Newspaper Page Text
Jenkinsburg News
By Mrs. T. H. Price
Guests for dinner of Mr.
and Mrs. Otis Mangham on
Thursday night were Mr. and
Mrs. Jackie Mangham of
Mrs. Sarah Haskins of
Memphis, Tenn. and Mrs.
Edna Taratoot of Atlanta
visited Mrs. W. T. Mote and
Talley at Westbury Medical
Care Home last week.
Neighbors and friends of
Mrs. W. G. Preston will be
interested to know that she is
now a resident at Westbury
Medical Care Home. She is
recuperating from a fall at
home where she sustained a
broken arm.
Mrs. Mary Johnson of
Jackson was Sunday
luncheon guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Otis Mangham. To
gether they visited Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Wise of Coving
ton in the afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Patrick
had their grandchildren,
Miss Lisa Whitesides, Billy,
John and Ed of Atlanta, for
the weekend.
Mrs. W. M. Gallman, Mrs.
T. R. Sims and Mrs. T. H.
Price attended a tea Satur
day afternoon at First
Baptist Church in Forsyth,
given in honor of Mrs. I. W.
Bowen, 111, former W.M.U.
State President. She is the
author of anew book, “The
Woman I Am”, and she
autographed her book for
those who purchased it.
Friends and neighbors will
be sorry to note that Mrs.
Harry Morgan has been
shut in for several weeks now
with severe pain in her neck
and shoulder. Her sister,
Mrs. Ghue Thompson of
Jonesboro, has been visiting
her for some time. We hope
she will soon be much better.
Dr. and Mrs. 0. M. Seigler
of Doraville and Rev. and
Mrs. Harry Shepherd were
dinner guests on Monday
night of Mr. and Mrs. T. H.
Price. They were dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. T.
Patrick on Tuesday night and
with Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Sims
on Wednesday night. Mrs. M.
B. Farrar was guest also of
the Patricks; and joining the
others at Mr. and Mrs. Sims
on Wednesday were Mr. and
Mrs. T. T. Patrick and Mr.
and Mrs. T. H. Price. Dr.
Seigler was guest minister
for the revival at Jenkins
burg Baptist.
Mrs. E. V. Patrick of
Carrollton was overnight
guest of Mr. and Mrs. John O.
Minter on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Street
and Bryant of Stone Moun
tain moved recently to
Jenkinsburg. Mrs. Street is
the former Miss Susan
Norton. We welcome them in
the community.
The Baptist Women’s
group of W.M.U. met with
Mrs. W. M. Gallman Monday
Mrs. Sarah Ruth Peek of
Macon was weekend guest of
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Harris.
Dr. and Mrs. William R.
Whitaker, Kim, Frank and
Greg of Miami, Fla. are
spending several days vaca
tion with Mr. and Mrs. James
Whitaker. Mr. Jim Whitaker,
who has been attending
school in Homestead, Fla.
and has finished his courses,
is also at home with his
parents for several days.
Miss Kathy Coogler of
Marietta is visiting her
grandmother, Mrs. Mary
Coogler and great grand
parents Mr. and Mrs.
Bankston Farrar, for several
days. She visited her mater
nal grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. James Whitaker, Satur
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rape
and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Garrett of Decatur were
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
T. R. Sims Saturday night.
Luncheon guests Sunday of
Mrs. Lucille Fletcher in
honor of her birthday were:
Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Fletc
her, Don and David, Mr.
Thomas Cooper, Mrs. Lillian
Patterson of Jackson; Mr.
and Mrs. R. F. Cooper, Mr.
and Mr. Bob Cooper, Miss
Sara Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. J.
T. Leftwick of Decatur, Mrs.
Ruby Crane of Jefferson, Mr.
and Mrs. B. R. Hay, Mrs. R.
S. Letson, Mr. and Mrs.
Leßoy Cooper, Mr. and Mrs.
Lanier Knight, Joe and Beth,
Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Fletc
her and Lezlie, all of
Visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. R.
Hay and family on Saturday
were Mr. and Mrs. R. F.
Cooper of Decatur and Mrs.
Ruby Crane of Jefferson.
Sunday night supper guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Davis
Wells of Jackson.
FFA Chapter
Names Officers
For 1976-77
The regular monthly meet
ing of the Jackson Chapter of
Future Farmers of America
was held April 9 in the
vocational agriculture de
partment of Jackson High
School. The main item of
business on the agenda was
the election and installment
of new officers for the 1976-77
term. The results were as
follows: President - William
Yancey; Vice-President -
Wesley Baker; Secretary -
A1 Duke; Treasurer - Ricky
Cook; Reporters - Mack
Browning and Diane Duke;
Sentinel - Keith Williams;
Parliamentarian - Glenn
Williams; and Chaplain -
Gary Varner.
Several members of the
Jackson FFA were recog
nized and honored for
achieving certain standards
which accompany the Chap
ter Farmer Degree. Those
receiving the degree were:
Robert Lowery, Wesley
Baker, Johnnie Norsworthy,
Richard Cook, Tim Lowery,
Ricky Askin, Ronald Fears,
Jerry East, Robbie Dawson,
Patrick Edmonds, Chuck
Heath, Joe Patrick, Stanley
Kirkland, Jimmy Bennett,
and Tondi Norsworthy.
A report was given of
recent tours by the agribusi
ness class of Jackson. The
Gold Kist store in Griffin was
visited. Manager Ralph
Griffin conducted the tour
and also held a training
session on the National
Farmer Cooperatives.
The Central Georgia Elec
tric Membership Coopera
tive was also toured. Robert
Williams, Jr., administrative
assistant, conducted the tour
and explained the basic
principles of the electric
cooperatives of America.
The Griffin Farmers Mu
tual Exchange is sponsoring
the Jackson FFA in the state
FFA Cooperative Activities
Heard County will be the
site for the annual Forestry
Field Day in which eleven
Jackson FFA’ers will be
participating. The state
contest will be held Thurs
day, April 15. Basic skills
used in the forestry industry
will be evaluated. This
contest is sponsored jointly
by the Georgia Forestry
Commission and the Georgia
Association of FFA.
It was also announced that
thirteen members will attend
the State FFA-FHA Camp in
July. The selection of
members will be based on a
point system. Activity points
are given for a members’
activities, fulfillment of
responsibilities, and their
overall participation in the
FFA organization.
Russell's Restaurant
Locust Grove At Interchange
Good Food Today and Every Day
Open until 10 P. M. Daily
Forester Says
Some Fires
Carl MeLear, of the
Georgia Forestry Commis
sion’s Griffin office, reports
that the recent forest fires
that startled many local
citizens were controlled
burnings and that there was
no danger involved to either
life or property.
In a letter outlining the
reasons for these purposeful
burnings, MeLear states:
“This is an explanation
concerning the two recent
large forest fires which were
carried out on the 11th and
23rd of March on Brownlee
Road and Georgia 16 near
These fires were controlled
burnings purposely set to
achieve desired results. Fire
skillfully utilized can be used
to burn out undergrowth to
improve conditions for tree
regeneration and wildlife
also by bringing in more
browse food after the
undergrowth is removed.
I am sorry if these
burnings upset or frightened
anyone. In the future we will
try to notify the radio station
so more people will be
notified. These fires can
create a hazard from smoke
drifting over the highway. If
you encounter this please
slow down and turn on your
lights and proceed through
the area. The less crowded
conditions are on the high
way the less chances are that
an accident will take place.
These fires do a great deal
of good and should be
expected around this time of
Thank you for your
Gordon Students
Visit New York
In Spring Tour
group of Gordon Junior
College students from
several local towns spent
four days touring New York
City during the college’s
Spring holiday.
Chaperoned by Gordon
music instructor Lanny Mc-
Alister, the 16 students were
participating in Gordon’s
annual Spring Arts Tour. The
students were accommo
dated at the Taft Hotel and
spent their mornings and
afternoons touring the Lin
coln Center and the Metropo
litan Museum of Art. The
evenings were set aside for
the theatre. They attended
the performance of “Car
men” at the Metorpolitan
Opera and saw the Broadway
musicals, “The Wiz” and
Students making the tour
this year were Randy Berry,
Barnesville; Hugh Coffee,
Forsyth; Ed Sitton, Green
ville; Karen Buckles, Jill
Chestnut, Greg Hughes,
David Norris, Vicki Perdue,
Catherine Stephens, Theresa
Thesing, all of Griffin; Mike
Thomas, Hogansville;
Charles Ivey, Jackson; Hazel
Harrah, Roberta; Kimi King,
Scott McKinley, both of
Thomaston; and Karen Alex
ander, Zebulon.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Sullivan had dinner with
Mrs. Weeder Brannon, Sun
Mrs. Winnie Moore spent
several days last week in
Carrollton with her brother,
Mr. Felix Cole, who con
tinues ill.
ISA Softball
Team Is 2-0
With 6 to Go zz
The ISA girls’ softball
team is 2-0 on the season,
having notched victories
over Barnesville Academy
23-5 and Westwood Academy
of Thomaston 25-7.
Mrs. Judy Washington
coaches the ISA girls’
softball team, with Roni
Johnson as her assistant.
Steve Bennett umpires the
home games.
ISA will play LaGrange
Academy a double-header
Wednesday at the ISA field
beginning at 3 p.m.
Other games remaining on
the current schedule include
Westwood, here, Tuesday,
April 20; McDonough, there,
now you can bank
£4 hours a day...
even on Sunday.
get E4-hour. 7 day service at our neui instant banker
Now you can bank whenever it’s con
venient for YOU—weekends, holidays, any
time day or night.
How? Just visit our new 24-hour Instant
Banker. In seconds, you can get up to
well give you a keg to the bank.
All you need is an Instant Bank Key Card. It comes
automatically—at no charge—with ALL our checking
If you don’t have a checking account with us, open one.
You’ll get the Instant Bank Key, too!
came see haw easy it is.
Next time you’re in town, stop by the
bank and ask for a demonstration. We’d like
to show you how quickly and easy 24-hour
banking can be.
(km Bank of Jackson
Member F.D.I.C.
Wednesday, April 28; Mc-
Donough, here, Friday, April
30, and Barnesville, here,
Monday, May 3. All games
begin at 4 p.m.
The team’s roster in
cludes :
Tracie Barnes, LF; Tina
Dodd, CF; Kathy Stewart,
RF,; Fay Yawn, SF; Kay
Yawn, LF; Margaret Love,
IB; Lisa Carter, 2B; Ann
Franklin, SS; Becky Caw
thon, 3B; Jean O’Quinn, C;
Karen McMichael, C; Sonya
Moore, C; Melissa Pulliam,
P; Beverly Raynor, P; Cindy
Williamson, 28.
Light Colors
Want to improve lighting
efficiency at your house?
Then use light colors in
decorating, suggest home
economists with the Exten
sion Service.
Senator Banks
Named To Youth
Involvement Panel
Senator Peter L. Banks of
Barnesville has been named
to a Senate Committee to
promote greater participa
tion in public affairs by
young adults throughout
Lt. Governor Zell Miller
appointed Banks to the
Senate Young Adult Involve
ment Study Committee
which will hold a series of
Spring and Fall hearings at
colleges and universities in
all congressional districts of
the state to give , student
leaders and youth groups an
opportunity to be heard.
The panel will start its
study on May 18 with
hearings at the State Capitol
and West Georgia College,
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loan payments—even get your checking
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Jason, 9 month old, is
the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Gery Hoard of Jackson.
I —-iff
i > IJtvMSS
- IB
000 000 000 000 00/00
Allen is the 2-year old
son of Mr. and Mrs.
Berner Abernathy.