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proved that they rather play football by defeating Henry
County 22-0.
Flovilla Happenings
Mrs. Norma Shaw and
sons, Jamie and J. J. of
Hapeville were guests Sun
day of Mr. and Mrs. Sanford
Mr. James Hilley of Macon
visited on Saturday with Miss
Fredna Hilley and together
they visited Mr. Wayne
Hilley at Westbury Medical
Care Home.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Cook
and Andy Kersey visited with
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Elliott on
Mr. and Mrs. Paul James
visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Wilbur Barnes and Mrs.
Maggie Barnes of Macon on
Mrs. George Long and
Mrs. Sara Abernathy of
Forsyth were guests Wednes
day of Mrs. D. T. Long and
family. Visiting on Sunday
Care ... Understanding
Are Close At Hand
When the need is greatest...
place your trust in us. We will
handle all the details.
Haisten Funeral Home
Love The Country?
If you are thinking of buildng, don’t!!
Buy this custom built, all brick ranch, like
new, on 5.9 acres already fenced for pasture in
Jasper County.
Luxury features: 3 bedroom, 2y z baths,
large formal foyer, formal living room, formal din
ing room, den with fireplace, study, 20x22 rec
reation room, 20x40 raised terrace. All on one
level. Shop 20x40 in rear.
You can’t build this one for this price. $75,-
483-3385 483-3304
with Mrs. Long and Family
were Mr. and Mrs. J. T.
Colwell of Macon.
Miss Wendy Elliott return
ed home Saturday following
her graduation from South
eastern Academy at Orlando,
Fla. Misses Elaine and Mary
Ann Elliott went down and
returned Wendy home.
Mrs. Velma Mayfield and
Mrs. Mildred Smith visited
Mrs. Hattie Leverette at the
living Center in Griffin on
Mrs. W. E. Waits, Mrs.
Ruth Waits, and Frankie Bell
visited on Saturday with Mr.
Emory Waits at West Paces
Ferry Hospital. Mr. Waits is
improving each day we are
glad to hear.
Marinell Smith and Russ
Smith of Atlanta were
Sunday guests of Mr. and
Philip DeMore, Pastor
Jackson United
Methodist Church
“Utterly Incredible”
A man took his family into
a restaurant, sat down at a
clean table, ordered a
sumptuous meal, ate it with
satisfaction and delight.
When the waitress brought
the check the man said, “Oh,
I don’t believe in paying for
meals. Please give this check
to that man over there.” The
waitress took the check to the
man at a nearby table. The
man accepted the check and
paid it, even leaving a tip.
A woman went to the
super market. She filled her
cart with everything from a
case of ginger ale to prime
roast. When she came to the
check-out stand the cashier
rang up the bill and said,
“$56.00, please.” The woman
said, “But I’m going to take a
trip to Florida next week and
I don’t have the money to pay
for this food. I’ll just let the
folks in line behind me pay
for it.” and behold the folks
in line reached for their
pocketbooks and put out the
money and paid the bill.
A family lived in Pleasant
ville. The children attended
fine schools, the family
enjoyed the paved streets,
the excellent water facilities,
the parks and the community
hospital. But one day a tax
bill arrived and they said,
“We don’t believe in paying
taxes. Let our neighbors pay
it.” And the neighbors got
together and paid the taxes.
Now, there was a family
that belonged to a wonderful
church... Sorry, I just can’t
bear to tell this
tell it yourself. It is utterly
INCREDIBLE! But it’s true.
Light is a form of energy
that travels through air at
the rate of 186,000 miles
per second. It travels in a
straight line.
Mrs. Malcolm Smith and
Miss Cindy Utter was the
weekend guest of Miss Candy
Long and Miss Tammy Long.
Miss Candy long celebrat
ed her 14th birthday on
Saturday with a cookout at
the Flovilla City Park and
had several of her friends
over to help her celebrate.
Those attending were: Don,
Theresa, and Cindy Rich
mond, Glenn Williams, Jeff
Cason, Charles Jenkins,
Andy, Ray, Johnny, and
Glenn Bolther, Cathy Utter,
Tammy, Bobby, Mac and
Tabatha Long, Mrs. D. T.
Long, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott
Jenkins, Mrs. Brianette
Bolther, Mr. and Mrs. Randy
Long, and parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. D. Long.
Eugene Ball
Wins Trip For
Avondale Work
\ -H
Jr //
In connection with the Zero
Defects Program at Avon
dale Mills, Eugene Ball has
been named a Corporate
Award Winner. This earned
him a 3-day, all expense paid
trip to Boston,. September
28-30. Ball has 30 years
service to his credit with the
textile industry and is
carding and drawing opera
tor at the Indian Springs
A native of Jackson where
he graduated from Jackson
Highs School, Ball and his
wife Nadine have ten
children ranging in age from
15 to 35 years. Their names
are Bobby, Barbara, Eu
gene, Jr., Stanly, Malinda,
Steve, Beverly, Micky, Mau
rice, and Bruce.
The Balls attend the
Jehovah Witness Church.
Fishing, hunting and base
ball are Ball’s favorite
Flovilla To
Name Officers
On Oct. 20
Citizens of Flovilla will go
to the polls Wednesday,
October 20th, and in regular
election, vote to fill the post
of Mayor and one councilman
urd also at the same time
vote on a special ballot for
candidates for the one year
unexpired term of Col.
Malcolm Smith and the two
year unexpired term of Mrs.
Emily Burns.
Col. Smith resigned earlier
this year when appointed to
the Butts County Board of
Tax Assessors and Mrs.
Burns resigned for personal
reasons. The two incum
bents, Mayor Charles Hug
gins, Jr., and councilman C.
A. Anthony are expected to
seek re-election.
Anyone wishing to qualify
for Mayor or any of the three
council positions have from
the present time until 5 P.M.
October 1, 1976 to qualify at
Flovilla City Hall with
Virginia Williams, City
Clerk. The qualifying fee is
You’ll probably get praise
for meats that you braise and
then boil, such as stews and
pot roasts, if you add cold
water or stock rather than
hot to relax the tightness
braising causes. This reduces
the cooking time, too.
Cleveland Carpets, Inc.
ALL Carpet in Stock Up To 50%
Off Regular Price
10% TO 50% Off On Wallpaper.
Bring your measurements
Cash and Carry
Mastercharge - C&S - BankAmericard
9 AM to 8 PM Daily
9 AM to 5 PM Saturday
Mrs. Greer’s
Custard Recipe
Reproduced below is the
recipe that was named the
best using eggs in the recent
Microwave Cook-Off and won
first prize for Mrs. Howard
Greer, of Jackson.
1% cups granulated sugar
4 tablespoons flour
Pinch of salt
4 eggs
2 cups sweet milk
3 tablespoons butter
1 tablespoon vanilla
1 baked pie crust in pyrex pie
1 large package frozen
strawberries thawed in mi
crowave oven for 3 minutes,
or 1 pint fresh strawberries
sliced and dusted with small
amount of granulated sugar.
Scald milk in 1-quart
measuring cup for 2Vi>
minutes in microwave oven.
Blend flour, sugar and salt.
Remove milk and add dry
ingredients gradually, stir
ring to blend well. Return to
microwave oven and cook 5-6
minutes, stirring every
minute. Stir in beaten egg
yolks and return to micro
wave oven for 30 seconds.
Beat well and add butter,
vanilla and set aside to cool.
When cool, pour into baked
pie shell. Place strawberries
on top of filling and top with
meringue. Garnish with
4 cups all-purpose flour
1 3 4 cup shortening
1 T. sugar
2 t. salt
IT. vinegar
1 beaten egg
Vz cup water
In m ing bowl, combine
flour, sh> rtening, sugar and
salt. Add vinegar, egg and
water mixing lightly with
fork. Form, into a smooth
ball. Chill 15 minutes. Divide
into 4 equal bails. Roll each,
ball on generousr floured
pastry cloth until pastry is
1 1 2 inches larger than 9-inch
glass inverted pie plate. Ease
botton crust into pie plate.
Gently ease and press out air
bubbles in bottom of dish.
Flute edges around rim of the
dish. Fold an 11-inch piece of
wax paper or paper towel
into eights and cut from the
center to 1-inch from outside
edges, making a starburst
pattern. Unfold and place in
the center of the pie crust.
Cover with 8-inch pie dish
(resting in the center). Cook
3 minutes. Remove paper
and 8-inch dish, rotate V\ turn
and cook 216-3Vfe minutes.
Cool. Recipe makes 4-9 inch
pie shells.
4 egg whites
V 2 teaspoon vanilla
V 4 teaspoon cream of tartar
8 tablespoons sugar
Beat eggs whites with
vanilla and cream of tartar
Iff Ijlk W% V a
WILLIE WARD - Bursts through the Warhawks defense as he did for two TDs Friday night.
State Garden
Clubs Rank
Among Best
Georgia Garden Clubs, in
recent competition, received
more awards from the
National Council of Garden
Clubs than entrants from any
other state.
National Council repre
sents more than 13,000
graden clubs throughout the
country with almost half a
million members. In addi
tion, another half million
affiliate members from 37
countries participate in its
programs -involving beauti
fication, conservation, litter
control, and roadside de
Among Georgia’s 22
awards, were all ten of the
till soft peaks form. (Whites
will whip fluffier if they are
at room temperature.) Grad
ually add sugar, beating till
stiff and glossy and all sugar
is dissolved. Spread me
ringue over filling (at room
temperature), sealing
meringue to edges of pastry
all around. This prevents
shrinking. Cook meringue 6-7
minutes with microwave.
Turn pie at least three times,
for even browning. Conven
tional - Bake in moderate
oven (350 degrees) 12-15
minutes, or till peaks of
meringue are golden brown.
Awarded the BEST EGG
RECIPE at the Georgia
Electrification Microwave
Cook-Off, September, 1976.
I Shoppers, inspect
I clothes you buy for
I J I flyJ quality. Better made
| garments have about
HI J —fifteen stitches to
the inch on seams; in
sides. Cheaper clothes
have as few as seven!
Smart shoppers should compare savings plans, too!
I They re not all alike! Take ours. We offer a number of
I savings accounts and certificates that all pay the highest
I interest rates the law allows. So you save even more!
I We’ve a savings plan to suit you. Come in and find out!
Good For Us -
Good For You
LENDER - O S., *,
non-competitive flower show
awards and the gold seal for
advancement of national or
world-wide significance. This
seal went to Dr. Eugene
Odum of the University. Dr.
Odum is recognized as the
founder of modern ecology.
The state publication,
Garden Gateways, was ac
claimed winner among pub
lications in its category for
the fourth time in .seven
years. The Georgia Garden
Club Guide, a yearbook, was
also recognized.
Massee Lane, headquart
ers for the American
Camellia Society was cited
for its book on greenhouse
and outdoor culture of
camellias. Massee Lane is
located along Georgia’s
Western Sizzlin Steak House
Special Thursday Thru Sunday
No. 3 $1.99
Sirloin Tips with Bell Peppers & Onions
Banquet Room Available
Take Out on All Steaks
Guaranteed Steaks at Family Prices
1412 N. Expressway, Griffin, Ga.
Phone 228-1064
Andersonville Trail near
Fort Valley, Ga.
The Garden Clubs sponsor
many of the tours of homes
and gardens held throughout
Georgia each spring. An
early tour, set December 9,
1976, is planned by the
Garden Club of Sandy
Springs. Information about
this tour, which will include
five Atlanta-area homes, is
available from the Tourist
Division, Georgia Bureau of
Industry and Trade, Box
38097, Atlanta, Ga. 30334.
Heat is a form of energy
that results from the move
ment of tiny particles,
called molecules, in any
substance. The faster the
molecules move, the more
heat there is.