The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, February 27, 1975, Image 3
STARK NEWS By Mrs. B. A. Williamson Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Bradley visited with several families of relatives last week. On Tuesday they visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Donaldson in Conyers; they spent Tuesday night with a daughter, Mrs. C. E. Holzer in Decatur, then visited their son, Mr. Harris Bradley and Mrs. Bradley in Atlanta; on Thursday they spent some time with Mrs. H. S. Silas in Tucker, also with Mr. Alvin Bradley and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ethridge in Tucker. Mrs. Stanfield’s friends sympathize with her in the death of her mother, Mrs. Brooks, on Saturday at Sylvan Grove Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Nash had as guests last weekend their children, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Nash, Rae, Tim and Teresa of Stone Mountain. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor honored their granddaughter, April Cook, with a family dinner celebra ting her fourth birthday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Cook and April' of Four Points, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Cook and Wesley, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack McLees and Miss Dolores Cook. Mrs. Inez Moore of Jonesboro spent Tuesday and Tuesday night with Mr. and Mrs. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Cawthon and Rachael, Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Cook and A1 Cawthon attended a performance of Ringling Bros. Circus in Atlanta on Saturday. Joe Williamson, University of Georgia student, was the weekend guest of his grand mother, Mrs. Lillian Wil liamson. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Williamson and Miss Jan Williamson, of Macon, came up for supper on Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Harris of Atlanta visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor on Thursday. ReV. Bill Whitlatch atten ded an associational officers conference at Norman As sembly, Norman Park, on Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. W. B. McDaniel of Atlanta spent Thursday with her mother, Mrs. Ira Cawthon. Mrs. Nelle Swann’s friends will be glad to know that she is doing nicely after having undergone surgery at Geor gia Baptist Hospital last week. Latest reports from Andy Crumbley, who has had surgery in Englewood, Colo rado, indicate that his condition is improving. He has gained several pounds and is breathing without the aid of a breathing machine. This is very encouraging and the family’s many friends hope for continued improve ment. Members of Stark United Methodist Sunday School enjoyed a skating party at Joel’s Roller Rink on Friday night with an attendance of sixty. Mr. Howard Britt is at home after having been a patient at Sylvan Grove Hospital for several weeks. Funeral services for Mrs. Raymond Biles were held at Jackson City Cemetery on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Biles was formerly Miss Kate Ham. Mr. Biles is a native of this community, having moved to Atlanta a number of years ago. He is being extended the sympathy of friends and relatives here. Miss Elizabeth McMichael, Mrs. Jim McMichael, Mrs. Albert Hencely, Mrs. C. T. Burress and Mrs. Ed McMurray were shopping in Atlanta on Wednesday. The Stark Friendship Wo man’s Club met at the Community House on Tues : day afternoon with 14 members present. The usual order of business was presided over by the presi dent, Mrs. Sara O’Neal. Sending cards or otherwise remembering the birthdays of shut-in members was discussed. Mrs. Watie Mason showed slides of pictures made on a recent tour of western states and Canada, including scenes from “The Passion Play.’’ These were enjoyed by everyone present. Mrs. Lucy Jenkins and Mrs. m weo WHERE ECONOMY ORIGINATES THE AWARE SHOPPER By Borbaro Sullivan A6fP Director of Consumer Affairs Shopping To Save When shopping keep these points in mind. Take advantage of sales—build up a modest reserve supply especially of items you use regu larly as staples. Select the appro priate size of your needs. Choose the quality you need. “Standard quality” tomatoes are ideal for casserole, are lower priced than “Grade A” or “fine quality” brands and are just as nutritious and palatable. Choose the most economical form—instant nonfat dry milk can be an economical substitute for skimmed milk to save you cal ories as well as y 3 the cost of fresh whole milk. Read the label check weight and ingredients listed in order of predominance. We Owe You More Thun Just Food MARVEL REGULAR OR SANDWICH „.o, BREAD ° AF OR MARVEL FRANKFURTER SANDWICH ROUS -R. OR JANE PARKER BAICN SERVE ROUS • TWIN 12-OZ. PKG. . FLAKY . • CLOVER LEAF i 2-79* marvel Jfism IOC IwC CREAM VALUABLE COUPON CRISCO SMORTENINe at ♦I 48 Subject to applicable tax. Limit one per Family with $7.50 or more order. Redeemable thru March 2nd. Price without coupon SAVE 50 c Igad THE JACKSON PROGRESS-ARGUS, JACKSON, GEORGIA PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Buck Lewis spent the weekend in Alpharetta as guests of her mother, Mrs. Chlora Hyde. Doris Standard were hostes ses for the month and served delicious refreshments. Prices effective thru Sunday, March 2nd. Items offered for sale are not available to other retail dealers or wholesalers. Not responsible for typographical errors. Miss Elaine Todd and Miss Irene Stoddard, both stu dents at Georgia State University, spent the week end with Miss Todd’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marion D. Todd. DtHAWTE DOLLARS SALE SAVINGS YOU CAN SEE “SUPER RIGHT QUALITY FRESH STORE GROUND IBEEF CRISP WESTERN ICEBERG • LETTUCE h.*o CRISP GREEN • CELERY stalk SICILIA • LEMON JUICE PURE VEGETABLE CRISCO SHORTENING I*l4B CAN LIMIT ONE W/57.50 OR MORE ORDER & COUPON VALUABLE COUPON GOLD MEDAL FLOUR : 10 $489 RISING LB. T ■ BAG W Sublet! to applicable ten Limit one coupon per family Redeemable thru March 2nd Price without coupon $2.0? SAVE 20 c tfgk Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Daniel had as their guest last week their granddaughter, Carla Kelly, of Norc-ross. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Mabry recently spent a week with their daughter and her family, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Thompson and sons, Jim, Tim and Curt, in Alexander City, Alabama. ENGLISH CUT or SHOULDER BEEF ROAST u,. ty THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1975 Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Byrd and children of Jonesboro spent Saturday as guests of their mother, Mrs. Lois Byrd. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy . Webb of Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Welch of McDonough returned Sunday from a most enjoyable ten day trip to the Pacific Coast. CHUCK ROAST 18 ",58* BONELESS - 97* FRESH FRUIT FROM THE FLORIDA SUNSHINE TREE MURCOTT ORANGES 15*1 ANN PAGE SCANNED SOUPS • BEANW/BACON Jtt • TURKEYVEG. • VEGETABLE M , "O'-STYLECHKN. | • VEGETARIAN ■ YOUR CHOICE MNS VALUABLE COUPON SAVE 20 c utftw “SUPER RIGHT” QUALITY GRAIN FED BEEF L— MARTHA WHITE §§§ S FLOUR® 5 68* LIMIT OHt WITH ■7” OB MORE ORDER A&P FROZEN ail FRENCH FRIED W POTATOES • REGULAR OR r LB. •CRINKLE BAG ▼ A I T h NE ASPAL'E W COu A&P FROZEN FRENCH FRIED POTATOES 5 a Subiect to applicable tax Limit one coupon per family Redeemable thru March 2nd Price without coupon SI .40 F.B.L.A. BAKE SALE On March l, 1975, the Future Business Leaders of America will be sponsoring a bake sale on the square from 9:00 until sold out. The funds raised will be used to send several members to the State Convention. CHUCK STEW * T , 68' BONELESS lb *1" A&P HSALTINE CRACKERS • SALTED _ ™° Ml BiH box SAIL DETERGENT CARD OF THANKS We would like to express our appreciation to all the friends who remembered us with visits, calls, cards, and prayers after the recent death of our brother and son, Mr. Harold McEntyre of Calhoun, Georgia. May God bless each of you. Mrs. Bob Woodall and family, Mrs. K. K. McEntyre. we welcome FOOO STAMP SHOPPCRS ■ WHITE OR BLUE s 88* 49-OZ. W