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Pet of The Week
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By Jerry McLaurin
Hank or “Turcon’s Ham
merin’ Hank” and Molly or
“Tureon’s Reason Why”
make their homes at the
Turcon Kennel, owned and
operated by Algie Turner and
Bob Conwell, in Jenkinsburg.
Hank, named after Hank
Aaron, was born on the day
that Aaron broke the Babe’s
homerun record. The black,
pure bred Cocker Spaniel,
has won in dog shows at
Kennesaw, Marietta and
Jonesboro in the Best of
Variety category and placed
fourth at Kennesaw and
Marietta in the Sporting
Group category. For an eight
and one half month old puppy
that is quite a record.
When the Progress-Argus
visited Algie and Bob, Hank
was filling in for Slugger, his
father, as the house dog and
this made life pretty misera
ble for the remaining eleven
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envious Cocker Spaniels in
the kennel. Each time Hank
found himself back in the
pen, the rest of the pups let
him know in no uncertain
terms how they felt about his
new status. Slugger was
away attending a dog show in
Austin, Texas.
Slugger or “Turcon’s
Champion Ardee’s Impact”,
the kennels original breeder,
has won nine Best of Variety
contests. He has competed in
shows all over the United
States including the Ameri
can Spaniel Club National
held in New York, as well as
shows in Miami, Detroit and
Austin to name a few.
Molly, an ASCOB or blond
colored Cocker Spaniel, is
one of the bitches of the
kennel. However, the origi
nal female with which
Turcon was started is
Sweetie. Algie, who has been
involved off and on profes
sionally with dogs for ten
years, bought Sweetie in
Daytona three years ago; he
then returned to Jackson
with her and began to raise
Cocker Spaniels.
As evidenced by their
names and show back
grounds, the dogs at Turcon
are all pure bred Cocker
Spaniel show dogs. Algie and
Bob have been showing their
dogs under the Turcon name
for two years and already
they have accumulated a
vast collection of trophies
and ribbons. Show names of
some of the other dogs
include: “Turcon’s Just
Begun”, “Turcon’s Post
Parade”, “Turcon’s Casta
net”, “De-Sir-Cay’s Re
member Me”, “Turcon’s
Only Just Begun,” “Turcon’s
Call Collect” and “Turcon’s
Southern Comfort.” That last
name never fails to stir
Asa matter of fact,
Turcon’s “Southern Com-
fori” was saved from a death
by suffocation with a shot of
whiskey. “A puppy with a
congested nose quickly
learns how to blow out the
congestion after its nose has
been dunked into a shot of
whiskey. We have used this
method on many newly born
pups,” said Algie. He later
admitted that the brand of
whiskey used in this particu
lar case was Jim Beam,
“. . but dog show regula
tions don’t allow commercial
brand names to be incorpo
rated as dog’s names; the
name Southern Comfort can
be considered either way,”
he said.
Dr. Mitchell, .the local vet,
laughingly calls Algie a
quack because he cuts his
own dogs tails off without the
services of a vet, but there is
no doubt that both Bob and
Algie are true professionals.
As professionals they offered
some advice to dog owners.
“The number one mistake
made by dog owners is their
failure to train their pets
properly; a dog should be
trained as a companion. And
many people get confused
when trying to decide what is
best to feed their dog.
Commercial dogfood is as
good if not better than table
scraps; it is cheaper and
most of the brands provide
the dog with a well balanced
meal. We feed our dogs a
commercial brand of dry
dogfood and mix a little
canned dogfood with it for the
puppies until they are a year
old. It doesn’t cost any more
to feed pure bred dogs as it
does to feed mongrels”, said
In addition to their thirteen
Cocker Spaniels Algie and
Bob house four cats: one
pure bred Siamese named
Mingo and three mixed
breeds named Mert, Ginger
and Susie. The cats and dogs
get along well together and it
isn’t an uncommon sight to
find them sleeping side by
Daniel Ford Sales
Came To Jackson
March 1, 7955
The old saying that time flies certainly
applies, doesn't it? Truly, it has been
a genuine pleasure to serve as your
Ford dealer for twenty years.
Watch and listen for celebration
news very shortly.
From The Management And Employees Of
By Mrs. B. A. Williamson
• Last Week's Letter)
Mrs. Kenneth Thompson
and sons, Ricky, Mark and
Eric, of Locust Grove, were
supper guests Saturday night
of Mrs. Lucille Cook.
Mr. and Mrs. George
Shead of Griffin visited Mr.
and Mrs. Gene Mitchell
Sunday afternoon.
Rev. Jim Jackson, pastor
of Jenkinsburg United Me
thodist Church, preached at
the Stark Church Sunday
morning and Rev. Frank
Burton, pastor of the Stark
Church, preached at Jen
kinsburg in an exchange of
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dicker
son of Jacksonville are
guests for several days of
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson
McMichael. Mr. and Mrs.
Dickerson have visited rela
tives in Atlanta and have also
visited an aunt, Mrs. Lee
Lummus, at Westbury Nurs
ing Home on Sunday.
Friends are expressing
sympathy to Mrs. Bob
Woodall in the sudden death
of her brother, Mr. Harold
Mclntyre, at his hotne in
Calhoun last Tuesday night.
Rev. and Mrs. W. R. Smith
of Jackson Lake area, Mrs.
Irleane King of Atlanta, and
Miss Ruby Lane of Jenkins
burg were dinner guests
Friday of Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Mr. and Mrs. George
O’Neal and Mrs. Jewelle
Justice, all of Decatur, were
guests Friday of Mr. and
Mrs. Emerson McMichael.
Mrs. Bob Hardy has been
on the sick list for a couple of
weeks but her condition has
Group 2 of the Macedonia
Women’s Missionary Society
met at the home of Mrs.
Bessie Cawthon on Monday
afternoon of last week with
six members present. The
program “Lay Volunteers
for Home Missions” was
presented in a very interest
ing dialogue by two of the
members. The usual busi
ness meeting was presided
over by the president, Mrs.
Lena Bunch. Mrs. Cawthon
served delicious refresh
ments at the close of the
Mr. and Mrs. Van Kersey
spent the weekend at
Daytona Beach, Florida.
Mrs. Mclntyre of Calhoun
is spending some time here
with her daughter, Mrs. Bob
Woe >dall.
Friends of Mrs. Nelle Swan
will be interested to know
that she was admitted to
Georgia Baptist Hospital last
Thursday for tests and
Mrs. Bessie Cawthon spent
last week in Atlanta visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie
Mayhue and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hunter
and baby of East Point spent
Tuesday and Wednesday
with Mr. and Mrs. Thurmon
Our community is indeed
proud of Patty O'Neal, along
with all her accomplish
ments and awards. Patty
was chosen as Honor Student
at the STAR-Student banquet
on Tuesday night. February
11. at the Jackson High
School lunchroom.
Mr. and Mrs. Fleetwood
Bledsoe of Snellville visited
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mangham
on Saturday. Guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Mangham on
Sunday was Mr. George
Minor of Atlanta.
Mrs. Melba Capps of
Macon spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor.
Mrs. W. M. Jacobs spent
last Wednesday and Thurs
day in Stone Mountain as a
guest of her granddaughter,
Melanie Florence.
Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Adams
attended the banquet of the
Georgia Agribusiness Coun
cil on Thursday night,
February 20th. The banquet
was held in the Grand Ball
Room of the Macon Hilton
Bill Lockhart of Atlanta
spent the weekend with his
sister, Miss Sue Lockhart.
Mr. and Mrs. John I. King
spent Sunday, February 16,
Other visitors of Mr. and
Mrs. Taylor during the week
were Mr. and Mrs. Brae
Hodges, Sr., Mr. and Mrs.
Asbury Godsey of Jackson,
Mrs. Gloria Mayhue and
daughter. Renee, of Gray,
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie
Kitchens of Jackson. Mr. and
Mrs. Jimmie Cook and
daughter of Four Points, Mr.
and Mrs. C. L. Bradley of
Jackson Lake and Mrs.
Virginia Hoard and Miss
Lessie Hoard.
Cleveland’s Barbecue
in Jenkinsburg
(5 Mi. North of Jackson on Hwy. 42)
Monday thru Saturday - 10 a. m.-8 p. m.
Sunday - 11 a. m. - 8 p. m.
in Manchester as guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Butler
and Lisa.
Mr. and Mrs. John I. King
spent Saturday, February 15,
in Macon and in Warner
Robins as guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Ott.
Mr. and Mrs. Rogers F.
Starr will have as weekend
guests their son and his
family, Mr. and Mrs. R. F.
Starr, Jr., Stacey and
Michael of Manchester,
Bill Glidewell, a student at
Furman, is spending the
spring holidays with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Glidewell, at their home on
Buttrill Road.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
James and Robin had as
guests on Sunday, February
16th, their children, Mr. and
Mrs. Don James and son,
Tommy, of Hillsboro and Mr.
and Mrs. Larry James and
son. Todd, of Griffin.
Mrs. Lois Byrd had as her
guests last Wednesday Mr.
and Mrs. Coy Whidby of