Newspaper Page Text
A Friend of the Famous
Jack Bums Fills A Unique
Place in Jackson and County
lMfflllij|; It
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By Jerry McLaurin
Each and every day as we
victims of a jet ag paced
society frantically rush about
desperately straining to meet
deadlines, pleasant or inte
resting aspects of our
surroundings are constantly
being overlooked. Even in
the comparatively geared
down pace here in the small
town of Jackson, many of us
are too busy to notice what is
around us each day. And
were it not for those with the
innate ability to recognize
these pleasantries and rela
tive anomalies to our way of
life, we might never notice.
The case in point here is W.
J. (Jack) Burns who owns
and operates City Shoe Shop
on N. Oak Street just across
from the Butts County
Sheriff's Department. Jack
has been making and
repairing shoes since 1929.
He was recently featured on
Phil Flynn’s “Georgia Ca
mera" and had it not been for
Phil and his crew of nostalgia
seekers, many might never
have had the opportunity to
appreciate Jack and his
somewhat rustic trade.
Jack has been repairing
shoes and living in Jackson
for the last six years. Before
moving to Jackson the
Burnses lived for 25 years in
Miami, Florida. There he
operated three or four shops
from time to time, one of
which w'as situated close to
the Cadillac and Fontaine
A short course in saving money
on longdistance.
There’s more than one way to save money on long
distance phone calls. You just have to know the facts. Here are
4 easy ways to make every call a bargain.
Money-Saving Fact^l
After 5 P.M. Sunday through Friday, you
can dial anywhere in the whole country
(except Alaska and Hawaii) for 3
minutes for just 85C or less, plus tax.
Money-Saving Fact # 3
This very special rate is in effect from
11 P.M. till 8 A.M. every night of the week
and is lower than the evening rate. You
can dial direct anywhere in the whole
country (except Alaska and Hawaii)
for 3 minutes for just 75C or less, plus
tax. A special feature of the Late
Night Rate is the “Mighty Minute:’
-You can talk for one minute and it will
never cost more than 35C plus tax.
Share a smile. Dial Long Distance tonight. (2) Southern Bell
bleau Hotels. Located so near
to two of the largest
entertainment centers of
Miami, he was called on by
many show business celebri
ties to repair or make shoes.
Jack has done shoe work for
such people as Joey Bishop,
Tony Martin. Esther Wil
liams, Jackie Gleason and
the June Taylor Dancers,
just to mention a few.
Jack began his career in
Macon where he was born
and attended school. After
becoming an expert shoe
maker and repairman, he
traveled widely and worked
in many cities throughout the
southeast learning various
methods and the latest
scientific developments in
the shoe repair business.
After several years away
from his hometown, Jack
returned to Macon where he
w’orked at H. L. Greene’s in a
shoe repair concession. It
was there that he met Lillian
Call or See . . .
Charlie Brown or C. B. Brown, Jr.
For All Your Personal
Insurance Needs . . .
Life Insurance
Mortgage Insurance
Retirement Insurance
Juvenile Plans
Group Insurance
C - 3 ‘ Br ° w Charlie Brown
Office 775-7544 Office 775-7544
Home 775-7178 30 Mulberry St. Hom e 775-3195
Money-Saving Fact *2
The Weekend Rates are even lower
than evening rates on out-of-state calls.
They’re in effect from 8 A.M. till 11 P.M.
on Saturday and 8 A.M. till 5 P.M.
on Sunday.
Money-Saving Fact # 4
Here’s the most important fact of all.
When you dial direct, you’ll always save,
no matter when you call. In fact, all of
these special low rates apply only
if you dial your own long distance calls
without an operator's assistance.
(The only time low direct-dial rates do not
apply is on operator-assisted calls such as
coin, credit card, person-to-person, collect,
hotel-guest calls or calls charged to
a third number.)
Wails, daughter of Dr, Waits
of Flovilla and clerk in the
store. Shortly after, they
were married on Halloween
Day, 40 years, ago.
Some of you old timers
might remember Sunset
Carson one of the origi
nal rip-roaring heroes of the
cowboy westerns. While on
tour visiting some children in
a hospital, an over-eager
child reached for his holster
and loaded gun; the gun fired
and wounded Sunset in the
leg. After three weeks in the
hospital, Sunset’s doctor, Dr.
Charles Ridley, an orthope
dic surgeon, recommended
that he go to Jack Burns for
some specially-fitted shoes.
Following his doctor’s ad
vice, Sunset traveled to
Macon where he spent three
weeks with Jack and esta
blished a lasting friendship
with the colorful shoemaker
in addition to having the
shoes made.
As the time passed, Jack
and Lillian found themselves
in Miami where Jack
entertained the entertainers
as well as provided them
with a first-rate shoe service.
The June Taylor Dancers
were his favorite. “They
would buy as many as 100
pairs of shoes at a time and
bring them to me for dyeing
and soling. I had to work day
and night to get the job
done,” he said.
Jack and Lillian had
originally planned to retire in
Miami, but after some time
spent in the hospital with
heart trouble, Jack was
persuaded by his son to move
to Jackson and rest while he
served his Army tenure in
Six years ago last Novem
ber, Jack and Lillian arrived
in Jackson with plans to
return to Miami after their
son returned from Vietnam.
Their son returned safely and
later presented them with a
grandchild and all the while
their roots here were
growing deeper. “With a
grandchild, a son that we are
very close to and the many
friends tH-t we made in Butts
Business Insurance
Disability Income
Major Medical
county, we couldn’t leave,”
said Jack. After the final
decision to remain in
Jackson was made, Jack
bought the shoe shop, then
owned by Richard Lewis, and
set up his business.
During his career he hac
been praised with such
phrases as, “master of all of
the phases of shoemaking
and shoerepair; a renowned
specialist in repair work
badly needed in helping the
crippled and an expert in
making and repairing spe
cial-made shoes and braces
used by the crippled.
He began his trade when
his peers were using wooden
pegs as nails, hog bristles to
sew soles on and when the
leather for shoes had to be
hand cut and cased. Now he
is obviously a little more than
just disgusted with thread
that comes on a spool, shoe
leather that is cut with
machinery and wooden pegs
are practically non-existant.
However, his disgust is
easily overshadowed by his
wit and charisma. His
customers come to him to
talk and joke as much as to
have their shoes repaired.
Ripped toes, lost heels, or
flapping soles, Jack Burns is
the man who can remedy the
situation and for a dollar
spent, a dollar’s work is
received plus a priceless
Barbiturates and tranquilizers have ''hooked'' over a million
people in the United States and they are unaware of it,
according to drug authorities. Most people are not
aware that the ability to develop tolerance to barbiturates
is so great.
Many of these people get their drugs legally from their
doctors, who are as unaware as their patients that the
• patients have become addicted. \
i Psychologically, it is easier to get off heroin than ' -
1 barbiturates. Withdrawal from large amounts of
1 barbiturates must be done under close medical /
h attention.
There are 1.5 million prescriptions for tranquilizers and
bartiturates written each year. Many are unnecessary and
misused. Coupled with alcohol, the
barbiturate-tranquilizer habit ,
can be deadly.
I Article 18
Sears |
| Jackson, Ga.
Tomlin's Restaurant
Catfish Steaks Chicken
Monticello Hwy. 775-7611
Middle Georgia Livestock
Sales Cos.
Livestock Auction Sale
Each Wednesday
Jackson, Ga.
Insurance Cos.
Luke Weaver, /\geni
iNsunANct Auto-Life-Health-Fire
- Byars St. 775-2626
SOU lislii!]
Daniel Ford Sales, Inc.
i:s27 Brook wood Ave.
amount of conversation.
Mr. Burns is a 32nd Degree
Scotish Rite Mason and a
member of all the bodies of
York Rite. Both he and his
wife belong to Eastern Star.
* *
H AlfSl
FEB 15-22
Davids VW Service
Includes all Beetles and VWs
Squarebacks and Fastbacks
New Plugs and Points included.
Free Wrecker Service on all major repair
Ph. 775-5174 - Hwy. 16 East of Jackson
This Community Endeavor Made Possible
By These Sponsors
The Closer You Look,
The Better We Look
Dr. and Mrs. William W.
Wright, Jr., Virginia and
Bill, of Macon, spent Sunday
with Mrs. W. W. Wright.
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. C
B. Guest, Jr. of Bogart regret
to learn of the unexpected
death early Monday of Mr. C.
B. Guest, Sr. of Athens. Mr.
Guest died at his home.
Rev. and Mrs. Ben Stone of
Bethlehem were guests Mon
day of Mr. and Mrs. Otis P.
Copyright©Community Advertising 1974
B&C Farm Supply, Inc.
118 Brookwood Ave. 775-2663
Farm Equipment Sales & Service
Massey Ferguson Lawn & Garden Eqpt.
Cawthon Brothers, Inc.
Covington Rd., Jackson, Ga.
Jackson Highway, Covington, Ga.
, Truflame LP Gas
LP Gas-Tanks-Appliances
Parrish Drug Cos.
Walgreen Agency
Ph. 775-7424 Night 775-7650
Jackson City Cleaners
138 E. Second St.
“An Aid To Smart Appearance”
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cook
and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cook
recently spent a weekend
touring the mountains of
North Georgia.
Ready For The Home Freezer
These steers have been on corn for six
months. Free delivery to processing plant.
Available in halves if desired. 2fr>.3CCper
pound dressed weight.
Cawthon Bros., Inc.
t>HONE 775-7801 JACKSON, GA.
State Supply C 6.
The Central Georgia Electric
Membership Corporation
Hodges Ace Home Center
922 E. Third St.
Carter Builders Supply, Inc.
25 Carolina Ave.
Mclntosh State Bank
Your Home Owned Bank
Member F.D.I.C.
The Kym Cos.
Jackson, Ga.
Polk Tire & Service Cos., Inc.
237 South Mulberry
Our Young People Are
Our Salvation
McMichael Bros., Inc.
Propane Gas & Appliances
Heating & Air Conditioning
Indian Springs, Ga. 775-3579
Adams Briscoe
eet *
lyWr B "Jackson, Ga. 775-7826
Coleman's Garage &
Body Shop
Complete Automotive Service
Wrecker Service
775-3184 151 First St. Night 775-7565
Red and White Food Store
134 So. Oak St.
Stephens Grocery
Quality Food Store
112 W. Second St. 775-2595
CggSk Cleveland Carpet
Hundreds of Rolls in Stock
Hwy. 42, Jenkinsburg, Ga.
Jackson friends of Miss
Lousie Thurston of Decatur
regret to learn that she was
recently hospitalized for
almost a month. She is now
recuperating at her home
from recent major surgery.
Her address is 2505 Columbia
Drive, Country Estate Apts.,
Unit 4, Decatur, Ga. 30034.