The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, August 05, 1976, Image 24

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    Jenkinsburg News
By Mrs.—T. H. Price
Mr. Charles Brooks,
David, Joel and Cherly of
Dunwoody were Saturday
guests of Mr. Cecil Brooks.
Mrs. W. M. Gallman
accompanied Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Cook to attend the
Homecoming at Rocky Creek
Church in Jasper County on
Matt and Ginger Fletcher
of Atlanta spent last week
with their grandmother, Mrs.
W. T. Fletcher.
Mrs. Dan Brown entered
Georgia Baptist Hospital
Sunday and underwent a
tonsilectomy Monday. We
wish her a speedy recovery.
To The
Voters Of
Butts County
Mac Collins has
the qualifications and
the desire to serve as a
commissioner of Butts
County government is a business. It must be
operated on a sound business basis. The money the
commissioners spend is yours and our tax dollars.
Let's consider this and vote for a man that will
economize and make every dollar count.
Go to the polls August 10, 1976, and vote for
MAC COLLINS County Commissioner Post No. 1.
. T o }i n
Tuesday, August 10th, it's your duty to go to the
polls and vote for active aggressive leadership.
It's your duty to vote for a candidate who will be
responsive to your needs.
It's your duty to vote for a candidate who will work
for you in all areas while, at the same time, realizing
that the tax burden on all citizens is at an all time
Mr. and Mrs. David Ford
of Ft. Worth, Texas, Mr. and
Mrs. Vester Sanders of
Greenville, Texas, and Mr.
and Mrs. Eddie Ford and
Christie were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. D. T. Ford for
dinner at High Falls Restau
rant Saturday night.
Vacationing for a week at
Daytona, Fla. were Mr. and
Mrs. Lanier Knight and
children, Mrs. Lucile Fletc
her and Mr. Joe Fetcher.
Mrs. T. T. Patrick had as
her guest last Thursday a
college roommate, Mrs.
Louise Leach of Hapeville.
Sunday guests of Mr. and
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Mrs. Joey Bargeron, Jr. and
children were Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Bargeron, Sr. of Stone
Mountain and Mr. and Mrs.
A. L. Hutchison of Lithonia.
Visiting Mr. and Mrs. John
0. Minter last Sunday were
Mrs. Herb Dorsey of Balti
more, Md., Mrs. E. V.
Patrick of Carrollton, Mrs. J.
W. Watkins of Stone
Mountain, Mrs. Jimmy Cha
vies of Thomaston. Mr.
Minter observed his birthday
on Friday.
Mr. Jimmy Cleveland and
children of Hamilton, Ohio
were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
James Cleveland last week.
Mrs. Cleveland was to join
them later for a visit.
Guests on Saturday of Mr.
Marquis Childs were Mrs.
Betty Sarfaty of Decatur.
Mr. John Eggers of
Decatur was guest of Rev.
and Mrs. Harry Shepherd
and enjoyed the surprise
dinner on the church ground
honoring the pastor after his
two weeks absence for a tour
of the Holy Land, Egypt,
Turkey and four Greek
Weekend guests of Mrs. M.
B. Farrar were Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Childs of McDonough.
The sewing club, a con
genial group, enjoyed dinner
at the Elder Hotel last
Wednesday night. Members
were Mrs. Olin Pettigrew,
Mrs. Sarah Caldwell, Mrs.
Margaret Beauchamp, Miss
Tommie Higgins, Mrs. Mary
Lynn Goggans, all of Jacksn;
Mrs. Dewitt Price of
Forsyth, Mrs. W. J. Saun
ders, Mrs. T. H. Price, Mrs.
T. R. Sims, Mrs. M. B.
Farrar, Mrs. H. G. Harris,
Mrs. R. A. Allen, Mrs. Otis
Mangham, Miss Ruby Lane,
all of Jenkinsburg; and Miss
Pam Price of San Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Allen
were spend the night guests
Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Posey of Stone Mountain.
Mrs. Sara Ruth Peek of
Macon was weekend guest of
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Harris.
Mrs. H. G. Harris spent
Wednesday with Mfs. Leon
ard Hoard of Stockbridge and
visited the new Southlake
| by Ann D. Allen |
You don’t have to eat your
heart out over the big bite food
prices are taking out of your
budget. There are many ways
you can save, if you keep these
tips, suggested by the Ameri
can Dairy Association, in mind.
Try foods which require
little cooking, such as chicken
livers or cheese, since there is
little loss or shrinkage and you
can save on fuel.
Less costly food items like
soups, relishes and salads take
the edge off appetites, so you
l get more servings from the
more expensive main dishes.
Tree Seedlings
Available From
Forestry Com.
There are 27,532,000 tree
seedlings available for order
by Georgia landowners,
according to Ray Shirley,
director, Georgia Forestry
Shirley emphasized that in
an effort to meet the needs of
landowners, at the most
economical method of pro
duction, the Forestry Com
mission will enter a seedling
growing contract for all
orders of improved loblolly
pine and improved slash pine
ot 400,000 trees and over.
Shirley noted that the filling
of orders, not under contract,
for 400,000 or more improved
stock will depend on supply.
In announcing the avail
ability of seedlings, Shirley
reported that the price on all
species of pine has been
increased one dollar per
thousand with the exception
of eastern white pine. The
cost of lespedeza was
increased seven dollars per
Available species and cost
per thousand longleaf pine,
$8; improved loblolly, im
proved slash, improved high
gum yield slash and Virginia
pine, $9; and eastern white
pine, sls.
Others are catalpa, les
pedeza, sweet gum and
yellow poplar, sls; cotton
wood cuttings and red cedar,
S2O; and dogwood, $35.
Transportation charges
were also increased by
25-cents per thousand and
10-cents per 500 trees. Shirley
cited the increased cost of
operations for the price
James C. Wynens, chief,
Reforestation Division, said
that the early submission of
orders is encouraged as all
orders received prior to the
first to October will be filled
depending on supply. If the
orders exceed the supply, the
trees will be prorated
between orders. Orders re
ceived after the first of
October, Wynens added, will
be filled on a first come, first
serve basis.
He pointed out that tree
seedling application forms
may be obtained from the
Forestry Commission County
Rangers, County Agents, Soil
Conservation Service Tech
nicians and Agricultural
Conservation Program Offi
cers. All orders must be
sumbitted on a Georgia
Forestry Commission appli
cation form.
Wynens emphasized that
payment must accompany
all orders before shipment
can be made. No refunds will
be made on orders of more
than 400,000 trees cancelled
after January 1, 1977.
Seedlings involved in cancel
lation after appropriate
deadline became the re
sponsibility of the landowner.
Mail the complete applica
tion to the Georgia Forestry
Commission, P.O. Box 819,
Macon, Georgia 31202.
For assistance in determi
ning your reforestation
needs, contact your local
county forest ranger.
In one recent year, some
1,600,000 persons were under
care in public and private
mental institutions, according
to the National Association for
Mental Health. Why not utilize
your spare time by volunteer
ing to help hospital personnel
in their care?
If you have the trees but the
neighbor gets the leaves
help him to clean them up.
Share pick-up chores pick
up your friends’ kids as well as
your own at school.
Sending flowers to someone
you know who is confined in a
hospital shows you care. Be
sure to ask the florist to
"please FTD it” for the best
form of delivery. The initials
stand for the Florists’ Trans
world Delivery Association
On July 3rd my friend from
Spalding County and I were
cruising down Third Street in
a Cadillac. I’d say we were
going 10 miles an hour. We
had passed the yard sale
sign. So we decided we would
turn around and go to the
yard sale. All of a sudden I
heard a horn blowing and
Blue Lights Flashing. I said
it’s the law, pull over, so we
did. The police came to the
car. Let me see your license.
Then he said, are you all
lost? (I said lost) How could I
be lost when all of my people
were born in Butts County
including myself. They were
also land owners. I worked in
Jackson 20 years at Kym Cos.
My cousin is also sheriff.
In the June 17th issue of the Progress-Argus I
outlined what I considered my qualifications to be
relative to the office of Probate Judge, which I am
seeking. That is, I pointed out that I had worked for
many years in the fields of military law
enforcement and the administration of Military
Justice as I served at successive levels of
responsibility in the Army from the grade of private
through the grade of colonel. In the interval since
June 17th I have studied the Georgia law pertaining
to the Office of Probate Judge, the hand-book which
provides guidance for Probate Judges and I have
inquired into the duties and functions of the office.
This research makes me even more convinced that
my background, training and experience constitute
very valid qualifications for that office.
Also since June 17th I have talked to voters in
all areas of the county. From these discussions, I
gained the distinct impression that voters are more
interested in qualifications and what the candidate
can and will do for the county than they are in
solicitous words and unrealistic promises.
I agree with these clear-thinking voters.
Qualifications should be a primary consideration
when choosing someone to fill a public office.
Traditionally, many politicians try to prove
themselves by voicing platitudes and challenging
voters to "check the record." I think the record
should certainly be checked. I believe that
experience, proven ability and potential are factors
which should be examined more critically (if
possible) when selecting a person for public office
than these same factors are examined in business
or industry when a person is being selected to fill a
position of great responsibility.
I am genuinely interested in Butts County. I
believe that we can do better in many areas than we
are presently doing. I am not a politician in the
generally accepted sense and do not desire to
become one. I am simply a man who is willing to get
involved and make a contribution that I can toward
the betterment of our county, our state and our
I am running for the office of Probate Judge
I am interested in the functions and
responsibilities of the office.
I believe I am qualified to hold the office.
I want to provide a service to the people of
this county ... not merely lip service not
mediocre, middle of the road service —but real
professional quality service, the type you need and
I have tried to see every voter during the
campaign but I have not been able to make a
courtesy call on each home and place of business
due to time limitations. I apologize to those I have
missed and I solicit the earnest consideration of all.
Your vote and support will be sincerely
Thank You,
How could I be lost. I would
like very much to know the
name of this police as I was a
long ways from being lost. On
the same afternoon I was
driving down 16 Highway in
Spalding County there the
State Patrol was checking
licenses. They said to me,
Democratic Primary August 10
A Man Who Will Listen To
All Of The People
Some say that mayflowers
can prevent freckles.
what are you doing on this
end? I said I’m trying to get
home, I had been lost in
Jackson, Ga.
Mrs. Ethel Plank