Newspaper Page Text
Flovilla Happenings
By Mrs. S. A. Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. George
Tapley and children of
Pompano Beach, Fla. were
weekend guests of Mrs.
Tapley’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Burns, Sr.
Mrs. Elsma Smith of Stark
visited Sunday afternoon
with Miss Fredna Hilley.
Mrs. A. J. Copeland,
mother of Mrs. Sara Craig,
will have surgery Tuesday at
Doctor’s Memorial Hospital
in Atlanta. We wish her a
speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burns
and children of Macon visited
Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Burns, Sr.
We enjoyed the interview
of Phil Flynn and the Georgia
Camera with Mr. Jack Burns
at his shoe shop last week. I
learned if I want a certain
color shoe I can carry some
of my shoes to him and he
can cover them like new.
Who knows, 1 might need
some green ones sometime.
Mrs. S. A. Elliott and Miss
Fredna Hilley visited Mr.
Wayne Hilley at Westbury
Home last Friday. We also
visited Mrs. Mary Mote and
Tally, Mrs. Tassie Jinks,
Mrs. Eda Leverette, and
Miss Emmie Nolan.
Mr. Cliff Funderburk and
Danny of Jonesboro attended
services at the United
Methodist Church and were
luncheon guests of his
mother, Mrs. J. C. Funder
burk and Mrs. Vivian
Made Plans
The committee chairmen
of the Butts County Associa
tion for Beautification
through Conservation met
recently to plan activities
and projects for 1975.
Present were Mrs. M. W.
Juhlin, Chairman of the
Association; Millard Daniel,
Co-Chairman; Mrs. Thelma
Prosser, Scrapbook Chair
man; Mrs. Elizabeth Wat
kins, Coordinator; Mrs.
Tommie Huggins, Secretary;
and Charlie Huggins, Publi
city Coordinator.
Of primary interest was
the annual kick-off meeting,
which will be held on
February 13 at the Central
Georgia EMC auditorium.
Featured speaker will be Bill
Blankinship, Information Di
rector for Georgia EMC, and
EMC coordinator for the
Beautification Through Con
servation Awards Program.
The 1975 Awards Program is
again sponsored by the
Georgia EMC and the
Georgia Association of Soil
and Water Conservation
District Supervisors. Butts
County in 1974 won the
Towaliga District competi
tion, but statewide competi
tion was won by Barrow
The BCABC plans to work
with the County Bicentennial
Commission in the “Hori
zons” division, especially on
restoration of historic sites
such as the Mclntosh House
in Indian Springs. Other
goals for Bicentennial in
clude erection of welcoming
signs for Jackson, and
involvment of the entire
county population in making
the county look its best,
especially for the Bicenten
nial Celebration in 1976.
Property owners, as during
the 1974 campaign, will be
urged to demolish unsightly
buildings which are beyond
repair and to keep vacant
lots free of brush and trash.
Outstanding projects will be
awarded certificates of com
All citizens are requested,
as always, not to litter streets
and highways, and BCABC
will ask that municipalities
enforce anti-litter ordinan
Eroded and idle land will
receive attention as to best
restoration and utilization.
The Association decided
that the same theme will be
Mr. Copeland Greer of
Griffin was supper guest
Saturday night of Mr. and
Mrs. Elbert Long.
Mr. and Mrs. Winfred
Perdue and daughter, Dee, of
Jonesboro visited recently
with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ballard Perdue.
Mrs. T. M. Washington of
Jackson spent last Wednes
day with Mr. and Mrs.
Ballard Perdue.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Williams,
Glenn and Andy, visited her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G.
Cook, Sunday afternoon.
Misses Windy and Elaine
Elliott 'Vent with the Naza
rene Quiz Group to Trinity
Nazarene Church in Macon
on Saturday.
A Valentine party is being
held at the Baptist Church
Friday evening for the young
Miss Roxie Smith and Mrs.
Rosielu Bohrer spent Sunday
afternoon with Mrs. Edith
Roberts, Mrs. Annie Gober,
and Miss Virginia Smith.
Friends of Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Smith are sorry to
know they both are in Sylvan
Grove Hospital. We all wish
them a speedy recovery.
Mr. Joe Waits of Hilltop
Nursing Home has been sick
with a cold and flu but we are
glad to report he is feeling
much better. Sunday after
noon Mr. Henry Collins
visited his sister, Mrs. Joe
Waits, also Mr. and Mrs.
Jimmy Kitchens visited Mrs.
used for 1975 as in 1974
the acronym PRIDE in Butts
County, respective letters in
the word Pride signifying
Prepare, Repair, Involve,
Develop, Environment. The
1975 organizational logo will
be changed from last year’s
stylized flower to include an
outline of the county.
Do you have a beautifica
tion project in mind for Butts
County? Attend the BCABC
kickoff meeting and present
your idea.
Poems written by Wanda
Godwin, Age 12, student at
Henderson Junior High
Love is something that
people should cherish.
Love is sharing with one
another. It is not right the
way people treat each other.
They should love each other
the way some other’s do.
Love is something special for
people to think about and
treat each other.
People, I don’t understand.
Why they fuss and fight the
way they do. To me it seems
people should get along with
others because God created
us for each other. I’m so glad
God above gave us people to
love. We should love all
people because God above
gave them for me and you.
Members of the Jackson-
Butts County Teen Club have
been making plans for the
future. On Wednesday, Fe
bruary sth, the club elected
committee chairmen as
Jean Earnheart, publicity;
Terri Dodson, activity; Vic
kie Smith, refreshment.
A dance has been planned
for February 28th at the
Armory with a live band to be
featured. On March 14th a
sock hop will be held at the
Pep Teen Center.
We are asking all parents
for their support, cooperation
and trust. Miranda
I C-
In Italy, black jasper is be
lieved to protect the wearer
from lightning!
Youth League Be Cautious
Began Play With All
February 4th Micro Ovens
The 1974-75 Jackson-Butts
County Recreation Youth
Boys Junior League basket
ball season started Tuesday,
February 4th, with two
games played at the Hender
son Junior High School Gym.
In the first game, Webb’s
Red Dot Bucks beat Cawthon
Brothers Knicks 24 to 23. Top
scorers for the Bucks were
Dennis Strickland with 8
points and Clifford Brown
with 4 points. For the Knicks,
Doug Bristol had 9 points
and Willie Ward with 8
In the second game,
Jackson Butts County Sher
iffs Department Hawks beat
the Handy Andy Stars 33 to
28. High scorers for the
Hawks were Cedrick Evans
with 8 points and Stan Nelson
with 10 points. For the Stars,
Aaron Smith had 14 points
and Ernest Lawrence had 6
Director Perry Manolis, of
the Jackson Butts County
Recreation Department,
would like to express a
sincere note of gratitude on
behalf of the recreation
commission and himself for
the merchants who are
sponsoring youth basketball
Those sponsoring teams
are Webb's Red Dot Grocery,
Handy Andy Food Store, the
Butts County Sheriff’s De
partment, and Cawthon
Brothers. Their interest in
the youth of our community
is greatly appreciated.
Report From
Indian Springs
By Mrs. Robert W. Grier, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hoard
visited last Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Cecil Adams and
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Hurt.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
Holloway spent Sunday with
their daughter and family,
Dr. and.Mrs. C. A. Batchelor,
Holly and Cal, in Bremen.
Mrs. Margaret Greer spent
the weekend with her sister
and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Brown, in Macon.
Mr. and Mrs. Asa Maddox
had their grandchildren,
Page and Brad Earnhart, for
the weekend and their
Sunday dinner guest was Mr.
Maddox’s sister, Mrs. Bertha
Mrs. Aldean Waldrop has
had as her guest for several
months Mrs. Maggie Scott of
Griffin. Mrs. Scott’s son and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Danny
Parrish Drug Cos.
A Symbol of Savings and Service
Phone: 775-7424
Along with the fascination
of microwave oven conve
nience comes the question of
their safety. What’s the risk
to radiation given off by
these ovens?
In a reprint from Con
sumer News, the Food and
Drug Administration (FDA)
which establishes safety
standards for microwave
ovens, answers this question
and others. The reprint also
includes information on the
purchase and safe use of
microwave ovens. A free
copy of Microwave Ovens
may be obtained by writing
to Consumer Information,
Pueblo, Colorado 81009.
FDA says that consumers
who have microwave ovens
should feel safe using them.
There have been no cases of
radiation injury related to
microwave ovens that were
used according to manufac
turer’s instruction. All ovens
found in stores today carry a
certification seal stating that
they comply with the Federal
radiation standard. How
ever, these standards don’t
cover ovens made before
October 6,1971. So, if you own
or use an older oven, take
these precautions: switch the
oven off before opening the
door; stay at least an arm’s
length away from the front of
the oven while it’s on; have
the oven tested for radiation
emission (call your regional
or district FDA office or your
appliance dealer to run the
Maddox and Shane of
Hapeville, were their week
end guests.
Mrs. W. D. Ashley is on the
sick list this week. We wish
her a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Clifton
had as their Sunday guests
Mr. and Mrs. Worth Clifton of
Macon, Mrs. Sarah Brown
and daughter Susan of
Macon, and Mr. and Mrs.
Jesse Robinson of Carrollton.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hoard
attended the fiftieth wedding
anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Taylor on Sunday
Mrs. W. D. Ashley is on the
sick list this week. We wish
her a speedy recovery.
Your reporter and Mr.
Grier had dinner and spent
the evening Saturday in
Griffin with Mr. and Mrs.
Robert W. Grier, Jr.
For safe use of any brand
of microwave oven re
gardless of when it was
Examine it for evidence of
shipping damage as soon as
you get the oven home.
Follow manufacturer’s in
struction manual for use and
care of the oven.
Clean door, seals, and
inside of the oven with water
and mild detergent. Grease
around the door seal can
cause excess radiation emis
sion. Do not clean with
scouring pads or other
Never insert objects
through door grill or around
door seal. Never allow even a
paper towel to stick out of the
Never tamper with or
inactivate oven safety inter
Never operate an empty
Newton Plaza Shopping Center
Covington’s Newest
Rocking Chair Comfort
Held Over Thru Thursday, Feb. 20
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Thank You
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FEBRUARY 13, 1975
Have the oven checked
regularly by a microwave
oven technician for wear,
damage, tampering and
radiation emission.
Microwave Ovens is one of
250 selected Federal Publica
tions listed in the current
edition of the Consumer
Information Index. Pub
lished quarterly by the
Consumer Information Cen
ter of the General Services
Administration, the Index is
available free from Consu
mer Information, Pueblo,
Colorado 81009, and at
Federal Information Centers
located throughout the coun
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