Newspaper Page Text
Pet of The Week
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By Jerry McLaurin-
The eleven month old
Charlie Brown, a collie, lives
at the residence of Grover
and Sallie Mclntyre on Chest
nut Drive in Jackson. The
Mclntyres got Charlie Brown
at Virginia's Pet Place last
March where he had been
brought to be placed in anew
A dog of Charlie’s stature
naturally has many good
attributes but among Char
lie’s attributes, his diligence
as a watchdog is the most
outstanding. Charlie watches
over Angela and Valeria as
well as their big sister,
Sonya, with a close eye.
Though Charlie is kept inside
the backyard fence at most
times, he still goes a great
job of frightening strangers
that approach the house and
warning the family of the
Like most other four-leg
ged canines, Charlie has a
few bad behavorial tenden
cies to offset his good. For
one, Charlie loves to sleep in
Sallie’s flower bed. It is
undoubtedly the sweet frag
rance of the spring flowers
that makes the spot so
Another thing which some
times tends to get under the
skin of Sallie is Charlie’s
unfortunate delight in pulling
freshly cleaned clothes from
the backyard clothes line.
At mealtime, Charlie
Brown usually indulges in a
heaping bowl of Purina Dog
Chow, but lately, Grover has
managed to pilfer a few steak
bones from the school
cateteria where he teaches
Charlie never had it so
It cannot go unnoticed
that in the photo, Charlie
Brown is inside of the fence
while Angela and Valeria
along with the photographer,
are standing outside of the
fence. As one might guess,
this situation is largely due to
Charlie’s excitement and
anxiety at the prospect of
appearing in the pages of the
Jackson Progress-Argus (it
was either that or the fact
that the girls had just
returned home from school
and he was glad to see them).
In any case, after repeated
attempts to calm him in
order that a proper pose
might be obtained for the
photo, all hope was aban
doned and the old “lea, c he
dog inside the fence” nek
had to be used.
Charlie, along with the
Mclntyres, has vacation
plans for the Easter holidays.
While the Mclntyres vaca
tion out of town he plans to
return to his former home,
Virginia’s Pet Place, to
renew old acquaintances and
to enjoy the presence of old
JHS English Department
Ranks With State's Best
The English Department of
Jackson High School is being
considered for the Excel
lence in English award being
given for the first time this
year to the Georgia school
judged to be doing an
excellent job in instruction.
The award will be made
this summer at the English
Conference, University of
Georgia. Five schools being
considered for the award are
being visited now.
The purpose of the award,
sponsored by the Georgia
Council of Teachers of
English, is two-fold: to
identify and honor English
programs in Georgia schools
Dress Right For Spring
And Easter
Men's men s SOQ 9 5
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(tjJIUUUm/m OCT attA
that demonstrate superior
effort toward excellence, and
to pay tribute to the
outstanding contribution
made by Mrs. Juanita
Abernathy to the English
program in the state of
Georgia during the years she
was Coordinator of English,
Reading, Georgia State De
partment of Education.
Mrs. Barbara Mathis,
English consultant, State
Department, will visit Jack
son April 15; while Mrs. Judy
Commander, Morrow High
School, will be on the JHS
campus April 22.
Dr. Jo Ann Manley,
director of curriculum, will
Sizes 36 to 52
Leisure Suits
Sizes 8 to 20
Dress Pants
Sizes 8 to 20
Knit Shirts
Sizes 8 to 20
Boys' Levi Jeans
Sizes 6 to 16
also be participating in the
activities, visiting the classes
and discussing the English
program with the visitors
and staff.
The English Department is
composed of seven faculty
members, all certified in the
area of English, three of
whom hold Master’s in the
language arts area. Mrs.
Nancy Houghtaling is depart
ment chairman.
Check DATE
Using yeast? Extension
Service home economists rec
ommend that you check the
date on the package. For best
results, yeast should be used
before the expiration date.
Use Your Collins
Charge Account
Or Your
| Itkii
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Billie Moores
Honored For
Social Service
Mr. and Mrs. Billie Moore
of Jackson will be recognized
for their 25 years of service
as Foster Parents at a tea
given in their honor on
Monday, April 19, at the
Butts County Health Depart
ment at 4 p.m.
Both the Butts County
Commissioners and the State
Department of Human Re
sources will pay tribute to the
Moores for their outstanding
work in the social service
In addition, an employee of
DHR from Butts County will
be given a merit award.
The public is cordially
invited to attend both the tea
and awards ceremony.
Mrs. Ruth Emory was
given a retirement party by
her supervisors and co-work
ers at the Indian Springs
Plant of Avondale Mills
where she had been employ
ed for 17 years.
Her fellow employees
presented her with several
lovely gifts on the occasion.
She plans to devote full
time to her cake-baking and
catering service.
The Georgia Public Ser
vice Commission will act
April 20 on a proposal for
schedule changes made by
Greyhound Lines, Inc. of
The proposed time changes
would range from 15 minutes
to 1 hour and 45 minutes and
would affect nearly all
Greyhound service into and
out of Atlanta. The new
schedules would go into
effect on April 25.
If you’d like a car
that’s roomier and priced less
than Granada and Monarch.
Mrwf '76 Plymouth Volar 6
4-Door Sedan
s 439*less than Granada!
s sos*less than Monarch!
Surprised at the difference? Don’t feel
bad. A lot of people were, especially
Ford owners! But it’s true. And it’s
yours to take advantage of.
* All figures based on manufacturer s suggested
retail prices. Granada and Monarch come with
radial tires as standard.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Bradley
attended the wedding Satur
day of Mr. Billy Bradley and
Miss Pamela Baker at the
Chirst of the King Catholic
Church on Peachtree Road in
Atlanta. They went up on
Friday afternoon and attend
ed the rehearsal banquet
Friday night. Billy Bradley is
the grandson of Mr. and Mrs.
Shellene, the little daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Gene
Mitchell, was a patient at
Griffin Hospital for several
days last week. She is doing
nicely and was dismissed
from the hospital Sunday.
Mrs. Bob Hardy and Mrs.
Allison Brown visited Shel
lene at the hospital on
Saturday afternoon.
Mr. Ira Rucker, of Pied
mont, Alabama visited his
sister, Mrs. Ina Cawthon, one
day last week. Mrs. Cawthon
has been a patient at Sylvan
Grove Hospital for the past
two weeks.
Mrs. Ruth White and
Mrs. Lucille Fountain were
visitors to Griffin Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Euell
Pulliam of Monticello were
spend the day guests Monday
of Mrs. Annie Taylor.
Jack Taylor of Atlanta
spent Tuesday with his
mother, Mrs. Annie Taylor.
Miss Lunette Kitchens and
Mrs. Charlotte Irvine and
children of Atlanta spent
Sunday here with Mrs.
Madge Holifield, Mrs. Olis
Kitchens and Mr. and Mrs.
Orville Kitchens.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Bradley
visited a part of last week
with their nephew, Charles
Maynard, who had open
heart surgery at Emory
Hospital. He is out of the
intensive care unit and is
convalsecing satisfactorily.
Mrs. Lena Bunch spent
Monday with her sister, Mrs.
Thelma Chapman, in Macon.
This year, see the Men
who say “Yes”!
137 West 3rd St.
By Mrs. B. A. Williamson
Chad and Charisse Cook of
Nashville, Tenn, are spend
ing several days with their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Hulon Cook. Their father,
Mr. Richard Cook, brought
them and spent Sunday with
his parents.
The Backroads, a singing
group of three young men,
were in the services Sunday
morning at Macedonia
church. They gave only two
special songs in the morning
service. On Sunday night
they were given the whole
preaching hour and were
heard by a large congrega
Macedonia Church bus will
carry a bus load of people to
Callaway Gardens on Satur
day, April 17th. The bus
will leave the church at 9:00
a.m. The trip tends to be an
exciting one along with
Roomiest compact sedan
built in America!
Even though Volare Sedan has a much
carmichael insurance agency
smaller price than Granada and
Monarch it’s got more room!
So like they say, “Judge their car
by our car.”
viewing the beauty of God’s
nature and the fun and
fellowship of the ride.
The United Methodist
Women of the Stark church
met at the church on Monday
evening, April 5, for the
regular monthly meeting.
Husbands of the U.M.W. and
other members of the church
were invited. Randy Rivers,
manager of radio station
WJGA was guest speaker.
Mr. Rivers is becoming
known as a “sought after”
speaker for almost any
occasion. His friendliness
and pleasing personality has
won a place in the hearts and
social life of Butts County. He
sopke on “Citizenship” em
phasizing setting a good
example before our young
people. After the meeting
delicious refreshments were