The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, February 06, 1975, Image 12
Sin Is Still A Big Seller, Enterprising Writer Finds By Jane Oppy Are you looking for a job? (Who isn’t?) If so, where do you go? If your search depends on what you’ve heard on the TV and in the newspapers, it’s obvious that you do not go to: Southern Bell, Georgia Power Company, General Motors, the Dalton Carpet factories, Bibb Manufactur ing, etc., etc To good Southern church goers, the finger that points to where the jobs are is likely to be waggling in disappro val, but here are the facts: The boomers are the liquor business, the movies, the tobacco industry, Cadillac cars, fancy restaurants, swanky nightclubs, and other places to have a good time. Yup, now’s the time to open that little bar you’ve been thinking about. (Not in Butts County, of course. Seems there are ordinances.) So why are those folks working while the good yarn-pullers and automotive design engineers are out of work? Apparently somebody is buying Cadillacs, going to movies, and drinking a bit more than usual. But how can they afford it, when nobody has any money? That depends on your point of view. The finger-wagglers know, of course. “There’s more sin!” they say, with firm nods. “And more’re making money off of it!” Well, maybe. Sin has always been a profitable industry for a few. And it does seem that folks are OPEN DAILY 10-10; SUNDAY 1-6 ALL FIRST QUALITY-NO SECONDS lim fcs RICH 4xß-FT.x 5/32-IN. I l ®®l a Dr L " WQODGRAIN-FINISHED M§§g|Jf * rL p ACK HARDROARD PANELS I CO/ft P^/Vf/,5 i '*' 3 Varieties o*ui P. I Be your own decorotor! I If IStiSEtJSb*': ‘J IS Ml £% Easy-to-install paneling j beoutifies your home and s^ l/ .' increases its value. Use > ml no-maintenance, wipe- I /| '|H . clean panels for easier j|||l I !j if ua beauty sound I living. Charge it! 4 Days Only j / home • 1 X 2' pane°° f ' ng toyoUr .A i 4 A/li A a ; A w. ONf COAT ■ LATEX ■' I Wall paint ■ HAT INDOOR LATEX Our Reg. 3.97 £} "M Washable, fast- m drying. White and colors. Ga/ - JKnCI gr 1433 GEORGIA HIGHWAY 16-WEST, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA ... y/nrs r//t/w yS 8 -559 Q | spending more money sin ning. There’s another way of looking at it. What is sin but escape? Escape from one’s problems. And nearly every body’s got money problems. Take the movies, for instance. Though they’re neither bigger than ever nor better than ever, people are going to them. “Almost any kind of movie can make money now,” one producer stated recently to the Macon Telegraph’s Hol lywood correspondent, Bud get and quality are not very important. They cost more than ever 53.00 is the average ticket price for a first-run picture in Atlanta. But it’s a place to go to forget your troubles. So some people who have got money troubles are willing to spend some of what they haven't got to help them forget they haven’t got it. The states have taxed cigarettes and spirits (not the church-going kind) to the hilt and folks are still going after them. Why? Well, one city official of Richmond, Va., whose un employment rate is half the average of those of other comparably-sized U.S. cities, thought he had the answer. “Richmond’s biggest busi ness is tobacco,” he told the newscaster, “and people are more nervous than ever. The more nervous they are, the more cigarettes they smoke.” Alcohol, too, serves to lubricate the badly oiled machinery of the troubled organism. The corner bar WED., THURS., FRI., SAT. 2x4-FT.xl/8-IN. PEGBOARD PANELS Our Reg. 1.17 - 4 Days Use in kitchen, q m WC hobby rooms etc. 0# SATISFACTION ALWAYS WE RESERVE THE RIOHT JO LIMIT QUANTITIES-NONE SOLD TO DEALERS THE JACKSON PROGRESS-ARGUS, JACKSON, GEORGIA THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6. 1975 and the liquor store have always been there when fellows were leaving the shift with the best intentions of going home to supper. And when there is nothing to bring home for supper maybe nothing to bring home, period there’s of ten a buddy who’ll stake you to one, especially if he wants company and hasn’t got any groceries, either. The arrow seems to point the other way where Cadil lacs, fancy restaurants, and nightclubs are concerned. Dealers in the big-time say they have the same clientele they have always had the haves, who still have it, and know 7 what they want to do with it. Surprisingly, or not, de pending upon your cynicism, they’re not rushing to buy gold bricks with it. Nor are they giving it away. They’re showing it off, that’s what. In the places where the shadows and candelabras best highlight velvet and diamonds, where the doorman knows your Cadillac and parks it for you. Waggle your fingers, folks, maybe they’ll pay someday. Right now, the Cadillac salesmen and doormen are employed and hopping. An aloe plant can live for two or three years without water or earth! 4 1 WOOD-LOOK 4x6”-12* BEAMS Our Reg. 13.68 4 Days Polyurethane * * 88 foam. A g e and look. ■■ 4x6"-8' Wood-look Beams,7.Bß Progress-Argus Honor Roll New & Renewal Subscription! Of The Past Rew Days Lee Holston, Wheaton, 111. Mrs. M. H. Bradshaw, Jr., Rome Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Garland, Jackson H. H. Harris, Jackson Kalvin D. Whidby, Jackson Corene S. Clark, Jackson Mrs. Troupe Smith, McDo nough Willie V. Grant, Griffin C. L. Sanvidge, Jackson J. G. Harmon, Savannah Mrs. O. A. Thomas, Jackson John W. Lockhart, Macon Sue Lockhart, Jackson J F. Cook, Jackson A. M. Davis, Jackson Mrs. James Cleveland, Jenkinsburg John H. May, Jackson Mrs. A. J. Hearn, Jackson Mrs. W. L. Martin, Jr., Macon Mattie L. Grant, Jackson Kenneth G. Parrish, Jack son Mrs. W. M. Towles, Jackson Mrs. John Leo, Doraville Sam A. Smith, Jackson Mrs. Howard Nix, Jackson Mrs. Kenneth Dobbs, Jackson Chas. W. Darrow, Indian Springs T. M. Washington, Jackson Leroy E. Turner, Jackson Ben S. Anderson, Locust Grove Mrs. Mildred Alexander, Jackson Mrs. Lessie Barnes, Jack son Mrs. J. B. Caston, Jackson W. H. Wise, Jackson W. L. Holloway, Indian Springs BUILDING MATERIALS ■"? fV'.. I BARNESVILLE Gordon Junior College’s proposed student center is pictured above in the architectural drawing prepared by Lamberson, Plunkett, Shirley, and Woodall of Atlanta. Construction on the $l.B million building will begin in 1975. It will house recreational and meeting facilities, student dining room, private dining room, bookstore, lecture hall, club rooms, and the Dean of Students Office. Mrs. Dan Thurston, Rome Mrs. G. W. Caston, Jenkinsburg Lewis Walsingham, Jack son C. Frank Moore, Marietta W. Howard O’Neal, St. Petersburg, Fla. Miss Jewell Smith, Man chester Gibbs Lyons, Stamford, Conn. Mrs. J. R. Linton, Atlanta Mrs. Boyce Loyd, Coving ton Mrs. W. M. O’Neal, Atlanta B. R. Branan, Jackson Mrs. Viola Slaughter, Jackson Mrs. J. B. Harper, Jackson Mrs. W. M. Fleming, Jackson Mrs. W. J. O’Neal, Jackson Mrs. D. W. Bailey, Jackson Robert G. Smith, Forest Park STAINLESS STEEL KITCHEN SINK Our Reg. 28.97 —4 Days 21x32", double 0f 97 bowl. Satin finish. § 21x24" Single-bowl Sink, 20.22 BPW Helps Promote IW Year (Editor’s Note: This series of articles is being carried as .a public information service on behalf of the Jackson B&PW Club, as part of their observance of International Women’s Year. The United Nations has declared 1975 International Women’s Year in an effort to call attention to the problems of women everywhere. They want nations to realize the resources that are being wasted in their women, the potentials that are being confined by social customs. In 1967 the United Nations passed the Declaration on the Elimination of Discrimina tion against Women, which was a milestone in the work to promote equal rights for M WED., THURS., FRI., SAT. a F [s]| (i J i[ijt)M shl ■ KM2O BLACKWALLS n 4-ply y*JH NYLON CORD 'nflßH|*l6& HF ■ L ■ Each SIZES SALE Tf.EJ/ / Ml H/kM/lT 6.00x1.3 16.00 '1.60 J ■ ''^■F m ■■r&frSF- 6 - 50x13 17.00 h-t mw/foy 5 - 60>ls 18.00 J 78 HH ;•//T >A '\t\ 6.00x1 5 [1.84 Hr JH / ) {' 7.00x13 119.00 1 2.00 I I jrJKr.ffif '>. \ j(K 1} 6.95x14 1.87 ■ rWW 7.35x14 7 - 75 * 14 21.00 2.10 >.-- 7sX 8.25x14 "22.00 1^27~| ‘front end'" SERVICES SPECIAL 1 fIfjINCLUDE: c . „, L I JWI K Vfl ... ~ . . Sale Price-4 Days I tv; \ V'Tvy___ 2. Align front end y f—A)J\\ 3. Complete lube job %*W M ' \K~l" (fittingsextra) r- r . A r* - 4. Safety inspect car For most American I cars. Shop and save. ■ ( 'TisTAIUTWII'\ ■ AVAIL ABl I ' ’ f Hi r *rmuTfTiT GUARANTEED as long AS YOU OWN you CAR HEAVY-DUTY MUFFLER Our Reg. 16.88 —4 Days V 2.88 Double wrapped, zinc coated. Most U.S. cars. - Hi m 1 ■ ;; r DO-IT-YOURSELF k mart special !■'> 1.66 Eg. Choice WIPER BLADE OR PAIR OF REFILLS Our Peg 2.37 *64 Your Choice M4Dayt 4000, 4001, 8014 12V SEALED BEAM Our *9 W 33 1.68 1.88 f Eo. men and women. The Declaration declares equal rights for women with respect to treatment, jobs, advancement, pension pro grams, and family allowan ces. The Declaration is not a law but a statement of what the United Nations believes. International Women’s Year is to call attention to the Declaration. Already results are being seen here and abroad in the educational and political fields in that universities are opening their doors to women for higher education, and women are being elected to offices never held before by women. International Women’s Year is focusing women’s attention throughout the world on their rights in a definite way as never before. The Jackson Business and Professional Women’s Club has selected February as its month to focus special GUARANTEED AS LONG AS YOU OWN CAR SUPER K 500 BATTERY Our Reg. 39.88 9088 4 Days Only yJmjW Polypropylene case with more plates for more power. For most U.S. cars. No Exchange Necessary TROUBLE-SHOOTING AUTO MANUAL Sole Price ■ 90 4 Dojri Only R RADIATOR HOSE OR FAN BELT Our Reg. B4V 1 69-1.96 |f o ' For most U.S. cars Pr.C^ 8-FT. BAnERT BOOSTER CABLE Our Reg. |97 MINIATURE LIGHT BULBS Our Reg. C 88 974 9MPr. For most cars. emphasis on International Women’s Year. Governor Carter, by proclamation, declared 1975 as Internatio nal Women’s Year in Georgia. Jackson Mayor C. B. Brown, Jr., by proclama tion, has declared February as the special month for observing the Declaration. Special articles will appear each week in the local paper during the month of Februa ry. Radio broadcasts will be made by the local station emphasizing the importance of the Declaration. A guest speaker will be presented at the February meeting of the Business and Professional Women’s Club to further emphasize the importance of the Declaration. Our object is to not just call attention to the status of” women all over the world, but to help improve it through concerted effort of people working together for a common cause which will benefit all society. a:Hi ' Hi ■k KM2OO BUCKWALLS f \\\\ v\vV 2 FIBERGLASS BELTS ■l WWWvv +2 poltester ■ I\i\\\\\ CORD PLIES ■A 1(| |V V 'll Our Plus >mk ilaaaMl **s- S*B® F£r - M i uteMMiffl 26.77 J& 2.02 -7H: g9HKli|l| C7Bx 1 3 Each '■ SIZES BEG. SLE F.E.T. '-thf- '!rjfp') C78x14 27.77 24.00 2.10 | E7BxM 29 - 77 26.00 2.32 j HsHf F7Bxl4 30 77 27.00] 2.47 j n/s.i j i2 " oo nn ' ol araß/’!r H7xl4 n m 284 Hr //-f .T.'flJ i H78.1S I 3T771 JI.UU | 2.92 Major Service Hours Vary- WHITEWALLS 2.44 MORE EACH Plrare call For An Appointment Charge It choTcY of" "/,""d"r." " X/ SOCKET SETS / / \+y Our Reg. 14.8815.88 10.77 1 Standard or metric 1 1* \ „ Z. pc. set with case. Save. Unconditionally Guaranteed ~ Ma toßsniiOwiic W W* 18.88 0,. FM STEREO RADIO Our Reg. 68.88 41ft96 < 4 Days On/y Compact underdosh radio with AFC. Solid-state circuitry, slide controls. 6x9" Stereo Speakers Pr. 18.88 838 |jgjp 8-OZ.* BAR’S LEAK REPAIR Ourßeg. 1.16 AAC 4 Days Only •FI. 0(9. IS-OZ. * CARBURETOR SPRAT CLEANER Ourßeg. 1.44 4 Days Only •N*t wt frmt I- 4 ! Purolator ? PHBA H MAJOR BRAND OIL FILTER Our Reg. 2.44 4D °y* 2.22 Spin-on type filters for most U.S. cars. 0H 66 88* 240" WRAP-ON MUFFLER BANDAGE Our Peg. 06c 4 Days Only 8-02. ACRYLIC IGNITION SPRAT Sale Price BO* 4 Days Only •Net wt