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In Atlanta recently to launch the Georgia State Chamber of Commerce’s first Stay
and See America in Georgia American Bicentennial event were former astronaut and
moon-walker Dr. Edgar Mitchell, left, and Amanda Blake, “Miss Kitty” of Gunsmoke TV
fame. On hand to greet the two celebrities were Governor George Busbee, third from left,
who presented both with a Georgia bicentennial medal, and Jasper Dorsey, president of the
Georgia Chamber of Commerce and vice president of Southern Bell.
Jenkinsburg News
By Mrs. T. H. Price
(Last Week’s Letter)
Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. O. Minter were Dr.
and Mrs. J. w. Watkins of
Butts Commissioners Expenses
For Month of December, 1974
12-3 2348 Prog. Arg. Ptg. Cos., Inc., Gen. Govt 127.52
2348 Prog. Arg. Ptg. Cos., Inc., Sup. Ct 32.00
2348 Prog. Arg. Ptg. Cos., Inc., Reg. & Elec. 1071.65
2349 Grady Inglett, Road 350.00
2350 Stephens Grocery, Pub. Bldg 44.13
2351 So. States Ptg. Cos., Gen. Govt 102.90
2352 Elliott’s Body Shop, Tax Asses 51.31
2353 Ga. Power Cos., Road 3.90
2354 Deraney’s Fab. Ctr., Sher 27.87
2355 Superior Cleaners, Road 87.56
2355 Superior Cleaners, Sher 24.60
2356 Marshall & Bruce Cos., Sup. Ct 437.20
2357 So. Safe. Sup. Cos., Sheriff 139.70
2357 So. Safe. Sup. Cos., Road 117.95
2358 Richard W. Watkins, Jr., Sup. Ct 1100.00
2359 City of Jackson, Pub. Bldg 411.65
2360 Cook’s Gar. & Wreck. Serv., Sher 274.64
2360 Cook’s Gar. & Wreck. Serv.,
Tax Assessors 103.45
2361 Hodges Hdw. &Furn. Cos., Sher 5.34
2361 Hodges Hdw. &Furn. Cos., Road 41.47
2361 Hodges Hdw. &Furn. Cos., Pub. Bldg. .. 19.50
2362 Garland & Garland, Health & Wei 175.00
2362 Garland & Garland, Gen. Govt 75.00
2363 Butts Cos. Dept. FACS, Health & Wei. ... 348.24
2364 Advance Fabricators, Road 80.00
2365 Ellman’s Inc., Tax Asses 113.55
2366 Void Void
2367 Central Ga. EMC, Pub. Bldg 48.01
2368 The Harrison Cos. Pub., Ordinary 25.00
2369 Dixie Lime &Stor. Cos., Road 129.90
2370 Fulton Paper Cos., Pub. Bldg 75.83
2371 Atlas Products Cos., Road 736.03
2372 Henry Cos. Board of Comm., Sup. Ct. ... 237.40
2373 Sup. Sales Cos., Inc., Sher 121.03
2374 Coleman’s Garage, Road 278.33
2374 Coleman’s Garage, Sher 85.62
2375 Little Gulf Serv. Sta., Tax Asses 34.23
2376 Triangle Gas Station, Road .75
2376 Triangle Gas Station, Tax Asses 45.77
2377 Texaco, Inc., Sheriff 12.51
2378 BruningDiv., Tax Asses 103.50
2379 AtcoMfg. Cos., Road 146.73
2380 Kathryn P. Haisten, Health & Wei 36.00
2381 A. D. Prickett, Health & Wei 44.00
2382 Lucia C. Fletcher, Health & Wei 32.00
2383 Tyler W. Garland, Health & Wei 36.00
2384 Ben F. Wright, Health & Wei 40.00
2385 Barnes Chain Link Fence Cos.,
Pub. Bldg 2343.57
2386 Branan Tractor Serv. Cos., Road 1725.36
2387 Clerk Superior Court, Sup. Ct 277.32
2388 Welding Sup. t Serv. Cos., Road 37.96
2389 Snapping Shoals EMC, Pub. Bldg 4.50
2390 American Legal Systems, Sup. Ct 17.50
2391 Yancey Bros. Cos., Road 492.81
2392 Bio-Tek Industries, Inc., Road 159.28
The Kim bell Association
Executive Board of the
W.M.U. met with Mrs. T. H.
Price Thursday night. Those
present were: Mrs. Roy
Prosser, Mrs. R. W. Jenkins,
Mrs. B. B. Campbell, Miss
Helen Thornton, Mrs. Ruby
Singley, Mrs. Joe Brown, Jr.,
and Mrs. Sonya Fleming.
Members absent were Mrs.
Oscar Weaver, Jr. and Mrs.
Carol Ridgeway.
Miss Marsha Franks has
returned to Palos Verdes,
Cal., after spending a week
with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. M. Franks.
Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Patrick
were spend-the-night guests
12-4 2393 Barnes Lumber Cos., Road 2280.63
2393 Barnes Lumber Cos., Pub. Bldg 104.05
2394 T. E. Robison Appl., Road 6.50
2395 Bearden Auto Parts, Road 163.22
2396 City of Jackson, Pub. Bldg 8.50
2397 Cook’s Gar. & Wreck. Serv., Sher 195.22
2397 Cook’s Gar. & Wreck. Serv., Road 195.51
2398 Amer. Legion Aux., Sup. Ct 11.10
2399 C&S Bank of Jackson, Gen. Govt 1523.28
2400 Lowery's Spur Station, Gen. Govt 30.80
2401 Macon Machine, Inc., Road 45.06
2402 Carter Build. Sup., Inc., Pub. Bldg 104.10
2403 Richard W. Watkins, Health & Wei 7.50
2404 Jackson City Cleaners, Sher 185.60
2405 West. Auto. Asso. Store, Sher 5.80
2406 M. Daniel &E. Findley, H.D. &Agri. .. 65.00
2407 MoyeL. Daniel, Tax Asses 5.00
2408 Sylvan Grove Hospital, Sher 14.50
2409 Jones’Gar. & Serv., Road 19.20
2410 Ben H. Dover, Jr., Tax Asses 66.92
2411 S. A. Washington, Tax Asses 36.00
2412 E. H. Cook, Tax Asses 18.00
2413 Taylor’s Guns, Sheriff 122.25
2414 Col. Life &Acc. Ins. Co.,A&LIns 303.70
2415 Butts Cos. Health Dept., Health & Wei. .. 3576.40
2416 W. C. Redman, Jr., Health & Wei 100.00
2417 ABW Chevrolet Cos., Road 19.41
2418 Unit Fund Cos. D, Pub. Bldg 100.00
, 2419 Sylvan Grove Hospital, Hospital 1000.00
2420 Zukunst, Inc., Ordinary 56.44
12-5 2421 Xerox Corp., Sup. Ct 385.00
2422 So. Machine Corp., Road 274.09
2423 Sheriff, Butts Cos., Sheriff 1488.50
2424 Gulf Oil Corp., Road 420.20
2425 Herbert Shapard, Pub. Bldg 350.82
12-6 2426 Payroll Account, Payroll 7860.24
2427 Union Oil Cos. of Calif., Sher 13.50
2428 J. C. Harrison, Jr. Fina Oil, Sher 1405.31
2429 Polk’s Tire & Serv. Cos., Sher 19.00
2430 Frank’s Tune up &Carb. Serv., Sher. .. 8.50
2431 D-A Lubri. Cos., Inc., Road 257.40
12-11 2432 Clerk Sup. Ct.. Sup. Ct : 1215.00
2433 Dept, of Hum. Resour., Health & Wei. .. 787.50
2434 Blue Cross-Blue Shield, Gen. Govt 1160.92
12-12 2435 Payroll Account, Payroll 191.43
12-20 2435 Payroll Accont, Payroll 8709.18
12-20 2436 Payroll Account, Payroll 8709.18
2437 C&S Bank of Jackson, Withhold 2611.50
2438 Mickey Webb, Pub. Bldg 37.50
2439 Charles Floyd. Plan. & Zon 20.00
2440 Tobe Davis, Plan. & Zon 20.00
2441 Clint Adams, Plan. & Zon 20.00
2442 Judy Kelly, Plan. & Zon 25.00
2443 Claude Maddox, Plan. & Zon 20.00
2444 So. Bell Tel. Cos., Pub. Bldg 363.88
12-30 2445 Void Void
2446 Void Void
2447 Payroll Account, Payroll 4170.27
12-30 2448 The C&S Bank of Jackson, Withhold 529.40
2449 Coop. Ext. Serv., H.D. & Agri 52.43
2450 Garland & Garland, Gen. Govt 100.00
12-31 2451 The C&S Bank of Jackson, Gen. Govt. . 7952.22
of Mrs. Harriet Patrick at
Callaway Gardens last
Thursday night.
Mrs. M. B. Farrar and
Mrs. T. H. Price attended a
conservation seminar on
Friday on recycling for
garden clubbers. The semi
nar was planned by Mrs.
Barbara Terpening, presi
dent of Rich’s Garden
Center, and conducted by
Mr. George Elder and Miss
Vikki Williams, who are
environmental specialists.
Mrs. T. H. Price was
hostess for a birthday dinner
Sunday honoring the birth
day of her husband, Mr.
Price. Family members
present for the joyful
occasion were three brothers
and wives and one sister, Mr.
and Mrs. Dewitt Price of
Forsyth, Mr. and Mrs.
Shannon Price of Atlanta,
Mr. C. Clinton Price of
Columbus, and Miss Agnes
Price of Forsyth. Also
present were their children,
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Price,
Rusty, Kim, Jeff, and Phillip,
of Lake Spivey, Jonesboro;
and Miss Shirley Price, of
Atlanta. Shirley will leave
Monday for a vacation in
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. A.
G. Cowan sympathize with
them in the loss of Mrs.
Cowan’s sister-in-law’, Mrs.
H. T. Moseley of Lizella. Mrs.
Moseley passed away Fri
day, January 24, at the
Middle Georgia Hospital in
FBLA Plans
Vocational business and
office education students at
Jackson High School will join
Future Business Leaders of
America from throughout the
nation in activities to make
the community aware of the
importance of the business
student organizations during
national FBLA-PBL Week,
February 9 through 15.
The celebration, pro
claimed both nationwide and
statewide, is to inform the
general public and local
businessmen of the number
of future executives, secreta-.
ries, business machine ope
rators, teachers, and clerks
being trained in the high
schools, vocational-technical
schools, business schools,
and colleges and universities
throughout the country.
The week also will see
business students actively
informing the public, espe
cially other young people,
about the exciting and
rewarding career opportuni
ties that await them in the
world of business and
business education. In all 50
states and Puerto Rico,
students will be observing
the Week by telling the story
of their organization and its
To show the importance of
business and the role of youth
in business, members of the
Jackson chapter plan to visit
the FAA (Federal Aviation
Administration) in Hampton,
have a dinner meeting with
all members present to hear
the Gordon Junior College
President Steve Roberts of
PBL to speak on their club
and their activities, and
having all the members of
the club go to a certain
church on Sunday, February
“Airport 1975”
7:00 and 9:00
“WW and the
Dixie Dance
7:30 - 9:30
An Open Letter To The Public From
Henry Block Of H&R Block
Regarding Income Tax Rebates.
Following the announcement of President Ford's proposed income tax rebate
plan for individuals, I recommended an alternate plan to both the President
and Congressional leaders. I believe my plan is more equitable and would
maximize the economic impact. Here's how I compare the two plans:
1. Would give flat 12 percent rebates
totaling sl2 billion.
2. Would give a maximum SI,OOO rebate to
those with an income tax of $8,333.
(Most taxpayers with incomes of $40,000
or more would receive a SI,OOO rebate.)
3. Would give the largest rebates to those
who are least likely to spend the money.
4. Would base the tax rebate on the
amount of the 1974 tax paid.
views known, whichever plan you prefer. They are the ones who will pass and approve
such legislation.
FILE EARL\ The Internal Revenue Service is urging taxpayers to file their returns early.
It is likely that the sooner the return is filed the sooner the taxpayer will receive any rebate
permitted by new legislation. And, if you are entitled to a regular tax refund . . . the sooner
you file, the sooner you wall receive it.
If you have any questions about your income taxes . . . visit or call any
one of our more than 7,000 offices nationwide. There is never a charge for
tax information or for answering your questions.
President of H & R BI.OCK. INC.
Membership of the natio
nal organization of FBLA has
over 100,000 young people in
2,800 communities actively
involved in the day-to-day
processes and activities of
those communities.
The organization is de
signed to help students learn
basic business skills plus
develop character through
leadership and citizenship
The Jackson chapter has 40
members. Officers this year
are: Jackie Burford, Presi
dent; Sandra Meredith and
Anita Latham, vice-presi
dents; Wendy Elliott, secre
tary; Kay Awtry and Judy
Thompson, treasurers; Re
nee Babcock, project chair
man; Valerie Thompson and
Leigh Ann Harris, histo
rians; and Valita Singley,
In the future, FBLA-PBL
Week will be observed to give
future business leaders and
teachers the opportunity to
inform the public of its
Jackson Flower Shop
Phone 775*7222 NIGHT: 775-3213
activities and say “Thank
You” for the community’s
Want Ads
Get Results
Friday, February 7,1975
12 Noon
Rock Hereford Ranch
The Rock, Ga. On Ga. 36 halfway between
Thomaston and Barnesville.
Selling 32 bulls
90 cows
50 calves
Public Welcome. Trucks Available. Lunch Available.
For free catalog or other information contact:
Sale Manager Frank Lane
R. L. Swearingen, Jr. Rock Hereford Ranch
Box 531 or The Rock, Ga.
Reynolds, Ga. 31076 404-647-6374
(912) 847-3535 Day
(912) 847-3167 Night
1. Would give graduated declining percent
age rebates totaling an amount to be
determined by Congress.
2. Would give a maximum 40% tax rebate
at lowest income levels declining to zero
for those with an Adjusted Gross In
come in excess of $40,000.
3. Would give the largest rebates to low
and middle income persons most in need
of tax relief and most likely to spend
the money.
4. Would base the tax rebate percentage
on Adjusted Gross Income and then
apply it to the tax...eliminating addi
tional tax advantage to those already
benefiting from tax shelters.
Mr. and Mrs. William
Sasser had as their guests on
Sunday, January 26th, Mr.
Sasser’s brother, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Sasser and his
sister, Mrs. Gladys Holland,
all of Vidalia.