The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, December 30, 1976, Image 4
ATTENDANTS FOR WATKINS-BROWNING NUPTIALS CHOSEN Miss Rachael Watkins, bride-elect, and Mr. James Carson Browning have chosen attendants for their wedding which will be performed January Ist at The First Baptist Church at four-thirty o’clock in the afternoon. Miss Watkins chose Mrs. Ann Gustafson as her matron of honor, and Miss Virginia Watkins as her maid of honor. Both are sisters of the bride-to-be. Bridesmaids will be Miss Mary Veal, a sorority sister from Brenau College, of Atlanta; Miss Janet Robison of Jackson, Miss Beverly O’Neal of Jackson, and Mrs. Ann Browning, sister in-law of the groom, of Athens. Junior bridesmaids are Miss An drea Watkins of Marietta, cousin of the bride; and Miss Betsy Carmichael of Jack son. Mr. James 0. Browning, father of the groom, will serve as best man.Grooms men will be Messrs. Kerry Browning and Bobby Brown ing, brother of the groom; Richard Byrd, Gary Gibson, and Tom Robison. Junior groomsmen will be Randy Browning, brother of the groom-elect; and Bob O’Neal of Jackson. Mr. Paul Stockhammer, formerly of Jackson, but now of College Park, will serve as organist and soloist for the wedding. The bride’s book will be kept by Mrs. Rosemary Gibson. ST. JOHNS LODGE ELECTS OFFICERS FOR NEW YEAR Officers for the year 1977 were elected at the regular communication of St. Johns Lodge No. 45, F&AM held in the lodge hall on Monday night, December 20th. New officers include Artis Knowles, Worshipful Master; Charles Kinney, Senior Warden; Howell Luns ford. Junior Warden; Harold Plummer, treasurer; Rich ard Ballard, secretary; Her bert Moore, Tyler; Wendell Spender, Senior Deacon; Jimmy Maddox, Junior Dea con; Mack Davis, Senior Steward; Roy Mitchell Junior Steward; Roy Goff, Chaplain. The members enjoyed a rabbit stew prepared by Howell Lunsford. St. Johns Lodge is held under the authority of the Warrant granted by the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Georgia at its regular communication in Macon on the 2nd of November 1860. Regular Communications are held on the first and third Monday nights at 7:30 in the lodge hall on Mulberry Street in Jackson. All qualified Masons are invited to attend. ruth at random By Ruth Bryant THE NEW YEAR The Christmas cheer is memory now The trees and tinsels put away, While whistles blow and bells ring out A brand new year is born today! This New Year brings a special gift Of time and energy and worth, Not just to high-born, rich or great, But to each person on this earth! In time, men have equality The same amount each hour and minute, But worth is varying, determined by How much of effort they put in it! Nineteen- seventy-seven! a partnership! A gift from God and tool for man To use, as trust, in working through Each day, according to His plan! MANY PARTIES PLANNED FOR RACHAEL WATKINS Many lovely parties have been planned for Miss Rachael Watkins, bride elect, whose marriage to Mr. James Carson Browning will be January 1. On Friday, December 17, Mrs. Guy Bearden, Mrs. Vincent Jones, Mrs. Roy Prosser, Mrs. M. W. Carmi chael and Mrs. Rogers Starr hosted a bridal tea at the lovely home of Mrs. Bearden. The Jackson Presbyterian Women of the Church hosted a rice rose party at the home. of Mrs. Lovett Fletcher on Tuesday, December 28. Miss Georgie Watkins and Miss Delia Watkins gave the bridesmaids’ luncheon Wed nesday, December 29, at the Griffin Country Club. Dr. Jo Ann Manley and her daughters, Miss Molly Man ley and Miss Myra Manley, will entertain at a luncheon at their home on Covington Street Thursday, December 30. Mrs. Ann O’Neal and her daughter, Miss Beverly O’Neal, of Jackson, and Mrs. Betty O'Neal of Forest Park will entertain at a Watkins- Browning luncheon at the O'Neal home on Old Bethel Road in Jackson on Satur day, January 1. TIIPERSOnALSI Mr. and Mrs. Herman Harris went to Norcross to spend Christmas with their son and his family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harris, Michael and Jeffrey. Christmas Day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tyrus Grant and Iris were Mr. and Mrs. Greg Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Smith and Kyle, Mr. Harold Grant, Mrs. Elsie Cartwright, Kenneth Kirk land, all of Jackson, and Mr. Phil Fisher of Ft. Lauder dale, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Evans had as their guests during the holidays Misses Jean and Peggy Evans of Atlanta and Henry Curran of Milledge ville for Christmas Day. Mrs. Howard Norsworthy entertained family and friends at a pre-Christmas dinner on the 19th of December at the group shelter at Indian Springs. Forty-tw'o were present to enjoy the good food and fellowship. Mrs. Virgil Nors worthy was unable to attend. She is a patient at Living Center in Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Whiten and Lara spent the Christ mas holidays in Royston with Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Haley, parents of Mrs. Whiten, and in Fairplay, S. C. with Mrs. Gladys Whiten, mother of Mr. Whiten. THE JACKSON PROGRESS-ARGUS, JACKSON, GEORGIA FRIENDSHIP CLUB HAS COVERED DISH CHRISTMAS PARTY The Friendship Club held a covered dish Christmas party at the clubhouse at noon on December 21st with the theme of “Love.” Hostesses for this colorful and delightful affair were Doris Watts, Jane Gray, Norma Jacobs and Clara Brown, all dressed as quaint little elves in green tunics, red leotards, red felt shoes and hats. They greeted members and guests as each arrived. Candelabras, greenery and poinsettias were among the lovely decorations; also individual place settings of miniature baskets of candy and a bottle of perfume for each person attending. After a delightful lunch the members exchanged gifts and sang Christmas carols. A brief business meeting was held and the election of officers for 1977 was announced as follows: Bessie McMichael, presi dent; Martha Jones (Mrs. Bailey Jones), vice presi dent ; Inez Saunders, secre tary; Bill McMichael, trea surer; and Nell Hencely, card chairman. Plates of food were fixed for delivery to sick indi viduals of the neighborhood. Baskets of fruit and candy were distributed to commun ity shut-ins and also for some at the Westbury Nursing Home. The group apreciated the efforts of the hostesses who surely put us in the Christmas spirit displaying the theme of “Love.” PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Cornell were Christmas Day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Baker and Billy Baker, Jr. in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Davis Willard left Christmas Eve morning for Albany to spend the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Couch, Tracey and Chris. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Carmichael we're Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Broadus Carmichael and family in Atlanta. They were joined there by Miss Julia Keyes, sister of Mrs. J. R. Carmichael. IP | v < !, ■ Hit ■■ ■ > f ’; * - 11 ' f *| 1 * GBEETIMBS of the NEW YEAR The old year draws to a close —and our thoughts turn to all the kind people who helped to make it a good one. We wish you each a New Year full of happiness, contentment, good fortune and good cheer. May peace and serenity bless your lives! CgS Th e C&S Bank of Jackson Creative Cookery By Eilene F. Milam Coffee cake is good for breakfast, or just a treat. This recipe is very easy, and always turns out well. It is from the recipe collection of Paul Fleischer. SOUR CREAM COFFEE CAKE CREAM: '•j cup butter or margarine 1 cup light brown sugar ADD: 2 beaten eggs 1 cup sour cream 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 cups plain flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda I ■_> teaspoon salt Mix Thoroughly. In a separate bowl, mix: I I cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon Grease a 10 inch spring form pan, and add: '2 batter >2 cinnamon and sugar I i cup chopped nuts '2 batter 1 2 sugar and cinnamon I I cup chopped nuts Bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes. PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Cook and Larry had as their guests for Christmas Eve dinner . Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Cook, Rhonda, Lori, Scott and Keith of Griffin, Mrs. Debbie Fletcher and Lezlie of Jackson, Tammi and Kim Cook and Mrs. Andrelyn Kersey, Andy and Mike. After the dinner everyone gathered around the Christ mas tree for the opening of the gifts. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Cook visited Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Cook and family of Griffin on Christmas Day. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1976 Flovilla Happenings By Mrs. Emily Bums Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elliott, Elaine and Mary Ann were Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hood and boys and Miss Wendy Elliott of Macon, Mr. and Mrs. Troy Welch ot Jackson, Mr. Eddie Stiber and Mr. John Hulette, also ot Macon, and Mr. and Mrs. Spud Williamson of Flovilla. Mr. Fredrick Anthony and Scott of Morrow spent Christmas Eve Day with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Anthony. Visiting Christmas Day were Mr. and Mrs. Lanier Anthony of Conyers. Mr. and Mrs. Paul James enjoyed Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Sonny James and children. Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul James were Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh James and Bruce of Decatur and Mr. and Mrs. Sonny James and family. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Elliott Christmas Day were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hart, Chris and Alan of Griffin. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Duke Christmas Day were Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Elliott and James, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hood and boys of Macon, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Elliott, Mr. Charles Elliott, Mr. Harold Elliott, Wendy, Elaine, and Mary Ann, and Mr. Eddie Stiber of Macon. Visiting Miss Frdna Hilley Christmas Eve and Christ mas Day was Mr. James Hilley of Macon. Guests Sunday of Miss Fredna Hilley were Mrs. Elsma Smith of Jackson, Mrs. Harold Allen and Kay of Forest Park, Patricia Walk er of Hampton, and Mr. and Mrs. Tyrus Grant and Iris of Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burns, Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burns, Jr., Billy and Beth visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burns, Vickie and Cathie and Mrs. H. C. Burns of Macon. Mrs. Laßue Turner visited with Mr. and Mrs. Billy Turner and Todd of Green ville S. Carolina during the Christmas Holidays. Mrs. W. E. Waits, Frankie and Bill Bell were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Waits and family of Jackson on Christms Eve. Mrs. D. T. Long is continuinng to improve at the home of her daughter. Her address is: Mrs. J. T. Caldwell, 2521 Rocky Creek Rd., Macon, Ga. for those desiring to write Mrs. Long. Christmas Holidays guests of Mrs. W. E. Waits, Frankie and Bill Bell were Mr. and Mrs. Don Gable, Pam, Randy, and Gary of Marietta and Mrs. Tate Turner of Hillsboro. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Williams, and boys Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cook and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Tim Skinner and Lori, and Mr. and Mrs. David Burford, Carin and April were Christmas Eve guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Burford and family of Jenkinsburg. Mr. and Mrs. David Burford, Carin and April were Christmas Day guests of Mrs. Nellie Cochran of Worthville. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Cook of Jackson were hosts to a family dinner Christmas night. Attending from Flo villa were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Williams, Glenn and Andy, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cook, Greg, Mark and John, and Mr. and Mrs. David Burford, Carin and April. PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. James Payne relurned home Monday from Wavcross where they spent the Christmas holidays with their daughter, Mrs. Cary Long. Mr. Long and Marti. The Paynes left on Thursday, December 23rd for their holiday visit. Mrs. Doyie Jones, Jr. spent the Christmas holiday week end in Athens with her mother, Mrs. L. F. Griffeth, and other members of the family. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barnes sympathize with them in the death Christmas Day of Mr. Barnes’ aunt, Mrs. J. L. Elliston, of Americus. Mr. and Mrs. Barnes and children, Steve and Ann, attended funeral services for Mrs. Elliston on Monday at the Mt. Nebo Church in Taylor County. Interment was in the Bloodworth cemetery. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Jones on Christ mas Day were Mrs. Lucile Jolly. Alan Jones of Atlanta, and Mr. and Mrs. Barry Jones, of Tiger. One Day Only-Dec.3l Truckload Meat Sale BY DIAMOND G MEAT COMPANY Jackson Produce Stand - East Third St. FAMILY PACK 16 Ribeye Steaks ■■■ 40 Hamburger Patties BK ML| 40 Sausage Patties M _ I 40 Beef Steaks “ ■ w V 136 Servings - 24 Lbs. PIG TAILS OR FEET 10 Lbs. $4.99 10 LBS. RIBEYE STEAKS $19.99 TOP SIRLOIN ROAST s Lb.. $6.99 8 LARGE T-BONE STEAKS 5 Lb.. $9.99 10 NEW YORK STRIP STEAKS 5 Lb*. $11.99 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED FOOD STAMPS ACCEPTED USDA INSPECTED GORDON COLLEGE IS ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS Applications for admission to Gordon Junior College for the winter quarter are still being accepted by the Admissions Office. Persons who have not applied should pick up application forms from the Admissions Office on Jan. 3. Class registration for new students will be held on that day at 8:30a.m. and 6p.m. in the Gordon library. Classes will begin on Jan. 4. GRIFFIN TECH IS TAKING APPLICATIONS Griffin Tech’s winter quarter will begin January 4, 1977. Applications are still being taken. There are openings in most day and evening programs. An aptitude test is required for students applying for day programs. The test is given each Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. The test is not required for evening programs. PERSONAL Mrs. Howard Norsworthy and Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Thaxton were spend the day guests of their sister, Mrs. Alvin Maddox of Porterdale, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McClure of Porterdale and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sherwood of McDonough joined them for lunch. i 'jj *l/ '\*jj * yii wflsiwisW#; %fj|f in A® Ifvu ffm mm Jill \ nm EmJw\l / 1 Wit A. \ /CjF Tfrft\ \ mk J Good luck, good health, \ good cheer ... good friendships, old and new. May your heart’s desire come true and your days be bright. PAULINE’S BAKERY AND COFFEE SHOP 10 LBS. HAM HOCKS $5.99 40 SAUSAGE PATTIES 5 Lbs. $5.99 40 HAMBURGER PATTIES s Lbs. $4 99 BEEF NECK BONES 10 Lbs. $3,99 APPROXIMATELY 40 PORK CHOPS io Lbs. $13.99 Heart Seizure Claims Mrs. Margie Webb Mrs. Margie Skinner Webb, 68, of 5 Main Street, East Jackson, was found dead at her residence about 12 noon Wednesday, Decem ber 22nd. Death was attri buted to a heart seizure. Born December 29, 1907 in Winston County, Alabama, she was daughter of the late Martin Luther Skinner and the late Eula Mae Waldrep Skinner. Funeral services for Mrs. Webb were conducted De cember 24th at 11 o’clock from the chapel of Sherrell Funeral Home with the Rev. A. L. Price officiating. Interment was in Pepperton Cemetery with Sherrell Funeral Home in charge. Mrs. Webb is survived by her husband, Mr. Sammy Webb of Jackson; two sisters, Mrs. Pauline Miller of Gadsden, Ala., Mrs. Agnes Gravette of Covington, La.; three brothers, Bernard Skinner of Rainsville, Ala., Shelbert Skinner of Anniston, Ala., and Ervil Skinner of Birmingham, Ala.; a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Marie Helton of Gadsden, Ala.; several nieces and nephews. Pallbearers were Cliett Redman, Jr., Billy Leve rette, Sam Smith, Girden Cook, Willie Avery Cook, and Wayne Byars. SMOKED LINK SAUSAGE 10 Lbs. $8.99