Newspaper Page Text
(Enrltratt SlmmtaL
VOL. 3.
Screen Doors and Windows for
sale by Cochran Lumber Cc.
Mias Ann Walker has returned
from school at Athens to spend vac
ation with her parents.
Miss Mary Todd, who has been
visiting Miss Carrie Mae Chapman,
has returned to her home in San
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hollaman
and Master Mark Ryan, from Hat
tiesburg, Miss., and Mrs. Rufas
LHall, of Hawkinsville, spent Tues-
Dkwith Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Whip-
Mrs. Oliver Whipple and little
non are visiting relatives in the city.
Mrs. J. iB. Peacock and daughter,
Lara Anna; have returned home af
ter spending several weeks very
pleasantly in different points in
Mrs. R. T. Jackson spent Thurs
day in Macon.
Dr. J. B. Peacock has returned
from a trip out west.
We are very sorry to note the ill
ness of Mrs. Albert Peacock and
wish for her a speedy recovery.
Columbia double disc records are
loudest —You can get them at Jack
Jeff and Will Morgan are in Shell
man, assisting Rev. Darley, in a
Miss Chapman is at-
at Wesley
in Ln<lian
Springs to spend awhile.
Miss Hattie Lou Harrell is visit
ing her sister in Elko.
Miss Jule Tucker, of Atlanta, is
visiting Mrs. J, C Dunham.
Mrs. A. T. Jackson and children,
of Atlanta, are in the city, visiting
Mrs. Jackson’s mother, Mrs. Albert
at Jackson’s.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Peacock
spent last week, very pleasantly iu
Cleveland Harrell and wife left
Wednesday for Elko to visit rel
Go-Cart tires put on at Jackson’s.
Misses Hines and Annie Winn
have returned to their homes in
Negro Shot to Death.
Roddy, Ga., May 30, 1910. —On
last Friday, May 27, Joe Fordham,
a negro, was shot and killed by a
young man named Walter Grenstead
about sixteen years of age. The ne
gro had threatened whipping the
boy and went to the home of Gren
stead to complete his job, and also
told him he was going to kill him.
He made some attempt to do so,
and Grenstead shot him in the
breast and it didn’t stop him and
he shot him again through the brain
killing him instantly. The negro
worked some several days for Mr.
Arnold Bellflower, he told him his
home was up on Longstreet, he also
said that he had a family up there,
the negro was supposed to be about
fifty five or sixty years old. In
quest was held Saturday and the
the negro was hurried. This oc
cured on W. J. Tripp’s place near
Younkers, Ga. J. H. B.
Notice to
Correspondents .
Our correspondents will please
bear in mind that we cannot under
take to publish any article unless
the writer signs his or her real name
in full. We will not use the real
name unless so directed, but we
must know from whom the corres
pondence is coming. Write on one
side of the paper only, being care
ful to write as plainly as possible.
When your article dont appear in
the paper it is nearly always be-.,
cause our forms are filled before we
reach it on the file. Dont amagine.
■ll’*’ ; “litu ll 'dm TTT | 11 fl but send
it in the next week just the same.
We would like to hear from every
Base Ball News.
The Cochran Base Ball Club is off
a weeks tour. They have two
games with Mcßae and three with
Americas. They won against Mc-
Rae Monday by a score of 17 to 15
and lost Tuesday by a score of 8 to
For Ice Tea Tumblers, heavy bot
tom blown tumblers, Jelly Glasses,
fruit and ice cream Saucers, call on
Peacock & Fausett.
Ad-a-lac Varnish Stains are the
best for all kinds of household furn
iture, mantels, screens, etc. Any
person can stain and varnish with
one application. For sale by Coch
ran Lumber Co.
District Meeting
WOman’s Home Missionery So
ciety of the Dublin District.
Friday June 3rd, 8:00 p. m.
Religious services—Rev. H. P.
Why have Home Missions —Mrs.
J. A. Thomas.
Prayer and praise service.
District Secretary Report.
Report of auxiliaries.
Our Home Mission Schools —Miss
Eunice Whitehead.
Money and Man’s Obligation—
Mrs. S. A. Hearn.
Letters from Vashti.
How to make the monthly meet
ings Interesting—Mrs. W. D. Sand
What is being done by the Aux.,
in your community to save and
train Jor Christ —General Discussion
Devotional Service.
Prayer Service.
How to conduct a Mission study
class —Miss Eunice Whitehead.
Our Literature Miss Gladys
How the Missionary items help
the local paper, and how the local
paper helps the work —Miss J. M.
How can I enlarge my auxilary?
—General Discussion.
Quiz on minutes —Miss Emma
Supply work —Miss Sandwich.
—LVovuutiiuil sere ices.
SATURDAY JUNE 4th, 8:00 P. M.
Devotional service.
City Mission work.
Gulf Coast work.
SUNDAY JUNE 5tH, 11:00 A. M.
Annual Sermon —Rev. H. M.
Morrison, Sandersville, Ga.
Sunday june sth, 4:00 p. m.
Young peoples rally —Misses Em
ma Myers and Eunice Whitehead,
Rescue the Perishing Mrs.
Lillian and Ruth Mcßae, of Ma
con, have returned home after
spending several days with their
grandmother, Mrs. Albert Peacock.
Dr. C. T. Hall attended the Odd
Fellows Convention at Athens, Ga.,
last week.
Farmers Institute.
During the commencement exer
cises of the Cochran High school
the Farmers Institute was held on
Friday, May 27.
Prof. J. H. Hite, of the Agricul
tural college of Athens, delivered a
lecture on fertilizer and soil. He
gave some very interesting data
which was very profitable to the
small number of farmers who
attended. He showed how to im
prove the soil at the least expense.
Prof. A. McLaren lectured on
live stock and dairy. He gave a
practical method by which the
farmers could increase the yield of
dairy products and the weight of
the cattle at small cost.
The school authorities are inter
ested in the development of agricul
ture and for that reason held this
institute. We regret to say that
of the five hundred who were espec
ially invited very few attended.
Cochran Has Enterea the Jour
nal-Herald Automobile Contest.
J. P. and W, H. Peacock have
entered the list of Journal-Herald
good road tourists, and will leave
Atlanta for New York Monday,
June 6th.
This will be a delightful trip and
we hope everything will prove favor
able for the run. Barring accident
they hope to be among the leaders.
They will use a brand new Cadilac.
We hope there will be something
about the machine to indicate it is
frMfl'm'hwn.-ao that-pKrftk along,
theyJLa;Yc-XKiiWk'li<W'TTn"r city is rep
resented in this race. Our school
contest, Odd Fellow’s Convention,
Memorial day exercises, and the un
veiling of our Confederate monu
ment have put people on notice that
Cochran is on the map by a large
majority, and we want to keep the
good work up.
Give in Your Taxes.
We, the tax assessors of the City
of Cochran will meet June loth and
all persons must return their taxes
by that date and those failing to
comply with same will be doubled
taxed. J. A. Walker,
B. J. Wynne,
I. A. Willis,
Tax Assessors.
For Ice Tea Tumblers, heavy bot
tom blown tumblers, Jelly Glasses,
fruit and ice cream Saucers, call on
Peacock <fe Fausett,
Mrs. J. H. Muliis, .Jr., has re
turned home after a two weeks visit
to relatives at Fitzpatrick and Wil
kerson County.
Mrs. Walker Jones and two chil
dren from Jeffersonville, are visit
ing the family of J. H. Muliis, Jr.
Screen Doors and Windows for
sale by Cochran Lumber Co.
A. J. Thompson, Jr., J. B.
Thompson, Charlie Bullard, Mon
roe Bullard, Sumpter Hogg and
Dan Grantham went on a fishing
trip to Lumber City Wednesday.
Mrs. Charlie Bullard, of Macon,
is visiting the family of Monroe
Bullard this week.
Col. and Mrs. Z. V. Peacock left
Sunday for Atlanta.
Matting cheap at Jackson’s.
Miss Mac Stanford has left for
her home in Mcßae, and from there
she will join a party from Athens te
visit Washington and other points.
Miss Louise Fisher left Saturday
for her home in Eastman.
Go-Carts cheap at Jackson’s.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cook spent
Thursday in Macon.
Miss Dolly Ryles visited Macon
this week.
Porch Rockers in all eolo;fU~?J£
Jackson’s. j
Miss Armfp visited
Macon this week.
Mrs. A. P. Whipple and Miss
Blanch Metts, of Dudley, will visit
Judge S. B. Whipple and family as
delegates to the Woman’s Home
Missionary Society this week.
Dr. Will Whipple, of Macon, is
visiting relatives in Cochran.
Screen Doors and Windows for
sale by Cochran Lumber Co.
Mrs. Ida Leggett and children, of
Unadilla, are visiting relatives in
the city.
FOR RENT —8-room dwelling
suitable for two families. Apply at
Journal office.
J. H. Muliis, Jr., returned from
Little Rock, Ark., where he had
been attending the Interstate Cot
ton Seed Crushers Convention. He
reports a profitable and enjoyable
You can get double disc records
at Jackson’s.