Newspaper Page Text
No More Mining for Him.
“Yes,” observed a young lawyer
friend of mine yesterday. “I have
been a gold miner in my time, and I
had about all I wanted of it in that
one experience, I can assure you.
’’You see,” he went on, “I was
possessed with the idea when I left
College, some five years ago, that I’d
like to go into the gold mining bus
ness. First I’d learn the practical
part of it, then I’d locate some valua
ble claim somewhere and take things
easy afterwards, merely taking out
enough to pay my running expenses.
Sounds well, doesn’t it?
“Well, I had a couple of hundred
dollars saved up, and with this I
bought an outfit of rough clothing
and a ticket for the west. Without
going into details, I found myself,
some two weeks afterwards, in Griz
zly Flat, a mining camp in El Dora
do county, Cal. My money was
about gone, too, and as I had no
way of procuring additional funds, I
had to set to work whether I wished
to or not.
“I met a mine boss up there who
agreed, in consideration of a ten dol
lar gold piece—the last money I had
•—to give me a job as helper in one
of the lower levels of his mine. The
next day I started out for my new
field of labors. It was the dead of
winter and bitter cold. The snow
was about two feet deep on the level
and through this we had to tramp a
distance of half a mile to the mine.
“Thus far the outlook was not en
couraging certainly. ‘Here, get in
the cage there,’ said ‘the boss,’
pointing to a box like affair suspend
ed over a hole in the ground. With
some misgivings I got aboard and
then down we went.
“Down, down, until it seemed
almost as if we had reached the cen
ter of the earth. It was dark as
pitch, too, save for the flickering
rays of the candle which I carried.
Then I had to crawl on my hands
and knees through a narrow, damp
passageway, until we reached the
face of the drift. ‘Here, Jim,’ said
the boss, ‘here’s a new hand for you.
Better set him to work holding drill.’
“I put out my hand and felt a
thick, slimy ooze against the wall.
Small streams of water trickled down
my neck from above. There was no
gold in sight, either; no Aladdin’s
treasure palace greeted my eyes, as
I fondly hoped to see. It was an un
canny place—damp,dismal and alto
gether horrible to com tempi ate.
“ ‘Here, young feller, git a hold on
this drill, will yer?' And as I in
stinctively obeyed Jim prepaaed to
strike. Whish! and down came the
hammer on the head of the drill. I
remember only seeing a thousand
stars and then all became a blank.
“When I returned to consciousness
I found my arm in a sling. The
blow had glanced and the hammer
had descended on my forearm.
‘You’re in luck; your arm isn’t
broken,’ said the mine boss; and
then he added, with evident con
tempt, ‘Say, you’re no miner. I
think school teaching is more in your
“He was probably right. At any
rate I managed to work my way
back to the coast, and was glad
enough to see New York city again,
I can tell you. No, siree! no more
gold or any other kind of min
ing in mine. Not if I can help it.”—
New York Herald.
Rabbit's Foot Luck.
Extract from the diary of a man
who carries a rabbit’s foot for luck:
“January 2. Loaned a friend. $5.
Don’t expect to see it again, as friend
left for the west.
“January 4. Had on my new
suit, walked undernerth a scaffold
where painter was at work, got best
part of a bucket of paint on it, got
into fight with painter, and would
have got licked if I hadn't run
“January 7. Thought I could
play pool; ran up against a stranger
in a billiard room, suggested a game,
played ten, and paid for every one.
Found out since stranger was an ex
“January 13. Bought an um
brella, loaned it; loaner let in and de
nies he ever borrowed it.
“January 17. Went into a cigar
store to buy a cigar. Met Harrv
there. Harry challenged me to throw
dice for cigars—ost eight gam-s in
An amusing example of the expe
dients resorted to by people to es
cape taxation is afforded by a prom
inent farmer of Lafayette, Ore., who
claimed an offset of $260 against his
assessment on account of indebted
ness. I investigation of his claim by
the board of equalization showed
that he owed the $260 sure enough.
It was due the county for back taxes,
which he had refused to pay.
Early Monday morning two negro
women, denizens of ‘ The Acre,” Bruns
wick, met in one cf the dives in that dis
trict, stripped and fought in regular
Dempsy-Fitzsimmous style, so said As
sistant Marshal Odham. The names of
the two women are Hipp Greene and
Carrie Brooks. A woman by the name
of Rosa ashington was general man
ager of the fight. It was impossible to
learn from the women the real cause of
the difficulty, but the quarrel original ed,
in all probability, in some love affair.
Why You Feel
So weak and exhausted is because your
blood is impure. As well expect the
sanitary condition of a city to be per
fect with defiled water and defective
sewerage, as to expect such a compli
cated piece of mechanism as the human
frame to be in good order with impure
blood circulating even to its minutest
veins. Do you know that every drop
of your two or three gallons of blood
passes through the heart and lungs in
about two and a half minutes, and that,
on its way, it makes bone and muscle,
brain and nerve, and all other solids
and fluids of the body? The blood is
the great nourisher, or, as the Bible
terms it,
“The Life of the Body.”
Is it any wonder, then, that if the blood
be not pure and perfect in its consti
tuents, you suffer so many indescribable
symptoms ?
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla stands “ head and
shoulders ” above every other Alter
ative and Blood Medicine. As proof,
read these reliable testimonies:
G. C. Brock, of Lowell, Mass., says:
“For the past 25 years I have sold
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. In my opinion,
the best remedial agencies for the cure
of all the diseases arising from impuri
ties of the blood are contained in this
Eugene I. Hill, M. D., 381 Sixth Ave.,
New York, says : “As a blood-purifier
and general builder-up of the system, I
have never found anything to equal
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. It gives perfect
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla proves equally
efficacious in all forms of Scrofula,
Boils, Carbuncles, Eczema, Humors,
Lumbago, Catarrh, &c.; and is, there
fore, the very best
Spring and Family Medicine
in use. “It beats all,” says Mr. Cutler,
of Cutler Brothers & Co., Boston, “how
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla
does sell.” Prepared by •
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Price $1; six bottlea, <5. Worth $5 a bottle.
Rotary Seattle Sewing Machins I
► thattiv me /e* conttn-
uviuly in one direction. chine*. It i* the
Friction Nearly ... .. „
We are obliged to ask .
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Bans one-half faster Jti
with same motion of jt is cheaper at doable
foot. the price asked for the
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Runs One-Half Easier, “ true
Buy the Best!
Rotary Motion is the Only Tree Method of Driving a
Sewing Machine. Be not Behind the Times. bev call ett
our agent and Examine the “ bIAJi DAiLD,"’ or send
to u* for circulars, etc.
Standard Sewing Machine Co., Cleveland. 0.
jSje .'’■’/•■Hf l, tbe world. Ohr abilities are
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iliVjF wteaL I superior goods we will sendFßE*
Ml MB si I to 05£ PERSON tn eath locality,
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► IF - these wh: tsi:—year neighbors
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B firming of this advertisement
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about the fiftieth part of its bulk. It is a grand, double size teie-
Kcew.s* Targets is easy to carry We will also shew you bow you
S-TmakeSra S 3 toßlo a day at least, frem the start.witJs
out experience Better write at ouce- We ray a. I express charges.
Address.H HALLETT * CO.. Box 8l»V, PtXIUSD, MxLNL
a fi ■■ liOi
ITW 8. * £ 5 1 Sw " t; at home with
a -'si pain. Book of par-
| M Q« ■ Cellars sent FREE
xsuJZmkk B. M.WOOIXKY. MD.
Wiw»u.Ok OdtoeC^ WhuabAUfiL
B. H. H. i
Brown's Hardware House.
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Plows and Stocks,
Plow Gear,
Haines, Traces and
Back Bands,
Buggy and IP agon
Harness, Etc. !
At COST. Come before it is
too late.
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All styles, all qualities, al! prices.
We are the ONLY LICENSED HOUSE in Fort
Gaines for the sale of Pistols, Knucks and Cartridges.
Please remember this.
Brown's Hardware House.
B. H. H.
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2 'A *e?t . * "I - ’ '>'^s’l-7*^''
FhyykUr.s endorse P. r. F. «’» splendid cotublnattos,
n d prescribe it with greet MtlsfwctU'n for the cures ■(
*U forms %u>i MwsMor Primary. Secondary and lertl-
£ a W
erydyphUle, Syphilitic KheumaUsm. Scrafuloas Fleers
tndSores, aiar.dnlarSwellings, Kheumattem. Malaria,
old Chronic Vice’, that have resisted all trcumenr.
ry - -rrn r~i—iT~T~ri ~irri~m'T'i^~~iwrri~~i- n_~ir^
I Hnemw; — » । <mßMuuMea.B»CT '
| Catarrh, Skin Diseases, Ecsema, Chronic Female Con
plaints, Mercurial Polson, Tetter, Scaldhead. etc,, etc.
' ' :
zer. building up the system rnph’ly.
Indies whose system*- ts? p«*iso"\ d ar ’ trhoso bleed
is !a an im. tire ci ndithni Cur t • n.eusirnul ir’CHrahtri
ties are p culiarly benefit ibj the wonderful tonic Mill
blood cleansing: properties of P. P. P., Prickly Ash. Poke
Koot and Potassium.
I SS ill
LSPPMAM 8R03., Proprietors,
Uort.^l Week, ;WAWNAH. CA.
| m
« tr^*^
i g
Is a peculiar medicine, and is carefully pre
pared by competent pharmacists. The com
bination and proportion of Sarsaparilla, Dan
delion, Mandrake, Yellow Dock, and other
remedial agents is exclusively peculiar to
Hood’s Sarsaparilla, giving it strength and
curative power superior to other prepa
rations. A trial will convince you of its ’
great medicinal value. Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Purifies the Blood
creates and sharpens the appetite, stimulates
the digestion, and gives strength to every
organ of the body. It cures the most severe
cases of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Boils, Pimples,
and all other affections caused by impure
blood, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Headache,
Kidney and Liver Complaints, Catarrh, Rheu
matism, and that extreme tired feeling.
“ Hood’s Sarsaparilla has helped me more
for catarrh and impure blood than anything
else I ever used.” A. Ball, Syracuse, N. Y.
Creates an Appetite
“ I used Hood’s Sarsaparilla to cleanse my
blood and tone up my system. It gave me a
good appetite and seemed to build me over.”
E. M. Hale, Lima, Ohio.
“I took Hood’s Sarsaparilla for cancerous
humor, and it began to act unlike anything
else. It cured the humor, and seemed tc
tone up the whole body and give me new
life.” J. F. Nixon, Camb: idgeport. Mass.
i Send for book giving statements of cures.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Sold I>y all druggists. 81; six for g 5. Prepared only
by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass.
100 Doses One Dollar
_^ AT LANTA GA ®':* L !<ia
7i2 Eighth Aye., YC^K. j |
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yyyn yg; gy I
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PSAFI3. >■>■.;,!» SJ5»’-. •’
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SA- M«sr*j3Fr-- i..e p. - -wt * -;rer-a. •»-.v c~ ■
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Pimps’ nr »• j -f r,r ‘’;l7 p •';p!
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■«.—fcr —•,kT-,t-4 t »^’.Tr. j rt.y sr ~ ;
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tizr.s „.■> exuT -a re kso/e *E?zr»^. >
Tutt’s S
A torpid liver deranges tbe whole sys
tem, and produces
Sick Headache,
Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rheu
matism. Sallow Skin a;id Piles.
There is no better remedy for these
common diseases than Tutt's liver
Pills, as * trial will prove. Price, 25e.
Sold Everywhere.
"Can the world know * nuua ha* * good
thing unless he advertises ths potass si os
Os it?’— Vand—bilt.
wherever you live, and
we will ship you •
fine instrument Ml IS
Days’ Test Trial in
your own home.
Until you have tested and approved. Osr freight
both ways if instrument fails to please is aitner
style, price or quality. Ours the risk, yours only
to give fair and full test, and buy if Oy pleased.
40,000 Southern Homes
Supplied by us since 1870 on this TEST TRIAL
PLAN, first introduced in the South by as. Fair
est method of sale possible, and a great benefit to
those at a distance who cannot visit our mars room
By this trial plan, and purchasers absolutely aa>
sured perfect instruments at the very low—
possible cost. Selling only the beet instra
ments made, that will suad the most severe a»d
comprehensive test*, we do not fear tn—nd the»m o^3
on trial and let them stand solely on their merits.
All we ask is the privilege of shipping on —p
praval. No suit, no pay. Our freights if we fell.
From us by correspondence. No matter whether
you live either ten or a thousand miles from us.
We ship to all Southern States. Our system b
perfect. Prices in plain print and alike to all
One price only. No more, no less. L*rg.
Discounts from makers prices. All compe
tition met. Complete outfits free. All freight
paid. Easy installments. Every indue—ll—
—fair dealing house can offer.
Write for Valuable Information.
Catalogues, Circulars, •psclal
Fall Offers-1889. Copy of now
Paper —“Sharps and Flat***—
ALL FREE. Address
“Deal with the men who advertise You
will never lose by it.”—Ba*. Faamtin*.
Aw- Write L. & B. S. M. H. about it.
The Oft Told Story
Os the peculiar medicinal merits of Hood's
Sarsaparilla is fully confirmed by the —tab
tary testimony of thousand* who have tried
It. Peculiar in the combination, proportion,
and preparation of its ingredients, peoß—
in the extreme care with which It to p—
up, Hood's Sarsaparilla accomplishes eu—
where other preparat ions entirely fall. BMP
liar in the unequalled good name t torn made
at home, which is a “tower of strength
abroad,” peculiar in the phenomenal M—
it has attained.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
is the most popular and successful medtetod
before the public today for purifying IM
blood, giving strength, creating M app—Nd.
“I suffered from wakeful— add low
spirits, and also had eczema on (M Itai of
my head and neck, which was very MMylog
I took one bottle of Hood's gar-Un, ata
I have received so orach benefit ft— I —
very grateful, and 1 am always glad to Spent
a good word for this medicine.” Mam J. S
Bs—, Pottsville, Penn.
Purifies the Blood
Henry Biggs, Campbell Street, KadfiMlCNy,
bad scrofulous sores all over Mo Body Mr
fifteen years. Hood’s Sara*parfilo eomp—tay
cured him. •
Wallace Buck, of Morth BkwtaeM,>. y.
suffered eleven years with a t—Me V—Me—
ulcer on bis leg, so hod th— be had to gjvw
up business. He was cored of ftn star. Md
also of catarrh, by
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists. fl;Ms(srft Ptepa—y
by C. I. HOOD A CO., Apotboeariso. tewed. Maas.
100 Doses Ono Dollar
Many PermaM
Are broken down from overwork or Im—aiolf
care- Browu’s Iron Bittern
rthoild-? the system, aid’ digestion. wnwwvee eg
%ssof biie, au-i cutes malaria. Get Chefen—
Ment’o- t;> r
.r r -. E ’ICFJCk*
jryou ai- hli «•> » < ~ rgnod fre .aott^jp
nnom y s oy m > nA, .a __ _
•r vj«>so»uu. ze a good a j ipeti— Md
axi in me*liclae.