W. Strickland 4
S. Crowder 2
W. Grant 2
C. White 1
L. Hudgins 1
Stats, for Mary Persons
V. Clark 32
J. Ward 21
B. King 10
S. Crowder 8
C. Goodrum 8
C. White 7
L. Webb 2
S. Patterson 2
W. Strickland 1
Tammy Lobland, assisted by
comic Richard Candiliere.
Sparkplug is portrayed by
Michel Bagneris and Dennis
Then it’s an enchanting
visit to “The World of Marc
Leßel”, with the handsome
star surrounded by four
glamorous “Dream Girls” in
breathtakingly beautiful cos
Patrice Leary skated light
and lively to the music from
the stage and film hit,
“Sounds In Motion” blends
movement in music and on
ice into futuristic counter
point, with a stark black and
white setting to set off the
myriad talents of Rulona
Rolland, Brigitte Voit, and
Patrick McKilligan, suppor
ted by the Glamour-leers.
A stunning “Pas De Deux”
presented by the Phipsons is
simple poetry in motion.
Little I-ito reappears for a
“Sunday Afternoon in the
Park”, with sidekicks Bri
gitte Wagner and Michel
Bagneris, just for fun.
Music ranging from rock to
country western and back
again sets the stage for a
rousing rendition of “Satur
day Night, U.S.A.”, with a
barn-dance setting showing
off the precision movements
of the famed Glamour-leers.
The Swing Waltz couples
“raise the roof” in a whirling
display of the best dancing on
ice, then are joined by the
entire company for a finale
that will have audiences
whistling a tune and sorry to
see the end of a wonderful
Weekend guests of Mrs. W.
W. Wright were Mr. and Mrs.
C. B. Guest, Jr. of Bogart.
Mr. and Mrs. T. M.
Washington visited last Sun
day afternoon with his great
aunt, Mrs. Mary Harkness
and her son, George.
Mrs. Alton H. Coleman
returned Saturday from a
month’s stay with her son,
Lt. Col. Alton H. Coleman,
Jr., and his family, in
Newport News, Virginia.
NEWS from your
You may be faced some
time with caring for an older
person (perhaps, a parent) in
your home for a long period
of time. The patient may
require several different
medications daily, and cer
tain tasks of care may be
prescribed by your physi
cian. Do not try to commit
these to memory.
Put all important informa
tion on paper. A small bound
notebook is convenient for
jotting down instructions.
Refer to your notes if in
doubt. It’s always best to be
extremely cautious when
administering medication.
Medicine is our business.
Our competent personnel are
always eager to serve you.
Have your prescriptions
compounded here. Fast ser
vice is our motto.
PHONE 775-7424
The Broom Memorial
Senior Citizens Class of the
Jackson Church of the
Nazarene were entertained
at the holiday season by Mrs.
Jessie Mackey.
Mrs. Mackey gave a seated
buffet dinner at her home,
which was decorated with
'raditional decorations, live
poinsettias, and candles. The
traditional Christmas tree
was decorated with twinkling
lights, snow birds, candy
canes, and an array of
colored balls.
The appointed tables were
covered in red, green, and
gold cloths, with candelabra
holding burning tapers.
Some twenty guests were
present for the Yule get-to
gether. The buffet table,
covered with a green cloth,
held all the tempting and
tasteful food prepared for the
White elephant gifts were
exchanged, and stories were
told of younger years at
Christmas time, which added
much merriment to the
occasion. Each one went
home feeling much younger,
The Drag Syndrome
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Articl* 16 Copyright ©Community Advertising 1974
KTwSTkI Catalog
Jackson, Ga. 775-5023
Tomlin's Restaurant
Catfish Steaks Chicken
Monticello Hwy. 775-7611
Middle Georgia Livestock
Sales Cos.
Livestock Auction Sale
Each Wednesday
Jackson, Ga.
4wj!h Insurance Cos.
Luke Weaver, Agent
insurance Auto-Life-Health-Fire
6 Byars St. 775-2626
The Closer You Look,
HSlim The Better We Look
][ Daniel Ford Sales, Inc.
1 1327 Brookwood Ave.
Mrs. Jessie Mackey has
returned to her home near
Indian Springs after spend
ing several weeks with her
children and grandchildren,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sark,
Amy, and Greg, of Orlando,
Fla.; and T.Sgt. (Ret.) and
Mrs. William D. Williamson,
Bill, Jr., Lance and Anthony,
of Long wood, Fla.
The Sark family was host
for the Christmas Day
get-together and dinner. It
was a real treat for Mrs.
Mackey as this was the first
time she had been able to
have all her grandchildren
together at Christmas sea
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sark,
Amy, and Greg entertained
Mrs. Mackey at Disney
having been able to share the
fellowship and childhood
joys of past Yule seasons.
There was definitely no age
gap, for the senior citizens
had a great time. The class
also took up a monetary gift
for the Bowman family,
whose child was a victim of
This Community Endeavor Made Possible
By These Sponsors
World at the Polynesian
Village Hotel at a luau and
show. The setting was lovely
and exotic, with beautiful
flowers and tropical greene
ry. All attended in formal
attire to enjoy the exotic food
and the beautiful entertain
T.Sgt. (Ret.) and Mrs.
Williamson were hosts for a
trip to Sea World and
entertainment there. Several
went home with real pearls
taken from a Japanese
oyster aquarium. The oys
ters wre opened, polished,
and evaluated at the aqua
Mr. and Mrs. Sark presen
ted Mrs. Mackey with a plane
ticket on the newest and
largest plane, the jet Tri-
Star, prior to her trip down.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Patrick
spent the weekend in Aiken,
S.C. with Dr. and Mrs.
Charles McGahee.
Miss Sue Lockhart had as
her guests over the weekend,
her brother, Bill Lockhart of
Mrs. D. P. Settle had as
overnight guests on Friday
Mrs. J. C. Newton and Mrs.
R. A. Finney of Atlanta.
B&C Farm Supply, Inc.
118 Brookwood Ave. 775-2663
Farm Equipment Sales & Service
Massey Ferguson Lawn & Garden Eqpt.
Cawthon Brothers, Inc.
Covington Rd., Jackson, Ga.
Jackson Highway, Covington, Ga.
I^l State Supply Cd.
LP Gas-Tanks-Appliances
Parrish Drug Cos.
Walgreen Agency
Ph. 775-7424 Night 775-7650
Jackson City Cleaners
138 E. Second St.
“An Aid To Smart Appearance”
Mrs. J. F. Rogers of
Gainesville arrived during
the weekend for a visit with
her sister, Mrs. India Bailey.
Mr. and Mrs. L. W.
Moelchert left Sunday for
Charlotte, N.C. to visit Mr.
and Mrs. Louie Moelchert
and family. Mr. Moelchert
also attended a paint
seminar while in Charlotte.
Mrs. Richard Brown of
Flovilla was Monday lun
cheon guest of Mrs. Rosa
Miss Cordelia Pope and
Mrs. Paul Hafer of Monticel
lo were recent visitors of
Mrs. W. C. Dailey and Miss
Mary Downs.
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert
Benedict and family spent
two weeks visiting with his
brother’s family, Charles E.
Benedict, Jr., in Martins
ville, Indiana during the
recent Christmas holidays.
Mrs. Jessie Mackey was a
weekend guest of her
children, Rev. and Mrs.
Robert Prater, of Warm
The Central Georgia Electric
Membership Corporation
Hodges Ace Home Center
922 E. Third St.
Carter Builders Supply, Inc.
25 Carolina Ave.
Mclntosh State Bank
Your Home Owned Bank
Member F.D.I.C.
The Kym Cos.
Jackson, Ga.
Polk Tire & Service Cos., Inc.
237 South Mulberry
Our Young People Are
Our Salvation
McMichael Bros., Inc.
Propane Gas & Appliances
Heating & Air Conditioning
Indian Springs, lia. 775-35/9
Adams Briscoe
Seed Cos.
Seed Feed
Jackson, Ga. 775-7826
Coleman's Garage &
. Body Shop
Complete Automotive Service
Wrecker Service
775-3184 151 First St. Night 775-7565
Red and White Food Store
134 So. Oak St.
Stephens Grocery
Quality Food Store
112 W. Second St. 775-2595
Cleveland Carpet
iRgSrjS Hundreds of Roils in Stock
Ilwy. 42, Jenkinsburg. Ga.
Glen Maddox has returned
to his apartment in Atlanta
following a three week visit
with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Maddox, due to
illness. Glen’s friends will bej*
glad to learn that he is doing *
much better now.
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Lewis
of Cumming visited his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Buck
Lewis, on Saturday night. *
Guests of Mrs. James L.
Awtry and family were Mr.
and Mrs. Pete Hamby of
South Carolina and Mr. and
Mrs. Ben Conkle and sons,
Kerry and Terry of Barnes
Mrs. Ben M. Garland and
son, Ben, Jr., of Macon spent
Friday and Saturday with
Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Adams.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Higgins left Monday for a six
week trip to Orlando and
Homosassa, Florida to visit
friends and to engage in a
fishing trip.
Weekend guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Storey and
children were Mr. and Mrs.
J. C. Gothard of Morrow.