Newspaper Page Text
if artisan flrogreas-Argua
Volume 102 Number 20
Irwin Cos. Eliminates
Devils From State Play
The Jackson High baseball
team failed in its bid to
capture the State Champion
ship by losing two games to
Irwin County.
Tuesday the Devils travel
ed to Ocilla to come out on
the losing end 2-0. The game
was a pitchers duel with
Scott Moore giving up only
three hits, two of the infield
variety. However, his op
ponent, Larry Hayman,
allowed only one hit. Hay
man has not lost a game this
year and is the most sought
after pro prospect in the
state. The Devils undoing
was poor defense committing
errors that allowed Irwin
County two runs. While at the
PRESENTATION Mrs. Lindsey Futral, right, is shown with silver tray presented to
her after 27 years of service with EMC Task Force while Elizabeth Watkins of Central Georgia
EMC, left, applaudes her.
Mrs. Lindsey Futral
Retires As TF Chairman
A silver tray was presented
to Mrs. Lindsey Futral of
Spalding County at The
Central Georgia EMC’s
Woman’s Day Program on
May 13th upon her retire
ment as Chairman of the
Women’s Task Force of that
Flynt Praises
For Action
remarks prepared for de
livery on the floor of the
United States House of
Representatives Congress
man John J. Flynt said that
he commends the President
for his recent action in
securing the rescue of the
Mayaguez and its crew
“With the confirmation
"We Need Us"
By Walter Carmichael
Things are coming together for “Ma Butts’ ” 150th
birthday par.ty and she wants to be sure to invite her
children of all ages to come down, get out, and do it
on the square the week of July 4th. She says it makes
her happy to see us laughing, dancing and sharing
skills and talents with each other.
There are going to be events of interest for every
one and for most the admission will be only a smile.
So, let’s make plans to join our neighbors and instead
of going way out let’s go way back to the times of good
old community togetherness. All we need for that is us.
plate the Devils were able to
get 13 base runners on but
couldn’t get the big hit to
bring them home.
The series was continued in
Jackson Wednesday after
noon with a big crowd
present. The young Devils
showed their youth and
played the worst game of the
season at the wrong time.
Seven runs crossed home
plate the first inning before
the Devils could put a stop to
it. The second inning was a
little better with Irwin only
producing three runs. Things
settled down for the rest of
the game but the damage had
been done. Jackson was able
to produce three runs on a
Mrs. Futral has served 27
years on the task force. She
began September 22, 1948 as
Decorations Chairman for
the organizational meeting.
In 1950 she was appointed
Area Chairman to fill the
vacancy created by the
resignation of Mrs. John
that the United States has
retaken the Mayaguez and
successfully rescued its crew
members, I want to com
mend the President and
express my support for his
prompt and forceful response
to an intolerable act of
“I supported the President
in his efforts to secure
release of the Mayaguez
through diplomatic efforts,
but when these diplomatic
efforts proved fruitless, he
acted with courage and
wisdom in his decision for
military action.”
“Asa result of the
double by Scott Moore with
two aboard and a single by
Scott Waits with one on.
Final score for the afternoon
was Irwin 10 and Jackson 3.
The cry through the stand
was wait till next year. It’s a
good possibility that this was
not sour grapes talking. The
Devils return their starting
line up and six sophomore
started against Irwin County
in state play-offs. Indeed
next year might be the year
Jackson has been looking for,
Coach Danny Blue feels.
The team would again like
to thank the community for
their support. It was only
through their kindness that
the team was able to advance
as far as they did.
Butler which position she has
retained for 25 years. One of
her most outstanding contri
butions has been in helping
with the planning and
designing of the Christmas
The Central Georgia EMC
appreciates the dedicated
leadership Mrs. Futral has
given to this volunteer
program. Although she is
retiring as Area Chairman,
she will continue to be a part
of the committee.
President’s decisive action,
the lives of the captured
crewmen have been saved,
and the United States has
exhibited in the strongest
possible terms that we are a
nation that has both the will
and the capability to resist
blatant acts of aggression
promptly and effectively.”
“I am confident that had
the President not responded
with promptness and force as
he did, the United States
would have become involved
in a series of similar
humiliating incidents. I com
mend him and our American
forces for their service to our
-Sd on, Georgia, 30233, Thursday, May 22, 1975
May Term
Of Court
The May term of Butts
Superior Court adjourned
Thursday afternoon, May
15th, after the disposition of
many cases, both on pleas
and verdicts.
Judge Hugh D. Sosebee, of
Forsyth, presided at the May
session. District Attorney
Edward E. McGarity, of
McDonough, presented the
state’s evidence in the
criminal proceedings.
David P. Ridgeway, Clerk
of Butts Superior Court, said
Friday that the cases
disposed of lightened the
criminal docket consider
The following cases were
disposed of at May Court:
Robert Cord Lindsey, Non
Support, Plea of guilty, 12
months suspended on pay
ment of $15.00 per child per
week child support and pay
fine of $52.00.
Robert Gene Boggs a-k-a
Bobby Gene Boggs, Bur
glary, Plea of guilty, 10
Billy Gene Roberson, Bur
glary, Plea of guilty, 10
Levie Carr, Jr, Aggravated
Assault, Plea of guilty, 7
Joe Ingram, Burglary,
Plea of guilty, 5 years
probated on payment of fine
of $250.00.
David Smith, Burglary,
Plea of guilty, 5 years
probated on payment of fine
of $250.00.
Edna White, Armed Rob
bery, Verdict of guilty, 2
Mary Lue White, Armed
Robbery, Verdict of guilty, 8
Eddie Daniel Clark, Armed
Robbery, Verdict of guilty, 8
James Lamar Benton,
Armed Robbery, Verdict of
not guilty.
Edna White, Aggravated
Assault, Verdict of not guilty.
Mary Lue White, Aggra
vated Assault, Verdict of not
Eddie Daniel Clark, Ag
gravated Assault, Verdict of
Guilty, 10 years consecutive
to sentence in Case No. 6022.
Eddie Daniel Clark, Ag
gravated Assault (Count 2),
Verdict of guilty, 10 years
consecutive to sentence in
Count 1 and sentence in Case
No. 6022.
James Lamar Benton,
Aggravated Assault, Verdict
of Not Guilty.
Bobby Coogler, Violation of
the Georgia Controlled Sub
stances Act, Verdict of
Guilty, 4 years 11 months.
Bobby Coogler, Violation of
the Georgia Controlled Sub
stances Act, Plea of guilty, 8
years, 4 years to serve and 4
years on probation on
payment of fine of $2,000.00.
Sentence consecutive to
sentence in Count 1 Case No.
Bobby Coogler, Violation of
the Georgia Substances Act,
Verdict of guilty, 4 years
probation on payment of fine
of SIOOO.OO. Sentence con
secutive to sentence in Case
No. 6030 and Count 1 of Case
Priscilla Coogler, Violation
of Georgia Substances Act,
Verdict of guilty, 5 years
probated on payment of fine
Jackie Moon, Violation of
the Georgia Controlled Sub
stances Act, Verdict of
guilty, 8 years, 4 years to
serve and 4 years on
probation on payment of fine
of $2000.00.
Ricky Lee Felheim, Bur
glary, Verdict of not guilty.
Maxen Hall, Carrying a
Concealed Weapon, Plea of
guilty, 12 months probated on
payment of fine of SIOO.OO.
Baccalaureate Sermon To Begin
Commencement Season at Jackson
Baccalaureate services for
107 seniors of Jackson High
School will take place
Sunday, May 25th, at 7:30
p.m., in the Jackson auditor
Janet Robison is class
valedictorian. Daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Robison,
Jr., Janet has won many
honors throughout her high
school career. President of
the Honor Society, she has
also been captain of the
varsity cheerleaders.
Salutatorian is Patty
O’Neal, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. T. O’Neal. Patty has
distinguished herself not only
in school activities but also in
her 4-H work.
Honor Graduates of the
class are Robert Browning,
Terrell Duke, Dianne Jor
dan, Katherine Maddox,
Karen Newman, Kenneth
Norsworthy, Patricia
O’Neal, Janet Robison, and
Lamar Smith.
Rev. Philip DeMore, pas
tor of the United Methodist
Church of Jackson, will
deliver the main address at
Baccalaureate services. The
exercises are open to the
public, and all are invited to
Friday, May 30, marks the
date for Commencement
exercises, scheduled for 8
p.m. on the football field,
weather permitting. In the
event of inclement weather,
exercises will be moved to
the auditorium.
Mr. George Tate, principal
of Jackson High School, will
present the graduates to
Superintendent W. B. Jones
who will award the diplomas
to the students.
Various guests and friends
from the business commun
ity will join the administra
tion in presenting various
awards for academic
achievement. Dr. Jerry
Williamson, president of
Gordon Junior College, will
also be at graduation
ceremonies to present
scholarships from Gordon to
several students.
In these last few days of the
school year, many activities
have been scheduled for the
class. Tomorrow, May 23,
Mrs. Katherine Fletcher and
her staff on the JHS campus
will prepare a special
luncheon for the seniors.
Next week on May 28 the
girls and boys will hold their
annual picnic at High Falls.
Honor Assembly for the
underclassmen of Jackson
will be held Wednesday, May
28th. At this time various
awards will be presented.
The names of the class of
1975 follow.
Dexter L. Allen, Melanie
Kay Awtry, Twilla Renee
Babcock, Robert D. Baker,
Annette Barlow, Walter
Barlow, Melvin Barkley,
Shirley Diane Bell, Charles
J. Bevard, Terry Lee Brand,
Robert Wayne Browning,
Aubrey Z. Burford, Jackie
L.Burford.Eddie Lee Cash.
Lucille Irene Childs,James
Clark, Vickye Vernette
Clark, Freddie Clemons,
Wyvin Ray Crankfield, Tina
Daniel, Beverley M.Davies,
Joseph Vincent Deptula,
Vanessa Lunette Dodson,
Larry Dean Duffey, Terrell
Lane Duke, Toney Franklin
Duke, Carl Thomas Eidson,
Jr., Annette Denise Eusery,
Marsha Renee Eusery, Tim
othy Evans.
Willie Fears, Ronald Lee
Fincher, Mark Alan Garner,
Ricky Goodrum, Dianne
Goodrum, William E. Gor
don. Flora A. Grier, Randy
Lee Hamlin, Yvonne Head,
Patricia Aileen Henderson.
William Edward Henry,
Natasha Lonette Hightower,
William Scott Hoard, James
Samuel Holcombe, Jr., Sara
Hh -f Wm
Lynn Huff.
Joseph E. Ingram, Charles
Walker Ivey, Georgia Dianne
Jordan, Evy Zoe Jordan,
Larry Donnell Jester, Ruth
Laster, Thomas M. Jones,
Timothy Scott Kitchens,
Clifford Lawson, Jr., Linda
Diane Lawrence, Robert
Alton Long, Sylvia Marie
Loyd, Karon Lunsford, Kath
erine Annette Maddox, Er
win Bernard Mayfield, San
dra Lorrene Meredith.
Arvis Letitia McCormick,
Mayebeth E. McLeod, Doro
thy Mae Moore, Karen Leigh
Budget For
Is Adopted
The Flovilla City Council
convened for its regular
monthly meeting on Thurs
day, May 8, after a dinner at
Tomlin’s Restaurant hosted
by City Attorney Richard
Councilman David Bur
ford, chairman of the
Finance Committee, present
ed the city budget for fiscal
year 1976 which was passed
unanimously. Publication of
this budget is forthcoming.
City Clerk Virginia Wil
liams reported that all city
accounts have been audited
by an independent account
ant and are in order.
A temporary new commit
tee, the Facilities Commit
tee, was formed to oversee
care and preservation of old
documents and relics in the
Flovilla Clubhouse, and to
itemize and display these as
a part of Flovilla's Bicenten
nial Celebration. Councilman
W. P. James, Jr. was
appointed chairman of this
Mayor Charles Huggins, in
cooperation with the Georgia
Heart Association, signed a
proclamation designating
May as High Blood Pressure
month and urging all
residents of Flovilla to have
their blood pressure checked
during this month.
Minutes of the meeting and
financial reports are on file
for review by citizens of
Flovilla at the City Hall.
First Grade
Dates Set
Registration for all chil
dren six years old and those
who will be six by December
31st are to be registered for
the first grade at the Jackson.
Primary School. The dates
will be May 28th from 1:00
p.m. till 3:00 p.m. and June
4th from 9:00 a.m. til 3:00
Parents are required to
bring both birth certificates
and immunization records
when they come to register
their children.
$6.18 Per Year In Advance
jljm mmm
Newman, Kenneth Wayne
Norsworthy, Mary Patricia
O’Neal, James Michael Pat
terson, Ousley Lester Peek,
Bruce Douglas Player,
James Leßoy Pope, Peggy
Elaine Price, William Wood
row Reasor, Adelia Grace
Robbins, Janet Robison, Ken
Eppinger Sanvidge.
Chester Leon Shannon,
Garfield Shivers, Jr., John L.
Shivers. Charles Fredrick
Sibley, Jr., Calvin Lee Smith,
David Lee Smith, Lamar
Wiley Smith, Mary Priscille
Smith, Ronnie Tyron Smith,
Good Works Show Key
Club’s Community Spirit
The Jackson Key Club is an
organization of young men in
Butts County dedicated to the
welfare and progress of their
home. In a program present
ed to the Kiwanis Club. May
13, Joe Brown Jr. cited the
many Jackson Key Club
accomplishments of the past
year: a Christmas party was
held for the Head Start
children; Christmas carol
ing was provided for the aged
and shut ins; $l7O was raised
during their participation in
the Heart Fund Drive; sent
15 mentally retarded chil
dren to the circus in Jackson:
participated in Clean-up Day
in connection with the Butts
County Association for Beau
tification Through Conserva
tion; hosted three Key Club
District Rallies; sent four
delegates to the state
convention; helped to pur
chase a tape deck for the
school lunchroom and are
currently involved in the sale
of Butts County Sesqui
Honor Graduates Announced at
Jackson Christian Academy
The honor graduates at
Jackson Chrisitan Academy
have been announced and at
graduation exercises on
Friday, May 30th, at So’clock
at the academy on Brownlee
Road, Lisa Woodall will
deliver the valedictory ad
dress while Tempie Collins
will give the salutatory.
* -
Willie G. Smith, Stephanie
Veleta Solomon, Lelia Denise
Stewart, Marsha Stewart,
Isiah Stewart, Jr., Johnnie
Mae Strickland.
Carolyn Denise Taylor,
Valerie Kim Thompson, Sam
Otis Thurman. Eddie James
Ward, Norman Watson,
Jannette Watts, Ruby Gay
nell Watts, Calvin Leon
Webb. Debra Kay Webb,
Laurette Webb. Harvey B.
Whitehead, Jr., Ronnie Wil
liams, Susan Elizabeth Wil
liams, Tenella Williamson,
Arnold Gunzell Wilson.
centennial tags. In Kiwanis
Club activities the Key Club
assisted with the Pancake
Supper, the Kiwanis Caper
and the Walk for Mankind.
Key Club officers during
the past year were: District
12 Lieutenant Governor and
President Bobby Browning;
Vice President, Kenny Nors
worthy; Secretary, Terry
Duke; Treasurer, Jeff Pat
terson: Chaplain. Lamar
Smith; and Faculty Advi
sors. Mrs. Ben Wright and
Dale Royal. Officers for the
coming year are: President
Jeff Patterson, Vice Pres
ident Bill Fears, Secretary
Charlie Robison. Treasurer
David Brown and Chaplain
Mark Cawthon.
The Key Club is a
nation-wide organization
sponsored by Kiwanis Inter
national. Its membership is
composed of male high
school students.
MpHs rtyot a. . ijaKs
Lisa is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. George
Woodall of Route One,
Tempie is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Collins of
Route Two, Locust Grove.
Eight seniors will graduate
this year.