Newspaper Page Text
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Grady Baker, Georgia Power Company official (c) receives a check from F. F. Stacy (1) and I. F. Murph, II (r)
Oglethorpe EMC officials marking OEMCs entry into the generation and transmission of electric energy.
EMC’s Enter
Nuclear Age
Oglethorpe Electric Mem
bership Corporation, the
power supply cooperative,
formed recently by the
thirty-nine EMCs that pur
chase electric energy at
wholesale from the Georgia
Power Company last week
took a giant step toward
insuring an adequate supply
of electric energy for the
After months of negotia
tions with the Georgia Power
Company, Oglethorpe EMC
purchased 407 miles of high
voltage transmission line,
thirty (30 percent) of Edwin
I. Hatch Unit Number 1 and
thirty percent (30 percent) of
In games played Thursday,
January 30th, in the Jackson-
Butts County Recreation
Men’s Basketball league, the
Stars bested Parrish Drug 63
to 48.
High scorers for the Stars
were Percy Mayfield with 15
points and Charles Tanner
with 12 points. For Parrish
Drug, Ed Duffey with 14
points and David Lunsford
with 12 points.
In the second games,
Sam’s beat the White Knights
62 to 43. High scorers for
Sam’s were Tony Byars with
18 points and Ted Manolis
with 11 points. For the
Knights, Bill Shotwell had 14
points and Freddie Dodson
had six points.
I wish to thank all my
relatives and friends who
remembered me with visits,
cards, phone calls, flowers,
and most of all, your prayers,
during my stay in Crawford
Long Hospital and since my
returning home. May God
bless each of you. Howell
(Nub) Cook.
ruth at random
By Ruth Bryant
You’re the shortest month in all the year
But the most renowned for birthdays,
George Washington and Abe Lincoln,
Whom we appreciate,
Were Presidents born in February!
You’re the loveliest month in all the year
With your candy hearts and loving ways,
Unless Leap Year brings an extra day
There are twenty-eight!
Saint Valentine comes in February!
You’re a special month in all the year
When my friends and I have birthdays,
We make the most of this short month
When we celebrate
Our natal days in February!
Edwin I. Hatch Unit Number
2 to its completed point as of
the day of the purchase,
January 16, 1975. The Edwin
I. Hatch piam is the nuclear
facility located near Baxley,
Georgia and all of the
transmission facilities are in
connection with the nuclear
plant. Investment by Ogle
thorpe EMC in these facili
ties amounted to $206 million
dollars and with the “passing
of the check” Oglethorpe
Electric Membership Cor
poration became Georgia’s
seventh (7th) largest cor
poration in terms of capital
investment. Additional pur
chases are anticipated by
OEMC later this year.
The money for the pur
chase made by Oglethorpe
came from borrowed funds
from the private money
market through the Federal
Mrs. Craig
Buried At
Mrs. W. H. Craig of 490
Highbrook Drive, N.E., At
lanta, died Tuesday, January
Mrs. Craig, 91, the former
Miss Effie Vashtie Allen, was
born in Henry County.
Funeral services were
conducted Thursday after
noon, January 30, at one
o’clock at Oglethorpe Hill
with H. M. Patterson & Son in
charge of arrangements.
Rev. W. T. Booth officiated
with interment in Greenwood
Mrs. Craig is survived by a
daughter, Mrs. E. R. Kimsey
of Atlanta; a brother, A. O.
Allen of Indian Springs;
several nieces and nephews.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
James returned home last
Tuesday from a two week
trip to Daytona Beach,
Florida. They were accom
panied by Mrs. Jewell
Ellington of Decatur and
stayed in her home in
Financing Bank under
guarantee by the Rural
Electrification Administra
The EMCs entrance into
the generating field through-
OEMC is significant from a
number of standpoints. First
and foremost, it will help to
insure an adequate supply of
electric energy for the future
and help retard the rate of
increases at which electric
bills have been climbing the
past few years. For instance,
it is estimated that over a
twelve to fourteen year
period, OEMC can save the
Georgia consumers approx
imately S4OO million in
energy rates and be com
pletely self-sufficient in its
own operations.
The member systems of
Oglethorpe EMC provide
Mr. and Mrs. Lovett
Fletcher, Bill and Van
Fletcher attended funeral
services in Eastman last
week for Mr. S. H. Harden.
Mrs. Guy Wallace and Mrs.
H. H. Caldwell visited Mrs.
Jane H. Mallet at Hilltop
Nursing Home, Forsyth, last
Mrs. K. A. Singley of
Locust Grove was a visitor in
Jackson Friday morning.
Thurs., Fri., Sat.
Feb. 6,7, 8
uiMiT Disnra
© 1974 Walt Dwney Production*
Shows at;
Thurs. 7:00 & 9:00
Fri. 7:00 & 9:00
Sat. -1, 3,5, 7& 9
Sun., Mon.,
Tues., Wed.
Feb. 9, 10, 11, 12
As Geechie Dan
[PG]® fi fhut fcUltt Puiu-Uti**
Technicolor ® From Warner Bros
A Warner Communications Como any
Shows at:
Sun. - 2:40, 4:50, 7 & 9
Mon. - 7:00 & 9:10
Tues. - 7:00 & 9:10
Wed. - 7:00 & 9:10
electric service to about
460,000 farms, businesses and
other rural consumers in
I. F. Murph, II is President
and Forrest F. Stacy, Jr. is
Director of Engineering and
Power Supply of Oglethorpe
EMC. Offices for the cor
poration are located at 148
Cain Street, Atlanta, Geor
Wm ffiSSI Just Dont
/ Your grandmother liked the
/T) rm rm ‘personal’ attention she got from
/ jvcilicmuci the local merchants!
I iIOW simple The methods have changed-but
I w 1 ILfeH BIHIB not the ‘personalized’service you
\ / nHIU get today right here at home.
\ iNPrI tO Isn’t this what you expect -
Ol— even in today’s impartial world?
Patronize Your Friendly
Hometown Merchant
The Central Georgia Electric
Membership Corporation
Mclntosh State Bank
Your Home Owned Bank
Member F.D.I.C.
The Kym Cos.
Jackson, Ga.
Jackson, Ga.
Tomlin's Restaurant
Catfish Steaks Chicken
MonticeiioHwy. 775-7611
Middle Georgia Livestock
Safes Cos.
Livestock Auction Sale
Each Wednesday
Jackson, Ga.
state farm State Farm
Insurance Cos.
Luke Weaver, Agent
insurance Auto-Life-HeaUh-Fire
6 Byars St. 775-2626
|kSRI The Closer You Look,
USfIUJ The Better We Look
If Daniel Ford Sales, Inc.
1327 Brookwood Ave.
Mayor Brown
Cites FBLA
PBL Week
Members of the Future
Business Leaders of Ameri
can-Phi Beta Lambda are
playing an outstanding role
in assuring the future
progress and prosperity of
Butts County.
It is vital that in our
complex society we train and
continue to train young
people in the area of business
and business education to fill
the increased demand in this
These young people, mem
bers of Future Business
Leaders of America-Phi Beta
Lambda, Inc., are secondary
and postsecondary students
who are preparing for
careers in business and
business education. This
intense interest in our
business world shown by
these young people is an
assurance that the business
world will continue to grow
and improve.
FBLA-PBL has provided
the valuable service of
developing leadership, en
couraging cooperation, pro
moting good citizenship,
teaching up-to-date business
information, and inspiring
patriotism among its mem
Mr. Flanagan
In Athens
Mr. Elmer (Bub) Flana
gan of 125 Maison Royale
Apartments, Athens, died
Thursday, January 30, in an
Athens hospital.
Mr. Flanagan, a native of
Oconee County, had lived in
Macon for 30 years, moving
to Athens only a few months
ago. He was a retired civil
service employee from Ro
bins Air Force Base.
Funeral services were held
at two o’clock Saturday
afternoon from the chapel of
Bernstein’s Funeral Home in
Athens with interment in the
Tuckston United Methodist
Church cemetery near
Mr. Flanagan is survived
by his wife, Mrs. Lottie
Martin Flanagan of Athens;
a daughter, Mrs. Linda
Barabas of Jackson; his
mother, Mrs. A. T. Flanagan
of Athens ; three sisters, Mrs.
Bert Durand of Macon, Mrs.
Herbert Thomas of Marietta,
Mrs. Clyde Holcomb of
Athens; two grandchildren.
Therefore, I, C. B. Brown,
Jr., as mayor do hereby
designate the week of
February 9-15 as FBLA-PBL
This Community Endeavor Made Possible
By These Sponsors
Hodges Ace Home Center
922 E. Third St.
Carter Builders Supply, Inc.
25 Carolina Ave.
B&C Farm Supply, Inc.
118 Brookwood Ave. 775-2663
Farm Equipment Sales & Service
Massey Ferguson Lawn & Garden Eqpt.
Cawthon Brothers, Inc.
Covington Rd., Jackson, Ga.
Jackson Highway, Covington, Ga.
State Supply Cos.
LP Gas-Tanks-Appliances
Parrish Drug Cos.
Walgreen Agency
Ph. 775-7424 Night 775-7650
Jackson City Cleaners
138 E. Second St.
“An Aid To Smart Appearance”
Rep. Tucker Expresses
Hope For Second Judge
Rep. Ray M. Tucker, prominent
McDonough attorney and representative of the
73rd district, expressed continued hope this week
for passage of legislation which will create a
second judgeship in the Flint Judicial Circuit
despite a recommendation from the State Judicial
Council of Georgia that there be only one judge for
the time being.
Rep. Tucker said, “Everything is
contingent upon the State Judicial Council
reversing its recommendation. They are meeting
again February 8 and I hope they can be
persuaded to reconsider. They must be convinced
of the need for an additional judgeship.”
Rep. Tucker represents the Worthville
district of Butts County in the 73rd district, that
being the only portion of Butts County in Mr.
Tucker’s jurisdiction.
Dr. and Mrs. Jim Allen of
Valdosta will spend next
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Mike Allen.
Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Adams
and Mr. and Mrs. Seaborn
Maddox attended the “Thank
You Sam Nunn Day”
political rally and barbecue
Polk Tire & Service Cos., Inc.
237 South Mulberry
Our Young People Are
Our Salvation
McMichael Bros., Inc.
Propane Gas & Appliances
Heating & Air Conditioning
Indian Springs, Ga. 775-3579
Adams Briscoe
Seed Cos.
Seed Feed
Jackson, Ga. 775-7826
Coleman's Garage &
Body Shop
Complete Automotive Service
Wrecker Service
775-3184 151 First St. Night 775-7565
Red and White Food Store
134 So. Oak St.
Stephens Grocery
Quality Food Store
112 W. Second St. 775-2595
Cleveland Carpet
Hundreds of Rolls in Stock
Hwy. 42, Jenkinsburg, Ga.
in Dublin on Saturday
afternoon and night.
Rev. and Mrs. Bert
Carmichael and family of
Decatur were dinner guests
of his mother, Mrs. Margaret
Carmichael, on Monday
night in celebration of his