Newspaper Page Text
Jgjjl ,
I agree with the president
to the point that he had to
make a decision; if he hadn’t,
more people might have been
Mental Illness in Butts
Costs County $1,927,537
The cost of mental illness
to the citizens of the United
States rose to a record
$36,715,161,000—0r $183,575
per thousand people—in 1974,
according to a recent NIMH
report. This figure includes
direct care, training and
fellowships, research, con
struction and management
costs. This amount contrasts
to the $20,000,000,000 it cost
the public in 1968.
Butts County’s share of this
direct cost would be
$1,927,537. When we add the
cost of lost purchasing
power, lost industrial pro
duction, welfare costs for
homes broken by mental
illness, and the cost of
accidents attributable to
mental illness, the real cost
of mental illness to the
community soars to an
undeterminable figure.
In light of the ever
increasing incidence of men
tal illness and its tremendous
costs to citizens, May
1975—National Mental
Health Month—is perhaps
one of the most critical
periods in the 66-year history
of the National Association
for Mental Health and its
state division and chapters.
In Georgia, the Mental
Health Association of Geor
gia (MHAG) and its 31 local
chapters campaign to bring
the facts about mental illness
to the public.
Membership in MHAG and
its local chapters is open to
the public and we invite
broad community participa
tion in the activities of the
This year the Mental
Health Association has fo
cused considerable attention
on attacking what is prob
ably the most widespread
form of mental illness in the
country—depression. Suffer
ers of this illness are
increasing daily, and there is
a growing need to enlighten
the public about how they can
deal with depression. The
If You Have
Any Questions
About Your
This Message
is for You
Most of us are uncertain at
times whether we have
enough life insurance. But
many of us just continue to
worry about our family’s
security. Asa representa
tive of Metropolitan Life In
surance Company, I can
help you find out where
you stand. You may be
pleasantly surprised, or at
least free from doubt. Isn’t
peace of mind worth a few
minutes of your time?
Terry Smith
583 Franklin St
O Metropolitan Life
Where the future is now
Metropolitan Life, New York, N.Y.
How do you feel about the Mayaguez incident?
I feel if we don't take a
stand there, we’ll eventually
have to stop them here on our
own soil.
Association serves as a
consultant to THE THIN
EDGE, a series of five public
television specials on mental
health produced by the
WNET Science Program
Group under a grant from
Bristol-Myers Company.
Percy Knauth, 1975 Na
tional Mental Health Chair
man, is touring major cities
throughout the U. S. telling
his story about his own
personal battle with depres
sion and how he overcame it.
Knauth, an international
journalist, has authored a
book called A SEASON IN
HELL on this subject.
The Mental Health As
sociation is working to
expand community mental
health services in Georgia to
every county. Mental Health
Services are now provided
through a network of eight
regional hospitals, one hospi
tal for male mentally ill
offenders, 14 comprehensive
mental health centers, 54
smaller mental health
clinics, and 240 foster care
homes for patients with a
range of disorders including
mental illness.
Some 20 million dollars in
state, federal and local funds
is required to complete a
network of 34 community
mental health programs
across the state. The Com
munity Mental Health Cen
ters legislation now before
Congress, 5.66 in the Senate
and H. 4925 in the House,
contains the federal funds
needed to help put these
centers in operation. Three
Centers grants in Georgia
have been approved but not
funded, and this legislation
would provide the funding for
at least these three centers.
They would serve South Cobb
County; Floyd, Bartow, Gor
don, Polk, Haralson and
Paulding Counties; and Whit
field, Gilmer, Fannin, Pick
ens, and Cherokee Counties.
The Mental Health As
Location: From Atlanta take 1-75 South to Ga. 155, turn
toward Griffin, watch for auction sign.
Excellent location in Spalding County between Griffin and McDonough
and only about 30 minutes from downtown Atlanta. The property is ideal for a
cattle raising operation with rich open land that borders the Towaliga River
for over half a mile supplying ample water for cattle. Property has 1,450 ft.
frontage on Hwy. 155.
A roomy comfortable home on the property will also go at auction. It has
been recently remodeled and consists of 7 rooms and bath, 4 fireplaces and
has butane gas Heat. Water is supplied by a deep well and pump. It’s in an area
of beautiful homes.
Here you can really enjoy country living at its best, yet you’re near
enough to commute to Griffin or Atlanta. Excellent schools, churches,
hospitals and shopping is nearby.
You should investigate the potential of this property now. There is real
money to be made in the cattle business, even if you start off with just a few
head. If you are looking for a smaller acreage tract for your home this
property will be offered subdivided in sizes to suit your needs. Inspect it today.
It’s going to the high bid which could by yours!
Phone or Write
For Brochure
If the president hadn’t
taken the stand that he did,
they probably would have
tried something else and
more lives would have been
sociation strongly supports
passage of this legislation to
help the needs of the growing
numbers of persons who need
mental health services. The
current economic hard times
are increasing the demand
for mental health services at
the same time fiscal con
cerns are reducing available
Georgia has moved far
ahead in the delivery of
services during the past few
years and cannot afford to
stand still. Join your Mental
Health Association and lend
your voice to the campaign
for better mental health for
all citizens.
For information on hwo
you can help, contact the
Mental Health Association of
Georgia, 85 Merritts Ave.,
N.E., Atlanta, 30308.
EOC Seeks
To Provide
5 80 Jobs
The Upper Ocmulgee
Economic Opportunity Com
mission, through its CETA
(Comprehensive Employ
ment Training Act) Pro
gram, will provide 530
summer jobs for high school
students and 50 summer jobs
for college and vo-tech
The goal of the CETA
Program is to provide
meaningful work experience
and supportive services to
economically disadvantaged
youth, and youth in families
where the head of the
household has been un
employed for 16 weeks or
more, to enable them to
continue or resume their
education. This program
operates within the eight
county Mclntosh Trail Area.
The program will begin
FRI., JUNE 6-11 A.M.
List Your
■— Reg. U. S. Trademark
531 Broad Street KSs Rome,Go. Phone 234-1656
Start Young To Prevent
High Blood Pressure
Should young people as
well as old be concerned
about high blood pressure,
hardening of the arteries and
other diseases of the heart
and blood vessels?
“Yes, they should,” says
Robert G. Ellison, M.D., of
Augusta, President of the
Georgia Heart Association.
“High blood pressure,
which doctors often call
hypertension, is a good
example of a condition which
can start at any age.
Atherosclerosis, commonly
known as hardening of the
arteries, is another,” Dr.
Ellison continued.
Why are these two cardio
vascular conditions discuss
ed together? Because a
combination of the two can,
and often do, have fatal
“High blood pressure has
been detected in children in
their early teens,” Dr.
Ellison pointed out. “And
autopsies performed on
children and young adults
have revealed the early
stages of hardening of the
arteries. Both can lead to
heart attack and stroke later
in life.”
To prevent the develop
ment of atherosclerosis
(hardening of the arteries),
and to minimize the effects of
high blood pressure, the
Georgia Heart Association
recommends that parents
take a hearty-healthy ap
proach to raising their
children and caring for
“Set an example for your
children by not smoking
cigarettes,” urges Dr. Elli-
June 6, and Upper Ocmulgee
E.O.C. is presently recruit
ing eligible students for
For further information,
please contact Andrew W.
Fellers, Jr., at 775-5323, or
P.O. Box 133, Jackson,
I think he took about two
weeks too long; I would have
given them about 30 minutes
to return the ship and crew!
son. “Eat foods low in
saturated fats and choleste
rol. Get moderate daily
exercise. And most im
portant, make sure you and
every member of your family
get periodic medical check
This advice is offered as
Georgia and the nation
observe High Blood Pres
sure Month in May.
“But it is advice,” says Dr.
Ellison, “that should be
heeded year-round.”
High blood pressure can
start at an early age-at any
age. And when it strikes, it
does so without warning,
because there are usually no
In 90 percent of the cases-,
doctors don’t know for sure
what causes high blood
pressure. But it can be easily
detected by a simple 1 ,
inexpensive and painless
medical test. And it can
usually be controlled through
a regular treatment program
prescribed by your doctor.
“The frightening thing
about high blood pressure,”
says Dr. Ellison, “is that
people are not concerned
enough about the disease.
They apparently can’t take
seriously a disease which
SRS Sport Truck
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Plus Freight, Taxes, Options
See: Eric Sigmon, Melvin Lester, Ron Smith
Mark Luke or Mike Hutton
1301 W. TAYLOR ST. 228-0090
THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1975
Perry Manolis Resigns
As Recreation Director
Recreation Director Perry
Manolis has resigned from
the Jackson-Butts County
Recreation Department. Cir
cumstances that made it
impossilbe for his family to
move into the Jackson
community were given as the
reasons for his resignation.
In a statement to the
Jackson Progress-Argus last
Thursday Mr. Manolis said,
“It is not fair to the
community of Jackson and
Butts County not to be a
complete part of it and it is
not fair to be away from my
family as much as I have
been. I feel that in the one
year that I have been here,
we have gotten the program
June Is
Dairy Month
The dairy industry
throughtout the Southeast
will be celebrating “June
Dairy Month” under the
name of “1975 - How Now,
Brown Cow?”
This year as in every year
since 1937, a month long
celebration is held during
June in recognition of the
part the dairy industry plays
in the continued health and
welfare of the nation.
The celebration will center
around the theme “1975 -
does not make them feel sick.
“In addition, there are
those who unwisely assume
that because an examination
five or more years ago found
their pressure normal,
there’s no need to have it
checked again. These people
are asking for trouble...heart
Honor Roll
New & Renewal
Subscriptions Of
The Paat Few Day*
Mrs. Willie McLean, At
Warren Gaddy, Jackson
Mrs. Donald Leverrett,
Fred Hammond, Jackson
Julian F. Marsh, Jackson
well off the ground and have
a very good program going,
considering the fact that
there was no program to
begin with.”
He continued, “In develop
ing the 30.5 acres of land,
there were many time
consuming applications and
contracts to complete before
any type of construction
could begin.
“I feel very sad in leaving
this fine community,” he
said. “I have made many
good friends here. The citizen
of Jackson and Butts County
have a dedicated nine man
recreation commission, a
fine mayor and city council
as well as a county
How Now, Brown Cow?” The
dairy industry will be asking
the public to examine exactly
how the dairy industry is
doing now in 1975.
The recent months dairy
farmers have been facing a
difficult situation of dimini
shing returns and insufficient
income from the milk they
market. Asa result dairy
farmers have been leaving
the business at an alarming
rate. The situation could
develop into a problem of a
decreasing milk and dairy
product production capabil
What is the future for the
dairy industry in the United
States, and what are the
many benefits of milk and
dairy products?
Throughout June, dairy
farmers and dairy industry
representatives will be meet
ing with the public to present
the current status of the
dairy industry.
Mrs. J. S. Robison,
Mary Sims, Jackson
Mrs. Naomi Dial, Jackson
Mrs. Lamar King, Jackson
Mrs. R. M. Vickers,
commission to be proud of.
With these ingredients and
the backing of all the
citizens, Butts County will
have a successful recreation
program that it can be proud
of. I wish everyone the best of
luck,” he concluded.
Mr. Manolis will be taking
a position in the Griffin-
Spalding County area.
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