The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, February 27, 1975, Image 4
LEGAL Notice GEORGIA, BUTTS COUNTY To All Whom it May Concern: Arthur D. Bowen having in proper form applied to me for Permanent Letters of Administration on the estate of Esther B. Bowen, late of said County, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Esther B. Bowen to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show •cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to Arthur D. Bowen on Esther B. Bowen’s estate. Witness my hand and official signature, this Bth day of January, 1975. L. J. Washington Probate Judge 2-6-4tp Notice ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF BUTTS LEGAL NOTICE PUR SUANT TO SECTION 22-803 (and) (2) OF THE CODE OF GEORGIA, AS AMENDED. On application of ED WARD LAWRENCE CLEVELAND (Maddox Cir cle, Jackson, Butts County, Georgia), articles of incor poration have been granted to “CLEVELAND CAR PETS, INC.” by the Honora ble HUGH D. SOSEBEE, Judge of the Superior Court of Butts County, in accor dance with the applicable provisions of the Georgia Business Corporation Code. The registered office of the corporation is located at Highway No. 42, Jenkins burg, Butts County, Georgia (Post Office Box 7, Jenkins burg, Georgia) and its registered agent at such address is EDWARD LAW RENCE CLEVELAND. The purpose of the corporation is pecuniary gain and profit for its shareholders. The general nature of the business to be carried on by said corpora tion shall be the buying and selling of carpet, the installa tion of same, and any other type of business activity necessary, incident or con venient in carrying out the general object and purposes of the corporation. The minimum capital with which the corporation shall com mence business is $500.00. ALFRED D. FEARS, RICHARD G. MILAM, ATTORNEYS FOR PETI TIONER. ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 3886 COMMERCIAL BUILDING JACKSON, GEORGIA 2-13-4tc Notice INVITATION FOR BIDS Sealed proposals for furn ishing the Jackson-Butts County Recreation Depart ment with all labor, mate rials, and performance of all work necessary to construct four (4) tennis courts at Avondale Park in Jackson, Georgia in accordance with drawings and specifications, conditions and instructions will be received by the Recreation Department, P.O. Box 3888, Jackson, Georgia 30233 until 10:00 o’clock a.m., Thursday the 27th day of February, 1975 at which lime they will be publicly opened and read in the Council Chamber of the Jackson City Hall. Instructions for submitting bids and obtaining drawings and specifications may be obtained at the office of the architect: Moore-Robinson Associates of Atlanta, 409 Arrowhead Blvd., Building A, Jonesboro, Georgia 30236. Phone: (404 ) 477-6580 during regular hours. The Jackson-Butts County Recreation Department re serves the right to reject any or all proposals or to accept the bid, or part of a bid considered to be in the best interest of the City of Jackson and the County of Butts, Georgia. The Jackson-Butts County Recreation Department By Perry Manolis, Director 2-13-3tc Notice NOTICE OF INTENT TO INTRODUCE LEGISLATION There will be a bill introduced at this Session of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia to increase the salary of the Assistant District Attorney of the Flint Judicial Circuit and for other purposes. Rep. Ray Tucker Rep. Philip Benson Ham Rep. J. R. Smith 2-13-3tp Notice No Administration Necessary Probate Court, Butts County, Georgia To any Creditors and All Parties at Interest: Regarding Estate of Kirk A. Biles formerly of Butts County, Georgia, notice is hereby given that the heirs, have filed application with me to declare no Administra tion necessary. Said application will be heard at my office Monday, March 3rd, 1975, and if no objection is made an order will be passed saying no Administration necessary. January 31, 1975. L. J. Washington, Probate Judge 2-6-4tp Notice FOR YEARS SUPPORT STATE OF GEORGIA Butts Probate Court January 10,1975 The appraisers upon appli cation of Shirley Y. King, widow of said Charles D. King, for a twelve months’ support for herself and two minor children, having filed their return; all persons concerned hereby are cited to show cause, if any they have, at the next regular March term of this Court, why said application should not be granted. L. J. Washington Probate Judge, Butts County 2-6-4tp Notice NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER GEORGIA, BUTTS COUN TY By virtue of the power of sale contained in a Deed to Secure Debt from F. A. Reese a-k-a Fred A. Reece to ATLANTA FEDERAL SAV INGS AND LOAN ASSOCIA TION, dated April 14, 1971, recorded in Deed Book 43, Page 470, Butts County records, there will be offered for sale at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the Courthouse door of said County during the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in March, 1975, the following described proper ly: ALL THAT TRACT or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 28, of the Second District of Butts County, Georgia; and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on THE JACKSON PROGRESS-ARGUS, JACKSON, GEORGIA the south line of Land Lot 28, nine hundred ninety (990) feel east, as measured along the south line of said Land Lot 28, from the southwest corner of said Land Lot 28; thence running east along the south line of said Land Lot 28 to the southeast corner of said Land Lot 28; thence north along the east line of said Land Lot 28, to the northeast corner of said Land Lot 28; thence west along the north line of said Land Lot 28 to a point nine hundred ninety (990) feet east as measured along the north line of said Land Lot 28, from the northwest corner of said Land Lot 28; thence south to the south line of said Land Lot 28 and the point of beginning; being improved property excepting however, the property which lies within the right-of-way of State Highway No. 16. The indebtedness secured by said Deed to Secure Debt has been declared due and payable by reason of default under the provisions of such Deed to Secure Debt and the terms of the note secured thereby, and sale will be made for the purpose of applying the proceeds there of toward expenses of sale, payment of the indebtedness and interest thereon, and any balance remaining shall be applied as provided by law. To the best of the undersigned’s knowledge and belief the party in possession of the property is F. A. Reece a-k-a Fred A. Reece. Said property will be sold as the property of F. A. Reece a-k-a Fred A. Reece and subject to unpaid taxes, special assessments, and prior restrictions of record, if any. ATLANTA FEDERAL SAV INGS AND LOAN ASSOCIA TION, as attorney in fact for F. A. Reece a-k-a Fred A. Reece Mitchell, Clarke, Pate & Anderson Sixth Floor, 20 Marietta Street Atlanta, Georgia 30303 555-6010 2-6-4tc Notice COUNTY: BUTTS Pursuant to Act Number 1257, Ga. Laws 1972, p. 762, entitled “Disposition of Un claimed Property Act”, notice is hereby given that the persons listed below appear to be the owners of abandoned property. Infor mation concerning the a mount or description of the property and the name and address of the holder may be obtained by any persons possessing an interest in the property by addressing an inquiry to the State Revenue Commissioner, Unclaimed Property Division, P.O. Box 38096, Atlanta, Georgia 30334, giving name, address and Account Number. Unless proof of claim is presented by the owner to the holder and the owner’s right to receive the property is established to the holder’s satisfaction within 65 days from March l, 1975 the abandoned property will be placed not later than 85 days, or May 25, 1975, in the custody of the State Revenue Commissioner to whom all further claims must thereafter be directed. EMMA BELL SHANNON ROUTE 1 FLOVILLA, GEORGIA ACCOUNT NUMBER: 3-302 2-27-2tc Notice IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF BUTTS COUNTY. GEORGIA IN RE: CATHERINE ALICE KIRK FILE NO. 2448 PETITION TO CHANGE NAME NOTICE Notice is hereby given that CATHERINE ALICE KIRK, the petitioner, filed her petition to the Superior Court of said county on the 18th day of February, 1975, praying for a change in the name of petitioner from CATHE RINE ALICE KIRK to CATHERINE ALICE TY SON, and notice is hereby given to any interested or affected party to be and appear in said court on or before the 21st day of March, 1975, at which time all objections to the granting of the relief prayed for must be filed in said court. CATHERINE ALICE KIRK, Petitoner. 2-20-4tp Notice NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR HIGHWAY LOCATION AND DESIGN APPROVAL PROJECT NO. RS-0763 (1) BUTTS COUNTY Notice is hereby given that the Georgia Department of Transportation, Highway Di vision, is considering the approval of the Location and Design of Project No. RS-0763 (1) Butts County. Project No. RS-0763 (1) Butts County is proposed to be the replacement of Barnetts Bridge and approa ches located at Jackson Lake on Secondary Route 763. The purpose of the project is to replace a single lane 15.7’ x 426.0’ bridge with a 443’ x 32’ concrete bridge with improved approaches. The length of the project is 0.567 miles. Drawings and other infor mation on the project are on file at the County Commis sioners Office in Jackson and at the Department of Transportation offices in Thomaston and Griffin and will be available for public inspection. 2-27-ltc Bridge Classes In Jackson Are Planned . ' • -*, •-* The Jackson-Butts County Recreation Department will conduct bridge classes on Tuesday evenings beginning March 11th at 7:30 p.m. Director Perry Manolis has acquired the services of Mrs. Joanne Todd from Griffin, who conducts several other classes and is an expert instructor. Fees for the classes will be determined on the amount of participation. You may pre-register at the Recreation Department by either calling 775-2404 or drop by the office. Director Manolis stated, “If we could get 24 participants, the fee would be about SB.OO per person for the six week bridge class. VOCA CLUB TALKS OVER STATE MEET Last Thursday night the officers of the VOCA (Voca tional Opportunities Clubs of America) Club met at the home of Club Advisor Darrell Pippin to discuss future projects of the club. The first item of business discussed was the state convention to be held at St. Simons Island. Mr. Pippin explained to the group that the club could only send two delegates this year because of facilities at the camp. Last year the club sent five members, but because of a lot of new clubs in the state this would overcrowd the Local Legislation NOTICE OF INTENTION TO INTRODUCE LOCAL LEGISLATION Notice is hereby given that there will be introduced at the regular 1975 session of the General Assembly of Georgia a bill to amend an act creating anew charter for the City of Jackson, approved February 15, 1952 (Georgia Laws 1952, page 2803), as amended, so as to change the corporate limits of the city; and for other purposes. This 11th day of February, 1975. J. R. Smith, Representative, 78th District 2-13-3tc THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1975 THOUGHTS FOR SHARING BY EILENE MILAM Butts County Extension Home Economist CHOOSING A COLOR SCHEME Do your plans for spring cleaning include anew paint job for the house? In this time of high prices, color is one of the most important and least expensive ways to beautify your home. Choos ing a color scheme need not be a frustrating experience. Keep in mind the interests and tastes of those who use the room, its purpose, its size, shape and exposure and its relation to adjoining areas. Try to avoid a “clutter” of colors. A home will look more unified if one predominant color is used throughout, especially if the house is small. Choose one key color and use it in some way in all moms. If you feel you must have more variety, use a change of color in the bedrooms since they are usually separated from other rooms by doors, hallways and bathrooms. Before deciding on specific colors, consider the following points : How is the room to be used? Do you want it to look formal, casual, bright and gay, or serene and restful? What furnishings are to be kept? What new furnishings do you need? What colors must remain as they are? Do you want the room to look larger or smaller? What about the proportions of the room are they too long and narrow or an uninteres ting square? Are windows and doors poorly located? Is Gordon To Have Jewelry Workshop Barnesville The Office of Community Services at Gordon Junior College will sponsor a one-day silver jewelry workshop at the Dove Down Center in Griffin on March 1. Richard Fernandez will instruct students from 1-3 p.m. in the techniques of cold forging silver rings and earrings. Fernandez, a sil versmith, has already in structed two silver jewelry courses and is teaching lost wax casting and drawing. The class is limited to 10 people. To obtain registration information, call the Office of Community Services, Gor don Junior College, 358-1700. convention. The officers discussed and decided to sponsor a project on “Saving Energy.” Plans include radio programs with hints on saving energy, newspaper articles, posters, and school programs giving hints on how to save energy. Here is a question for you. Which uses more energy, an electric razor or a blade razor? Look and listen for the answer soon. The group cooked hambur ger steaks, French fries, baked onions, and French bread following the meeting. Danny Booth, Reporter. St i the ceiling too high or too low? Is the room too light or too dark? Does the room get sunlight and if so, during what portion of the day? Remember that colors may be light or dark, warm or cool, strong or weak. In general, colors that are dark in value, warm (reds, yellows, oranges), and in tense close up space making a room look smaller. Colors that are light in value, cool (blues, greens), and weak in strength make a room look more spacious. You can make ceilings look higher or lower, rooms look larger or smaller, play up good points and minimize bad ones through the use of color. Know what you want from the colors you choose and use wisely. Color is one iof your best decorating tools! NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice hereby is given there will be a public hearing at the Main Courtroom, Butts County Courthouse, Jack son, Georgia at 7:00 o’clock p. m. on Monday, March 10, 1975 upon proposal by owner of the following des cribed property that this petitioner be granted Special Exceptions of locating Mobile Home in Zoning Classi fications: A-R (Agricultural Residential.) (1) 10 acres located on Jack Maddox Bridge Road, 612 Militia District, Butts County, Georgia. Land owned by Sylvia Fleming. Applicant: Rodney and Sylvia Fleming. Size of Mobile Home 12 x 65. * • ■ - r- Public Hearing to be held by the Butts County Board of Appeals. The public is invited to the Public Hearing herein above announced. IMPORTANT NOTICE For the convenience of the public, the Butts County Tax Commissioner’s office will be open on Saturday from 8:00 A.M. through 12:00 noon for the month of March. To avoid standing in line please come in and get your tag early and make your tax return. Mary Will Hearn tax commissioner BUTTS COUNTY— JACKSON, GA. -P' ruth at random By Ruth Bryant WHAT IS SUNSET? To the Sun, to the Earth, To Myself Radiant at the end of your journey And red with the glow of achievement As you sink into Mother Earth’s mantle, Is this Sunset? Wearied by revolving on your axis And rotating in space between planets As you turn from Sol, your life-giver, Is this Sunset? Sobered by thoughts of day’s ending And viewing a pageant of beauty As my eyes turn to flames of great grandeur, Is this Sunset? Is it the fiery end of the bride-groom’s race? Is it the good-night kiss of the earth for her lover? Is it the glorious end of a day for me, And a bright new dawn for another? What is Sunset?