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Engagement Of Miss Sallows,
Mr. Clem Is Announced
Mr. and Mrs. John A.
Sallows of Jackson announce
the engagement and forth
coming marriage of their
daughter, Cynthia Leigh, to
Mitchell Alan Clem, son of
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Clem of
Eastman, Georgia.
The wedding will take
place at the Kingdom Hall of
Jehovah’s Witnesses in Jack
son, Georgia, May 22nd, at
three o’clock in the after
Miss Sallows attended
American School in Chicago,
v I
The Progress-Argus ex
tends a very HAPPY
BIRTHDAY to the following:
April 16: Felton Smith,
Joyce Taylor, Franklin
Batchelor, Mrs. John K.
Wise, Mary Riley, J. F.
Dowd, Sharon Lynn Grissett,
Jean Ann Evans, Richard
Ivey, Mrs. Mary Burpee,
George Lindsley, Pam Land
rum, Douglas Frost.
April 17: George Harold
Brooks, Elizabeth Juanita
Johnson, Henry F. Grady,
Mrs. J. W. Blackley, Hazel
Darnell, Marie Pickett, Va
nessa Singley, David Caw
thon. M. R. Bennett, Mrs. E.
W. Gibson, Mrs. Jewell
Callahan, Mrs. Robert P.
Friddell, Debbie Meredith,
Norman Pietrykowski, Mary
Beck, Mrs. W. T. Meredith.
April 18: Talmadge Moore,
Larry Reeves, Mrs. Thomas
Polk, Tommy Armstrong,
Debra Cochran, Jon Ross,
Mrs. Jas. B. Moore, Mrs.
Larry Youngblood.
April 19: Gwyndel Brooks,
Margaret Taylor, Mrs. W. H.
Duke, Lem Watkins, George
H. Roberts, William Mit
chell, James Beverly
Rogers, Henry Lawrence
Britton, James Samuel Gain
er, Jr., Helen Black, L. M.
Durham, Robert Fetner,
Carey Van Thaxton, David
Michael Hunt, Steve Caw
thon, Tom McNamara, Tena
Bedford, Lewis Walseng
ham, Leamon Carter.
April 20: Dewitt Rawles,
Elizabeth Duke, Mrs. Florrie
Giles, Mrs. Dan Thurston,
Mrs. Ralph W. Barnwell,
Shalby Jean Harris, Jean
Gail Johnson, Betty Biles,
Doris Bedford, Johnna Cole
man, Jim Landers, Glynn
April 21: Irene Britt, Mrs.
The bride-elect is the
granddaughter of Mr. and
Mrs. James S. Sallows and
the late Mr. and Mrs. George
T. Monk, all of Pittsburgh,
Mr. Clem attended Dodge
County High School in
The groom-elect is the
grandson of Mrs. Leota Clem
of Eastman and the late Mr.
and Mrs. Nathan A. Kane of
Houston, Texas.
The couple will make their
home in Eastman.
Robert O’Neal, Mrs. Rob
Faulkner, Herman Cawthon,
Mrs. Bill Norman, Charles
Randall Turner, F. D. Hunt,
Ira Kelso.
April 22: Mrs. R. M.
Vickers, Mrs. E. A. Godsey,
M. F. Batchelor, Virginia
Haynes, Terry Kitchens,
Mark Elveen Mixon, Carl
Oaks, Larry Lofton, Mrs.
Susan P. Tanner, Mrs. Jack
Youngblood, Mrs. Jack L.
Puckett, Lisa Benton.
\ WOR 7
We may clown around with our ads, but cus
tomer satisfaction is serious business with us!
Waiter r ßuihLen Supply.
25 Carolina Ave. Jackson, Ga.
Phone 775-3266
Mrs. Victor Moyes of
Rochester, New York and
her daughter, Mrs. Harry
Van Bergen of Atlanta, were
honor guests at a luncheon on
Saturday, April 3rd, tendered
by Mesdames M. W. Car
michael, Lou Moelchert, and
E. D. Briscoe, at the lovely
home of Mrs. Carmichael on
Woodland Way.
The honorees were house
guests of Miss Georgie
Watkins and Miss Delia
Watkins, who lived in
Rochester before retiring
and returning to Jackson to
make their permanent home.
Beautiful azaleas were
arranged throughout the
Carmichael home. Attractive
place cards carried out the
Spring theme.
Following the delicious
luncheon, Mrs. Van Bergen
entertained the group with
many piano selections.
Several guests were invited
to come in during the
afternoon for the musical
Mrs. Boatright
Honoree At
Lovely Luncheon
The home of Mrs. John
Hall on West Third Street
was the setting for a lovely
luncheon April 10th honoring
Mrs. John Boatright.
The dining table was
beautifully set on a lace
cloth. The centerpiece was
an arrangement of daisies,
baby’s breath, and chrysan
themums in baby colors of
pink, blue, yellow and green.
Baby green candles in silver
candlesticks flanked the
Those enjoying this festive
occasion, in addition to the
honoree and hostess, were
Mrs. Byrd Garland, Mrs.
Larry Fletcher, Mrs. Tom
Webb, Mrs. Philip DeMore,
and Mrs. J. R. Carmichael.
On Thursday, April 15,
the Jackson High Chapter of
the Future Business Leaders
of America will sponsor a
skating party. This party will
be for the March of Dimes.
The club members are
selling tickets in advance, if
you would like to buy one
before Thursday. If you don’t
you may pay SI.OO with
skates or $1.50 without skates
at the door.
The party will be at Joel’s
Roller Rink from 7:00 until
10:00 p.m.
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Engagement Mary Lynn Lester,
William H. Eubanks Announced
Mr. and Mrs. Colonel
Lester of East Point, Ga.,
announced the engagement
of their daughter Mary Lynn
to Mr. William Harold
Eubank, Jr. of Dearing, Ga.
Miss Lester is the grand
daughter of Mr. J. W.
Browning Sr. of Jackon, and
the late Mrs. Browning, and
of the late Mrs. Bessie Lester
of East Point, and the late
Mr. T. E. Lester.
She is a graduate of Russell
High School, East Point, and
a 1973 magna cum laude
graduate of Shorter College,
Rome, with a Bachelor of
Arts degree in Sociology and
Miss Lester was a member
of Epsilon Sigma Sorority,
president of the Student Body
her senior year and is listed
in “Who’s Who in Colleges of
America”. She is presently
employed by Campus Cru
sade for Christ, Interna
Mr. and Mrs. Coy Whidby
of Griffin spent Wednesday
with Mrs. Lois Byrd.
Benjie Parrish, a sopho
more at Mercer University in
Macon, has been named as a
member of the Youth
Steering Committee in the
presidential campaign of
Jimmy Carter. He is re
sponsible for organizing the
colleges in the Eighth Con
gressional District for the
upcoming Georgia Primary
on May 4.
1971 Chevrolet Impala Custom
Fully Equipped, Extra Clean
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Used Cars
Mr. Eubank is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. William Harold
Eubank Sr. He is the
grandson of Mrs. J. E.
Eubank Sr. of Appling, Ga.
and the late Mr. Eubank, and
of Mrs. M. A. Culpepper Sr.
of Dearing and the late Mr.
Mr. Eubank is a graduate
of Thomson High School and
graduated cum laude from
the University of Georgia in
1972 with a Bachelor of Busi
ness Administration degree.
He was a member of the Phi
Kappa Phi Honor Society.
For the past four years he
has been a staff member with
Campus Crusade for Christ
at East Tennessee State
University in Johnson City,
Tennessee where he is
presently campus director.
The wedding will take
place May 22 at the First
United Methodist Church,
East Point.
Mrs. Rogers Starr spent
Tuesday of last week in
Sandersville with relatives.
Dr. and Mrs. Van Fletcher
of Chattanooga, Tennessee
visited last Friday with his
mother, Mrs. Van Fletcher,
who celebrated her 94th
birthday on Thursday. The
birthday dinner by Miss
Apielia Fletcher was post
poned until Friday in order
for Dr. and Mrs. Fletcher to
join other members of the
family for the happy occa
Gardens Visited
April Bth By
Mimosa Club
The Mimosa Garden Club
motored to Callaway Gar
dens on Thursday, April Bth,
for their April meeting.
Fifteen members and two
guests made the tour.
After a buffet luncheon at
the Holiday Inn Restaurant,
the members took a bus tour
of the gardens which in
cluded a short film on the
gardens at the Information
Center, the Greenhouse and
The club voted to donate
$25.00 to the Butts County
Beautification Committee for
film for pictures of the
Weekly Beauty Spots.
The day was thoroughly
enjoyed by everyone.
Visitors were Mrs. W. L.
Bunch, Sr. and Mrs. John L.
In loving memory of our
beloved husband, father, and
grandfather, Bennie Cook,
who left us on April 19, 1969.
Now the labour’s task is over,
Now the battle day is past
Now upon the farther shore
Lands the voyager at last.
There the tears of earth are
There its hidden things are
There the work of life is tried
By a greater judge than
Earth to earth and dust to
Calmly now the words we
Left behind we wait in trust
For the resurrection day.
Father, in they gracious
Leave we now
Thy servant sleeping.
Mrs. Bennie Cook, Mrs.
Gwen Mitchell, Mrs. Betty
Thompson, Grandchildren.
The ancients believed that
rubbing a sty with a gold ring
would cure it.
Debbye Williams,
Andy Craig To
Wed May 7th
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton T.
Williams of Jackson an
nounce the engagement and
forthcoming marriage of
their daughter, Deborah
Lynn, to Robert Andrew
Craig, son of Mr. and Mrs.
James A. Craig of Jackson
ville, Florida.
Miss Williams is a grad
uate of Jackson High School.
Mr. Craig graduated from
Mary Persons High School.
A May 7th wedding is
planned at the home of the
The Huron Indians had men
who preached to fish and per
suaded them to come and
be caught.
y OLD TIME rzr.
In the early days we were advised to sleep with the
window open, year 'round, as an aid to general good health.
A Vermont doctor did a study on the subject as relates to
head colds. His findings showed that those people who slept
with the window open had frequent head colds. To support
his opinion that the open-window practice was not natural,
he pointed out that a hen will sleep with its head under its
wing to warm the air it breathes. A fox covers its head with
its bushy tail, and many more examples. I know when I am
chilled, it helps to cover my face.
One robust customer said to me, "Why I think nothing of
sleeping with all my windows open, even in February." I said',
"I don't think so much of it, myself."
Let us fill your next prescription, with the most modem drugs
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We would like to take this
opportunity to thank our
many friends, neighbors, and
relatives for the love, pray
ers, kind words and deeds
shown us during the loss of
our loved one, Julian Leon
Faulkner. A special thanks to
Sherrell Funeral Home, Rev.
W. N. Tarleton, Rev. Clarage
Tucker, the ones who played
and sang so beautifully, and
Jackson Radio Station. May
God bless you and keep you is
our prayer. The Otis F.
Faulkner Family.
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Rev up the old motor
and come fill out an
application soon. We’ll
work hard at trying to
get it approved . . . the
very same day. What
kind of car have you
been dreaming of?