Newspaper Page Text
ISA Honor Graduates
By Mrs. B. A. Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Nash,
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Elliott and
Mrs. Norma Jacobs vaca
tioned this weekend at Jekyll
Mr. and Mrs. George
-O’Neal of Decatur spent
Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.
Emerson McMichael.
Mrs. Orville Kitchens
spent the weekend in Atlanta
with her daughter, Mrs. Floy
Delle Franklin.
Members of Stark United
Methodist Church enjoyed a
fellowship supper Sunday
night, on the grounds of the
church, followed by a
singing later in the evening.
Mrs. Martha Jones is
expected to be dismissed
from Griffin Hospital on
Monday after having been a
patient there for two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd White
had as guests on Sunday for
noonday meal Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Collins and daughters,
Susie and Dodie, of Arlington
\ So, You'v* don* it a, laill And
I Ik i we’re here to give three hearty
I W/muISL cheers for all the hard work and Bum
H perseverance . . . that made those /VJr l
diplomas possible. We’re proud
of you and we want you to know
JKr' it. We wish you the best things life
has to offer: good health, happi- Ijpf |f
i| ness, dreams come true. Now it’s
anew beginning. Good luck! JHA
CsS .
C The Citizens and Southern Bank of Jackson
f% -
Heights, Chicago, Dlinois,
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Banks of
Barnesville, and Mr. and
Mrs. Jimmie White and
children, Kelley and Bart.
Mr. Emerson McMichael
visited Mr. Ellsworth Mc-
Michael at the home of his
sister, Mrs. E. A. Godsey, in
Jackson, Sunday. Ellsworth
is a native of Butts County
and of this community. He
now resides in Florida and
was visiting several days
with Mr. and Mrs. Godsey.
Friends of the Jimmie
O’Neal family are indeed
proud of their daughter,
Patty, who, besides all the
other awards and honors
bestowed on her, is salutator
ian in Jackson High School
graduating class commence
ment exercises on Friday
evening of this week. To
Patty we say “Congratu
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
O’Neal of Thomaston visited
• '.I
Mr. and Mrs. Perry O’Neal
and Mr. and Mrs. Emerson
McMichael on Sunday.
Rickey Reese, Bob Wood
ward and Eddie Blankenship
spent several days this week
in Panama City, Florida.
Truman Hardy is on the list
of those ’who are sick this
week. Friends hope he will be
better soon.
Gary Pearson of Warren
ton, Virginia graduated from
the University of Virginia
last week and is spending
some time here with his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
F. H. Morgan, Miss Mary
Lou Morgan, and Mrs. Elsma
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie
O’Neal and Patty were joined
by Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Martin of Norwood and
together they went up to
Murfreesboro, Tenn. on
Friday for the graduaton of
their nephew, Andy Smith,
from Murfreesboro High
School. They returned home
Saturday evening..
Mrs. Annie Taylor re
turned to her home Saturday
after a week’s stay in Sylvan
Grove Hospital.
Mr. George Stanfield will
enter Piedmont Hospital
Monday for treatment. His
many firends wish for him a
speedy and complete re
Mr. and Mrs. Eulis Sosby
of Morrow and Mr. and Mrs.
C. E. Holzer and children,
Danny and Anne, and two
boys, friends of Danny, of
Decatur, visited Mr. and
Mrs. C. L. Bradley Friday
and attended revival ser
vices at Macedonia Church
Friday night.
Mr. J. A. Knowles was
admitted this week to West
Paces Ferry Hospital. His
friends hope for him an early
improvement in his condi
A number of people from
Macedonia Church will go by
“church bus” for a prayer
service on Thursday night at
the home of Rev. and Mrs. T.
H. Wilder, in Macon.
Troy Allen was visiting in
Macon Tuesday, having gone
for a check-up with his
Mrs. Onree Kitchens will
enter St. Joseph’s Hospital on
Wednesday of this week. We
hope she will not have too
long to stay and that she will
be home in a few days.
Congratulations to all the
young people in the com
munity who are graduating
this week. This is a milestone
in their lives and one they
will never forget. We wish
the best of everything, for
you, that the years have to
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilker
son visited their grand
daughter, Mrs. Mike McKin
ney, and Mr. McKinney in
Morrow on Sunday. They
were accompanied by Mrs.
Nellie Cochran, mother of
Mrs. McKinney.
On Sunday of last week Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Wilkerson
visited Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
Wilkerson in McDonough.
THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1975
More Local Families
Are Headed by Women
Butts County, as in most
other parts of the country,
more families are headed by
women than ever before.
In the absence of husbands,
for one reason or another,
they have taken over the
responsibility of earning a
living, maintaining a home
and bringing up their
children by themselves.
In 1970, when the last
census was taken, it was
found that 355 local families,
amounting to 14.5 percent of
the total, were headed by
Since then there has been a
general increase throughout
the country, according to a
sampling survey made by the
Department of Commerce.
In Butts County, as a
result, it is estimated that the
proportion is now approxi
mately 16.7 percent.
Elsewhere in the United
States, by way of comparison
the average is 12.4 percent.
Among the white population
it is 9.9 percent and, among
the black, 34.0 percent.
Expenses Butts Commissioners
For The Month of April, 1975
4-1 2777 Employee’s Retirement Sys., Gen. Gvt. $10,717.86
2778 W. J. Horton, Public Bldg 210.00
4-7 2779 Jackson-Butts Cos. Child Dev. Fnd.,H&W 625.00
2780 Dept, of Human Resources, H&W 787.50
2781 Jackson City Cleaners, Sheriff 440.50
4-8 2782 The C&S Bank of Jackson, Notes Payable 17,724.52
2782 The C&S Bank of Jackson, Gen. Govt 384.22
2782 The C&S ;Bank of Jackson, Road 5,295.00
4-9 2783 William T. Nelson, Sheriff 247.50
2784 Bio-Tek Industries, Inc., Pub. Bldg 743.36
2785 Progress-Argus Ptg. Cos., Inc., Sheriff ... 22.00
2785 Progress Argus Ptg. Cos., Inc., Sup. Ct. .. 141.16
2785 Progress-Argus Ptg. Cos., Inc., Ordinary 12.50
2785 Progress-Argus Ptg. Cos., Inc., Gen. Gvt. 354.27
2785 Progress-Argus Ptg. Cos., Inc., T. Asses. 7.75
2785 Progress-Argus Ptg. Cos., Inc., T. Comm. 276.18
2786 T. E. Robison, Jr. Appl., Sheriff 694.60
2786 T. E. Robison, Jr. Appl., Road 21.06
2787 Marshall & Bruce Cos., Sup. Ct 281.56
2787 Marshall & Bruce Cos., Tax Comm 213.95
2788 Cook’s Garage & Wrecker Svc., Sheriff .. 949.09
2789 Yancey Bros. Cos., Road 124.15
2790 Fulton Paper Cos., Pub. Bldg 25.31
2791 Frank’s Tune Up &Carb. Serv., Sheriff . 73.05
2791 Frank’s Tune Up & Carb. Svc., T. Asses. 16.81
2792 Wall Tire Distr.,lnc., Road 195.60
2793 Southern Safety Supply Cos., Sheriff 108.10
2794 D. J. Lewis Cos., Pub. Bldg 145.20
2794 D. J. Lewis Cos., Gen. Govt 16.75
2795 MTY Distributing System, Road 90.00
27% Sue’s Restaurant, Superior Ct 35.76
2797 Dixie Lime & Stone Cos., Road 391.53
2798 The George D. Barnard Cos., Ordinary ... 159.80
2798 The George D. Barnard Cos., Sup. Ct 24.50
2799 Corn Brothers, Inc., Sheriff 12.72
2800 United Supply Cos., Pub. Bldg 65.75
2801 Palmer Tire Cos., Wholesale, Inc., Sheriff 262.42
2802 Banner Uniform Cos., Inc., Sheriff 83.75
2803 ABW Chevrolet Cos., Sheriff 17.48
2804 Downs Safe & Lock Cos., Pub. Bldg 94.60
2805 Haas & Dodd Ins., Gen. Govt 475.00
2806 Jackson City Cleaners, Sheriff 37.80
2807 The Textile Outlet, Pub. Bldg 44.%
2808 Pitney Bowes, Tax Comm 34.50
2809 Burch-Lowe, Inc., Road 392.23
2810 Don Smith Office Prod., Inc., Gen. Govt. 31.00
2811 Gulf Oil Corp., Sheriff 3.00
2812 Valk Manufacturing Cos., Road 209.00
2813 Biles Standard Station, Sheriff 352.00
2814 The State Supply Cos., Road 45.00
2815 Superior Cleaners, Road 175.12
2816 Sperry Remington, Gen. Govt 37.75
2817 Byron Britt, Tax Assessors 9.36
2818 Snapping Shoals EMC, Pub. Bldg 4.50
2819 Supreme Sales Cos., Inc., Sheriff 303.18
2820 Amoco Oil Cos., Sheriff 9.08
2821 Georgia-Carolina Oil Cos., Road 159.35
2822 John Sherrell, Coroner, Sheriff 15.00
2823 The Harrison Cos., Ordinary 52.00
2823 The Harrison Cos., Sup. Court 209.00
2824 Richard W. Watkins, Jr., H&W 12.00
2825 Georgia Forestry Comm., Forestry 822.00
2826 B. &C. Farm Supply, Inc., Road 980.63
2827 Central Oil Asphalt Corp., Road 1,555.10
2828 Welding Supply & Service Co.,Road 49.%
2829 Western Auto Asso. Store,Sheriff 4.87
2830 Donald Montgomery, J.P., Sup. Ct 212.60
2831 Triangle Gas Station, Tax Assessors ..... 150.29
There are now over 6.6.
million families headed by
women, 1 million more than
in 1970.
Why the sudden increase?
The Institute of Life Insur
ance has an explanation for
It states that in 1968, for
example, being widowed (46
percent were) was the
principal reason for women
moving into the leadership
role. The second was divorce
or separation (44 percent).
Today, divorce or separa
tion has jumped into the lead
(50 percent), well ahead of
widowhood (37 percent). The
number of single women
heading families has also
increased, going from 10
percent to 30 percent.
More and more, as a result,
children are being brought
up by their mothers alone.
The Census Bureau reports
that 14 percent of all children
in the United States under the
age of 18, or 1 out of every 7,
are now being raised by their
In Butts County, according
to the latest Government
figures, 165 of the families
with female heads have
children under 18 and 72 of
those children under age 6.
The changes in household
composition and family
structure are attributed to
such factors as changing
attitudes toward marriage
and toward separation and
divorce. Better job oppor
tunities for women has also
been a factor.
We wish to express our
sincere thanks to all those
friends and relatives for the
many expressions of sym
pathy extended upon the
death of our loved one. The
beautiful floral offerings,
trays of food, visits, and
other kind deeds were
appreciated so very much. A
special thanks to the Sheriff’s
Department and the Police
Department for their con
cern. The Family of D. H.
2832 Atlas Products Cos., Road 29.38
2833 Henry Cos. Bd. of Comm., Sup. Ct 228.00
2834 M. Daniel &E. Milam, HD &Agri 65.00
2835 Xerox Corp., Sheriff 187.80
2836 Jackson Hardware Cos., Pub. Bldg 83.39
2837 Hodges Hdwe. & Furn. Cos., Inc., Sheriff 9.42
2837 Hodges Hdwe. & Furn., Inc., Pub. Bldg. . 213.16
2838 Harold Barron, Sheriff 357.16
2839 Plantation Fashions, Pub. Bldg 64.58
2840 Stephens Grocery, Pub. Bldg 73.31
2841 W. L. Vaughn, Fire Chief, Fire Protect. . 140.00
2842 Sheriff, Butts County .Sheriff 1,821.00
2843 Georgia Power Cos., Road 4.39
2844 Cook’s Machine Service, Pub. Bldg 6.50
2845 Carter Builders Supply, Inc., Pub. Bldg. 34.10
2846 Bearden Auto Parts, Road 109.41
2847 Jackson Drug Cos., Sheriff 59.64
2848 Ga. Florida Robot Cutter Cos., Road 120.28
2849 Central Georgia EMC, Pub. Bldg 52.17
2850 City of Jackson, Pub. Bldg 713.31
2851 Parrish Drug Cos., Sheriff 10.00
2852 Colonial Life & Accident Ins., A&L Ins. .. 318.70
2853 Atco Manufacturing Cos., Pub. Bldg 164.73
2854 James Spur Station, Gen. Govt 35.13
2855 Clerk Superior Court, Sup. Ct 179.91
2856 Dot Sales, Road 151.78
2857 Southern States Ptg. Cos., Sup. Ct 112.68
2857 Southern States Ptg. Cos., Gen. Govt 107.02
2858 Butts Cos. Dept. FACS, H&W 459.89
2859 J. C. Harrison, Jr., Sheriff 1,462.92
2860 May & Carter Oil Co.,Road 22.56
2860 May & Carter Oil Cos., Sheriff 50.04
2861 Gulf Oil Corp., Road 1,452.35
2862 Grady Inglett, Road 350.00
2863 Hensley Office Eqpt. Cos., Gen. Govt 64.98
2864 WJGA, Tax Comm 120.%
2865 Nassau Research Corp., Road 334.00
2866 Kathryn P. Haisten, Health & Welfare ... 60.00
2867 Void void
2868 A. D.Prickett, Health & Welfare 44.00
2869 Lucia Fletcher, Health & Welfare 40.00
2870 Ben F. Wright, Health & Welfare 40.00
2871 Tyler Garland, Health & Welfare 27.00
2872 Unit Fund, Cos. D (-), Pub. Bldg 100.00
2873 Fulton Paper Cos., Pub. Bldg 100.92
2874 American Legal Systems, Sup. Ct 13.44
2875 Weaver Insurance Agency, Gen. Govt. .. 1,808.00
2876 Butts Cos. Health Dept., H&W 3,576.40
2877 W.C. Redman, Jr., Health & Welfare .... 100.00
2878 Zukunst, Inc., Ordinary 56.44
2879 Sylvan Grove Hospital, Hospital 1,000.00
4-10 2880 Danny Walton, Superior Court 150.00
4-11 2881 Payroll Account, Payroll 10,172.27
2882 State of Georgia, State Withholding 1,481.01
2883 W. J. Horton, Pub. Bldg 66.50
2884 State of Ga., Motor Fuel Tax Unit, Road 101.47
4-15 2885 Clerk Superior Court, Sup. Court 330.00
2886 Xerox Corporation, Sup. Ct 267.93
2887 Blue Cross & Blue Shield, Gen. Govt 1,176.68
4-18 2888 Payroll Account, Payroll 235.25
4-21 2889 U. S. Postal Service, Gen. Govt 200.00
4-25 2890 Payroll Account, Payroll 9,933.64
2891 The C&S Bank of Jackson, Withholding .. 3,350.20
2892 Department of Adm. Serv., Gen. Govt. .. 48.46
2893 Southern Bell Tel. Cos., Pub. Bldg 475.30
2894 Byrd Garland, Gen. Govt 100.00
4-30 2895 Cooperative Extension Serv., HD &Agri. 52.43
2896 L.J. Washington, Probate Judge, Ord. .. 24.00
2897 Payroll Account, Payroll 4,017.96
2898 The C&S Bank of Jackson, Withholding .. 530.20
Total Disbursements —97,928.74
Mrs. Boyce
Buried At
Graveside services for
Mrs. Charles P. Boyce, 57, of
329 North Oak Street,
Jackson, were held Tuesday
morning at 11 o’clock at
Mellwood Cemetery with A.
S. Turner & Sons in charge of
Mrs. Boyce had been ill
about five months and died
Sunday at DeKalb General
Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Boyce
moved to Jackson in Septem
ber 1973 from Decatur.
Survivors include her hus
band, Charles P. Boyce of
Jackson; a daughter, Mrs.
Don C. Carter of Conyers;
sisters, Mrs. Maggie Young
of Stephens, and Miss Inez
Cooper of Birmingham, Ala.;
brother, Thomas Worth
Cooper of Birmingham,
Most powerful electric fish
is the electric eel (Elec
■ trophorus electricus). An
average-sized specimen can
discharge 400 volts at 1
ampere, hut measurements
up to 650 volts have been