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\ '
captive electorate, young voters turned out in droves at
Henderson Elementary School last week where a mock
presidential election was held. A total of 628 of the 678
FFA Has Funds Available
To Help With Home Repairs
Low income families who
cannot qualify for a loan to
build or buy anew home may
be eligible for a loan to make
minor repairs to their
present home, Mr. J. Paul
Holmes, Jr., State Director
of the Farmers Home
Administration, announced
To qualify for the loan,
which was made possible
under Section 504 of the
Housing Act of 1949, an
applicant must own and
occupy his home and reside
in a rural area. Mr. Holmes
advised that a rural area
includes towns and cities of
up to 10,000 population as
well as open country and in
some areas may include
cities of up to 20,000
In addition to owning his
home, an applicant must be
without adequate income to
obtain a loan through normal
credit sources but have
sufficient income to repay
the loan at an interest rate of
one percent per annum over
a period of up to 20 years.
The loan which cannot
exceed $5,000 must be used to
make minor repairs and
improvements to the dwell
ing in order to make it safe
and sanitary and remove
hazards which may exist to
the health of the applicant,
his family, or the commun
Mr. Holmes further stated
that in addition to repair
items the loan may be used to
provide a sanitary water
supply or install an approved
waste disposal system for the
dwelling. However, Mr.
Holmes pointed out that
loans cannot be made to,
repair a dwelling of such
poor condition that when the
repairs are completed it
would continue to be a hazard
to the health and safety of the
Individuals who are not
eligible for a loan under the
504 program may qualify for
assistance through FHA’s
regular home loan to repair
the dwelling he already owns
provided his loan needs do
not exceed $7,000.
Mr. Holmes added that
these families may be
entitled to an interest rate of
one, two, or three percent
depending on their income.
Terms are available up to 25
Interested parties and
individuals may learn more
about these programs by
contacting Mr. H. Glen
Staples, County Supervisor of
the Butts County FHA office,
located in Jackson and
serving residents of Butts,
Clayton, Fulton, and Henry
counties. Mr. Staples’ office
may be reached by calling
Unique Ability
Politicians have a unique
way of dodging issues in a
straight-forward way.
Stand or Fall
Most politicians stand for
what they think the public
will fall for.
Farmers Are
Cautioned On
All farmers using “re
stricted-use” pesticides will
be required to become
certified by the Environ
mental Protection Agency
(EPA) and the Georgia
Department of Agriculture
as of Oct. 21, 1977.
According to the EPA, this
means that farmers will not
be able to purchase restrict
ed-use pesticides from deal
ers after that date unless
they are certified.
General-use pesticides
(home and garden pesti
cides) will continue to be
available to the general
public without certification.
The EPA has not yet
defined which pesticides will
be restricted, but it suggests
that most farmers will “find
it to their advantage” to
become certified.
In order to receive certifi
cation, a person may take
either a written or oral exam
given by the Department of
Agriculture or attend a
training course by the
Cooperative Extension Ser
vice. The test is given
without cost.
Butts County Agent Mil
lard Daniel, Jr. has reported
that a two-and-one-half hour
short course will be offered
November 9 and 11 at 7:00
p.m. in the Central Georgia
EMC Auditorium.
According to the County
Agent office, more farmers
are expected to prefer taking
the training course, therefore
it will be offered well in
advance of the deadline.
Anyone interested in either
the test or the course, should
call the Extension Office at
775-2601 or stop by the office
in the Butts County Court
house to register.
' From birth, healthy lungs work
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registered voters cast their ballots and voted 546 for Jimmy
Carter and 71 for President Ford. Curiously, the students
v'tcd 145 in favor of paddling, 146 against and 86 had no
opinion on the issue.
By Patricia Smith,
Butts County
Home Economist
For those of you who have
children at your house, you
know that they are always
growing. Proper eating ha
bits are very important to a
growing child. Try to
remember that eating “prob
lems” are a normal part of
the growing up process but a
child would not have the final
word on what he will or will
not eat. It is important for
parents however to realize
that children do have likes
and dislikes. When planning
meals remember that pre
school children like:
- attractive foods
- small servings
- familiar foods
- freedom to eat in his own
- bland flavored foods
- easy to chew and easy to
handle foods
- different textures
Think small! Children are
children - not little adults.
They develop eating habits
by watching others. For
further information or help in
planning meals for the
children contact the Coopera
tive Extension Service at
Despite thorough cleaning,
aluminum cookware be
comes darkened with time.
Darkened pans can be
lightened by simmering two
teaspoons of cream of tartar
per quart of water in pan for
about one-half hour and then
polishing with soap pads;
rinse and dry. Do not use
ammonia or baking soda
solutions in aluminum be
cause they cause darkening.
SOMK TATER Ballard Perdue, one of Jackson’s
belter vegetable gardeners, grew this six-pound sweet
potato, one of the largest ever seen locally. He reports the
;.";;pn is of the bunch Puerto Rico variety and that it was
tii< only potato on its vine. Photo by Carole Lawrence.
Texas Cattle
Cattle were so important
in early Texas that when it
was admitted to the Union,
one wit remarked: “Other
states were carved or born,
Texas grew from hide and
People like to blame
somebody for high prices but
many times Mother Nature is
the only one we can blame.
Radio and TV announce
ments explaining the rising
price of lettuce and other
produce were made last
month but the higher prices
may remain until after
Christmas. Heavy rains in
California during the last of
September greatly damaged
young plants and as a result
consumers will still have to
pay higher prices than last
year for certain produce
Georgia 4-H’ers will bene
fit from the sale of a recently
printed cookbook. The cook
book contains 170 recipes
using Georgia products. The
recipes appearing in the
cookbook are recipes that
have appeared in the Market
Bulletin since 1969.
Mary Burkett of the Good
Cooking Press in Atlanta has
edited the book and the
Kennesaw Life and Accident
Insurance Company of At
lanta has agreed to turn over
50 cents from the sale of each
book to two different youth
organizations (dividing the
money equally) - 4-H and
FFA Clubs. The cookbook is
available for $4.00 from the
Good Cooking Press at 1459
Peachtree Street, N.E.,
Corned Beef Cookery
To cook a three-to-five
pound corned beef brisket,
cover it with water and sim
mer, covered, until tender,
allowing approximately 50
minutes per pound. When
carving, slice across the
grain of the brisket.
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