The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, February 27, 1975, Image 6
All classified advertising 8c a word, cash in advance unless regular account is main tained with The Progress-Argus. Mini mum charge for an ad is $1.75. Phone 775- 3107. Deadline is Tuesday noon. HI neighbor! Tried Blue Lustre for cleaning carpets? It’s super! Rent electric shampooer sl. Jackson Hard ware. 2-27-Itc FOR SALE: 17 acres land near Mt. Vernon Church, between two lakes. 7 miles from Jackson. Contact Syrup Stewart, Rt. 5, Jackson. Can be seen Friday, Saturday or Sundays. 2-27-ltp AVON LOOKING FOR PART TIME OPPORTUNITY? Be an Avon Representative. Meet people, sell famous products, set your own schedule and earn money, I’ll show you how. Call 775-3613. 2-27-ltc TYLER’S ANTIQUES & FLEA MARKET, Juliette, Ga. Everything must go at our Spring ’75 Clearance Sale. No reasonable offer refused. Also new spaces available for dealers. Next Sale March Ist and 2nd. Phone Macon 742-5400. 2-27-ltc JACKSON LAKE A CREAGE Will sell from 1 acre up to 54 acres, paved road, % mile frontage, 1000 yards from two Marinas, by owner, Anderson. 482-7205, 482-4451. 2-27-3tc BABY STROLLERS HIGH CHAIRS Jackson True Value Hardware FOR RENT: 2 Bedroom Apartment, carpeted and paneled throughout. Unfur nished, SBO.OO month. Call C. B. Brown, Jr., Day 775-7309; Night 775-7178. 2-27-tfc WATER HEATERS Jackson True Value Hardware l-10-tfc. FOR SALE: Two gas pumps 1 6,000 gal. tank; 1 4,000 gal. tank. Call 775-9055. 2-20-tfc WANTED: A barber for 1-chair barbershop on Hwy. 36, 12 '/2 miles from Covington. Phone 786-4995. 2-20-tfc Cancer Insurance Call C. B. Brown, Jr. Office 775-7544 Home 775-7178 2-20-ltc. FOR SALE: New 12 x 68 three-bedroom mobile home, central heat and air condi tioning. Set up and ready. Will finance with low down payment. FOR RENT: 12 x 60 two-bedroom mobile home, excellent condition, 1-75 Mobile Home Lot. 228-3399. 2-20-tfc New Crop Garden And Flower Seed Jackson True Value Hardware FcfjrMD*xicdtm=lßsizlts- . , iZLJISSfFfEn AZ7S, "BEAT INFLATION” Pri ces 5O percent Profit. Direct Sales Send for catalog. Collins Cos., Box 550, Forsyth, Ga. 31029. 2-20-4tc FOR SALE: Two-bedroom, 1 bath, frame house, nice neighborhood. Owner will finance 8 percent. 20 percent discount if bought outright. Tom O’Dell or Roy Goff, 775-7812 or 775-7414. 2-20-tfc LIFETIME BATTERY ■ CZ> TAUTEST $38.50 Jackson Hardware SEE US for your paint needs. Custom colors our specialty. Carter Builders Supply. 2-22-tfc FOR YOUR CERAMIC TILE needs —new installa tion and repairs call O. G. Emory, 775-7435. 2-6-Btp TIRED of high prices on paint and body work? Guaranteed savings 20 to 25 percent. Call Lee at 775-3783. 8-22-tfc . HOUSE FOR SALE:Brick, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, large family room, acre lot, Phone 775-5155 after 12 noon. 2-6-tfc A ONE BEDROOM apart ment for rent. Stoves and refrigerators furnished, car peted and air conditioning. Call Frank Miller at 775-7645. 11- FOR SALE: 1972 Ford Grand Torino 2 Door Hard top, AM-FM Radio with tape player, air conditioning, power steering. Only $1,695. Call 775 r 5023 or 775-7947 at night. 2-20-3tc ELECTROLUX Sales & Service 776-3644 FOR RENT: Two houses, one furnished and one unfurnished. Phone 775-5701 or 775-3439. 1-16-tfc NOTICE: I am affiliated with Thomaston Vault, Bu rial & Monument Cos., Thomaston. When in need of anything, please call Mrs. Bertha (Howard) Perdue, 775-7179. FOR SALE: Two-bedroom house and 1 acre of land in city. Call 775-2454 after 5 p.m. 12- DO YOU NEED AN ELECTRICIAN? Call a qualified, experienced electri cian at Richards Electric. Residential, Commercial, Industrial. New or Old Work 775-5775 R. A. COBB Licensed by the State of Georgia THE JACKSON PROGRESS-ARGUS, JACKSON, GEORGIA Major Medical Insurance Call Charlie Brown or C. B. Brown, Jr. Office 775-7544 Home 775-7178 2-20-ltc. Well Drilling. Water Pumps repaired. Deep and shallow well pumps, submersibles. Water treatment systems. Larry Strickland 228-8942 3-28-tfc ATTENTION For expert wheel align ment see or call Polk Tire Cos. All work guaranteed. Polk Tire Cos., phone 775-7331. 3-22-tfc LOSE WEIGHT safely & fast with X-ll Diet Plan $3.00. REDUCE Excess Fluids with X-Pel $3.00. City Pharmacy. l-23-15tc CARPETS Wall to wall or room size carpeting. Priced to meet your budget. Cleveland Car pets, Jenkinsburg, Ga. Ph. 775-5502; night 775-2322. 9-27-tfc Fire Extinguishers 2 ',2,5, 10 lb. Jackson True Value Hardware FARM FOR SALE: 300 acres, quality cattle farm with 200 acres in established pasture, good fencing, over 8,000 feet double road frontage, nice 4 room and bath home. 2 acre stocked lake. Good location, Hwy. 42, 10 miles north Forsyth, good terms. R. H. Freeman, Forsyth, 912-994-5882. 2-20-tfc KNEE BOOTS Jackson True Value Hardware HELP WANTED MEN OR WOMEN Are you interested in a sales position with manage ment potential? If you are honest, ambitious, teachable, and want above average income, we will teach you all you need to know. For local interview, write fully to James W. Hudmon, 785 Greenhill Drive, N.E., Con yers, Ga. 30207. (Some part-time positions also a vailable.) 2-20-2tc AUTOMATIC BABY SWINGS Jackson True Value Hardware FOR RENT: 2 bedroom mobile home. 775-3845. 2-27-4tp RADIATOR HOSES % Jackson True Value Hardware GARDEN TILLERS Hodges Hdwe. & Furniture Cos. 922 E. THIRD ST. PHONE 775-7501 LOSE weight safe, fast, easy with the Diadex plan Reduce fluids with Fluidex. City Pharmacy. 2-20-2tp 1966 Chevy Pick-up with camper cover and 327 V-8 engine, in good condition. 775-5739. 2-13-ltc. PLEXIGLASS Cut to Size Jackson True Value Hardware HOUSE FOR SALE: Hill crest Drive —3 bedrooms, 1 >2 baths. 775-5737 after 5 p.m. 2-13-tfc “NEVER used anything like it,” say users of Blue Lustre carpet cleaner. Rent electric shampooer sl. Wes tern Auto. 2-27-ltc MISSING Black Heifer Calf, weight 325 lbs., between Barnett’s Bridge and Worth ville area Jackson Lake: Small reward for return. M. W. Reeves, Rt. 2, Box 357, Jackson, Ga., phone 775-3612. 2-27-ltc FREEZERS Hodges Hdwe. & Furniture Cos. 922 E. THIRD ST. PHONE 775-7501 1971 750 Honda for sale Excellent condition, low mileage, SI,OOO. Call 615- 868-7412 at night and week ends. 2-20-2tc WILL REMOVE Bees from houses, trees, or SWARMS Free. Call Mr. Smith, 775-4579. 2-20-4tp FOR SALE: Four Acres. Call 775-9055. 2- NOTICE For the best buy in used ap pliances and televisions, check our used merchandise department. Polk Tire Com pany, phone 775-7331. 3- FOR RENT: One and two bedroom apartments, fur nished or unfurnished, air conditioned and carpeted bedrooms. Call Jack Evans at 775-4084. 2-6-tfc LET US TRUE & BA LANCE your tires for smoother riding and longer wear. Polk Tire Cos., Jackson, Ph. 775-7331. 7-30-tfc The Ceramic House 775-5736 Tues. Nite 7-10 Wed. Afternoon 1-5 Thurs. Morning 9-12 Thurs. Nite 7-10 Sat. Afternoon .... 1-5 Sun. Afternoon 2-5 Paulette Washington THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1975 FOR ELECTRICAL Repairs Troubleshooting Additions Estimates CALL Bill Campbell Jackson Electric Service 775-7108 1-30-tfc FAN BELTS Jackson True Value Hardware FOR RENT: Available immediately building on Second St., formerly occu pied by Thurston’s Garage. 775-7182 after 5 p.m. or 775-7812 day. 2-27-ltc JOE BENNETT Indian Springs, Ga. Home repair and remode ling. 775-7759 or 775-5121. 1-2-tfc COMMODES p 3 *] A GRADE Sgb $26.88 JACKSON TRUE VALUE FOR SALE: Mobile home and land in Skyland, Locust Grove. Call 957-9628. 2-27-ltp FOR SALE BY OWNER: 3-Bedroom, 2 bath house in city. Built-in kitchen, includ ing dishwasher and grill. 775-7795. 1- CAN YOU WORK WITHOUT SUPERVISION We need man or woman to sell full line of Advertising Specialties, Calendars and Gifts in the Jackson Area. Must be able to plan own time and work with a minimum of supervision. All accounts are protected. Repeat orders are protected. High Commissions payable when orders are passed for credit. The Advertising Specialty Line is the most extensive in the Industry. Calendars are manufactured at our Red Oak Plant. Write Bob McKenzie, Sales Manager, The Thos. D. Murphy Company, 110 So. Second Street, Red Oak, lowa 51566. 2- WINDOW GLASS CUT JACKSON HDWE. FREE ESTIMATES on room additions, remodeling, painting, kitchen cabinets, roofing, gutters, and fencing. 994-9546. 10-3-tfc PERSONAL Mrs. Jane B. Powell reiurned Sunday from Mexi co where she attended the Congress of Business and Professional Women of the Americas in Mexico City, with eight members from Georgia in attendance. Prior to beginning the meeting on the 18th, the group went to Guadalajara and Acapulco. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Weaver and Miss Willene Weaver visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Durward Holloway in Thomaston. Lynwood Thurston Retires With 20 Years Navy Duty A day long awaited by Thomas Lynwood Thurston arrived February 10th when he was transferred from active duty in the United States Navy to the Fleet Reserve. Mr. Thurston, an Electri cians Mate Ist Class, thus completed 20 years of honorable service and has now retired to his new and attractive home at 703 Franklin Street. Mr. Thurston enlisted in the Navy as a Seaman Recruit on August 12, 1954 in Macon and during his 20 years of service has held the following rates: SR, SA, FA, FN, EM3, EM2, and EMI. FURNITURE SALE Vi Price Furniture Warehouse Sale All Furniture on Display in Warehouse Is Going To Be Sold at 50% Off Of Old List Price Living Room Suites a Bedroom Suites Dining Room Suites 'll' 1* 5 and 7 Pc. Table and Chair Sets Chairs All Kinds Odd Chest of Drawers Odd Dressers Tables, End and Coffee Oak Barrel Type Bars Some Used Furniture ■SnSulsjll |J| All Musi Go SOLD ON A FIRST COME BASIS SO HURRY ON DOWN TO 922 E. 3RD ST. HODGES Ace Home Center PHONE 775-7501 JACKSON, GEORGIA FREE DELIVERY BANK FINANCING During his Navy tenure, Mr. Thurston has served at the Naval Training Center at Great Lakes, aboard the USS Helena, the USS Des Moines, the USS John Willis, the USS Tweedy, the USS Goodrich, the Recruit Training Com mand, NTC, Great Lakes, and aboard the USS Ponce. During his enlistment span he has been stationed in California, France, Rhode Island, Great Lakes, Florida, and Virginia. His rating at the time of transfer to the Reserve was EMI. Mr. Thurston is the son of Mrs. Louise T. Thurston and the late Mr. Tom P. Thurston PERSONAL Friends of Mrs. Otis Hammond will be glad to learn that she returned from Griffin Spalding County Hospital Saturday and is convaslescing rapidly at her home near Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Hurt, Sr. enjoyed a pleasant visit last week in Jacksonville, Florida with their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Hurt, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Post and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Post of Macon visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Post in Jackson on Sunday after noon. of Jackson.